
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Misu's Traveling Menagerie
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[center][size=7][size=5][font=Times New Roman][color=Orange]Misu's Traveling Menagerie[/color][/font][/size][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][font=Times New Roman]These images, along with the lore attributed to them, are only obtainable by participating in a special [url=]Children of the Gardens[/url] event. Please refrain from using any of these for personal use unless you have ownership of them. This forum is used for assigning new creatures to players and letting players trade their current ones, talk about the creatures, or inquire about the animals. All official existing menagerie images can be found throughout this forum in posts by GlowStorm. Additional edits or pictures by other players may be located here as well.[/center]
Misu's Traveling Menagerie


These images, along with the lore attributed to them, are only obtainable by participating in a special Children of the Gardens event. Please refrain from using any of these for personal use unless you have ownership of them.

This forum is used for assigning new creatures to players and letting players trade their current ones, talk about the creatures, or inquire about the animals. All official existing menagerie images can be found throughout this forum in posts by GlowStorm. Additional edits or pictures by other players may be located here as well.
[center][size=7][size=4][font=Times New Roman][color=Orange]FAQ:[/color][/font][/size][/size][/center] [b][color=Navy]I don't own a Child of the Gardens. Is there still a way I could get one of these?[/b] [i][color=Brown]No, only owners who participate in the lineage can get these creatures. You would need permission from an owner to use any of the current critters, but new ones can only be gotten during a visit from Misu.[/i] [b][color=Navy]Can other people use my animal?[/b] [i][color=Brown]No, unless you grant permission for others to use it. Let @GlowStorm know if you want your creature to be free for any of the owners rather than just yourself, and both the image and its lore will be added to [url=]this post[/url].[/i] [b][color=Navy]Can I trade my creature for a different one?[/b] [i][color=Brown]Yes, players can exchange critters if they both agree to do so.[/i] [b][color=Navy]Can I sell or gift my creature to another player?[/b] [i][color=Brown]Yes, if you want to.[/i] [b][color=Navy]How much are these worth?[/b] [i][color=Brown]Every creature has a base cost of 200 gems, but the price can vary depending on the creature and the owners debating it. As specified before, however, new creatures can not be purchased; rather, they are earned.[/i] [b][color=Navy]Can I edit my creature?[/b] [i][color=Brown]Yes. The creature is yours now, so you are allowed to do anything with it. No need to credit either![/i] [b][color=Navy]Am I allowed to use this creature in my own stories or lore?[/b] [i][color=Brown]Yes. You own it completely now, and there is no need to credit.[/i] [b][color=Navy]When will the next mini event occur?[/b] [i][color=Brown]There is no specified date. Misu appears at random moments without warning, so there's no telling when or if she'll pop up again![/i] [quote][center][size=5]Have a question that wasn't addressed in this post? Feel free to ask here![/center][/quote]

I don't own a Child of the Gardens. Is there still a way I could get one of these?
No, only owners who participate in the lineage can get these creatures. You would need permission from an owner to use any of the current critters, but new ones can only be gotten during a visit from Misu.

Can other people use my animal?
No, unless you grant permission for others to use it. Let @GlowStorm know if you want your creature to be free for any of the owners rather than just yourself, and both the image and its lore will be added to this post.

Can I trade my creature for a different one?
Yes, players can exchange critters if they both agree to do so.

Can I sell or gift my creature to another player?
Yes, if you want to.

How much are these worth?
Every creature has a base cost of 200 gems, but the price can vary depending on the creature and the owners debating it. As specified before, however, new creatures can not be purchased; rather, they are earned.

Can I edit my creature?
Yes. The creature is yours now, so you are allowed to do anything with it. No need to credit either!

Am I allowed to use this creature in my own stories or lore?
Yes. You own it completely now, and there is no need to credit.

When will the next mini event occur?
There is no specified date. Misu appears at random moments without warning, so there's no telling when or if she'll pop up again!

Have a question that wasn't addressed in this post?
Feel free to ask here!
[center][size=7][size=4][font=Times New Roman][color=Orange]Free for [b]Any[/b] Owners' Use![/color][/font][/size][/size] [color=Red]Note: These creatures are free for solely the owners who take part in the Children of the Gardens lineage quest. If you don't own a child, then you do not have permission to use these.[/color][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Deepcave Hoarder[/b] [i]Big claws are excellent for collecting big hoards of jewels. These mole-like goliaths tunnel far beneath the planet's crust, creating stretching caverns filled with sparkling curiosities. Discovering such a lair could be considered either extreme fortune or a terrible turn of events--it all depends on whether its creator is nearby.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Lunar Tadpole[/b] [i]Only hatching on nights with a full moon unobstructed by clouds, these tadpoles are a magical sight. Alas, their shimmering silver skin reflecting the moonlight makes them exceptionally easy prey. By clustering together and coordinating their movements, they can survive by making confusing and mesmerising patterns.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Ringed Honeybear[/b] [i]This laid-back bear might seem like an easy, gentle companion, and for the most part they are. But they have a keen nose and large appetite, so ensure your food stores are adequately secured. If it has managed to find any honey, stay back! They are particularly defensive over this sweet treat and if you try and get between them, you'll see the dangerous side of the Honeybear...[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Pumpkin Swallow[/b] [i]A clear sign of autumn's arrival, enormous flocks of these birds migrate to Sornieth during the mild-weather season, then vanish back into the horizon when winter sets in. No one knows exactly where they come from, but some have chosen to believe the rumor that there is another mysterious island somewhere out in the vast ocean. Conspiracy theorists like to joke that the Tidelord lives there and catches these avians for food.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Golden Powerdile[/b] [i]Rather than bask in sunlight, these reptiles get their energy from electrical currents. Large groups of them have been known to cause power outages in neighbouring settlements. Do not approach without protective rubber equipment - when a Powerdile bites its tail, it makes a complete circuit, making it very dangerous to touch.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Starcatcher[/b] [i]We have heard of dreamcatchers, but the fabled starcatcher is known to drive dragons crazy in search for the mythical beast. These beings are said to rest deep beneath the ocean, where they somehow obtain fallen stars. The star it holds has the power to grant one's deepest desires, but only if one can answer correctly a specific riddle.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Fiddlefox[/b] [i]Named for both its clever behavior and its strange calls, this creature is a natural at misdirection. It will group with another of its species, then begin to create an odd sound resembling a fiddle or sometimes even a guitar. While a foolish dragon leaves his campsite unguarded in order to see the sound's cause, the partner will then infiltrate any food supplies within it. Of course, when gullible dragons are not to be found, they will hunt for their own meal.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Whipleaf[/b] [i]In the autumn, one can find large piles of these creatures snuggling together, as they love grouping when days become colder. It is not recommended to jump into such a mound, though hatchlings have a tendency to dare others to do so.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Aquatic Lizard[/b] [i]These sea-dwelling reptiles are known for their kaleidoscopic display, which is used to blend into their colorful environment. The patterns that continually wash across their scales can be quite mesmerizing, and many wealthy dragons enjoy collecting these exotic animals. In the wild, they love to drill little nooks into crystal rocks that are scattered along the seafloor. While it is possible for one to camouflage with bland colors, most prefer to have a flamboyant display.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Tropical Muuli[/b] [i]One might expect such a brightly coloured creature to be proud and flaunting, especially with the peacock-like splay of its tail. Yet these bright colours are the perfect camouflage in the clear, tropical waters they like to wade in, feeding on aquatic plants.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Turbo Predator[/b] [i]The Turbo Predator might not look like much to a dragon, but they were created by construction miths in the Golem Workshop to keep their unarmoured brethren safe. Its large, high powered engines make it fast and sturdy, enabling it to fly quickly into enemy territory and be able to withstand hits from much larger creatures. This machine can produce dragon calls to scare off other beastclans, and disperse various paralysing and poisoning agents as a method of attack. The brave creators of the Turbo Predator seek to get a recording of Luminax, the Emperor Dragon, to make it the ultimate deterrent.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Mildewed Boar-Snout Bat[/b] [i]A creature that loathes any type of light and prefers a solitary life within damp and dark caverns. Because of its living conditions, this species of bat often grow a thin covering of mildew across their skin and smell like a rainy day. It cannot resist the taste of fresh fruit.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Reef Shrimp Phony[/b] [i]This peculiar seahorse, to many dragons' surprise, lives openly out in the ocean, flaunting its vividly-colored fins and seeming perfectly unaware that such a beacon might draw predators' attention. However, this creature is very similar in coloration to the dreaded reef shrimp, a species so toxic that even massive creatures are too afraid to dare eating them. Because of this, the aquatic animal is perfectly safe most of the time, unless one looks close enough to uncover its deception.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center]
Free for Any Owners' Use!
Note: These creatures are free for solely the owners who take part in the Children of the Gardens lineage quest. If you don't own a child, then you do not have permission to use these.

Deepcave Hoarder

Big claws are excellent for collecting big hoards of jewels. These mole-like goliaths tunnel far beneath the planet's crust, creating stretching caverns filled with sparkling curiosities. Discovering such a lair could be considered either extreme fortune or a terrible turn of events--it all depends on whether its creator is nearby.

Lunar Tadpole

Only hatching on nights with a full moon unobstructed by clouds, these tadpoles are a magical sight. Alas, their shimmering silver skin reflecting the moonlight makes them exceptionally easy prey. By clustering together and coordinating their movements, they can survive by making confusing and mesmerising patterns.

Ringed Honeybear

This laid-back bear might seem like an easy, gentle companion, and for the most part they are. But they have a keen nose and large appetite, so ensure your food stores are adequately secured. If it has managed to find any honey, stay back! They are particularly defensive over this sweet treat and if you try and get between them, you'll see the dangerous side of the Honeybear...

Pumpkin Swallow

A clear sign of autumn's arrival, enormous flocks of these birds migrate to Sornieth during the mild-weather season, then vanish back into the horizon when winter sets in. No one knows exactly where they come from, but some have chosen to believe the rumor that there is another mysterious island somewhere out in the vast ocean. Conspiracy theorists like to joke that the Tidelord lives there and catches these avians for food.

Golden Powerdile

Rather than bask in sunlight, these reptiles get their energy from electrical currents. Large groups of them have been known to cause power outages in neighbouring settlements. Do not approach without protective rubber equipment - when a Powerdile bites its tail, it makes a complete circuit, making it very dangerous to touch.


We have heard of dreamcatchers, but the fabled starcatcher is known to drive dragons crazy in search for the mythical beast. These beings are said to rest deep beneath the ocean, where they somehow obtain fallen stars. The star it holds has the power to grant one's deepest desires, but only if one can answer correctly a specific riddle.


Named for both its clever behavior and its strange calls, this creature is a natural at misdirection. It will group with another of its species, then begin to create an odd sound resembling a fiddle or sometimes even a guitar. While a foolish dragon leaves his campsite unguarded in order to see the sound's cause, the partner will then infiltrate any food supplies within it. Of course, when gullible dragons are not to be found, they will hunt for their own meal.


In the autumn, one can find large piles of these creatures snuggling together, as they love grouping when days become colder. It is not recommended to jump into such a mound, though hatchlings have a tendency to dare others to do so.

Aquatic Lizard

These sea-dwelling reptiles are known for their kaleidoscopic display, which is used to blend into their colorful environment. The patterns that continually wash across their scales can be quite mesmerizing, and many wealthy dragons enjoy collecting these exotic animals. In the wild, they love to drill little nooks into crystal rocks that are scattered along the seafloor. While it is possible for one to camouflage with bland colors, most prefer to have a flamboyant display.

Tropical Muuli

One might expect such a brightly coloured creature to be proud and flaunting, especially with the peacock-like splay of its tail. Yet these bright colours are the perfect camouflage in the clear, tropical waters they like to wade in, feeding on aquatic plants.

Turbo Predator

The Turbo Predator might not look like much to a dragon, but they were created by construction miths in the Golem Workshop to keep their unarmoured brethren safe. Its large, high powered engines make it fast and sturdy, enabling it to fly quickly into enemy territory and be able to withstand hits from much larger creatures.

This machine can produce dragon calls to scare off other beastclans, and disperse various paralysing and poisoning agents as a method of attack. The brave creators of the Turbo Predator seek to get a recording of Luminax, the Emperor Dragon, to make it the ultimate deterrent.

Mildewed Boar-Snout Bat

A creature that loathes any type of light and prefers a solitary life within damp and dark caverns. Because of its living conditions, this species of bat often grow a thin covering of mildew across their skin and smell like a rainy day. It cannot resist the taste of fresh fruit.

Reef Shrimp Phony

This peculiar seahorse, to many dragons' surprise, lives openly out in the ocean, flaunting its vividly-colored fins and seeming perfectly unaware that such a beacon might draw predators' attention. However, this creature is very similar in coloration to the dreaded reef shrimp, a species so toxic that even massive creatures are too afraid to dare eating them. Because of this, the aquatic animal is perfectly safe most of the time, unless one looks close enough to uncover its deception.
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote name=Misu]"Hello all! Care to browse some fancy high-quality animal whistles? There's only one minor problem--I've forgotten to label them!"[/quote][/columns] [center][b]Rewarded creatures will now be distributed. After you obtain your creature, you will have complete ownership of it.[/b][/center]
Misu wrote:
"Hello all! Care to browse some fancy high-quality animal whistles? There's only one minor problem--I've forgotten to label them!"
Rewarded creatures will now be distributed. After you obtain your creature, you will have complete ownership of it.
@SilentWanderer [center]After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon [i][url=]Almond[/url][/i] gives it a quick blow, summoning new [b]Critters[/b]! If you would like for either of these creatures to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the [url=]FAQ[/url] before posting your question.[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Starcatcher[/b] [i]We have heard of dreamcatchers, but the fabled starcatcher is known to drive dragons crazy in search for the mythical beast. These beings are said to rest deep beneath the ocean, where they somehow obtain fallen stars. The star it holds has the power to grant one's deepest desires, but only if one can answer correctly a specific riddle.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Fiddlefox[/b] [i]Named for both its clever behavior and its strange calls, this creature is a natural at misdirection. It will group with another of its species, then begin to create an odd sound resembling a fiddle or sometimes even a guitar. While a foolish dragon leaves his campsite unguarded in order to see the sound's cause, the partner will then infiltrate any food supplies within it. Of course, when gullible dragons are not to be found, they will hunt for their own meal.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][b][size=1][color=Red]These images are official creatures from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.[/b][/center]
After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Almond gives it a quick blow, summoning new Critters! If you would like for either of these creatures to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.

We have heard of dreamcatchers, but the fabled starcatcher is known to drive dragons crazy in search for the mythical beast. These beings are said to rest deep beneath the ocean, where they somehow obtain fallen stars. The star it holds has the power to grant one's deepest desires, but only if one can answer correctly a specific riddle.

Named for both its clever behavior and its strange calls, this creature is a natural at misdirection. It will group with another of its species, then begin to create an odd sound resembling a fiddle or sometimes even a guitar. While a foolish dragon leaves his campsite unguarded in order to see the sound's cause, the partner will then infiltrate any food supplies within it. Of course, when gullible dragons are not to be found, they will hunt for their own meal.
These images are official creatures from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.
@CherryFanta [center]After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon [i][url=]Birch[/url][/i] gives it a quick blow, summoning a new [b]Scissortail[/b]! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the [url=]FAQ[/url] before posting your question.[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Scissortail[/b] [i]A very elegant lynx, this feline will spend hours at a time grooming and styling its fur. If incredibly bored, it will catch mice. However, rather than eat them, it keeps the rodents as pets and snips their fur, fashioning each mouse to make them look glamorous; its mouse collection can often grow rather large, but each individual being is well taken care of. For food, it prefers to eat fish, and it has no problem with baths.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][b][size=1][color=Red]This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.[/b][/center]
After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Birch gives it a quick blow, summoning a new Scissortail! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.

A very elegant lynx, this feline will spend hours at a time grooming and styling its fur. If incredibly bored, it will catch mice. However, rather than eat them, it keeps the rodents as pets and snips their fur, fashioning each mouse to make them look glamorous; its mouse collection can often grow rather large, but each individual being is well taken care of. For food, it prefers to eat fish, and it has no problem with baths.
This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.
@AnimeLover9631 [center]After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon [i][url=]Amiri[/url][/i] gives it a quick blow, summoning a new [b]Lunar Tadpole[/b]! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the [url=]FAQ[/url] before posting your question.[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Lunar Tadpole[/b] [i]Only hatching on nights with a full moon unobstructed by clouds, these tadpoles are a magical sight. Alas, their shimmering silver skin reflecting the moonlight makes them exceptionally easy prey. By clustering together and coordinating their movements, they can survive by making confusing and mesmerising patterns.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][b][size=1][color=Red]This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote name=Misu]"We hope that you enjoy your new companion! I'd like to give a special shout-out to my friend, SilentWanderer, who wrote this one's lore!"[/quote][/columns]
After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Amiri gives it a quick blow, summoning a new Lunar Tadpole! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.
Lunar Tadpole

Only hatching on nights with a full moon unobstructed by clouds, these tadpoles are a magical sight. Alas, their shimmering silver skin reflecting the moonlight makes them exceptionally easy prey. By clustering together and coordinating their movements, they can survive by making confusing and mesmerising patterns.
This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.
Misu wrote:
"We hope that you enjoy your new companion! I'd like to give a special shout-out to my friend, SilentWanderer, who wrote this one's lore!"
@AllisterCrumbs [center]After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon [i][url=]Mono[/url][/i] gives it a quick blow, summoning new [b]Critters[/b]! If you would like for either of these creatures to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the [url=]FAQ[/url] before posting your question.[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Pearlbelly[/b] [i]Few avians can truly claim to have unlocked their third eyes. Although this nocturnal bird does indeed have three eyes, it is no more spiritually awakened than any other, and its eyesight in general is actually rather poor.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Wetland Marcher[/b] [i]Lonely and uncertain beasts, these hulking figures are often seen marching gloomily through their native swampland. They are rather slow and usually have what appears to be a worried face, and they stride along stretching trails in order to survey their home. It is not recommended to approach one, for even if they are normally docile, touching one accidentally could make a dragon incredibly sick.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][b][size=1][color=Red]These images are official creatures from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.[/b][/center]
After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Mono gives it a quick blow, summoning new Critters! If you would like for either of these creatures to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.

Few avians can truly claim to have unlocked their third eyes. Although this nocturnal bird does indeed have three eyes, it is no more spiritually awakened than any other, and its eyesight in general is actually rather poor.
Wetland Marcher

Lonely and uncertain beasts, these hulking figures are often seen marching gloomily through their native swampland. They are rather slow and usually have what appears to be a worried face, and they stride along stretching trails in order to survey their home. It is not recommended to approach one, for even if they are normally docile, touching one accidentally could make a dragon incredibly sick.
These images are official creatures from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.
@wolfdragon3036 [center]After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon [i][url=]Tarma[/url][/i] gives it a quick blow, summoning a new [b]Arthropodic Pony[/b]! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the [url=]FAQ[/url] before posting your question.[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Arthropodic Pony[/b] [i]These slender creatures are expert tunnelers, using the limbs along their bodies to push the excavated dirt out from under them. Their long, sensitive whiskers lie against the tunnel walls to sense the vibrations of their prey. Their vision is very poor, so they rely on their excellent senses of touch and smell.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][b][size=1][color=Red]This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote name=Misu]"We hope that you enjoy your new companion! I'd like to give a special shout-out to my friend, SilentWanderer, who wrote this one's lore!"[/quote][/columns]
After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Tarma gives it a quick blow, summoning a new Arthropodic Pony! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.
Arthropodic Pony

These slender creatures are expert tunnelers, using the limbs along their bodies to push the excavated dirt out from under them. Their long, sensitive whiskers lie against the tunnel walls to sense the vibrations of their prey. Their vision is very poor, so they rely on their excellent senses of touch and smell.
This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.
Misu wrote:
"We hope that you enjoy your new companion! I'd like to give a special shout-out to my friend, SilentWanderer, who wrote this one's lore!"
@emeryking [center]After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon [i][url=]Forrest[/url][/i] gives it a quick blow, summoning a new [b]Steelspine[/b]! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the [url=]FAQ[/url] before posting your question.[/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][b]Steelspine[/b] [i]Despite the Steelspine's aggressive appearance, they are generally quite placid unless threatened. Unfortunately their vision is terrible, so they aren't very good at determining what is a threat and what isn't. If spooked, these beasts are fast moving and powerful, and are likely to stab something by accident.[/i][/center][/columns] [center][code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center][b][size=1][color=Red]This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][quote name=Misu]"We hope that you enjoy your new companion! I'd like to give a special shout-out to my friend, SilentWanderer, who wrote this one's lore!"[/quote][/columns]
After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Forrest gives it a quick blow, summoning a new Steelspine! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.

Despite the Steelspine's aggressive appearance, they are generally quite placid unless threatened. Unfortunately their vision is terrible, so they aren't very good at determining what is a threat and what isn't. If spooked, these beasts are fast moving and powerful, and are likely to stab something by accident.
This image is an official creature from Misu's Menagerie, approved by GlowStorm.
Misu wrote:
"We hope that you enjoy your new companion! I'd like to give a special shout-out to my friend, SilentWanderer, who wrote this one's lore!"
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