
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | this isn't fun anymore
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I thought the point was the event isn't fun? People aren't having fun participating in the event, for a variety of reasons.
So my advice was to bypass the thing you are finding unfun and just wait a few days.

I'd love to have my efforts rewarded meaningfully too, 500 chests, too many hours spent, and one ugly egg I sold for less gems than a treasure scroll is worth. But at this point the "fun factor" of this event has reached "I could be playing a videogame I actually enjoy and just come back and buy the damn scrolls after I spend some time with my family."
Is that fun? On FR, no, but neither were the probably 9 hours I spent farming to get that egg containing some nigh unsellable monstrosity.

Sorry if that came across as unreasonable to anyone but it seems logical to me to not do something you are finding painfully tedious and frustrating, my intent was not to patronize people coming here for a ranting session but offer advice I feel a lot of people are overlooking in the rush to get fancy new dragons.
If a game isn't fun, don't play it.

"I wouldn't put up with this crap from Skyrim or something, why am I doing it on FR?" I think to myself.
Then I stopped farming and loaded up Don't Starve and am having fun again. Yay.
I thought the point was the event isn't fun? People aren't having fun participating in the event, for a variety of reasons.
So my advice was to bypass the thing you are finding unfun and just wait a few days.

I'd love to have my efforts rewarded meaningfully too, 500 chests, too many hours spent, and one ugly egg I sold for less gems than a treasure scroll is worth. But at this point the "fun factor" of this event has reached "I could be playing a videogame I actually enjoy and just come back and buy the damn scrolls after I spend some time with my family."
Is that fun? On FR, no, but neither were the probably 9 hours I spent farming to get that egg containing some nigh unsellable monstrosity.

Sorry if that came across as unreasonable to anyone but it seems logical to me to not do something you are finding painfully tedious and frustrating, my intent was not to patronize people coming here for a ranting session but offer advice I feel a lot of people are overlooking in the rush to get fancy new dragons.
If a game isn't fun, don't play it.

"I wouldn't put up with this crap from Skyrim or something, why am I doing it on FR?" I think to myself.
Then I stopped farming and loaded up Don't Starve and am having fun again. Yay.
So far I've opened around 150 chests and gotten two eggs and two familiars, and another egg from luck in Scavenging yesterday.

Honestly, even if I hadn't gotten anything up to this point, I still don't see all the fuss with the RNG in this event. It's just that: an RNG. Some folks will get stuff and some won't- that's why it's called luck of the draw.

Gathering is a completely different story. It's broken as hell. Even with level 15 digging, I find myself only pulling up 10 chests or so. That needs to be worked on.
So far I've opened around 150 chests and gotten two eggs and two familiars, and another egg from luck in Scavenging yesterday.

Honestly, even if I hadn't gotten anything up to this point, I still don't see all the fuss with the RNG in this event. It's just that: an RNG. Some folks will get stuff and some won't- that's why it's called luck of the draw.

Gathering is a completely different story. It's broken as hell. Even with level 15 digging, I find myself only pulling up 10 chests or so. That needs to be worked on.
@Ankokou Well yes, it makes sense not to do something that isn't fun - but my point is that it's not helpful to tell people to exclude themselves from an event they would like to have fun at - or would like to participate in at all but site issues make that almost-to-completely impossible. Yes, people should stop playing games they don't like - but I for one do like FR, a lot. What I don't like is when it imo falls flat on its face in implementing an event. Being excluded because of artificially high barriers is annoying and disappointing.
@Ankokou Well yes, it makes sense not to do something that isn't fun - but my point is that it's not helpful to tell people to exclude themselves from an event they would like to have fun at - or would like to participate in at all but site issues make that almost-to-completely impossible. Yes, people should stop playing games they don't like - but I for one do like FR, a lot. What I don't like is when it imo falls flat on its face in implementing an event. Being excluded because of artificially high barriers is annoying and disappointing.
10 hours ahead of FR time -- may be slow to respond to messages
its funny to see people complain about having to grind/farm for something when i've been doing that my entire life on video games. World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2.. it's so common in games that you have to grind stuff. this is nothing in comparison.
go play world of warcraft and have a 0.01% chance of having a mount drop from a boss you can only kill once a week.
and then complain that your eggs (gasp) sometimes take 200-300 chests, even though it takes about (for me) 30 mins to grind 150 chests.
this is nothing in comparison. sure there are genuine problems like the arena being broken, the gathering data being broken, etc, but stop whining about I HAVE TO GRIIIIIIND IN THE COLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WAHHHHHHH

its funny to see people complain about having to grind/farm for something when i've been doing that my entire life on video games. World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2.. it's so common in games that you have to grind stuff. this is nothing in comparison.
go play world of warcraft and have a 0.01% chance of having a mount drop from a boss you can only kill once a week.
and then complain that your eggs (gasp) sometimes take 200-300 chests, even though it takes about (for me) 30 mins to grind 150 chests.
this is nothing in comparison. sure there are genuine problems like the arena being broken, the gathering data being broken, etc, but stop whining about I HAVE TO GRIIIIIIND IN THE COLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WAHHHHHHH

Man... I thought this looked fun and even tried doing the coliseum thing (which I'm not a fan of) so I could at least get a couple familiars. Being lvl 25 at gathering I have gotten 2 chests using all my gathering turns the past couple days trying to get them. 2. Only slightly better luck in the coliseum since I've only got lvl 9 dragons. I've gotten maybe 15 chests there (since it seems like at least half the mimics I actually manage to find only leave dust behind). I blew a round 40k treasure getting another 10 chests from AH. So I've had maybe 27 chests in 2 days of working and hunting for them... How is everyone else getting HUNDREDS of the things?!
Man... I thought this looked fun and even tried doing the coliseum thing (which I'm not a fan of) so I could at least get a couple familiars. Being lvl 25 at gathering I have gotten 2 chests using all my gathering turns the past couple days trying to get them. 2. Only slightly better luck in the coliseum since I've only got lvl 9 dragons. I've gotten maybe 15 chests there (since it seems like at least half the mimics I actually manage to find only leave dust behind). I blew a round 40k treasure getting another 10 chests from AH. So I've had maybe 27 chests in 2 days of working and hunting for them... How is everyone else getting HUNDREDS of the things?!
Level 25 dragons. Train your dragons up, pay for someone else to train them (or win dragon training in a raffle) or buy level 25 dragons. The coli is a big part of this game and it's silly to think you can get by without having a team.

Edit: I've got some spare chest-drop familiars from coli farming so I'll send you some over. Happy holidays!
Level 25 dragons. Train your dragons up, pay for someone else to train them (or win dragon training in a raffle) or buy level 25 dragons. The coli is a big part of this game and it's silly to think you can get by without having a team.

Edit: I've got some spare chest-drop familiars from coli farming so I'll send you some over. Happy holidays!

An excellent statement, as well as to all you other posters. I really like all the game design talk about this event and coli involvement. I started to bring it up a bit in my "It'll be okay" thread, but I was already rambling too much, and you've all done a good job drawing up the mechanical frustrations. In any case, to quote TotalBiscuit "grinding is bad game design."

I think it is at least. I don't want to go into the debate personally whether that is true at it's core though, but grinding is something that has nothing to do with skill or planning. There is no failure state derived from the player doing something wrong. It is just a grind, and there is no real thought or talent to it. But... a lot of people like grinding. Take many Korean MMOs and iOS games for instance. I don't think that makes it a good design, but you have to admit it is popular, and on this site in particular, where daily grinding on coli and games (yes, you can grind those games. randomly click around like a nutter in the electric one and see how well it works) is a core source of money generation on this site already. Maybe this is all just more of the same we're already used to?

An excellent statement, as well as to all you other posters. I really like all the game design talk about this event and coli involvement. I started to bring it up a bit in my "It'll be okay" thread, but I was already rambling too much, and you've all done a good job drawing up the mechanical frustrations. In any case, to quote TotalBiscuit "grinding is bad game design."

I think it is at least. I don't want to go into the debate personally whether that is true at it's core though, but grinding is something that has nothing to do with skill or planning. There is no failure state derived from the player doing something wrong. It is just a grind, and there is no real thought or talent to it. But... a lot of people like grinding. Take many Korean MMOs and iOS games for instance. I don't think that makes it a good design, but you have to admit it is popular, and on this site in particular, where daily grinding on coli and games (yes, you can grind those games. randomly click around like a nutter in the electric one and see how well it works) is a core source of money generation on this site already. Maybe this is all just more of the same we're already used to?
I've been a member since July of 2013 and never had to mess with the coliseum to get the familiars I was interested in or anything else. I tend to be more interested in breeding pretty dragons than most of the rest of the stuff.

Thank you very much for the familiars! They're really my main reason for trying to get chests since I know I can probably get a nocturne with colors and markings I like better after people start breeding them. Plus they'll probably cost a lot less than an egg or a basic colored hatchling is right now. A scroll would be amazing, but I kind of like the challenge of breeding for particular colors and markings.
I've been a member since July of 2013 and never had to mess with the coliseum to get the familiars I was interested in or anything else. I tend to be more interested in breeding pretty dragons than most of the rest of the stuff.

Thank you very much for the familiars! They're really my main reason for trying to get chests since I know I can probably get a nocturne with colors and markings I like better after people start breeding them. Plus they'll probably cost a lot less than an egg or a basic colored hatchling is right now. A scroll would be amazing, but I kind of like the challenge of breeding for particular colors and markings.
@Bakrua I've been playing video games for... call it 25 years, since that's when I had consistent access to a game console. I'm no stranger to grinding. I'm also no stranger to game design that isn't working out - and this is it, especially for a (shock, horror) casual game.

It's nice for you you can get 150 chests in 30 minutes, but those numbers aren't achievable for a lot of people, for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with not being a 'hardcore gamer' like you're implying yourself to be.
@Bakrua I've been playing video games for... call it 25 years, since that's when I had consistent access to a game console. I'm no stranger to grinding. I'm also no stranger to game design that isn't working out - and this is it, especially for a (shock, horror) casual game.

It's nice for you you can get 150 chests in 30 minutes, but those numbers aren't achievable for a lot of people, for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with not being a 'hardcore gamer' like you're implying yourself to be.
10 hours ahead of FR time -- may be slow to respond to messages
I'm not sure why people are comparing the drop rate in FR to MMOs.

MMOs rely on player retention to make money (as does any multiplayer game), but to do this they most often pad out content by making drop rates obscene. This can be fun or satisfying if there's a spin on it, but FR doesn't really have anything of the sort.

Do you really want FR's supposedly fun, monthly events to be the equivalent of a dragon dress up skinner box?

And again, there's a sense of urgency involved here. When I grinder for an Azure Whelp, Azure Drake, Raven Lord, Fox Kit etc in WoW, it wasn't on a time limit. I could do it as casually or as hardcore as I wanted and not get burnt out, because I could stop whenever I was starting to get emotionally drained. You don't have that option in a timed event. There's a sense of urgency that makes people grind until they're burnt out, regardless of how much "patience" they supposedly need.

And either way, for many people, we're not grinding for a Nocturne baby nownownow, I want breed scrolls for my progenitors and character dragons.
I'm not sure why people are comparing the drop rate in FR to MMOs.

MMOs rely on player retention to make money (as does any multiplayer game), but to do this they most often pad out content by making drop rates obscene. This can be fun or satisfying if there's a spin on it, but FR doesn't really have anything of the sort.

Do you really want FR's supposedly fun, monthly events to be the equivalent of a dragon dress up skinner box?

And again, there's a sense of urgency involved here. When I grinder for an Azure Whelp, Azure Drake, Raven Lord, Fox Kit etc in WoW, it wasn't on a time limit. I could do it as casually or as hardcore as I wanted and not get burnt out, because I could stop whenever I was starting to get emotionally drained. You don't have that option in a timed event. There's a sense of urgency that makes people grind until they're burnt out, regardless of how much "patience" they supposedly need.

And either way, for many people, we're not grinding for a Nocturne baby nownownow, I want breed scrolls for my progenitors and character dragons.
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