
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition
[center]@Rayymond so sorry it took so long to get back to you about this--now for your dragons! [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm assuming Cyril here is an OC but as someone who also has an appreciation for Genshin I can't help but give him a like! What a fun outfit and great design that you have going for him, I can't help but admire the clear effor that went into creating this dragon! I adore the boy and everything about him! Fantastic dragon! [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm a sucker for plague eyes on a white dragon and the multigaze just adds to his horrific look. Definitely something horrifying I presume that lays under that mask, a true force to be reckoned with The outfit and familiar compliment the dragon further and I applaud you for doing such a fantastic job. [url=][img][/img][/url] Okarath is so fun! Oh I love male Coatl dragons so much and he is no exception to that! What a great outfit and the mixtures of blacks, reds and whites just work so well with one another! I love him and he's easily one of my favorite dragons that you have within your lair. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oh wow, I love Ephemerys a lot more than I anticipted. On closer look the golds and whites work so elegantly with one another--a sense of royalty and regalness (of course that goes withouts saying) also another fantastic character design that you have going on here! Love this dragon truly! [url=][img][/img][/url] Usually not to big on male skydancers but I adore Corath here--the fact that he is both novelist and playwrite is just *chef's kiss* fantastic! I love dragons who's lore has anything to do wiwth scribes and such--something about it really calls to me. Also great outfit here--love the dragon! [/center]
@Rayymond so sorry it took so long to get back to you about this--now for your dragons!


I'm assuming Cyril here is an OC but as someone who also has an appreciation for Genshin I can't help but give him a like! What a fun outfit and great design that you have going for him, I can't help but admire the clear effor that went into creating this dragon! I adore the boy and everything about him! Fantastic dragon!


I'm a sucker for plague eyes on a white dragon and the multigaze just adds to his horrific look. Definitely something horrifying I presume that lays under that mask, a true force to be reckoned with The outfit and familiar compliment the dragon further and I applaud you for doing such a fantastic job.


Okarath is so fun! Oh I love male Coatl dragons so much and he is no exception to that! What a great outfit and the mixtures of blacks, reds and whites just work so well with one another! I love him and he's easily one of my favorite dragons that you have within your lair.


Oh wow, I love Ephemerys a lot more than I anticipted. On closer look the golds and whites work so elegantly with one another--a sense of royalty and regalness (of course that goes withouts saying) also another fantastic character design that you have going on here! Love this dragon truly!


Usually not to big on male skydancers but I adore Corath here--the fact that he is both novelist and playwrite is just *chef's kiss* fantastic! I love dragons who's lore has anything to do wiwth scribes and such--something about it really calls to me. Also great outfit here--love the dragon!

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[center]@REVALATOR [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]ASLAN is such a beautiful imp and his name is just as regal as he is. That UMA is stunning on him, I cannot think of a more perfect match. You also dressed him gorgeously, the candles are always a plus in my book and spectacles look amazing on him! His familiar is a perfect match too~[/columns] [columns]Raphael is so pretty and he feels cozy as well for some reason. It might be because of the dark colors feeling so soft next to the cream and flaxen and his beautiful eyes. Those glasses make him feel like he is about to study dark magic or something which I live for those vibes! I feel like that familiar of his helps store his prayers to the creator or something (or maybe it just follows him around even tho he doesn't follow the creator anymore). Either way they feel like a great match for each other! 10/10 gorgeous noodle[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Aberrations with beautiful skins are always a favorite of mine so I knew I had to praise Mammon. I really love how intricate of gorgeous the skin is against his basic genes. I always find basic can be difficult to work with but I really commend those who do it right and Mammon definitely has. I do see that you have plans for him in his bio which are equally beautiful but he is already so gorgeous as is in my opinion ^^[/columns] [columns]Imp females have really grown on me, before I didn't like them as much because of their poses but imps like STRIGA here have changed my mind. She is just absolutely fantastic and eerie, simply stunning all around. I love the minimal apparel you picked and all the pieces work in harmony with the pretty UMA. I also like the little pop of red from the plague eye, it's oddly nice![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]I'm a huge fan of dragons like Paimon! I have a little section of my lair dedicated to bright/funky dragons so this noodle is totally my type. I love love LOVE that UMA choice you made for him and the way his wind dark sclera looks with it is so amazing! The purple apparel choices were great and I like the added darkness from the smoke swirl. Very cool and beautiful dragon <3[/columns] NP: I have most of my permas in my hibden so don't forget to check there! The only off limits tab is the Dustbin tab!
85639526_350.png ASLAN is such a beautiful imp and his name is just as regal as he is. That UMA is stunning on him, I cannot think of a more perfect match. You also dressed him gorgeously, the candles are always a plus in my book and spectacles look amazing on him! His familiar is a perfect match too~
Raphael is so pretty and he feels cozy as well for some reason. It might be because of the dark colors feeling so soft next to the cream and flaxen and his beautiful eyes. Those glasses make him feel like he is about to study dark magic or something which I live for those vibes! I feel like that familiar of his helps store his prayers to the creator or something (or maybe it just follows him around even tho he doesn't follow the creator anymore). Either way they feel like a great match for each other! 10/10 gorgeous noodle 81327091_350.png
84181664_350.png Aberrations with beautiful skins are always a favorite of mine so I knew I had to praise Mammon. I really love how intricate of gorgeous the skin is against his basic genes. I always find basic can be difficult to work with but I really commend those who do it right and Mammon definitely has. I do see that you have plans for him in his bio which are equally beautiful but he is already so gorgeous as is in my opinion ^^
Imp females have really grown on me, before I didn't like them as much because of their poses but imps like STRIGA here have changed my mind. She is just absolutely fantastic and eerie, simply stunning all around. I love the minimal apparel you picked and all the pieces work in harmony with the pretty UMA. I also like the little pop of red from the plague eye, it's oddly nice! 73659120_350.png
83649044_350.png I'm a huge fan of dragons like Paimon! I have a little section of my lair dedicated to bright/funky dragons so this noodle is totally my type. I love love LOVE that UMA choice you made for him and the way his wind dark sclera looks with it is so amazing! The purple apparel choices were great and I like the added darkness from the smoke swirl. Very cool and beautiful dragon <3

NP: I have most of my permas in my hibden so don't forget to check there! The only off limits tab is the Dustbin tab!
fr +2
@Aurelyon Whoo fellow G1 lair! And with so many well dressed and gorgeous dragons!They all seem so well loved ^^ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Ampelos was my first choice, I'm just so weak when it comes to brown and teals combined. His apparel is minimal but so well picked, love how the aquamarine flourish set matches the kinda glowing effect of jade capsule. I actually keep coming back to just stare at how perfect the aquamarine looks on him, but I might be a bit biassed since the flourish sets are some of my absolute favourites. 10/10 apparel choice! There's honestly so much about him to adore, It's like a compilation of every good decision one could make when creating a dragon. Tho I have to admit that the combination of the harvest vines and accent made me chuckle, looks like the main course at his tavern are grapes ^^ [/columns] [columns] Beau is next, so light and spring-like! Lovely combination of gorgeous accent and light apparel I just must compliment the way that the paint secondary intermingles with the clouds from the accent. Just the way that the accent enhances an already gorgeous dragon is wonderful. And with the nurtured cluster on top, it's just so incredibly beautiful. I really cant express enough just how gorgeous I find this dragon. He radiates calm and peace, Im filled with joy just seeing him. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Antheia, how could I not pick this tree lady! I mean its brown and green accented with gold, what is not to love! And olive is such a wonderful shade of green as well. Though I really have to compliment the way that you weaved together the apparel and accent here! The seraph pieces look like they are merely an extension of the skin and the flowerfall adds an extra touch of nature to her. Also adore her little hedgehog friend. I get the feeling that she's absolutely filled with life, living life like there's no tomorrow. [/columns] [columns] Mirage, I find myself very intrigued by his colours.He reminds me of something cold and metallic. The crystalcourt cascades is perfect here matching both the brown of his wings as well as the blue in the opal. The silk set is another perfect match here with the gradient matching both the primary and tert, even the little gold detail that the silk set adds are mirrored in the daybreak decorations. All in all such a cool dragon! Love the visuals here and the outfit just seems like there was so much thought put into it. [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Shoal, another stunning combination of apparel and accent. Really giving those sunset over the water kinda vibes. It makes me feel like I'm wandering along the shoreline picking seashells while watching the sky change colour. And like every other dragon in your lair and den she’s impeccably dressed, with a perfect balance of accent and apparel. Your eye for dressing dragons truly is out of this world. She radiates with a majestic energy, something to be in awe at. [/columns]
Whoo fellow G1 lair! And with so many well dressed and gorgeous dragons!They all seem so well loved ^^
77976880_350.png Ampelos was my first choice, I'm just so weak when it comes to brown and teals combined. His apparel is minimal but so well picked, love how the aquamarine flourish set matches the kinda glowing effect of jade capsule.
I actually keep coming back to just stare at how perfect the aquamarine looks on him, but I might be a bit biassed since the flourish sets are some of my absolute favourites. 10/10 apparel choice! There's honestly so much about him to adore, It's like a compilation of every good decision one could make when creating a dragon.
Tho I have to admit that the combination of the harvest vines and accent made me chuckle, looks like the main course at his tavern are grapes ^^
Beau is next, so light and spring-like! Lovely combination of gorgeous accent and light apparel I just must compliment the way that the paint secondary intermingles with the clouds from the accent. Just the way that the accent enhances an already gorgeous dragon is wonderful. And with the nurtured cluster on top, it's just so incredibly beautiful. I really cant express enough just how gorgeous I find this dragon.
He radiates calm and peace, Im filled with joy just seeing him.
86211940_350.png Antheia, how could I not pick this tree lady! I mean its brown and green accented with gold, what is not to love! And olive is such a wonderful shade of green as well.
Though I really have to compliment the way that you weaved together the apparel and accent here! The seraph pieces look like they are merely an extension of the skin and the flowerfall adds an extra touch of nature to her. Also adore her little hedgehog friend.
I get the feeling that she's absolutely filled with life, living life like there's no tomorrow.
Mirage, I find myself very intrigued by his colours.He reminds me of something cold and metallic. The crystalcourt cascades is perfect here matching both the brown of his wings as well as the blue in the opal. The silk set is another perfect match here with the gradient matching both the primary and tert, even the little gold detail that the silk set adds are mirrored in the daybreak decorations. All in all such a cool dragon! Love the visuals here and the outfit just seems like there was so much thought put into it. 86674834_350.png
87133405_350.png Shoal, another stunning combination of apparel and accent. Really giving those sunset over the water kinda vibes. It makes me feel like I'm wandering along the shoreline picking seashells while watching the sky change colour.
And like every other dragon in your lair and den she’s impeccably dressed, with a perfect balance of accent and apparel. Your eye for dressing dragons truly is out of this world.
She radiates with a majestic energy, something to be in awe at.
[center]@FlowerPhoenix [/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Sky immediately caught my eye with his green eyes that stood out between the other bright colors. It's an unique feature deserving of lore imo. You're unafraid to use okapi. I respect you so much for that. I love it on him. The jaguar spots stand out against it, especially the one on his head. He looks very intense and chaotically magical. Unlimited power and all that. [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] I can't express my love for summer. She's entirely perfect. Her colors are so beautiful and though her design looks pretty simple at first sight. There's so much to look at. I'm especially fond of the thylacine tert on her. I really want to find a dragon to use it on, but I haven't yet. She reminds me of a powerful feline, graceful but deadly. Some details I love about her: the adjudicator waist wrap (did you grind for it or save up for it?) you don't see it too often, the shadow claws on her shoulder from the thylacine tert, the amber jewel on the tip of her tail. [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] I had to hold myself back to not fill your entire top 5 with skydancers. You have a knack for them. If I loved Summer because of her immaculate details, I love Nyx for the opposite reason. A lot more chaotic with funkier colors and wilder apparel. The swamp and phtalo shouldn't work together, but the bronze opal and accent tie everything together into a gorgeous regal dragon. The art piece in her bio compliments her very well. (I also love the Terry Pratchet quotes in most dragons their bio) [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Another unusual amazing color palet I haven't seen before. The opal and bee make it seem like crystals are growing out of rocks on his wings. The subtle sheen of the accent adds to this effect. The clever use of the gladebough apparel and the antlers makes it seem like a tree is growing between two boulders. I really love the name Diorite for him and the roc familiar also suits him very well. [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Last but not least is this cutie whom I assume is one of your clan bound egg hatches. I'm really digging the purples today. Her colors are actually really weird, but I got irrationally fond of them in less than two seconds. This is how I imagine the biblical depiction of angels to look like. The scuttle looks amazing on her! Handsdown the best new gene.
57862273_350.png Sky immediately caught my eye with his green eyes that stood out between the other bright colors. It's an unique feature deserving of lore imo.
You're unafraid to use okapi. I respect you so much for that. I love it on him. The jaguar spots stand out against it, especially the one on his head.
He looks very intense and chaotically magical. Unlimited power and all that.
52518309_350.png I can't express my love for summer. She's entirely perfect. Her colors are so beautiful and though her design looks pretty simple at first sight. There's so much to look at. I'm especially fond of the thylacine tert on her. I really want to find a dragon to use it on, but I haven't yet. She reminds me of a powerful feline, graceful but deadly. Some details I love about her: the adjudicator waist wrap (did you grind for it or save up for it?) you don't see it too often, the shadow claws on her shoulder from the thylacine tert, the amber jewel on the tip of her tail.
50967744_350.png I had to hold myself back to not fill your entire top 5 with skydancers. You have a knack for them. If I loved Summer because of her immaculate details, I love Nyx for the opposite reason. A lot more chaotic with funkier colors and wilder apparel. The swamp and phtalo shouldn't work together, but the bronze opal and accent tie everything together into a gorgeous regal dragon. The art piece in her bio compliments her very well. (I also love the Terry Pratchet quotes in most dragons their bio)

48173336_350.png Another unusual amazing color palet I haven't seen before. The opal and bee make it seem like crystals are growing out of rocks on his wings. The subtle sheen of the accent adds to this effect. The clever use of the gladebough apparel and the antlers makes it seem like a tree is growing between two boulders. I really love the name Diorite for him and the roc familiar also suits him very well.

90680475_350.png Last but not least is this cutie whom I assume is one of your clan bound egg hatches. I'm really digging the purples today. Her colors are actually really weird, but I got irrationally fond of them in less than two seconds. This is how I imagine the biblical depiction of angels to look like. The scuttle looks amazing on her! Handsdown the best new gene.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa U1qRAMx.gif
credit: Bealfin
@Megafauna [i]Love all your dragons! Massive fan of the way you gene your dragons, you've got some really unique and wonderful gems in there![/i] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]I'll admit, that this guy is much busier than my usual tastes enjoy but I've been on a tundra appreciation kick lately. He's got a lot going on but through a clever mix of apparel and gene work you've managed to make a cohesive look out of it. I like how you've managed to tie in his many accent colors with bits of apparel so none of them (like the bright green ghost, or the blue from the starmap, or the pale yellow from the mane/foam) feel completely out of place or random![/columns] [columns]Well here's some colors that you wouldn't think would work well together! Incredible how these two brown-toned colors both have blue accents when put next to each other. And her glowing fire eyes tie right back in to her tide! Even the keel feels put together, and the choice of the new stormy scene is the absolute perfect choice for her, she looks and feels like a dry thunderstorm, very nice work![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Flair is always interesting with the accent colors it gives you sometimes, as is opal, but you've managed to work with them really well. Again your ability to create stunning looks out of some interesting color combos is remarkable and it results in some totally unique dragons! Excellent skin choice to tie in the greens very well and a few choice apparel pieces and this girl really comes together![/columns] [columns]I considered passing by this guy at first, but eventually decided to click on him and boy I'm glad I did. In terms of looks, as always he's quite pretty. Not my absolute favorite, but he's cute, like the way you might imagine water looks in a dream. But his lore is what really draws me in. I'm such a sucker for "gods of super specific domains" and he fits the bill perfectly. I love the idea of him being a god of children's luck of things that seem dumb to a grown-up but mean everything to a kid, what a wonderful idea. And congrats on the luckiness of his hatch![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Hang on you're telling me her primary is [i]metals??[/i] Well with that python giving her a dark blue overtone with hints of that creamy yellow poking it, combined with the muted blues and dark reds of her outfit, she's ominous in a way that isn't overbearing. She reminds me of a desert or -- like the image in her bio -- a slowly oozing volcano. She's not overtly intimidating, but she has a perfect sense of intimidation and spook factor that work really well for her![/columns] ----- [center]Next: 'Sleepy' tab in my hibden is also full of permas that you can choose from, I just haven't sorted through them yet[/center]

Love all your dragons! Massive fan of the way you gene your dragons, you've got some really unique and wonderful gems in there!
78871058_350.png I'll admit, that this guy is much busier than my usual tastes enjoy but I've been on a tundra appreciation kick lately. He's got a lot going on but through a clever mix of apparel and gene work you've managed to make a cohesive look out of it. I like how you've managed to tie in his many accent colors with bits of apparel so none of them (like the bright green ghost, or the blue from the starmap, or the pale yellow from the mane/foam) feel completely out of place or random!
Well here's some colors that you wouldn't think would work well together! Incredible how these two brown-toned colors both have blue accents when put next to each other. And her glowing fire eyes tie right back in to her tide! Even the keel feels put together, and the choice of the new stormy scene is the absolute perfect choice for her, she looks and feels like a dry thunderstorm, very nice work! 87164712_350.png
74408277_350.png Flair is always interesting with the accent colors it gives you sometimes, as is opal, but you've managed to work with them really well. Again your ability to create stunning looks out of some interesting color combos is remarkable and it results in some totally unique dragons! Excellent skin choice to tie in the greens very well and a few choice apparel pieces and this girl really comes together!
I considered passing by this guy at first, but eventually decided to click on him and boy I'm glad I did. In terms of looks, as always he's quite pretty. Not my absolute favorite, but he's cute, like the way you might imagine water looks in a dream. But his lore is what really draws me in. I'm such a sucker for "gods of super specific domains" and he fits the bill perfectly. I love the idea of him being a god of children's luck of things that seem dumb to a grown-up but mean everything to a kid, what a wonderful idea. And congrats on the luckiness of his hatch! 74906577_350.png
63284782_350.png Hang on you're telling me her primary is metals?? Well with that python giving her a dark blue overtone with hints of that creamy yellow poking it, combined with the muted blues and dark reds of her outfit, she's ominous in a way that isn't overbearing. She reminds me of a desert or -- like the image in her bio -- a slowly oozing volcano. She's not overtly intimidating, but she has a perfect sense of intimidation and spook factor that work really well for her!

Next: 'Sleepy' tab in my hibden is also full of permas that you can choose from, I just haven't sorted through them yet
xxxArt of a black and grey wildclaw with green capsule leaping in the air with a big grin. They/Them with non-binary pride flag
Aroace with pride flag
FR Time +3
Art of a red wildclaw from the neck up with pink feathers. Lore Info
Art Dump
Avatar Dragon
Art of a green mirror plushie with brown button eyes.
@DragonJade - I am truly impressed with your lair. The lore, the looks, the ART! Suffice to say I left behind a lot of stars. :) [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] I have to start with Mabuz. Firstly, his lore is so cool and interesting to me! His genes work really well together - normally I'm not a gembond fan, but it makes so much sense with his look and vibe. I love how you've dressed him too. It's the exact right amount of apparel to get his look across, and you've also chosen the perfect accent! Finally... the ART! So gorgeous. [/columns] [columns] What a sweet little bab! Baby spirals are so cute! [emoji=spiral love size=1] He looks so much like a little tree spirit, especially with the robin firefly - if you'd gone with any other gene, it would be too bright compared to his other colors, so it's a very good choice. Speckle and safari were also great gene choices, they make him look like he'd blend into a tree perfectly! I can just see him hanging from some branches. His art and lore are also amazing, and I love thinking about him cuddling all of his luminax plushies! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] I like your whole collection of pearlcatcher oracles, but my favorite has to be Pluto. The combination of her genes, apparel, and female pc pose makes her look like such a regal & imposing queen. I especially like the combo of the rose thorn crown and the white rose in her mouth. The little ivory/yellow hint in butterfly is also quite nice, it ties some of the warmer white colors in the apparel with the cooler whites in her genes and other apparel. And, like I've said every time before, I'm obsessed with the art! [/columns] [columns] I am a simple woman with simple wants, and purple female aberrations with primal eyes hit every. single. one. Veined is one of my favorite genes, but it has to be used correctly in my opinion, and here it was such a good choice! It works so well over the simpler genes of spade and pharaoh, and I love love love how it kind of leads right into the arcane primal eyes (it's so cool how they work in her lore). Your familiar ties in really well too! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] Honestly, I usually dislike triples, but I'll make a huge exception for Riesling. Wine is one of my favorite colors in the game, and its different accents and shades in petals and capsule make him look much less flat than if you'd chosen other genes. The sangria harvest apparel works so well with both his coloring/genes and with his lore! I can really see him as a kind god of the hearth and home. The accent choice here was really inspired too - it elevates him from dragon to god, in my opinion! [/columns]
@DragonJade - I am truly impressed with your lair. The lore, the looks, the ART! Suffice to say I left behind a lot of stars. :)
25952653_350.png I have to start with Mabuz. Firstly, his lore is so cool and interesting to me! His genes work really well together - normally I'm not a gembond fan, but it makes so much sense with his look and vibe. I love how you've dressed him too. It's the exact right amount of apparel to get his look across, and you've also chosen the perfect accent! Finally... the ART! So gorgeous.
What a sweet little bab! Baby spirals are so cute! He looks so much like a little tree spirit, especially with the robin firefly - if you'd gone with any other gene, it would be too bright compared to his other colors, so it's a very good choice. Speckle and safari were also great gene choices, they make him look like he'd blend into a tree perfectly! I can just see him hanging from some branches. His art and lore are also amazing, and I love thinking about him cuddling all of his luminax plushies! 47952607_350.png
73620429_350.png I like your whole collection of pearlcatcher oracles, but my favorite has to be Pluto. The combination of her genes, apparel, and female pc pose makes her look like such a regal & imposing queen. I especially like the combo of the rose thorn crown and the white rose in her mouth. The little ivory/yellow hint in butterfly is also quite nice, it ties some of the warmer white colors in the apparel with the cooler whites in her genes and other apparel. And, like I've said every time before, I'm obsessed with the art!
I am a simple woman with simple wants, and purple female aberrations with primal eyes hit every. single. one. Veined is one of my favorite genes, but it has to be used correctly in my opinion, and here it was such a good choice! It works so well over the simpler genes of spade and pharaoh, and I love love love how it kind of leads right into the arcane primal eyes (it's so cool how they work in her lore). Your familiar ties in really well too! 71450424_350.png
56988061_350.png Honestly, I usually dislike triples, but I'll make a huge exception for Riesling. Wine is one of my favorite colors in the game, and its different accents and shades in petals and capsule make him look much less flat than if you'd chosen other genes. The sangria harvest apparel works so well with both his coloring/genes and with his lore! I can really see him as a kind god of the hearth and home. The accent choice here was really inspired too - it elevates him from dragon to god, in my opinion!
@nightmaregiraffe You have a wonderful lair, picking five dragons proved exceedingly difficult. You have a real eye for color, I already know that I'm going to keep mentioning beautiful, perfectly chosen accents while writing this out, I'm sorry for the repetition in advance, but damnit, just preemptively perusing your lair I'm certain that I will be impressed again and again. [url=][img][/img][/url] Starting off with Radiance, who embodies your eye for accents and much more, there's something wonderful about the way her obsidian metallic adds to the gradient her accent creates. On the other hand, the way flaxen [i]perfectly[/i] matches the cream colored part of the accent is remarkable. Even her scant apparel adds to her overall look, the brighter golds seem to manifest around the edges of the accent, like they're binding Radiance in all her glory. They also do a lot to better match her to her familiar, which is always a nice way to gussy up a dragon, though I'd be a fool not to mention her vista, it fits her excellently, the hourglass theme only adds to her gravitas. This dragon feels like a cosmic force. [url=][img][/img][/url] Going though your lair I'm seeing a lot of dragons with sunset, it's a lovely color that reacts to many different genes in all sorts of beautiful ways. Lake wears it very well, his jag/ros makes me think of neon Lisa Frank artwork. He's well-dressed too, again, you're doing a lot with a little, the fuchsia clawrings on his legs give him a downright ethereal quality. The arcane aura and the starsilks are very complimentary, which sort of surprises me, they don't really directly play off of each other, but somehow they just come together. The sigils look really nice over translucent sparkles. I also like how the blue on the aura matches the blue on the chains of his pendants, it's a little thing but it really helps to tie his look together [url=][img][/img][/url] Good use of stained can completely reframe the other colors on a dragon, and I don't know if rose has ever looked as good as it does diluted by sanddollar. I can't pull my eyes away from Mimosa's face, the way the starmap swirls there is so beautiful. Overall, mimosa is so soft and easy on the eyes, draped in even more pleasant pinks, she's totally perfect. The familiar and background are equally perfect for a valentine themed dragon. [url=][img][/img][/url] Third skydancer, I can't help it, you have a lot of lovely skydancers. Indigo is stellar, I especially love your use of the coral carpenter accent, it's one of my favorite coliseum accents. Your eye for light apparel usage is extraordinary, the starwood embrace looks amazing here, almost eyedropper-matched to the woeful vial, and the lavender carousel gear looks fantastic over Indigo's koi tertiary. His lore is brief, just a sentence, but it gives him a nice baseline of a personality, one that really fits his design, he does look like a battle-ready romantic. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ignition is so cute it's criminal. More wonderful use of sunset, the dark purple mane it provides looks excellent against that saffron flameforged. and man, flameforged really makes this little guy. The abberation hatchling pose already screams mischief, but Ignition here is mischief on fire. I get the distinct sense that they will be causing problems on purpose.
You have a wonderful lair, picking five dragons proved exceedingly difficult. You have a real eye for color, I already know that I'm going to keep mentioning beautiful, perfectly chosen accents while writing this out, I'm sorry for the repetition in advance, but damnit, just preemptively perusing your lair I'm certain that I will be impressed again and again.

Starting off with Radiance, who embodies your eye for accents and much more, there's something wonderful about the way her obsidian metallic adds to the gradient her accent creates. On the other hand, the way flaxen perfectly matches the cream colored part of the accent is remarkable. Even her scant apparel adds to her overall look, the brighter golds seem to manifest around the edges of the accent, like they're binding Radiance in all her glory. They also do a lot to better match her to her familiar, which is always a nice way to gussy up a dragon, though I'd be a fool not to mention her vista, it fits her excellently, the hourglass theme only adds to her gravitas. This dragon feels like a cosmic force.

Going though your lair I'm seeing a lot of dragons with sunset, it's a lovely color that reacts to many different genes in all sorts of beautiful ways. Lake wears it very well, his jag/ros makes me think of neon Lisa Frank artwork. He's well-dressed too, again, you're doing a lot with a little, the fuchsia clawrings on his legs give him a downright ethereal quality. The arcane aura and the starsilks are very complimentary, which sort of surprises me, they don't really directly play off of each other, but somehow they just come together. The sigils look really nice over translucent sparkles. I also like how the blue on the aura matches the blue on the chains of his pendants, it's a little thing but it really helps to tie his look together

Good use of stained can completely reframe the other colors on a dragon, and I don't know if rose has ever looked as good as it does diluted by sanddollar. I can't pull my eyes away from Mimosa's face, the way the starmap swirls there is so beautiful. Overall, mimosa is so soft and easy on the eyes, draped in even more pleasant pinks, she's totally perfect. The familiar and background are equally perfect for a valentine themed dragon.

Third skydancer, I can't help it, you have a lot of lovely skydancers. Indigo is stellar, I especially love your use of the coral carpenter accent, it's one of my favorite coliseum accents. Your eye for light apparel usage is extraordinary, the starwood embrace looks amazing here, almost eyedropper-matched to the woeful vial, and the lavender carousel gear looks fantastic over Indigo's koi tertiary. His lore is brief, just a sentence, but it gives him a nice baseline of a personality, one that really fits his design, he does look like a battle-ready romantic.

Ignition is so cute it's criminal. More wonderful use of sunset, the dark purple mane it provides looks excellent against that saffron flameforged. and man, flameforged really makes this little guy. The abberation hatchling pose already screams mischief, but Ignition here is mischief on fire. I get the distinct sense that they will be causing problems on purpose.
@nikanika Your lair was a lot of fun, the lore bulbs and the poems and the long stories. fandragon's lineup was also full of familiar faces, and I really wanted to single out [url=]MysteryFleshPit[/url]. but it would take a really long time to say anything about that one. I don't know if it's still going on over here, since the person who translates it in my country stopped... Uh, okay. let's move on. [columns]As a member of Wind Flight, I'm very interested in wind dragons, especially those with such unique colors. Isopher caught my eye with his odd coloring. Swamp, metal, and terracotta? It's an odd combination, and it even works. His coloring looks like a greenish glow from old, tarnished metal. Even the color of his eyes is perfect, even though I usually don't pay attention to eye color... Personally, I'm very curious about his disgrace, but let's move on.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]When's Silk Song releasing? I hope it comes out next year, really... Hornet is very complete as a fandragon, but she's also a very beautiful dragon in her own right. In this day and age of new genes coming out almost every month, a simply beautiful iri/shim dragon is priceless. I think it was a great idea to match the mirror's ears to her horns, and to layer the Nightshroud to make it look like her cloak, torn and fluttering. I looked at Herrah and, honestly, giggled a bit - she's a good fandragon.[/columns] [columns]Is there some kind of rule that a poet character has to annoy someone? Everything about him annoys me. What's even more annoying is that I like him in spite of it. Honestly, the only reason I even look at this guy is because he doesn't live up to his name at all. He's not RED at all! Oh, am I biased? sorry. Anyway, annoyed, I clicked on him and saw his bio, and there he was, the quintessential literary person, perfectly self-contained. It's like looking in a mirror. Well, except for the last paragraph. It also annoys me that he's wearing an outfit that pretty much covers up all that pretty skincent. All that's left is a flower! but it's seems nice, agh.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]The next reason I was intrigued by this fellow was that he was almost the only bright spot in this clan of stereotypical-dreary-shadowy-necromancers. I thought he was a misplaced spillover from light. Kidding. Fluky is a very lucky fellow indeed. I'm a sucker for pistachio colors, and this is the first time I've ever noticed that his beige noxtide hidden color is the same as pistachio. thanks. Add to that his soft peach ghosts, and his overall pastel goth vibe, complete with flowering gladeboughs, and he's, well, beautiful. Yes, he's got less apparel, but he's beautiful. Is it your luck that you got a G1 like this, or is it a result of accomplishment?[/columns] [columns]Another Marva dragon, with a little explanation. We all love Marva's transparent clothes. I'm a bit of a twisted person, so I have a habit of avoiding the ones that seem popular, but I chose it nonetheless because, well, let's just say I like it so much, I really do. I really like the combination of apparel, especially the lab coat wrapped around the torso, which really bridges the gap between the body and the rest of the piece, which could otherwise be empty. My favorite part is the name of its familiar: a lightning spirit named 'core'. It leaves a lot to the imagination.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] + [url=][img][/img][/url] Mm, cute.
Your lair was a lot of fun, the lore bulbs and the poems and the long stories. fandragon's lineup was also full of familiar faces, and I really wanted to single out MysteryFleshPit. but it would take a really long time to say anything about that one. I don't know if it's still going on over here, since the person who translates it in my country stopped...
Uh, okay. let's move on.
As a member of Wind Flight, I'm very interested in wind dragons, especially those with such unique colors.
Isopher caught my eye with his odd coloring. Swamp, metal, and terracotta? It's an odd combination, and it even works. His coloring looks like a greenish glow from old, tarnished metal. Even the color of his eyes is perfect, even though I usually don't pay attention to eye color...
Personally, I'm very curious about his disgrace, but let's move on.
63269096_350.png When's Silk Song releasing? I hope it comes out next year, really...
Hornet is very complete as a fandragon, but she's also a very beautiful dragon in her own right. In this day and age of new genes coming out almost every month, a simply beautiful iri/shim dragon is priceless.
I think it was a great idea to match the mirror's ears to her horns, and to layer the Nightshroud to make it look like her cloak, torn and fluttering. I looked at Herrah and, honestly, giggled a bit - she's a good fandragon.
Is there some kind of rule that a poet character has to annoy someone? Everything about him annoys me. What's even more annoying is that I like him in spite of it.
Honestly, the only reason I even look at this guy is because he doesn't live up to his name at all. He's not RED at all! Oh, am I biased? sorry. Anyway, annoyed, I clicked on him and saw his bio, and there he was, the quintessential literary person, perfectly self-contained. It's like looking in a mirror.
Well, except for the last paragraph.
It also annoys me that he's wearing an outfit that pretty much covers up all that pretty skincent. All that's left is a flower! but it's seems nice, agh.
48320599_350.png The next reason I was intrigued by this fellow was that he was almost the only bright spot in this clan of stereotypical-dreary-shadowy-necromancers. I thought he was a misplaced spillover from light.
Fluky is a very lucky fellow indeed. I'm a sucker for pistachio colors, and this is the first time I've ever noticed that his beige noxtide hidden color is the same as pistachio. thanks.
Add to that his soft peach ghosts, and his overall pastel goth vibe, complete with flowering gladeboughs, and he's, well, beautiful. Yes, he's got less apparel, but he's beautiful. Is it your luck that you got a G1 like this, or is it a result of accomplishment?
Another Marva dragon, with a little explanation. We all love Marva's transparent clothes.
I'm a bit of a twisted person, so I have a habit of avoiding the ones that seem popular, but I chose it nonetheless because, well, let's just say I like it so much, I really do.
I really like the combination of apparel, especially the lab coat wrapped around the torso, which really bridges the gap between the body and the rest of the piece, which could otherwise be empty.
My favorite part is the name of its familiar: a lightning spirit named 'core'. It leaves a lot to the imagination.



Mm, cute.
2OTuj7X.png XShcv.gif Free Familiar Delivery Service
[Shop] Windswept Bazaar
A [hatchery] with no intention of selling
Clan's Lineage
@juquedo [url=][img][/img][/url] I think ive seen Zumurnmoggy in the weirdest name above you game before! I absolutely love the vibe she has going on. The bloody bandages and jewelerry is a very unusual combo, but it's very thought-provoking! I also really like how the plague eyes look on her, and the addition of the halo is really cool! I am absolutely OBSESSED with the accent. Oh boy. [url=][img][/img][/url] I love Daisangen! I'm generally a fan of black combined with gold and some other colours, and this case is no different! She's rocking the adjudicator apparel, and I really like the addition of the hat - covered eyes give off a sense of mystery, and perhaps someone you should not trust. Flaunt and flair are perfect genes for her! [url=][img][/img][/url] Black and weakness..uogh..... morpheus is another mysterious-looking dragon! He looks so regal with the golden beads and tassels, I love his skin a lot, it was a perfect choice! I really like how the red pendant stands out, too!! [url=][img][/img][/url] OHH THIS ANIMAL. I know he's still a hatchling now, but I love his genes and colours! I really like the new breed too, its just so cool... he's gonna look stunning with the skin, you have an amazing plan for him! Orange, beige and some dark colours are a banger combo i underestimated... [url=][img][/img][/url] and at last, yagyo, because I love red, black and male ridgebacks. especially the last one. The boneyard drape looks so good on him, and the outfit plan you have for this guy is really cool too!! I like this creature a lot. Tbh i expected him to be some dangerous, bloody villain or something, and tbh the fact that he's not actually like that (from what his bio says, at least), its cool. i like it!

I think ive seen Zumurnmoggy in the weirdest name above you game before! I absolutely love the vibe she has going on. The bloody bandages and jewelerry is a very unusual combo, but it's very thought-provoking! I also really like how the plague eyes look on her, and the addition of the halo is really cool! I am absolutely OBSESSED with the accent. Oh boy.

I love Daisangen! I'm generally a fan of black combined with gold and some other colours, and this case is no different! She's rocking the adjudicator apparel, and I really like the addition of the hat - covered eyes give off a sense of mystery, and perhaps someone you should not trust. Flaunt and flair are perfect genes for her!

Black and weakness..uogh..... morpheus is another mysterious-looking dragon! He looks so regal with the golden beads and tassels, I love his skin a lot, it was a perfect choice! I really like how the red pendant stands out, too!!

OHH THIS ANIMAL. I know he's still a hatchling now, but I love his genes and colours! I really like the new breed too, its just so cool... he's gonna look stunning with the skin, you have an amazing plan for him! Orange, beige and some dark colours are a banger combo i underestimated...

and at last, yagyo, because I love red, black and male ridgebacks. especially the last one. The boneyard drape looks so good on him, and the outfit plan you have for this guy is really cool too!! I like this creature a lot. Tbh i expected him to be some dangerous, bloody villain or something, and tbh the fact that he's not actually like that (from what his bio says, at least), its cool. i like it!
IMG_6995.png 4ogWlJU.png
@Rayymond I JUST WANNA PREFACE THIS BY SAYING YOUR OC DESIGNS ARE ALL SO COOL - the angels/demons are especially my favorites just because of how inhuman they all are<3 <3 <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] Look at this fancy man with his gas mask. I am absolutely loving the black/red/white color combo. I don't know anything about him, but I want to :o The obsidian tiger looks amazing with his lil outfit, and the gloves/spats are a good way to complement the gas mask. [url=][img][/img][/url] HELP WHO IS THIS MAN AND WHY DO I LIKE HIM. Im sorry hes the type of character im weak against in fiction - *cough* anyways i love his outfit and it fits so well with how he looks in the art. I love the unicorn hair, but I can never get it work with my dragons so this is <3 <3 <3 I wanna punch that face then never wash my hands again. LOOK AT THAT SMUG SMILE IM DYING and he absolutely cannot be trusted with alcohol but god itd be entertaining the familiar being the vigorous goblet is so good [url=][img][/img][/url] aasdafhjasgjashfagsa is that a body pillow Another of your ocs that i absolutely love because guys in heels? My aesthetic right there. Like all my design crushes have been guys in heels and i refuse to apologize for it. Also the fact that his hair turns from white to black to gold - noice. Hes so tall send help. [url=][img][/img][/url] Omg i love the design, all the fake eyes are so cool. I think the sunshield cloak would fit them really well; the eyes on that resembles the design of her back. Her dragon form is kind of unsettling to look at, honestly. But like in a good way beause of the eyes on the skull. I really like the effect it has. [url=][img][/img][/url] He has the best smile ever, very toothy xd Anyways, character design aside his dragon is very nice. Spires of flame with the spiky iron bits is such a good apparel piece, and pastel arcane eyes almost looks like its glowing for some reason. I also really like the golden harvest bit on the tail to give him a lil bit of gold. The matching familiar is good too :3 also have i mentioned his smile? ------------------------------- [url=][img][/img][/url] And an extra just because I could. Not just because hes my favorite char in genshin (though im not gonna lie and say that wasnt a huge reason), but also because the dragon is gorgeous! Weaver's Radiance is such a pretty skin im crying and gold/black is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to colors. The earth aura is so pretty TwT
I JUST WANNA PREFACE THIS BY SAYING YOUR OC DESIGNS ARE ALL SO COOL - the angels/demons are especially my favorites just because of how inhuman they all are<3 <3 <3

Look at this fancy man with his gas mask. I am absolutely loving the black/red/white color combo. I don't know anything about him, but I want to :o
The obsidian tiger looks amazing with his lil outfit, and the gloves/spats are a good way to complement the gas mask.

Im sorry hes the type of character im weak against in fiction -
*cough* anyways i love his outfit and it fits so well with how he looks in the art. I love the unicorn hair, but I can never get it work with my dragons so this is <3 <3 <3
I wanna punch that face then never wash my hands again. LOOK AT THAT SMUG SMILE IM DYING
and he absolutely cannot be trusted with alcohol but god itd be entertaining
the familiar being the vigorous goblet is so good

aasdafhjasgjashfagsa is that a body pillow
Another of your ocs that i absolutely love because guys in heels? My aesthetic right there. Like all my design crushes have been guys in heels and i refuse to apologize for it.
Also the fact that his hair turns from white to black to gold - noice.
Hes so tall send help.

Omg i love the design, all the fake eyes are so cool. I think the sunshield cloak would fit them really well; the eyes on that resembles the design of her back.
Her dragon form is kind of unsettling to look at, honestly. But like in a good way beause of the eyes on the skull. I really like the effect it has.

He has the best smile ever, very toothy xd
Anyways, character design aside his dragon is very nice. Spires of flame with the spiky iron bits is such a good apparel piece, and pastel arcane eyes almost looks like its glowing for some reason. I also really like the golden harvest bit on the tail to give him a lil bit of gold.
The matching familiar is good too :3
also have i mentioned his smile?

And an extra just because I could.
Not just because hes my favorite char in genshin (though im not gonna lie and say that wasnt a huge reason), but also because the dragon is gorgeous! Weaver's Radiance is such a pretty skin im crying and gold/black is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to colors. The earth aura is so pretty TwT
Imagine having a signature lol