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TOPIC | Quirks about the dragon above you
@SetoPool [url=][img][/img][/url] - Likes singing songs from Frozen when alone - Can't turn away a stray cat found alone in the cold - Rather fond of slightly burnt marshmallows - Has never seen the sea and dreams of spending a day at the beach
- Likes singing songs from Frozen when alone
- Can't turn away a stray cat found alone in the cold
- Rather fond of slightly burnt marshmallows
- Has never seen the sea and dreams of spending a day at the beach
"Alas, love cannot be cured by herbs!"
Quite possibly just a moth with internet access.
autumn_sphinx.png lamp.gif
@dreambasket [img][/img] - Has been playing the trombone since he was a hatchling - Eats granola each morning - Calls everyone "buddy" or "pal" - Hugs trees often
- Has been playing the trombone since he was a hatchling
- Eats granola each morning
- Calls everyone "buddy" or "pal"
- Hugs trees often
OxagJgG.png lesbiancatcher.pngtRvB8Xn.png
[center]@ooga [s]This dragon is so gorgeous omg[/s] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [list] [*]He likes to keep to himself, and most other dragons are more than happy to leave him alone [*]Despite being introverted, he [i]loves[/i] playing pranks on other dragons, and will look for any oppurtunity to get up to mischief [*] Additionally, he is great at not getting caught. A lot of the other dragons of the clan seem to think parts of the lair are haunted, rather than suspecting the quiet Yoshinoya [*]He combs his hair fastidiously, and likes to keep his branches looking smooth [*][b]Don't[/b] touch his antlers, especially the delicate buds; he has a nasty bite ----- [center]Anyone in the first 4 tabs of my lair or first tab of my hibden would be great ^^[/center]
This dragon is so gorgeous omg
  • He likes to keep to himself, and most other dragons are more than happy to leave him alone
  • Despite being introverted, he loves playing pranks on other dragons, and will look for any oppurtunity to get up to mischief
  • Additionally, he is great at not getting caught. A lot of the other dragons of the clan seem to think parts of the lair are haunted, rather than suspecting the quiet Yoshinoya
  • He combs his hair fastidiously, and likes to keep his branches looking smooth
  • Don't touch his antlers, especially the delicate buds; he has a nasty bite
    Anyone in the first 4 tabs of my lair or first tab of my hibden would be great ^^
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she / her
art shop
____________ ____ l4necl8jk4m.png
[center]@findingpears [url=][img][/img][/url] [LIST] [*]Despite her motherly nature, she is absolutely terrified of having any children of her own. She fears she would be a terrible parent, despite the fact that that obviously would not be the case. [*]She certainly loves flowers, but her favourite plant is actually mushrooms! She grows a few different varieties in a darker patch of the forest. [*]She comes up with simpler names for plants that dragons she takes on tours would more easily understand; she says them often enough that sometimes she forgets their actual names. [*]For some reason she has a fear of still water; even she couldn't tell you why. It just unnerves her. She does, however, love to sit and relax while listening to flowing streams and bubbling brooks with her mate. [*]The lanterns she keeps are actually filled with a rare breed of fireflies to give them their signature blue glow! The bugs themselves don't seem to mind living in there, otherwise she wouldn't keep them. [/LIST][/center]

  • Despite her motherly nature, she is absolutely terrified of having any children of her own. She fears she would be a terrible parent, despite the fact that that obviously would not be the case.
  • She certainly loves flowers, but her favourite plant is actually mushrooms! She grows a few different varieties in a darker patch of the forest.
  • She comes up with simpler names for plants that dragons she takes on tours would more easily understand; she says them often enough that sometimes she forgets their actual names.
  • For some reason she has a fear of still water; even she couldn't tell you why. It just unnerves her. She does, however, love to sit and relax while listening to flowing streams and bubbling brooks with her mate.
  • The lanterns she keeps are actually filled with a rare breed of fireflies to give them their signature blue glow! The bugs themselves don't seem to mind living in there, otherwise she wouldn't keep them.
@Vuldovah [url=][img][/img][/url] -To fit with her name, she does, in fact, make actual blue jay noises! Her calls always stand out, though. -She hoards stuff she doesn't even actually need. -Her stealing is probably very obvious, yet she mainly gets away with it a lot. -Probably also believes that nothing belongs to anyone except her.
-To fit with her name, she does, in fact, make actual blue jay noises! Her calls always stand out, though.
-She hoards stuff she doesn't even actually need.
-Her stealing is probably very obvious, yet she mainly gets away with it a lot.
-Probably also believes that nothing belongs to anyone except her.
@butterflyflower [url=][img][/img][/url] - A monk - Wanders a maze-like forest, helping those who are lost find their way out. - Often only his firefly's kilt is seen while he is not seen - Only shows his face to hatchlings who find their way into the forest.
- A monk
- Wanders a maze-like forest, helping those who are lost find their way out.
- Often only his firefly's kilt is seen while he is not seen
- Only shows his face to hatchlings who find their way into the forest.
EBzxWRy.png *
Collecting Mammertee Plushes
alMN0i2.png vfbW8E9.png
@Azulops [url=][img][/img][/url] - She smells like lavender - Had a tarot card phase when she was growing up - Would absolutely die for orange flavored anything - Likes watching the sunset - Likes painting swirling designs
- She smells like lavender
- Had a tarot card phase when she was growing up
- Would absolutely die for orange flavored anything
- Likes watching the sunset
- Likes painting swirling designs

__ A small, pixel art piece in which a jade, brown, and bronze colored fae is laying down and looking to the right __

Hidden Message: What job did the frog have at the hotel? The bellhop! :D

@crimsonquasar [url=][img][/img][/url] -He absolutely loves cold pillows, always turns them around tl get that cold side to laze on. -When not being mischievous, likes to cloudgaze. -Really likes vanilla flavor and any sweet scents. -Whistles loudly and melodically whenever bored, sounding almost like a lovebird or cockatiel or sorts. -Often sees strange fever dreams, could easily talk about them for hours.


-He absolutely loves cold pillows, always turns them around tl get that cold side to laze on.
-When not being mischievous, likes to cloudgaze.
-Really likes vanilla flavor and any sweet scents.
-Whistles loudly and melodically whenever bored, sounding almost like a lovebird or cockatiel or sorts.
-Often sees strange fever dreams, could easily talk about them for hours.
@Lokkimus [img][url=][img][/img][/url][/img] -Tends to stay up all night writing music. -Once inspired, he tends to tune out everything going on around him. -Likes to find quiet and peaceful areas. -Also likes to stargaze.

-Tends to stay up all night writing music.
-Once inspired, he tends to tune out everything going on around him.
-Likes to find quiet and peaceful areas.
-Also likes to stargaze.
@MadameNightmare I chose to read some of the lore but not all, so here goes! [url=][img][/img][/url] Sebastian - only a few can call him Seb - His cat is named Cristine, because... - He'd never admit it, but he loves Phantom of the Opera. - If he had a tumblr Account, it would be overly edgy. - For some reason he's very friendly with the Coatl when they are alone. - He's a kind soul, not that anyone notices, though. - Secretly picks up trash around the lair.

I chose to read some of the lore but not all, so here goes!

- only a few can call him Seb
- His cat is named Cristine, because...
- He'd never admit it, but he loves Phantom of the Opera.
- If he had a tumblr Account, it would be overly edgy.
- For some reason he's very friendly with the Coatl when they are alone.
- He's a kind soul, not that anyone notices, though.
- Secretly picks up trash around the lair.
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(a mess)
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