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Megafauna's Clan

I love Komodo dragons!
Venerable Lair
overlooking the
Gladeveins icon

Clan Info

credit: Bealfin


Would give an arm and some toes for this accent. Feel free to pm me if willing to sell.


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Artists to remember:
Noun, Match, Tanija (for Host), DarkPanda, everlastingecho, Hexephre (sd adopt)

Scatter thread

List of potential names:
- Paru/Parur (abbreviation scientific name sand scorpion)
- Pandin (abbreviation sf emperor scorpion)
- Tityus Serrulatus (yellow scorpions)
- Amblypygi (tailless whip scorpion)
- Solpugid (wind scorpion)
- Kisma
- Pahoehoe (aphanitic rock = unbroken lava)
- Olivine (mineral green)
- Cascade
- Erebus (vulcano in Antarctica + greek god of darkness)
- Macedon
- Caldera (krater)
- Irazu (volcano + first Casto Rican satellite in space)
- Bisoke ( volcano in Congo/Rwanda)
- Condor
- Andean
- Sumaco (volcano Ecuador)
- Rhon
- Kos (Greek island + volcano)
- Ko (face stealer)
- Goliath
- Tongkoko (volcano Indonesia, Sulawesi)
- Strato (type of volcano + philosopher)
- Golet
- Ararat (dormant vulcano + tallest peak in Armenia)
- Arsia (volcano oon Mars)
- Pallas
- Manul
- Caracal
- Tartatin
- Nerf
- Orah
- Paradar (Indonesian island where Komodo dragons also live)
- Raksasa (giant in Indonesian/ monster in Malaysian)
- Okkernoot (walnut in dutch)
- Biawak (monitor in Indonesian)
- Carrion
- Naga (serpentine dragons common in all cultures influenced by Hinduism, often cloaked like a mongoose, has also become common word for dragon in Malaysian and Indonesian)
- Sawa (huge Philippine monster that attempted to swallow the moon and sun)
- Coscoroba (type of swan)
- Diprotodon (giant extinct wombat)
- Bandicoot (marsupials)
- Marakat
- Peganum Harmala (Syrische wijnruit)
- Dororo
- Barracuda
- Toothcup
- Pacoro
- Paco
- Rumo
- Pitopangi (vleesetende plant)
- Opadometa (fam. Long-jawed orb weaver)
- Cadasca
- Portobello
- Norn
- Gibbon
- Hellgrammite (larvae dobsonfly)
- Dustle
- Orion
- Holocanthus (Rock Beauty)
- Vapeur
- Dara
- Grenadier (fish)
- Spanish Shawl (= yellow/purple sea snail)
- Chimer
- Marabunta (army ant)
- Atropa (nichtsfade familie)
- Snallygaster (American folklore monster)
- Tapeworm
- Mandragora
- Carapace
- Mangrove
- Tortuga
- Hormiga
- Marimo (green moss ball)
- Spores
- Mosa (sauriër voorouder veranen)
- Mantodea (bidsprinkhaan)
- Caligula
- Sula (genus blue footed boobie)
- Mesodon (snail)
- Hottentotta (Indian red scorpion)
- Pipistrello
- Marmorata (catfish)
- Pompano
- Pesukaru (raccoon)
- Agorida
- Rotmaw
- Lammergeier (bearded vulture)
- Aramorel
- Oranda (oranda black goldfish)
- Molt
- Marocaster (extinct species of Seastar)
- Jampatu (frog in Kichwa)
- Kerubut (Rafflesia arnoldii)
- Amoebe
- Borboleta (butterfly in Portuguese)
- Dysdera (roodwitte celspin)
- Dolomedes (genus oeverspinnen)
- Ogopogo (Canadian Loch Ness)
- Hornwort
- Liverwort
- Shrew
- Pingelap (island where 10% of population is completely colourblind due tie founderseffect)
- Matamata (turtle that looks like a leaf)
- Arribada (mass synchronized sea turtle nesting)
- Ambon (damselfish)
- Marechi
- Sedona
- Schemerhaai
- Carcharias (family great white shark)
- Bateleur (koorddanser based on the bateleur eagle)
- Rako
- Chelazzi
- Nephron (primary organ of the kidney responsible for filtering and processing blood to form urine)
- Ischemia ( deprivation of tissues and organs of circulating blood)
- Megamouth (shark)
- Binturong
- Dogfish
- Gulper
- Amapola (Klaproos in Spaans)
- Zanana
- Rana
- Kikker
- Thistlewind
- Stekelbees
- Groeipijn
- Kantuta
- Arundel
- Tohotom
- Orit
- Zartea
- Honoka
- Barreleye (Hemelkijker in Nederlands --> biolumniscent deep sea fish)
- Vellichor (= the strange wistfulness of used bookstores.)
- Drumlin – a long, oval-shaped hill formed by glacial ice acting on underlying unconsolidated till or ground moraine
- Orogeny – the process of mountain formation, especially by a folding and faulting of the Earth's crust
- Saudade – a Portuguese term for a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone
- Bichwisan
- Ramanas
- Gulo (genus veelvraat = gulo gulo - enige nog levende)
- Pantano (moeras in Spaans)
- Melchizedek (king of Salem)
- Ammonite (opal-like mineral)
- Betelgeuse (armpit of the great one in Arabic 8 brightest star seen with the naked eye)
- Formalhaut (18th brightest star, mouth of the fish in Arabic)
- Alioth (the bull in Arabic, 33th brightest star)
- Alkaid (chief of the mourners in Arabic, 38th brightest star)
- Sargas (= scorpion in Sumeric, star in the sky)
- Hamal (=lamb in Arabic)
- Algol (=the demon's head in Arabic)
- Suhail (=Arabic boy's name, guiding star for travellers)
- Pagong (turtle in Filipino)
- Darkrage
- Koritrap (heaviest flying bird)
- Ostara
- Zanona
- Tiliches

My all time favorite lairs. Check them out if you like!
Lore inspo:
- the rural pre-modern society and the industrial revolution mixing and clashing --> conflict between consecrated/desecrated and the beasts of the island —-> make it all magical (like captain bluebear world)
- consecrated/desecrated as minor gods and the opposite of that
- work out idea around animals and their level of consciousness individually and for the clan as a whole
- find main theme

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Rohan's avatar
February 26, 2025 12:14:56
Thank you! Your lair is beautiful!
Kiln's avatar
February 08, 2025 09:17:16
/waves/ tysm for stopping by!!!! I love naming my dragons, I just do not have many dragons left to name,,, sigh. Im pleasently surprised you spotted Vrentu, my oldest son, amidst my 43943 earthy G1s. He's been in my heart forever, happy to finally have him spoiled,,, i absolutely adore how you and microfauna have expect opposite lair aesthetics teehee. *kisses Binturong, Pallas (holy **** WOAHAHAAHAH??!??!!), Marimo and Molt on the foreheads* Actually Marimo gave me so much nostaglia for my fish tanks my family had to take down a couple months back,,, I miss my moss balls,,,
WolfSmudge's avatar
January 29, 2025 13:14:31
Aw thank you! :”>
cantrip's avatar
January 29, 2025 12:49:54
your username is also really freaking rad C:
Santal's avatar
January 28, 2025 12:37:27
Your dragons are so uniquely beautiful.... the color combos are unmatched!! Pallas? Gorgeous. Pongon? Absolutely lovely. Anura? MWAH
shiro3tora's avatar
January 26, 2025 13:19:43
I love your unhinged Snapper avatar! Thank you very much for the Bane, I'm in love with them, I love their Flameforger gene and the red range ones are like lava lizards :p
mxlplyx's avatar
January 20, 2025 17:55:22
I'm sure you are aware that Amapola is stunning...but in case you haven't heard it lately, she is perfection!
DreamIre's avatar
January 08, 2025 13:33:45
The scries you did of Silica were amazing! The Sandsurge was definitely my favorite, you did amazing :)
clubgrub's avatar
January 01, 2025 14:19:38
thank you thank you for the kind words about mintspill!! what an honor-- your dragons are so pretty and well put-together! club grub wishes you the absolute best!!
Gullet's avatar
December 28, 2024 10:57:23
Thank you for the kind and wonderful compliments on my dragons pal <3 Just had to hop in and say that reading them really made my evening and gave me a reason to revisit your gorgeous lair as well!
kozzy's avatar
December 19, 2024 17:10:21
Thank you so much!! I am such a fan of the cream/lavender/cyan color combo, she is even a part of a breeding project I have for that exact pallet.

You have very many wonderful dragons yourself! I especially enjoy the lab rats!
Istoki's avatar
December 16, 2024 14:12:33
Bahaha thank you! I enjoy finding the secret sauce to make cute G1s that others don't care for.
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Date Joined
Nov 13, 2020

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CrocodileCrunch (#572894)

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Gullet (#535201)

But he never left Harlan alive
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Scuzz (#219346)
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Mitski (#513603)
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Philli (#105087)

how does a daddy long legs make a life?
Mirna's avatar
Mirna (#61638)

I will give you all the warmth in me
Apfelobst's avatar
Apfelobst (#174981)

KenzieP's avatar
KenzieP (#290657)

United we rise

Recent Activity

Feb 24
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Male
Feb 23
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Male, 1 Fae Male, 1 Guardian Female
Feb 23
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Female, 1 Tundra Male

Recent Achievements

Feb 08
Tracking the Trader's Trail
Feb 08
Feb 08
The Art of Not Doing Business at All
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