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TOPIC | Ask a Dragon!
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[quote name="Elda" date="2023-11-23 20:49:12" ] [color=#231555][s]Claim~[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#231555]"Say, Cake," Quill starts, arching one brow as he whipped out his quill and notepad, "how did you come by that name of yours if you dabble with mechanical devices?"[/columns] [color=#231555] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [left] ----- [size=2][color=#231555] [/quote] @Elda Cake bends a crest at the question, taking a step back towards the larger dragons she is presenting with. “Well, like most hatchlings, I was named when I was born.” She tucks in her wings and stares at her feet. “My father named me after my mother’s favorite food…” [url=][img][/img][/url]Suddenly everyone is looking upwards as the Imperial at Cake’s side rears up. “Hey, if you want to talk about parents, you should ask Benzil! Did you know his mom is a druid? That’s why he likes animals so much! And his dad is a treasure hunter who finds a lot of his materials-” As the Coatl begins to echo her statement, Cake’s crests slump to her neck as she almost seems to sink into the stage she’s standing on. She nestles only deeper as the Imperial explains her own childhood studying alchemy and nature with her parents. She offers no more explanation on her lineage however, seeming in thought while the other two talk. [center][emoji=candle size=1][emoji=candle size=1][emoji=candle size=1][/center] [center][b]I am a response, please skip me![/b][/center]
Elda wrote on 2023-11-23 20:49:12:
37567040p.png "Say, Cake," Quill starts, arching one brow as he whipped out his quill and notepad, "how did you come by that name of yours if you dabble with mechanical devices?"


Cake bends a crest at the question, taking a step back towards the larger dragons she is presenting with. “Well, like most hatchlings, I was named when I was born.” She tucks in her wings and stares at her feet. “My father named me after my mother’s favorite food…”

67595074p.pngSuddenly everyone is looking upwards as the Imperial at Cake’s side rears up. “Hey, if you want to talk about parents, you should ask Benzil! Did you know his mom is a druid? That’s why he likes animals so much! And his dad is a treasure hunter who finds a lot of his materials-”

As the Coatl begins to echo her statement, Cake’s crests slump to her neck as she almost seems to sink into the stage she’s standing on. She nestles only deeper as the Imperial explains her own childhood studying alchemy and nature with her parents. She offers no more explanation on her lineage however, seeming in thought while the other two talk.
I am a response, please skip me!
@wowashootingstar [url=][img][/img][/url] In a perfect imitation of a stuffy woman with a Transatlantic accent, Krishna recites: "Madame Sosotris, famous clairvoyante, had a bad cold; nevertheless is known to be the wisest dragon in Flotsam Town, with a wicked pack of cards." He coughs and sniffles before springing about half of his deck from one hand to the other with a flourish. The other half falls all over the floor. Krishna drops the act with the rest of his cards. "That poem didn't make sense anyway. What were we talking about? Oh, right, I spent all my money on Yu-Gi-Oh booster packs one day and somehow I checked off 'tarot deck' with my order. Didn't get my Ghost Rare Dark Magician like I wanted, but at least I got these. Here's your card," says he, picking one up off the floor and showing it to Vaudeville. "Your draw of the day is: Super Polymerization." [b]NEXT: @/ReptilianGold awaits a question.[/b]


In a perfect imitation of a stuffy woman with a Transatlantic accent, Krishna recites: "Madame Sosotris, famous clairvoyante, had a bad cold; nevertheless is known to be the wisest dragon in Flotsam Town, with a wicked pack of cards." He coughs and sniffles before springing about half of his deck from one hand to the other with a flourish. The other half falls all over the floor. Krishna drops the act with the rest of his cards. "That poem didn't make sense anyway. What were we talking about? Oh, right, I spent all my money on Yu-Gi-Oh booster packs one day and somehow I checked off 'tarot deck' with my order. Didn't get my Ghost Rare Dark Magician like I wanted, but at least I got these. Here's your card," says he, picking one up off the floor and showing it to Vaudeville. "Your draw of the day is: Super Polymerization."

NEXT: @/ReptilianGold awaits a question.
Hokuto, HAST (UTC−10)
GIJjY9o.png wqvfdXO.png fqRBC9C.png 2SPT1Mh.png bYt72YT.png
HdmxfuE.png Ljw7JvQ.png LPrySKC.png hlApQka.png
h8O0jfR.png ICOcASs.png
4kekx4D.png dN2BNAK.png xj6Mn2e.png
So you want to do an art of us
@ReptilianGold [url=][img][/img][/url] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]The witchy dragon smiles as she looks over the dragon, the serpent like girl looking over Bumblebee with curiosity. She was a lot more relaxed then a normal spiral which was a bit unsettling but she seemed to have trained to keep her cool.[/i] "Dear, do you have external powers or talents like some dragons? like me with my magic or Fortune with his foresight?" For the next person any named dragon is more then fine but those with clothes or ancients are more likely to have some character idea behind them.



The witchy dragon smiles as she looks over the dragon, the serpent like girl looking over Bumblebee with curiosity. She was a lot more relaxed then a normal spiral which was a bit unsettling but she seemed to have trained to keep her cool.

"Dear, do you have external powers or talents like some dragons? like me with my magic or Fortune with his foresight?"

For the next person any named dragon is more then fine but those with clothes or ancients are more likely to have some character idea behind them.
Is it Thursday yet? tn0RSo5.png 7RSuTOf.png GLMwkdE.png pZJYyk4.png
[quote name="Varley" date="2023-11-26 10:13:03" ] @/wowashootingstar [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Oh [i]ho![/i] You seem like the busy sort, hm? Tell me - do you ever miss the fine, festering land of your birth? [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] (Note: Please select a dragon from my active lair, not the hibden!) [/quote] @Varley [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [i]Cassiopeia's eyes narrow a bit at the question.[/i] "Oh, certainly not. The only moderately acceptable thing about that place is the fact that it's so close to my domain here, which made it easy to leave. I much prefer living among more... refined scenery. It suits a gem like myself much better, don't you think?" [/columns] [center][b](THIS IS A RESPONSE, SKIP!! VoltexUnleashed before me needs a question, not i)[/b][/center]
Varley wrote on 2023-11-26 10:13:03:
89457527p.png Oh ho! You seem like the busy sort, hm? Tell me - do you ever miss the fine, festering land of your birth?

(Note: Please select a dragon from my active lair, not the hibden!)
86098688p.png Cassiopeia's eyes narrow a bit at the question.

"Oh, certainly not. The only moderately acceptable thing about that place is the fact that it's so close to my domain here, which made it easy to leave. I much prefer living among more... refined scenery. It suits a gem like myself much better, don't you think?"
(THIS IS A RESPONSE, SKIP!! VoltexUnleashed before me needs a question, not i)


Claim for @VoltexUnleashed :) Fortune- can you 'control' your premonitions? If someone asks, could you see into the future for them? Do you only get them when dreaming, or are you awake? [url=][img][/img][/url] NP: any tab with text [in brackets] is not a part of my lore. you can skip the parallel, stronghold, g1 cleanout, and the [emoji=money bag size=1] and [emoji=eternal youth size=1] tabs.
Claim for @VoltexUnleashed :)
Fortune- can you 'control' your premonitions? If someone asks, could you see into the future for them? Do you only get them when dreaming, or are you awake?

NP: any tab with text [in brackets] is not a part of my lore. you can skip the parallel, stronghold, g1 cleanout, and the and tabs.
em/sai | all pronouns | fr+2 | pings ok
wishlist | fandragon project
probably on ffxiv
This is my secret text... Let's keep it between us, ok?
@VoltexUnleashed [quote name="VoltexUnleashed" date="2023-11-26 19:56:23" ] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]The witchy dragon smiles as she looks over the dragon, the serpent like girl looking over Bumblebee with curiosity. She was a lot more relaxed then a normal spiral which was a bit unsettling but she seemed to have trained to keep her cool.[/i] "Dear, do you have external powers or talents like some dragons? like me with my magic or Fortune with his foresight?" [/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Powers? You mean besides my stunning looks and sense of humor? Sure I spose, just like any other light-born dragon. I mostly use it for party tricks though, I've been in the coliseum a couple of times and it just isn't my thing. If you wanna talk about talents though, I'm a master prankster if I do say so myself! I have also mastered the art of convincing swarms of butterflies to do my bidding, which while it may not sound very concerning, just wait until the floor is covered in em! Can't take a single step without risking squishing anything, last time I did that it took [i]hours[/i] for them to finally clear out. I still get a laugh out of it to this day. [/center] ----- [b][Skip me, this is a reply!][/b]
VoltexUnleashed wrote on 2023-11-26 19:56:23:

The witchy dragon smiles as she looks over the dragon, the serpent like girl looking over Bumblebee with curiosity. She was a lot more relaxed then a normal spiral which was a bit unsettling but she seemed to have trained to keep her cool.

"Dear, do you have external powers or talents like some dragons? like me with my magic or Fortune with his foresight?"
Powers? You mean besides my stunning looks and sense of humor? Sure I spose, just like any other light-born dragon. I mostly use it for party tricks though, I've been in the coliseum a couple of times and it just isn't my thing.
If you wanna talk about talents though, I'm a master prankster if I do say so myself! I have also mastered the art of convincing swarms of butterflies to do my bidding, which while it may not sound very concerning, just wait until the floor is covered in em! Can't take a single step without risking squishing anything, last time I did that it took hours for them to finally clear out. I still get a laugh out of it to this day.

[Skip me, this is a reply!]
[quote name="sharlayan" date="2023-11-27 08:47:48" ] Claim for @/VoltexUnleashed :) Fortune- can you 'control' your premonitions? If someone asks, could you see into the future for them? Do you only get them when dreaming, or are you awake? [url=][img][/img][/url] NP: any tab with text [in brackets] is not a part of my lore. you can skip the parallel, stronghold, g1 cleanout, and the [emoji=money bag size=1] and [emoji=eternal youth size=1] tabs. [/quote] @sharlayan [i]The pearlcatcher chuckles as he thinks on the question, obviously confident in his own abilities and his knowledge of them.[/i] "Well, my forsight is mainly active. Where I take a bit of my energy and pour it into psychic potential, I then simply 'look' into the future to see what will happen with how events unfold. However sometimes I just get them, like a spike of energy flowing through my mind. Being a psychic is like opening yourself up to the river of time, if the flow is increased sometimes you get caught in the current."
sharlayan wrote on 2023-11-27 08:47:48:
Claim for @/VoltexUnleashed :)
Fortune- can you 'control' your premonitions? If someone asks, could you see into the future for them? Do you only get them when dreaming, or are you awake?

NP: any tab with text [in brackets] is not a part of my lore. you can skip the parallel, stronghold, g1 cleanout, and the and tabs.


The pearlcatcher chuckles as he thinks on the question, obviously confident in his own abilities and his knowledge of them.

"Well, my forsight is mainly active. Where I take a bit of my energy and pour it into psychic potential, I then simply 'look' into the future to see what will happen with how events unfold. However sometimes I just get them, like a spike of energy flowing through my mind. Being a psychic is like opening yourself up to the river of time, if the flow is increased sometimes you get caught in the current."
Is it Thursday yet? tn0RSo5.png 7RSuTOf.png GLMwkdE.png pZJYyk4.png
@Sharlayan [center][url=][img][/img] [/url][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Axiesi gazed upon the Mirror clad in foliage. "I understand that not every dragon must act within the impulses and instincts of their breed or element," he began in a respectful tone, "but word about you has been limited. So I must ask, Joryoku: What did you consider to be your true nature, and why did you choose to turn away from it?"[/columns] [rule] NP: Anyone in my lair with a custom broadcast message is free to ask! (for the dragons with long stories in their bios, you don't [i]have[/i] to read them, shorter, more general bios can be found below the stories)
84535937p.png Axiesi gazed upon the Mirror clad in foliage. "I understand that not every dragon must act within the impulses and instincts of their breed or element," he began in a respectful tone, "but word about you has been limited. So I must ask, Joryoku: What did you consider to be your true nature, and why did you choose to turn away from it?"

NP: Anyone in my lair with a custom broadcast message is free to ask!
(for the dragons with long stories in their bios, you don't have to read them, shorter, more general bios can be found below the stories)
[center][img][/img] [font=georgia] @Draco981 [url=][img][/img][/url] What are your sentiments toward Rastaban, Axiesi? I can't imagine you'd be all that fond of the clan leader after enduring his ridicule, but I understand how the desire for validation might trump that bitterness.



What are your sentiments toward Rastaban, Axiesi? I can't imagine you'd be all that fond of the clan leader after enduring his ridicule, but I understand how the desire for validation might trump that bitterness.
@Yhtill [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=#231555]"My, hierophant... your work is more than impressive... I only wish I could see it properly for myself, as hearing of it from my Seer can only provide a fraction of its splendor, I'm sure..." "...Tell long did it take you to complete these mappings..? I imagine it must have been overwhelming, trying to grasp all that you are able to see.." [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
52963628p.png "My, hierophant... your work is more than impressive... I only wish I could see it properly for myself, as hearing of it from my Seer can only provide a fraction of its splendor, I'm sure..."

"...Tell long did it take you to complete these mappings..? I imagine it must have been overwhelming, trying to grasp all that you are able to see.."



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