
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Quirks about the dragon above you
[center] @Elliwoods [url=][img][/img][/url] [i] washes his gemstones every single day likes to dig holes and bury treasure in them and immediately forgets where they are collects everything because he was never allowed to keep things as a hatchling sends his bird to steal things sometimes [/center]


washes his gemstones every single day
likes to dig holes and bury treasure in them and immediately forgets where they are
collects everything because he was never allowed to keep things as a hatchling
sends his bird to steal things sometimes
fr + 2 ~ they/them

forum game note - all my lore-d dragons have pronouns in their bios, so please use those when referring to them, thank you (for those without, just go with their assigned)
@theriverofstars [url=][img][/img][/url] - Syrminh is the exhausted manager of the spire and all the innovation and nonsense that entails. She is in charge here but at what cost. - Won't speak to anyone until she's had her coffee. If anything breaks first thing in the morning she'll just give whoever is responsible a [i]look[/i] - Thanks to tiny veilspun size she can fit into tight places within or between machines for maintenance and debugging. - One time she found an actual bug causing problems in the machinery. She ate it. - Has a huge sweet tooth but won't admit it. She thinks if her coworkers find out they'll try to have candy around to distract her from all of the important things they inevitably break in the name of science.

- Syrminh is the exhausted manager of the spire and all the innovation and nonsense that entails. She is in charge here but at what cost.

- Won't speak to anyone until she's had her coffee. If anything breaks first thing in the morning she'll just give whoever is responsible a look

- Thanks to tiny veilspun size she can fit into tight places within or between machines for maintenance and debugging.

- One time she found an actual bug causing problems in the machinery. She ate it.

- Has a huge sweet tooth but won't admit it. She thinks if her coworkers find out they'll try to have candy around to distract her from all of the important things they inevitably break in the name of science.
fr + 2 ~ they/them

forum game note - all my lore-d dragons have pronouns in their bios, so please use those when referring to them, thank you (for those without, just go with their assigned)
@Dragoneko [url=][img][/img][/url] -Has no idea how to end conversations. - He can not sleep without a little light from some firebugs. -He is very ticklish under his thick floof. - Never has been able to understand puns


-Has no idea how to end conversations.
- He can not sleep without a little light from some firebugs.
-He is very ticklish under his thick floof.
- Never has been able to understand puns
[center]@Cherryfleck [url=][img][/img][/url] - Has dabbled in necromancy a bit before fortune telling - Rarely takes her hair out of it's braid unless it needs washing or brushing - She hates getting wet - Green tea addict (She brews a pot strictly for herself on an hourly basis)[/center]

- Has dabbled in necromancy a bit before fortune telling
- Rarely takes her hair out of it's braid unless it needs washing or brushing
- She hates getting wet
- Green tea addict (She brews a pot strictly for herself on an hourly basis)
@BotanicQuartz [url=][img][/img][/url] -Loves to collect maps -Likes to travel every once in a while -Probably had traveled to places few dragons have ever gone before -when she’s not traveling, she’s usually reading some books


-Loves to collect maps
-Likes to travel every once in a while
-Probably had traveled to places few dragons have ever gone before
-when she’s not traveling, she’s usually reading some books
@SilentWinter91 [url=][img][/img][/url] -Sometimes forgets that he's a water dragon and that he can swim -Collects fish and keeps them in glass bottles -Only patches of him are iridescent, and it's a little confusing -Is terrified of anything resembling insects and doesn't always pay attention to his insect-based diet because of it
-Sometimes forgets that he's a water dragon and that he can swim
-Collects fish and keeps them in glass bottles
-Only patches of him are iridescent, and it's a little confusing
-Is terrified of anything resembling insects and doesn't always pay attention to his insect-based diet because of it
[center]@Mazacoatl your Coatls are so cute ;v; [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [list] [*] Has a lot of energy, like many Spirals, however this is only at night; during the day she is all but comatose [*] She was nearly full-grown by the time she learnt to pronounce her own name [*] Now she just needs to work on spelling it... [*] She loves the many water sources around the lair, and likes to tinker with little paddle boats and floating ducks which she gives to the clan's hatchlings [*] At night, when they are all asleep, she will take them out and whiz around in the water after them, having the time of her life [*] Though in a Coatl-dominated lair, her vivid colouring means she is pretty popular (and she loves to help preen her Coatl friends)
your Coatls are so cute ;v;

  • Has a lot of energy, like many Spirals, however this is only at night; during the day she is all but comatose
  • She was nearly full-grown by the time she learnt to pronounce her own name
  • Now she just needs to work on spelling it...
  • She loves the many water sources around the lair, and likes to tinker with little paddle boats and floating ducks which she gives to the clan's hatchlings
  • At night, when they are all asleep, she will take them out and whiz around in the water after them, having the time of her life
  • Though in a Coatl-dominated lair, her vivid colouring means she is pretty popular (and she loves to help preen her Coatl friends)
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she / her
art shop
____________ ____ l4necl8jk4m.png
@findingpears [url=][img][/img][/url] - I feel like he'd collect small animal skulls and cool-looking rocks, though he fears that if he shows anyone they'll judge him - Very protective of the flowers and plants, especially those he likes - if you go near without his permission he'll give you a very uncharacteristic glare that'll send shivers down your spine - Scared of bugs, he'll wash everything he collects 5 times over just to make sure any traces of insects are gone, just imagine his fear every spring when bees start showing up.. - Tends to collect poisonous plants - he's not planning to kill, he's just very paranoid of someone else taking them first - LOVES birds, he would decorate the gardens with bird houses and feeders just to see them. He especially loves blue jays


- I feel like he'd collect small animal skulls and cool-looking rocks, though he fears that if he shows anyone they'll judge him

- Very protective of the flowers and plants, especially those he likes - if you go near without his permission he'll give you a very uncharacteristic glare that'll send shivers down your spine

- Scared of bugs, he'll wash everything he collects 5 times over just to make sure any traces of insects are gone, just imagine his fear every spring when bees start showing up..

- Tends to collect poisonous plants - he's not planning to kill, he's just very paranoid of someone else taking them first

- LOVES birds, he would decorate the gardens with bird houses and feeders just to see them. He especially loves blue jays
@Meyry [url=][img][/img][/url] -She loves hatchlings and prefers to hang out with them more then adult dragons. -She’s terrified of snakes because a big one tried to eat her once. - Absolute glutton when it comes to food. - Very crafty, loves to make scrapbooks - Her laugh is so annoying but nobody says anything because they don’t want to be mean.


-She loves hatchlings and prefers to hang out with them more then adult dragons.
-She’s terrified of snakes because a big one tried to eat her once.
- Absolute glutton when it comes to food.
- Very crafty, loves to make scrapbooks
- Her laugh is so annoying but nobody says anything because they don’t want to be mean.

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