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TOPIC | Quirks about the dragon above you
@AutumnFall123 [Url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=gold star size=1] Gomez is an amazing dancer. He has won several competitions in his youth. [emoji=gold star size=1] He is fluent in many languages. He has a habit of switching between them when he gets too excited. [emoji=gold star size=1] His most prized possession is his fedora. It was given to him by a former lover, and since then he has never taken it off. [emoji=gold star size=1] Gomez's secret spy identity is not so secret. Everyone in the clan knows and pretends not to.


Gomez is an amazing dancer. He has won several competitions in his youth.

He is fluent in many languages. He has a habit of switching between them when he gets too excited.

His most prized possession is his fedora. It was given to him by a former lover, and since then he has never taken it off.

Gomez's secret spy identity is not so secret. Everyone in the clan knows and pretends not to.
@vulpinetrickster [url=][img][/img][/url] [LIST] [*]Likes Nutella [*]Favourite colour is gold [*]Good at making food [*]Really bad at conserving money, especially on cooking supplies [/LIST]

  • Likes Nutella
  • Favourite colour is gold
  • Good at making food
  • Really bad at conserving money, especially on cooking supplies
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@RavenzzCall [url=][img][/img][/url] [LIST] [*] Snakes often act like Pentious' babysitters. They remind him to eat, to drink and move around. If Pentious tries to ignore them, they will nip him, which doesn't hurt, but is annoying [*] Pentious likes to hunt, it probably his favorite hobby [*] Pentious is surprisingly good at swimming in the swamp's waters! Snakes hate it though [*] Snakes are named after poisonous berries and mushrooms [*] Pentious likes to sing. He's really bad at it, though [/LIST]

  • Snakes often act like Pentious' babysitters. They remind him to eat, to drink and move around. If Pentious tries to ignore them, they will nip him, which doesn't hurt, but is annoying
  • Pentious likes to hunt, it probably his favorite hobby
  • Pentious is surprisingly good at swimming in the swamp's waters! Snakes hate it though
  • Snakes are named after poisonous berries and mushrooms
  • Pentious likes to sing. He's really bad at it, though
@LilPepperSpray [url=][img][/img][/url] [LIST] [*] Known for using new (but dangerous) ways for making honey [*] Had a freak accident with a swarm of bees at a young age that made her respect and fear them [*] One time fought a local beekeeper for the hat ( the beekeeper told her she could have it as a gift. But she wants to earn it) [*] winter is Aureus least favorite season as most of her bees are gone or have died [/LIST]

  • Known for using new (but dangerous) ways for making honey
  • Had a freak accident with a swarm of bees at a young age that made her respect and fear them
  • One time fought a local beekeeper for the hat ( the beekeeper told her she could have it as a gift. But she wants to earn it)
  • winter is Aureus least favorite season as most of her bees are gone or have died
@Sargelily [url=][img][/img][/url] - They're a pretty bubbly dragon. So bubbly in fact, that some dragons jokingly say that they rival the spiral keep - They love to eat the sweet treat that they are named after. More specifically, they love to try any type of bizarre flavors, their favorite of them all being chili pepper ([s]Which is an actual thing apparently-[/s]) - When they are excited or deeply focused on a task, they have a tendency to flutter their wings involuntarily, creating a soft rustling sound that's become a familiar background noise in the airship. - They area a very curious dragon, and their curiosity knows no bounds. They often find themself poking their snout into things they probably shouldn't. Whether it's investigating strange noises or sniffing out new scents, their nosiness can lead to both amusing and awkward situations.


- They're a pretty bubbly dragon. So bubbly in fact, that some dragons jokingly say that they rival the spiral keep

- They love to eat the sweet treat that they are named after. More specifically, they love to try any type of bizarre flavors, their favorite of them all being chili pepper (Which is an actual thing apparently-)

- When they are excited or deeply focused on a task, they have a tendency to flutter their wings involuntarily, creating a soft rustling sound that's become a familiar background noise in the airship.

- They area a very curious dragon, and their curiosity knows no bounds. They often find themself poking their snout into things they probably shouldn't. Whether it's investigating strange noises or sniffing out new scents, their nosiness can lead to both amusing and awkward situations.
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@MilkshakeTrex [url=][img][/img][/url] BakingSoda! - An explosive little dude. A couple times, some of their scales have just exploded in puffs of powder, leaving an oddly sludgy white residue behind. - Natural talent for playing Super Smash Bros. They main Kirby. - Their teeth are just a little too big for their mouth, and it’s something of an inconvenience when they eat. It also tends to spook others, but they think it’s just a cool thing! Extra sparkly smile there. - Has had prophetic dreams on at least three occasions. No one seems to believe them though… but they did happen! That, they can confirm.



- An explosive little dude. A couple times, some of their scales have just exploded in puffs of powder, leaving an oddly sludgy white residue behind.

- Natural talent for playing Super Smash Bros. They main Kirby.

- Their teeth are just a little too big for their mouth, and it’s something of an inconvenience when they eat. It also tends to spook others, but they think it’s just a cool thing! Extra sparkly smile there.

- Has had prophetic dreams on at least three occasions. No one seems to believe them though… but they did happen! That, they can confirm.
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
@finalhunt [url=][img][/img][/url] -always shrouded in an air of mystery, somehow even when she is trying to be open and honest. -really into drawing landscapes and nature scenes, but has started experimenting with somewhat creepy dark and foreboding paintings she hasn't shown anyone yet -restless, always tapping their claws or up and moving around while talking -a ringer at certain competitive athletic activities, been known to win a valuable item in trade or substantial currency betting on herself.


-always shrouded in an air of mystery, somehow even when she is trying to be open and honest.

-really into drawing landscapes and nature scenes, but has started experimenting with somewhat creepy dark and foreboding paintings she hasn't shown anyone yet

-restless, always tapping their claws or up and moving around while talking

-a ringer at certain competitive athletic activities, been known to win a valuable item in trade or substantial currency betting on herself.
@Kalistys [url=][img][/img][/url] [LIST] [*]Probably would have over 1000 hours on minecraft [*]Caffeine Addict [*]Their room is littered with sketches and jotted down ideas for their next project. It likely looks like a mess to anyone except for him, who somehow knows exactly where everything is [*]Speaks super fast [/LIST]

  • Probably would have over 1000 hours on minecraft
  • Caffeine Addict
  • Their room is littered with sketches and jotted down ideas for their next project. It likely looks like a mess to anyone except for him, who somehow knows exactly where everything is
  • Speaks super fast
@ticcituna [url=][img][/img][/url] [LIST] [*] Obsessed with owls [*] Writes a lot, maybe a little too much. [*] Likes cats too [*] Loves talking to strangers [/LIST] @LillianRain19 You are fine!

  • Obsessed with owls
  • Writes a lot, maybe a little too much.
  • Likes cats too
  • Loves talking to strangers


You are fine!
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@FlowerEevee (Please tell me if I was supposed to do a dragon with lore or not- Also, love your user btw!) [url=][img][/img][/url] - They have quick reflexes and sometimes reacts like a deer when startled, with a brief freeze before darting into action. - They're a natural storyteller and often uses metaphors related to the forest or wildlife when explaining things or giving advice. - When speaking, they occasionally pause mid-sentence as if they're considering their words carefully. This gives their speech an unusual rhythm, which some find mesmerizing and others find mildly unsettling. - They 100% have a stash of large stuffed animals that they love to hide and sleep in - Carries around a bag full of glitter, they says it gives them what they call a "sparkly aura"

(Please tell me if I was supposed to do a dragon with lore or not- Also, love your user btw!)


- They have quick reflexes and sometimes reacts like a deer when startled, with a brief freeze before darting into action.

- They're a natural storyteller and often uses metaphors related to the forest or wildlife when explaining things or giving advice.

- When speaking, they occasionally pause mid-sentence as if they're considering their words carefully. This gives their speech an unusual rhythm, which some find mesmerizing and others find mildly unsettling.

- They 100% have a stash of large stuffed animals that they love to hide and sleep in

- Carries around a bag full of glitter, they says it gives them what they call a "sparkly aura"
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