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TOPIC | [Starfall] Urban Legends CYOA
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Eventide was grateful that she found somoene who seemed like they could help. Since researching sounded like it might take longer - and the Pearlcatcher needed to get back to the stall ASAP - she decided that it would make more sense if she researched the creature. Besides, looking through the books might prove interesting - you never knew what type of information you might stumble on...


Eventide was grateful that she found somoene who seemed like they could help. Since researching sounded like it might take longer - and the Pearlcatcher needed to get back to the stall ASAP - she decided that it would make more sense if she researched the creature. Besides, looking through the books might prove interesting - you never knew what type of information you might stumble on...
OOF HubOOF RaffleArt MarketplaceIn-flight Raffle
@Sukio [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Almarkand raised a claw to unleash a volley of arcane bolts at the horrifying creature, but before he could finish the spell, the monster finally turned its attention his way. The moment its gaze met his, the Pearlcatcher shuddered. He'd seen monstrosities before, but nothing quite like this. It was so terrifying that it broke Almarkand's concentration, and he began to back off quickly. "Ahh! Arcanist save me!" he yelped, stumbling backwards and tumbling right over a brown Skydancer who he hadn't really noticed until now, he had been so distracted. His gaze met Dusky's for a moment as he scrambled back to his feet. "Run! Run away!" Almarkand yelled, before turning and crashing through the underbrush, not sure if she was following him or not, he was so panicked. In the chaos, he seemed to be crashing into every tree in his path, and even a grumpy looking Starbear. Was it the same one he'd seen earlier? Eventually he reached another clearing, this one glowing blue, and he skidded to a halt just as he came face to face with another Skydancer, one who appeared to have just been telling a story. Almarkand blinked and looked around- he'd just interrupted another clan's Starfall Celebration. How utterly embarrassing! There was no time to apologize, however. That would have to come later- if they survived this battle. "There's a monster coming this way!" Almarkand called out to the clan. "We need to prepare ourselves, quickly!"


Almarkand raised a claw to unleash a volley of arcane bolts at the horrifying creature, but before he could finish the spell, the monster finally turned its attention his way. The moment its gaze met his, the Pearlcatcher shuddered. He'd seen monstrosities before, but nothing quite like this. It was so terrifying that it broke Almarkand's concentration, and he began to back off quickly.

"Ahh! Arcanist save me!" he yelped, stumbling backwards and tumbling right over a brown Skydancer who he hadn't really noticed until now, he had been so distracted. His gaze met Dusky's for a moment as he scrambled back to his feet.

"Run! Run away!" Almarkand yelled, before turning and crashing through the underbrush, not sure if she was following him or not, he was so panicked. In the chaos, he seemed to be crashing into every tree in his path, and even a grumpy looking Starbear. Was it the same one he'd seen earlier?

Eventually he reached another clearing, this one glowing blue, and he skidded to a halt just as he came face to face with another Skydancer, one who appeared to have just been telling a story. Almarkand blinked and looked around- he'd just interrupted another clan's Starfall Celebration. How utterly embarrassing! There was no time to apologize, however. That would have to come later- if they survived this battle.

"There's a monster coming this way!" Almarkand called out to the clan. "We need to prepare ourselves, quickly!"
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Capella skidded to a halt, just as she was about to trample over the group of dragons. She looked at them wide eyed, and tried to sputter out an explanation. However, her mouth was so dry, and her lungs lacked the oxygen needed to explain it all. Plus, there was no time! Capella looked from the group of dragons to the forest and back again. She had to make decision, and she had to do it now. It was her fault this beast was coming toward the clan to begin with, so it was her responsibility to deal with. She huffed a heavy sigh before turning back around and facing the dark forest. "Everyone, get behind me." Capella's words came out much more confident than she felt as she stood between the beast and the other dragons. [right][<< [url=]previous[/url] | [url=]next[/url] >>][/right]

Capella skidded to a halt, just as she was about to trample over the group of dragons. She looked at them wide eyed, and tried to sputter out an explanation. However, her mouth was so dry, and her lungs lacked the oxygen needed to explain it all. Plus, there was no time!

Capella looked from the group of dragons to the forest and back again. She had to make decision, and she had to do it now. It was her fault this beast was coming toward the clan to begin with, so it was her responsibility to deal with. She huffed a heavy sigh before turning back around and facing the dark forest.

"Everyone, get behind me." Capella's words came out much more confident than she felt as she stood between the beast and the other dragons.
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[center]Day Two [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Athosar paused and sniffed the air, a sense of worry overcoming him. Surely, if he were close to the Celebration, he would hear it? But there was nothing here, just the sounds of mana thieves trilling in the cool shadows. Athosar made a low sound in his throat and then -- realizing that he was not certain just -where- he was, anymore, decided to press on. The glow got greater, until he was bathed in a radiant pink light. Around him, the thick foilage changed into a rended landscape of overturned trees and charred bushes. He nudged at this broken stick and that burned leaf, a sound much like a purr welling up in his throat, but this was born of worry. But the path was clearer, now -- a black road leading immense rock, pockmarked from countless eons in space, striated from its descent. Athosar blinked at the Starbears who milled about it, and began to venture near it, lifting one of his own broad paws to venture a nudge at it... Suddenly a form loomed high above. Athosar stared at it, eyes widening, as an eldritch head and spidery limbs skittered over the meteor's surface, stroking, probing, reaching... With a BLAAAT of utter panic, Athosar gave in to fear, at last. Uncaring of where he went, so long as he found -someone- that was NOT THIS THING, he fled, his bells jingling in a mocking tempo to his frantic, headalong run back the way he had come. [center][b][u]RUN[/b][/u] [i]Mulberries, ozone, and lime.[/i][/center]
Day Two


Athosar paused and sniffed the air, a sense of worry overcoming him. Surely, if he were close to the Celebration, he would hear it? But there was nothing here, just the sounds of mana thieves trilling in the cool shadows. Athosar made a low sound in his throat and then -- realizing that he was not certain just -where- he was, anymore, decided to press on.

The glow got greater, until he was bathed in a radiant pink light. Around him, the thick foilage changed into a rended landscape of overturned trees and charred bushes. He nudged at this broken stick and that burned leaf, a sound much like a purr welling up in his throat, but this was born of worry.

But the path was clearer, now -- a black road leading immense rock, pockmarked from countless eons in space, striated from its descent. Athosar blinked at the Starbears who milled about it, and began to venture near it, lifting one of his own broad paws to venture a nudge at it...

Suddenly a form loomed high above. Athosar stared at it, eyes widening, as an eldritch head and spidery limbs skittered over the meteor's surface, stroking, probing, reaching...

With a BLAAAT of utter panic, Athosar gave in to fear, at last. Uncaring of where he went, so long as he found -someone- that was NOT THIS THING, he fled, his bells jingling in a mocking tempo to his frantic, headalong run back the way he had come.
Mulberries, ozone, and lime.

B1Vtq5s.gifRz7ZJcJ.png tumblr_inline_otq29dktir1qzyloc_500.gif Uxts8PW.gif gFwGJ3H.gif
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Poor Vritra is really not cut out for this. He's a traveling salesman, not a fighter, and with his silver tongue, it's always been easy for him to get other dragons to do what he wants. And what he wants, right now, is to avoid any unpleasantness. [i]"At least this 'curse' of mine is good for something,"[/i] he thinks. [b]He needs to warn the clan.[/b] He sucks in a gulp of air and babbles, "I'm terribly sorry to barge in on you like this, but AAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE!" The last word is not entirely contrived -- he's just glanced back over his shoulder and seen the creature charging, tendrils extending towards him. An old sentence, absurdly, flashes into his mind. He's seen it before, on old, cracked mirrors from the Second Age. [i]Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.[/i]


Poor Vritra is really not cut out for this. He's a traveling salesman, not a fighter, and with his silver tongue, it's always been easy for him to get other dragons to do what he wants. And what he wants, right now, is to avoid any unpleasantness. "At least this 'curse' of mine is good for something," he thinks. He needs to warn the clan.

He sucks in a gulp of air and babbles, "I'm terribly sorry to barge in on you like this, but AAAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE!" The last word is not entirely contrived -- he's just glanced back over his shoulder and seen the creature charging, tendrils extending towards him. An old sentence, absurdly, flashes into his mind. He's seen it before, on old, cracked mirrors from the Second Age.

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.
Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female / INTJ / Capricorn / +15 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
<<<<< Day 2 Response
<<<<< Day 3 Prompt

Terilynn smiled to the Pearlcatcher. He could understand the hassle of all of this, especially during the festival. He wasn't too keen on heading back to the Strand right now, however. Much rather see if there was anything to be found on the creature. Also, the more he knew about it, the more he would have to tell Phanny, Astra and the others. While going to the Wardens would be more exciting, everyone in the clan would appreciate his dedication to academia. Kiora and Percy were both teachers after all.

"But of course, though I've had enough scares for the night. How about I go research the creature; I was the one who saw it afterall. I'll go tell the Wardens if I figure anything out but feel free to tell them where I am if they have further questions."

While he awaited her response, he began thinking about which archive would have the information he needed. Maybe he could get back the lair at a reasonable time tonight, but the thought of researching made his eyes sparkle.

Research the creature
Day 4 >>>>>
<<<<< Day 2 Response
<<<<< Day 3 Prompt

Terilynn smiled to the Pearlcatcher. He could understand the hassle of all of this, especially during the festival. He wasn't too keen on heading back to the Strand right now, however. Much rather see if there was anything to be found on the creature. Also, the more he knew about it, the more he would have to tell Phanny, Astra and the others. While going to the Wardens would be more exciting, everyone in the clan would appreciate his dedication to academia. Kiora and Percy were both teachers after all.

"But of course, though I've had enough scares for the night. How about I go research the creature; I was the one who saw it afterall. I'll go tell the Wardens if I figure anything out but feel free to tell them where I am if they have further questions."

While he awaited her response, he began thinking about which archive would have the information he needed. Maybe he could get back the lair at a reasonable time tonight, but the thought of researching made his eyes sparkle.

Research the creature
Day 4 >>>>>
ccD1o9u.gif @Aerii || FRT+3

Arcane Dom Lead!

I9WcJF5.gif Pyro-Bonsai-for-Aerii2.gif m21_l9_s7_m9_m9_book.png32rL8tS.png
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gwydion's said, "I will tell the Wardens. Just tell me where I can find them, please," frills moving in and out to show his excitement. He found the pearlcatcher...intriguing. He definitely wanted to talk with her again; however, first he needed to talk with the Wardens. Listening carefully, he made a point to ask about details of landmarks on the way to the Wardens. Taking one of her claws in both of his and looking deep into her eyes, Gwydion said, "Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated." His frills slowly fanned out, then came back to a neutral position as he bowed while laying a kiss on her claw. Flying in the direction the pearlcatcher had pointed out, he spared a thought for the Starbear which had briefly flown by his side. He wondered where it had gone, though mostly he hoped he had made a good impression on the pearlcatcher. He was quite chagrined when he realized that he had failed to get her name.


Gwydion's said, "I will tell the Wardens. Just tell me where I can find them, please," frills moving in and out to show his excitement. He found the pearlcatcher...intriguing. He definitely wanted to talk with her again; however, first he needed to talk with the Wardens. Listening carefully, he made a point to ask about details of landmarks on the way to the Wardens.

Taking one of her claws in both of his and looking deep into her eyes, Gwydion said, "Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated." His frills slowly fanned out, then came back to a neutral position as he bowed while laying a kiss on her claw. Flying in the direction the pearlcatcher had pointed out, he spared a thought for the Starbear which had briefly flown by his side. He wondered where it had gone, though mostly he hoped he had made a good impression on the pearlcatcher.

He was quite chagrined when he realized that he had failed to get her name.
bR6NXdJ2_o.pngGG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
[center]Day Three [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Jangling bells and the scrabble of claws through the leafy mulch of the forest floor presaged Athosar's arrival. As he emerged into a clearing lit by brilliant starlight, he only then saw the Starbear that itself was raising its head in a 'hmm?'ing query to see what on earth all the racket was. The Tundra skittered to a halt, leaving long furrows in his wake. Rather a bit like that meteor had through the forest, oh no don't don't think don't think about THAT... Reduced to the sounds of a hatchling, he trilled and rumbled, quivering, until the Starbear trundled up and, blinking sleepily, reached a paw up to tap him on the snout. *boop!* Somehow, the rosy scent of the bear's paw-pads against his nostrils brought Athosar back to his senses. "I must go tell the others! S-Somebody! Somewhere!" he told the bear. Sleepily, the ursine agreed, and looked skyward, as if to say, [i]looks like good flying weather[/i]... With a grateful nod to the bear, Athosar spread his wings, and took gratefully to the open skies above. The next light that he saw was the proper glow of civilization! Below, hundreds of dragons gathered, the noises of their celebrations and the many-colored lights of their booths and encampments creating a warm, roseate aura. Somewhere, down there, were his clanmates. Oh, how he longed to see them again, and tell them what he had come across! They would know what to do! He landed on the outskirts, and intrepidly began to make his way through the crowds, nostrils working as he sought out familiar scents. Alas, the throngs of dragons proved to be just as baffling as the maze of trees had. Even if he -had- a map of the layout of all the various camps, he could not have hoped to make what he saw jive with the staid and orderly representation on paper. Dragons jostled and bumped and shoved him -- all good-naturedly, but Athosar's head drooped lower and lower, sounds of frustration rumbling in his throat. At last, the crowds thinned enough to reveal a booth proclaiming INFORMATION. Oh, thank the Eleven! Yet, it was the Pearlcatcher behind the booth that was asking the questions, once he got there. "By Arcanist's splendid shiny hat! Are you alright? You look like you've done some stuff and seen some things!" she exclaimed. Before he knew it, the tale was tumbling out of him. "And...and...I just really think that dragons w-who are -good- at looking into this sort of thing should...look into it," Athosar stammered, at the end. Thankfully, the Pearlcatcher was in complete agreement with him, vowing to pass his tale on to the proper authorities. Her show of sympathy didn't hurt, either. The Tundra was turning to face the crowds again, trying to rustle up enough courage to throw himself into the middle of all that again, when he felt a touch to his shoulder. His work was not -quite- done. Radiata needed help -- and somehow, his aid was a foregone conclusion, and it was just a matter of -how- he helped her. He pondered his choices. Already frazzled and overstimulated, he had no desire to go back into the crowd, anyway, let alone to go talk to more strangers. And he found that part of him quailed at the thought of approaching the Wardens -- they sounded very much like Arao, and he could only imagine how gruff the Mirror would be when he found out that Athosar had seen a perfectly good monster and -run away- from it. He shook his head vigorously, so much so that Radiata backed away, fearing that she had pushed him too far. "I-I'll go to the Library," he said. "It sounds quiet there...and I could use the break. Show me the way?" He smiled weakly, as Radiata obliged. [center][b][u]Starfall Celebration[/b][/u] [i]Blackberry brandy, shaved coconut, crystallized sugar, and a dash of pink pepper.[/i][/center]
Day Three


Jangling bells and the scrabble of claws through the leafy mulch of the forest floor presaged Athosar's arrival. As he emerged into a clearing lit by brilliant starlight, he only then saw the Starbear that itself was raising its head in a 'hmm?'ing query to see what on earth all the racket was. The Tundra skittered to a halt, leaving long furrows in his wake. Rather a bit like that meteor had through the forest, oh no don't don't think don't think about THAT...

Reduced to the sounds of a hatchling, he trilled and rumbled, quivering, until the Starbear trundled up and, blinking sleepily, reached a paw up to tap him on the snout. *boop!* Somehow, the rosy scent of the bear's paw-pads against his nostrils brought Athosar back to his senses.

"I must go tell the others! S-Somebody! Somewhere!" he told the bear. Sleepily, the ursine agreed, and looked skyward, as if to say, looks like good flying weather...

With a grateful nod to the bear, Athosar spread his wings, and took gratefully to the open skies above.

The next light that he saw was the proper glow of civilization! Below, hundreds of dragons gathered, the noises of their celebrations and the many-colored lights of their booths and encampments creating a warm, roseate aura. Somewhere, down there, were his clanmates. Oh, how he longed to see them again, and tell them what he had come across! They would know what to do! He landed on the outskirts, and intrepidly began to make his way through the crowds, nostrils working as he sought out familiar scents.

Alas, the throngs of dragons proved to be just as baffling as the maze of trees had. Even if he -had- a map of the layout of all the various camps, he could not have hoped to make what he saw jive with the staid and orderly representation on paper. Dragons jostled and bumped and shoved him -- all good-naturedly, but Athosar's head drooped lower and lower, sounds of frustration rumbling in his throat.

At last, the crowds thinned enough to reveal a booth proclaiming INFORMATION. Oh, thank the Eleven!

Yet, it was the Pearlcatcher behind the booth that was asking the questions, once he got there. "By Arcanist's splendid shiny hat! Are you alright? You look like you've done some stuff and seen some things!" she exclaimed. Before he knew it, the tale was tumbling out of him.

"And...and...I just really think that dragons w-who are -good- at looking into this sort of thing should...look into it," Athosar stammered, at the end. Thankfully, the Pearlcatcher was in complete agreement with him, vowing to pass his tale on to the proper authorities. Her show of sympathy didn't hurt, either.

The Tundra was turning to face the crowds again, trying to rustle up enough courage to throw himself into the middle of all that again, when he felt a touch to his shoulder. His work was not -quite- done. Radiata needed help -- and somehow, his aid was a foregone conclusion, and it was just a matter of -how- he helped her.

He pondered his choices. Already frazzled and overstimulated, he had no desire to go back into the crowd, anyway, let alone to go talk to more strangers. And he found that part of him quailed at the thought of approaching the Wardens -- they sounded very much like Arao, and he could only imagine how gruff the Mirror would be when he found out that Athosar had seen a perfectly good monster and -run away- from it. He shook his head vigorously, so much so that Radiata backed away, fearing that she had pushed him too far.

"I-I'll go to the Library," he said. "It sounds quiet there...and I could use the break. Show me the way?" He smiled weakly, as Radiata obliged.
Starfall Celebration
Blackberry brandy, shaved coconut, crystallized sugar, and a dash of pink pepper.

B1Vtq5s.gifRz7ZJcJ.png tumblr_inline_otq29dktir1qzyloc_500.gif Uxts8PW.gif gFwGJ3H.gif
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] She isn't a [i]book researcher[/i]. There are dragons in her clan who'd leap at the opportunity to be in a library, but Semplice can already see herself struggling to understand the ordering system and wading through jargon she hasn't ever heard. But she's fast -- fast flyer, fast runner, always fast when she's fleeing. And she used to work as a messenger. Here is what she wants: to hide somewhere safe, hide somewhere peaceful, hide away. Bury herself in books and never come out. Here is what she knows: she would be better able to help elsewhere. She decided a long time ago whether she'd try to be selfless. She decided it when she chose her clan, when she chose this journey. And maybe she's a weaver making fabric alone, but she's a surgeon as well, and she knows both what it is to hurt so badly and to want to take that hurt upon herself. There's really only one decision she could make.


She isn't a book researcher. There are dragons in her clan who'd leap at the opportunity to be in a library, but Semplice can already see herself struggling to understand the ordering system and wading through jargon she hasn't ever heard.
But she's fast -- fast flyer, fast runner, always fast when she's fleeing. And she used to work as a messenger.
Here is what she wants: to hide somewhere safe, hide somewhere peaceful, hide away. Bury herself in books and never come out.
Here is what she knows: she would be better able to help elsewhere.
She decided a long time ago whether she'd try to be selfless. She decided it when she chose her clan, when she chose this journey. And maybe she's a weaver making fabric alone, but she's a surgeon as well, and she knows both what it is to hurt so badly and to want to take that hurt upon herself.
There's really only one decision she could make.
Day 3

Never ever setting foot again in this cursed forest - Ghyr had never had trees for enemies, they'd never had enemies at all!

In the blind dash away many of the vengeful flora get trampled over, clouds of luminous pollen exploding left and right as the canopies hit the ground or other trees, coating everything and getting everywhere Ghyr never wanted pollen to get in; splinters big and small, leaves, and other unidentifiable debris fly up, tangling in their mane and they would feel a little bit better about the fallen nemesis if they weren't already overflowing with terror.

The only bit of good news is that Ghyr's dove has flown away, commanded to 'go roost' at their nice, dark, cozy, monster-free lair.

He's safe, safe, the thing has a bigger target- he's safe sa--

Now, not many things are capable of stopping an Imperial in their tracks.

One of them, apparently, is tripping over a Starbear. Which are, apparently, extremely high-density.

Their wrist hurt.

The stray thought that Starbears never really come out of hibernation crosses their mind as they gently cup the bear in their claws and set it out of the way, with only a soft snuffle of protest. It is deceptively light and veritably fluffy and Ghyr gives up trying to understand the Isles.

Maybe if they turn here they can los---

Oh, 'shrooms.

Warn the Clan!
Day 3

Never ever setting foot again in this cursed forest - Ghyr had never had trees for enemies, they'd never had enemies at all!

In the blind dash away many of the vengeful flora get trampled over, clouds of luminous pollen exploding left and right as the canopies hit the ground or other trees, coating everything and getting everywhere Ghyr never wanted pollen to get in; splinters big and small, leaves, and other unidentifiable debris fly up, tangling in their mane and they would feel a little bit better about the fallen nemesis if they weren't already overflowing with terror.

The only bit of good news is that Ghyr's dove has flown away, commanded to 'go roost' at their nice, dark, cozy, monster-free lair.

He's safe, safe, the thing has a bigger target- he's safe sa--

Now, not many things are capable of stopping an Imperial in their tracks.

One of them, apparently, is tripping over a Starbear. Which are, apparently, extremely high-density.

Their wrist hurt.

The stray thought that Starbears never really come out of hibernation crosses their mind as they gently cup the bear in their claws and set it out of the way, with only a soft snuffle of protest. It is deceptively light and veritably fluffy and Ghyr gives up trying to understand the Isles.

Maybe if they turn here they can los---

Oh, 'shrooms.

Warn the Clan!
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