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@DayOwl Synkka, how did you grow to enjoy baking? Was it something you naturally grew up doing, or was it a skill you learned later in life? [url=][img][/img][/url] Next, anyone is open to asks! I'm trying to flesh out my lore with all of them
@DayOwl Synkka, how did you grow to enjoy baking? Was it something you naturally grew up doing, or was it a skill you learned later in life?

Next, anyone is open to asks! I'm trying to flesh out my lore with all of them
He/Him | Flamecaller Loyalist | Obelisk Enthusiast
[center] @HeWasAGatorBoy [columns][url=][img] [/img][/url][nextcol][color=#013220]"My my oh my oh my!" The Spiral squeaked, obviously smaller than the obelisk, but voice was as loud as anyone else's, maybe the use of an micro-phone? Needless to say, the dragon flew loops around the confused Arcane dragon. "Another dragon in the show business! happy to have you it's great! The cheering of the dragons in front of the stage never cease to amaze me!"[/columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [columns] [url=][img] [/img][/url][nextcol][color=#013220]"Well enough with the chit chat, enough with the chit chat!! Heard a lot about you near the fire domain Nightshade, us theater dragons love traveling, we know everyone you know! Becoming a playwright eh? How delightful! But may i ask, Have you ever made a play before?? What's your best works?? Anything about your job will dooooo!" The spiral ended, intrigued of the obe's answer, with it's obvious gleaming eyes... [/columns] ________________________________________ [b]Next person[/b]: Except for my last 3 hibden tabs and businessman+fathom(oc+ about-me derg), everyone is good to ask! (preferably 'the city dragons!, been itching to give them more lore!) but whoever you like is an A'okay!

73535660p.png "My my oh my oh my!" The Spiral squeaked, obviously smaller than the obelisk, but voice was as loud as anyone else's, maybe the use of an micro-phone? Needless to say, the dragon flew loops around the confused Arcane dragon. "Another dragon in the show business! happy to have you it's great! The cheering of the dragons in front of the stage never cease to amaze me!"

73535660p.png "Well enough with the chit chat, enough with the chit chat!! Heard a lot about you near the fire domain Nightshade, us theater dragons love traveling, we know everyone you know! Becoming a playwright eh? How delightful! But may i ask, Have you ever made a play before?? What's your best works?? Anything about your job will dooooo!" The spiral ended, intrigued of the obe's answer, with it's obvious gleaming eyes...

Next person:

Except for my last 3 hibden tabs and businessman+fathom(oc+ about-me derg), everyone is good to ask! (preferably 'the city dragons!, been itching to give them more lore!) but whoever you like is an A'okay!
(^ wip)
88094286p.png 92186898p.png
^ Like quest!
@HeWasAGatorBoy SKIP ME [url=][img][/img][/url] “Funny story, actually,” Synkka laughed a bit as he recalled the memories. “I actually never saw baking as a good passion. Not until my brother kept making terrible cakes, so I baked one for him one day. And then I found a new passion, I suppose.” SKIP ME AND DO NOCTURALNATURE’S INSTEAD!


82263795p.png “Funny story, actually,” Synkka laughed a bit as he recalled the memories. “I actually never saw baking as a good passion. Not until my brother kept making terrible cakes, so I baked one for him one day. And then I found a new passion, I suppose.”

[center][img][/img] [font=georgia] @wowashootingstar [rule] [quote name="wowashooting star" date="2023-12-01 08:06:38" ] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#231555]"My, hierophant... your work is more than impressive... I only wish I could see it properly for myself, as hearing of it from my Seer can only provide a fraction of its splendor, I'm sure..." "...Tell long did it take you to complete these mappings..? I imagine it must have been overwhelming, trying to grasp all that you are able to see.." [/columns] [/quote] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][font=georgia]"Decades," came the simple answer. The seer's voice was soft yet pervasive—a sibilant whisper trailing down the spine with a foreboding electric tingle. "I began when I was a student. Yhtill's seers are trained from childhood at sanctums many leagues distant from even the [i]far[/i] shores of Demhe. I was a rare prodigy; it is one thing to be gifted with the [i]rhllansaor yendrat[/i], the magic of higher sight—it is another entirely to gaze into the planes that intersect our own existence." Naotalba gave a languid flourish of their hand, and the air shimmered with arcane potential. Nothing sprang forth from the emptiness, but Moondust doubtless would've felt the crackle of energy. "The plane on which Sornieth rests has infinite parallel siblings—Yhtill among them—and so too do any that intersect with them. Defining these planar families by their disparate laws of physics has been the labor of Yhtillat seers for centuries. A seer who can gaze into these alternate existences rather than conjecture their properties from their imprint on our universe is a coveted tool indeed. It falls outside the skillset of standard planesight—and it [i]can[/i] be overwhelming at times. I believe my blindness is a boon in this case; without visual stimuli I can focus on probing every shard of the multifaceted existential lattice. "Then the hierophant of House Aldones died and they sent me to take his place," Naotalba said with a shrug, a rueful smile crossing their narrow visage for a shadow of a moment. "I had no choice in the matter; once yoked to a noble family, your only release is death. I have served three monarchs, three generations of insipid royal spawn, each squabble of succession or betrothal or duty more contemptibly pitiable than the last. As you can imagine, this has reduced the time I'm able to dedicate to my own research. But I [i]have[/i] found the time—and among scholarkind I am still held in high regard."[/columns] [rule]


wowashooting star wrote on 2023-12-01 08:06:38:
52963628p.png "My, hierophant... your work is more than impressive... I only wish I could see it properly for myself, as hearing of it from my Seer can only provide a fraction of its splendor, I'm sure..."

"...Tell long did it take you to complete these mappings..? I imagine it must have been overwhelming, trying to grasp all that you are able to see.."

83524883p.png "Decades," came the simple answer. The seer's voice was soft yet pervasive—a sibilant whisper trailing down the spine with a foreboding electric tingle. "I began when I was a student. Yhtill's seers are trained from childhood at sanctums many leagues distant from even the far shores of Demhe. I was a rare prodigy; it is one thing to be gifted with the rhllansaor yendrat, the magic of higher sight—it is another entirely to gaze into the planes that intersect our own existence."

Naotalba gave a languid flourish of their hand, and the air shimmered with arcane potential. Nothing sprang forth from the emptiness, but Moondust doubtless would've felt the crackle of energy. "The plane on which Sornieth rests has infinite parallel siblings—Yhtill among them—and so too do any that intersect with them. Defining these planar families by their disparate laws of physics has been the labor of Yhtillat seers for centuries. A seer who can gaze into these alternate existences rather than conjecture their properties from their imprint on our universe is a coveted tool indeed. It falls outside the skillset of standard planesight—and it can be overwhelming at times. I believe my blindness is a boon in this case; without visual stimuli I can focus on probing every shard of the multifaceted existential lattice.

"Then the hierophant of House Aldones died and they sent me to take his place," Naotalba said with a shrug, a rueful smile crossing their narrow visage for a shadow of a moment. "I had no choice in the matter; once yoked to a noble family, your only release is death. I have served three monarchs, three generations of insipid royal spawn, each squabble of succession or betrothal or duty more contemptibly pitiable than the last. As you can imagine, this has reduced the time I'm able to dedicate to my own research. But I have found the time—and among scholarkind I am still held in high regard."


The big obelisk places a paw to her chest, flattered by the Spiral's excitement. "Why, thank you!" Nightshade smiles. "I'm surprised my reputation has preceded me!"

"I've written several works, probably my most prominent is Black Sands of Home, about a kidnapped dragon who faces impossible odds to find her way back home. My dear, dear friend Cinnabar's the lead, she blows it out of the water!" Nightshade's eyes glow with pride as she says, "My current project is Crossing Constellations, features a few of the fire flight's rising stars! It's about a powerful yet lonely star spirit who falls in love with a musician who performs beneath the moonlight. It's a bit tricky to write, since my lead, Orpheus, doesn't talk, at least not very much, but I'm so thrilled to help bring his and his partner's musical prowess onto the stage!"

The big obelisk places a paw to her chest, flattered by the Spiral's excitement. "Why, thank you!" Nightshade smiles. "I'm surprised my reputation has preceded me!"

"I've written several works, probably my most prominent is Black Sands of Home, about a kidnapped dragon who faces impossible odds to find her way back home. My dear, dear friend Cinnabar's the lead, she blows it out of the water!" Nightshade's eyes glow with pride as she says, "My current project is Crossing Constellations, features a few of the fire flight's rising stars! It's about a powerful yet lonely star spirit who falls in love with a musician who performs beneath the moonlight. It's a bit tricky to write, since my lead, Orpheus, doesn't talk, at least not very much, but I'm so thrilled to help bring his and his partner's musical prowess onto the stage!"
He/Him | Flamecaller Loyalist | Obelisk Enthusiast
@Nocturnalnatures [url=][img][/img][/url] So, what challenges have you faced with making alliances with other clans? How did you overcome them?
So, what challenges have you faced with making alliances with other clans? How did you overcome them?
*insert future art shop plug or FFVIII reference here*
[quote name="@Yhtill" date="2023-11-30 23:19:56" ] [center][img][/img] [font=georgia] @/Draco981 [url=][img][/img][/url] What are your sentiments toward Rastaban, Axiesi? I can't imagine you'd be all that fond of the clan leader after enduring his ridicule, but I understand how the desire for validation might trump that bitterness. [/quote] The Wildclaw considered the question for a moment, before a new expression crossed his face. Did he, did he know this dragon? He felt as though he recognized the dragon asking him this, as though they may have asked him something about similar topic months before. Axiesi shook his head and brought himself back to thinking about what he'd been asked. "Rastaban..." he began, suddenly feeling guilty about talking about his clan's leader behind his back. He sighed. "It was difficult for me to have to hear those words of ridicule from him back then, but we were Guardians, and I didn't have a charge yet, it's not like the odds were in my favor between me and him back then. But now... well, he doesn't talk to me about that anymore, but the effects of that have definitely stuck. Now, almost everyone in his inner circle, which, unfortunately, includes me, likes to call me "Cheesecake." It may not have been his idea, but it's an effect that still lasts to this day. I want to be mad at him but at the same time it feels like I shouldn't. He's the leader of the clan, after all, and he acts respectful of everyone, even if he's upset with them. I suppose he likely feels more neutral towards me, so really the best I can do is to work to improve relations with him, or maybe at least with the rest of the clan." [rule] (hoping that this pinged you. Also, I'm not upset at you for you having asked Axiesi twice. I just noticed it and was like "huh, that's a neat coincidence, it would be fun to write that into his response.")



What are your sentiments toward Rastaban, Axiesi? I can't imagine you'd be all that fond of the clan leader after enduring his ridicule, but I understand how the desire for validation might trump that bitterness.
The Wildclaw considered the question for a moment, before a new expression crossed his face. Did he, did he know this dragon? He felt as though he recognized the dragon asking him this, as though they may have asked him something about similar topic months before.
Axiesi shook his head and brought himself back to thinking about what he'd been asked.
"Rastaban..." he began, suddenly feeling guilty about talking about his clan's leader behind his back. He sighed. "It was difficult for me to have to hear those words of ridicule from him back then, but we were Guardians, and I didn't have a charge yet, it's not like the odds were in my favor between me and him back then. But now... well, he doesn't talk to me about that anymore, but the effects of that have definitely stuck. Now, almost everyone in his inner circle, which, unfortunately, includes me, likes to call me "Cheesecake." It may not have been his idea, but it's an effect that still lasts to this day. I want to be mad at him but at the same time it feels like I shouldn't. He's the leader of the clan, after all, and he acts respectful of everyone, even if he's upset with them. I suppose he likely feels more neutral towards me, so really the best I can do is to work to improve relations with him, or maybe at least with the rest of the clan."
(hoping that this pinged you. Also, I'm not upset at you for you having asked Axiesi twice. I just noticed it and was like "huh, that's a neat coincidence, it would be fun to write that into his response.")
[center] @AsterTheOrca [quote name="AsterTheOrca" date="2023-12-01 13:29:46" ] [url=][img][/img][/url] So, what challenges have you faced with making alliances with other clans? How did you overcome them? [/quote] "There has been many challenges in my work, but that is what i expect of my job; Challenges are what pushes us to try again harder the next time. If i ever would to fail, i wouldn't stop until i get the job done; if i failed after that i would be simply useless, and as you can see; I'm still here, im still thriving and i have brought peace among many clans around us." Divine started, Each of its wings flapped to the breeze in the wind behind him, The angel looked around; As if he was expecting someone, All His eighteen eyes looked frantically around. He then bended his head forward, whispering silently. "Not all dragons of course have wanted my help and that is understandable, no dragon would want to have someone do their work for them, And that is where my magic comes in handy, it isn't hard to blend into another dragons clan and speak my mind. We all might be different breeds,different elements, different [i]sights[/i], but in the end we are all dragons, living beings, and if some are not, than they must've forgotten who they once were. We all live or lived once; So why should we fight each other? We all know the real enemy, and it isn't a dragon, it isn't living...." -------------------------------------------------- [b][size=5]This is simply a response, please skip me! @/AsterTheOrca could use a question though :)[/size][/b]
AsterTheOrca wrote on 2023-12-01 13:29:46:
So, what challenges have you faced with making alliances with other clans? How did you overcome them?

"There has been many challenges in my work, but that is what i expect of my job; Challenges are what pushes us to try again harder the next time. If i ever would to fail, i wouldn't stop until i get the job done; if i failed after that i would be simply useless, and as you can see; I'm still here, im still thriving and i have brought peace among many clans around us." Divine started, Each of its wings flapped to the breeze in the wind behind him, The angel looked around; As if he was expecting someone, All His eighteen eyes looked frantically around.

He then bended his head forward, whispering silently. "Not all dragons of course have wanted my help and that is understandable, no dragon would want to have someone do their work for them, And that is where my magic comes in handy, it isn't hard to blend into another dragons clan and speak my mind. We all might be different breeds,different elements, different sights, but in the end we are all dragons, living beings, and if some are not, than they must've forgotten who they once were. We all live or lived once; So why should we fight each other? We all know the real enemy, and it isn't a dragon, it isn't living...."

This is simply a response, please skip me! @/AsterTheOrca could use a question though :)
(^ wip)
88094286p.png 92186898p.png
^ Like quest!
@AsterTheOrca [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Rece! Though the Council of Roses is on good terms with the Ice flight, how did you and your mate come to find your place with them in the Lanternlea Port? ----------- [b]Next user: Ignore pg.3 of Daybreak Oasis and pg.2 of The Roost[/b]

Rece! Though the Council of Roses is on good terms with the Ice flight, how did you and your mate come to find your place with them in the Lanternlea Port?

Next user: Ignore pg.3 of Daybreak Oasis and pg.2 of The Roost
Heads up! My username has a L not an I!
35955.png42916.png Skin/Accent Shop.
@lassavus What was it like having to work in exile under a cruel captain? Did you ever actively rebel? How did you plan your escape? [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- (Next: almost all of my dragons have unwritten lore, so feel free to ask a dragon with a unique title!)

What was it like having to work in exile under a cruel captain? Did you ever actively rebel? How did you plan your escape?


(Next: almost all of my dragons have unwritten lore, so feel free to ask a dragon with a unique title!)
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