
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [H] The Metropolitan [3/3 new and sale!]
[center][b]intro[/b] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [size=4][i][b]What is SOLARPUNK?[/b][/i][/size] [indent][right][i][color=darkblue]"Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question[b] “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?”[/b] The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and wild, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid."[/color] -[url=]The Medium[/url][/i][/right][/indent] [color=brown]In October of 2020, the Metropolitan launched with the intent to bridge the gap between “technology and nature, civilization and the wild.” [b]This is still our mission.[/b] Just like any other animal, we’ve had to evolve and adapt. For three years, the city of Saibhreas has been consumed with civil war. We who live in the canyon between [b]the Highland Scrub and the Hewn City[/b] have fought valiantly to restore peace to our home. Those of us that survived the war are eager to hear news from across Sornieth -- we missed so much while our borders were closed! As we rebuild the city, [b]new species of dragons have begun to settle here[/b]. The bustle of commerce is slowly returning, and with the influx of treasure and travelers, the Metropolitan Hatchery is once again ready to send beautiful, terrifying, adorable, eerie, and in some cases, cursed* hatchlings out into the world. Pardon the dust -- we live pretty close to the Sunbeam Ruins, after all. Our hatchlings span from [url=][b]a variety of different pairs[/b][/url]: subspecies, lore, classic colors, new genes, we aim to have it all, and we especially aim to have more hatchlings available with [b][url=]written lore in their bios.[/url][/b] That said, traveler, if you are weary, stay a while in our beautiful city. Saibhreas is home to many adventures, for those brave enough to find them.[/color] [size=2][i]*The City of Saibhreas and the Metropolitan are not liable for any damage caused by one of our hatchlings. Why did you buy a cursed hatchling if you weren’t interested in being cursed? Yeesh.[/i][/size] [rule] Join the general pinglist if you’d like to be notified for ALL hatchery updates, including Lore dragons and dragons being moved to Exalt Row. [b]Pinglist members get 15% off AH price[/b]. [center][pinglist=43816][/center] Join the Lore pinglist to only be notified when dragons with Lore are posted for sale, and join the exalt row pinglist to be notified for new discount dragons. [b]Get 15% off Lore dragons by joining a pinglist, and get exalt row dragons for FREE!*[/b] [center][pinglist=46099][pinglist=46098][/center] [size=1]*Please let me know if you qualify for a pinglist discount :)[/size] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [rule] [center][size=6][b]Updates[/b][/size][/center] [b]02/20/2025:[/b] Pinglists and thread have been restructured! New hatchlings available. [b]01/29/2025:[/b] New from [i]Emerald Emissaries, Asteroid Bounty[/i], + a gao test pair [b]01/17/2025:[/b] Dragons on discount! Updates to the Metropolitan’s policies [b]01/06/2025:[/b] Happy New Year! New hatchlings from 5 pairs [b]12/18/2024:[/b] Returning from 3 years of hiatus! [center][size=5][url=]>>Archive<<[/url][/center]

"Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?” The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and wild, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid."

-The Medium

In October of 2020, the Metropolitan launched with the intent to bridge the gap between “technology and nature, civilization and the wild.” This is still our mission.

Just like any other animal, we’ve had to evolve and adapt. For three years, the city of Saibhreas has been consumed with civil war. We who live in the canyon between the Highland Scrub and the Hewn City have fought valiantly to restore peace to our home. Those of us that survived the war are eager to hear news from across Sornieth -- we missed so much while our borders were closed!

As we rebuild the city, new species of dragons have begun to settle here. The bustle of commerce is slowly returning, and with the influx of treasure and travelers, the Metropolitan Hatchery is once again ready to send beautiful, terrifying, adorable, eerie, and in some cases, cursed* hatchlings out into the world.

Pardon the dust -- we live pretty close to the Sunbeam Ruins, after all. Our hatchlings span from a variety of different pairs: subspecies, lore, classic colors, new genes, we aim to have it all, and we especially aim to have more hatchlings available with written lore in their bios.

That said, traveler, if you are weary, stay a while in our beautiful city. Saibhreas is home to many adventures, for those brave enough to find them.

*The City of Saibhreas and the Metropolitan are not liable for any damage caused by one of our hatchlings. Why did you buy a cursed hatchling if you weren’t interested in being cursed? Yeesh.

Join the general pinglist if you’d like to be notified for ALL hatchery updates, including Lore dragons and dragons being moved to Exalt Row. Pinglist members get 15% off AH price.

Join the Lore pinglist to only be notified when dragons with Lore are posted for sale, and join the exalt row pinglist to be notified for new discount dragons. Get 15% off Lore dragons by joining a pinglist, and get exalt row dragons for FREE!*

*Please let me know if you qualify for a pinglist discount :)



02/20/2025: Pinglists and thread have been restructured! New hatchlings available.
01/29/2025: New from Emerald Emissaries, Asteroid Bounty, + a gao test pair
01/17/2025: Dragons on discount! Updates to the Metropolitan’s policies
01/06/2025: Happy New Year! New hatchlings from 5 pairs
12/18/2024: Returning from 3 years of hiatus!

[center][url=]intro[/url] | [b]rules[/b] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [list] [*] All sales are [b]final.[/b] [*] [b]First come, first serve.[/b] [*] [b]Once you buy a dragon you are free to do with it as you wish[/b]. I encourage you to name before exalting, but it is not required. [rule] [*] [emoji=butterfly size=1][b] NEW LORE POLICY 1-17-2025:[/b] I really love writing lore for hatchlings, but I have trouble keeping up with the sheer number of them I hatch (haha). [b]You are not obligated to keep the lore[/b] or leave it unchanged. I just wrote it for fun, but it's [i]your[/i] dragon. [rule] [*] In the same vein, [b]please do not feel obligated to leave my Hatchery banner in any bio[/b]. It's nice having the promotion and knowing you could update me on their lives years later (so please feel free to do that!) but I don't care if you leave it, really. [*] [UPDATED 1-17-2025] Gem to treasure ratio is[b] 1:1000 [/b]and will change with the exchange rate. [*] [b]Exalt Row inmates are listed on the AH[/b] -- if you are a pinglist member, simply post on this thread or send me a PM to claim for free. Warning: I’m as active as I can be, but I can’t guarantee they won’t sell in the meantime. [*] [UPDATED 2-20-2025][b] Pinglist members get 15% off the AH price. Accounts less than 1 year old can qualify for a little care package + a 30% discount. Old affiliates of this hatchery are also eligible for a 30% discount. [/b][i]Note: Exalt row inmates are free to pinglist members, but this is not intended to be a free fodder factory. Dragons are free at the Metropolitan’s discretion and we reserve the right to set a price for ER dragons if this becomes an issue.[/i] [*]If I like the outfit you put on a dragon you bought from me, I may [b]feature it in our [url=]gallery[/url]![/b] If you are uncomfortable with this, let me know and I will remove your dragon. No hard feelings! [*] [b]I am subscribed[/b], but you may ping or post with any questions! I work full time, so please be understanding. My time zone is FR+3 [*] [b]I no longer have an affiliate program[/b], because I don't trust myself to keep up with it. I have maintained my affiliate banner post, and I am happy to add other hatcheries to it -- [b]I want to share the promotional space[/b]. [*] I will happily give you a discount on hatchlings. [b]What I will not commit to is bumping other threads[/b] -- and thus no one needs to bump this thread anymore (DUH, it's been 3 years).[/list] [rule] Lastly, [i]*inhales deeply* [/i] [center][size=7]THANK YOU [/size][/center] to anyone who ever supported this hatchery, from affiliates to customers to lore writers to anyone who lent me a nest. I, like a dragon, hoard all the positive interactions I've had on FR and treasure those memories far more than any kt or g I've gotten through sales. The Metropolitan exists because of wonderful people like you. ----- [size=4] [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Newbie Discount for accounts <1 year old [emoji=maple leaf size=1] Hatchery Wall of Fame (tbc) [emoji=maple leaf size=1][b] All pinglist members 15% off and FREE exalt row[/b]


  • All sales are final.
  • First come, first serve.
  • Once you buy a dragon you are free to do with it as you wish. I encourage you to name before exalting, but it is not required.

  • NEW LORE POLICY 1-17-2025: I really love writing lore for hatchlings, but I have trouble keeping up with the sheer number of them I hatch (haha).

    You are not obligated to keep the lore or leave it unchanged. I just wrote it for fun, but it's your dragon.

  • In the same vein, please do not feel obligated to leave my Hatchery banner in any bio. It's nice having the promotion and knowing you could update me on their lives years later (so please feel free to do that!) but I don't care if you leave it, really.
  • [UPDATED 1-17-2025] Gem to treasure ratio is 1:1000 and will change with the exchange rate.
  • Exalt Row inmates are listed on the AH -- if you are a pinglist member, simply post on this thread or send me a PM to claim for free. Warning: I’m as active as I can be, but I can’t guarantee they won’t sell in the meantime.
  • [UPDATED 2-20-2025] Pinglist members get 15% off the AH price. Accounts less than 1 year old can qualify for a little care package + a 30% discount. Old affiliates of this hatchery are also eligible for a 30% discount. Note: Exalt row inmates are free to pinglist members, but this is not intended to be a free fodder factory. Dragons are free at the Metropolitan’s discretion and we reserve the right to set a price for ER dragons if this becomes an issue.
  • If I like the outfit you put on a dragon you bought from me, I may feature it in our gallery! If you are uncomfortable with this, let me know and I will remove your dragon. No hard feelings!
  • I am subscribed, but you may ping or post with any questions! I work full time, so please be understanding. My time zone is FR+3
  • I no longer have an affiliate program, because I don't trust myself to keep up with it. I have maintained my affiliate banner post, and I am happy to add other hatcheries to it -- I want to share the promotional space.
  • I will happily give you a discount on hatchlings. What I will not commit to is bumping other threads -- and thus no one needs to bump this thread anymore (DUH, it's been 3 years).

Lastly, *inhales deeply*

to anyone who ever supported this hatchery, from affiliates to customers to lore writers to anyone who lent me a nest. I, like a dragon, hoard all the positive interactions I've had on FR and treasure those memories far more than any kt or g I've gotten through sales.

The Metropolitan exists because of wonderful people like you.

Newbie Discount for accounts <1 year old
Hatchery Wall of Fame (tbc)
All pinglist members 15% off and FREE exalt row

[center][url=]intro[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [b]general sales[/b] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [rule] [size=5]NEW:[/size] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Veilspun[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Unusual[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101447887[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 02, 2025[br]Atlas Moths[br][i]lored pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 30kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Veilspun[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101447888[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 02, 2025[br]Atlas Moths[br][i]lored pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 30kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Veilspun[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Unusual[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101447889[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 02, 2025[br]Atlas Moths[br][i]lored pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 30kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Imperial[/b][br][br][emoji=Nature rune size=1] [i]Unusual[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101419422[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 01, 2025[br]Alien Malachite[br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Imperial[/b][br][br][emoji=Nature rune size=1] [i]Rare[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101419423[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 01, 2025[br]Alien Malachite[br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Skydancer[/b][br][br][emoji=Nature rune size=1] [i]Pastel[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101419420[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 01, 2025[br]Awakened Roots[br][b]lored pair[/b][br][b]Price[/b]: 35kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Obelisk[/b][br][br][emoji=Nature rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101419421[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Mar 01, 2025[br]Awakened Roots[br][b]lored pair[/b][br][b]Price[/b]: 35kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Spiral[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101397100[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 28, 2025[br]Occult Mages[br][b]Price[/b]: 30kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Fathom[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Uncommon[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101397101[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 28, 2025[br]Occult Mages[br][b]Price[/b]: 30kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Spiral[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101397102[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 28, 2025[br]Occult Mages[br][b]Price[/b]: 30kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Auraboa[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101397093[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 28, 2025[br][i]upcoming pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Auraboa[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101397094[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 28, 2025[br][i]upcoming pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Auraboa[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Dark[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101397095[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 28, 2025[br][i]upcoming pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Skydancer[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101314322[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 24, 2025[br]Spectral Echoes[br][i]Lore Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Skydancer[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Uncommon[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101314323[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 24, 2025[br]Spectral Echoes[br][i]Lore Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 25kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Fae[/b][br][br][emoji=Arcane rune size=1] [i]Uncommon[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101363715[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 26, 2025[br]TBWFTB[br][i]Lore Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 15kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Fae[/b][br][br][emoji=Arcane rune size=1] [i]Uncommon[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101363716[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 26, 2025[br]TBWFTB[br][i]Lore Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 15kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Fae[/b][br][br][emoji=Arcane rune size=1] [i]Uncommon[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101363717[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 26, 2025[br]TBWFTB[br][i]Lore Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 15kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Skydancer[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Gaze[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101296361[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 23, 2025[br]Swashbuckling Sages[br][i]Lored Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 31kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Skydancer[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101296363[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 23, 2025[br]Swashbuckling Sages[br][i]Lored Pair[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 31kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns]
intro | rules | general sales | lore dragons | exalt row | gallery | graphics

Male Veilspun

ID: 101447887
Hatchday: Mar 02, 2025
Atlas Moths
lored pair
Price: 30kt/g
Male Veilspun

ID: 101447888
Hatchday: Mar 02, 2025
Atlas Moths
lored pair
Price: 30kt/g
Male Veilspun

ID: 101447889
Hatchday: Mar 02, 2025
Atlas Moths
lored pair
Price: 30kt/g
Female Imperial

ID: 101419422
Hatchday: Mar 01, 2025
Alien Malachite
Price: 25kt/g
Female Imperial

ID: 101419423
Hatchday: Mar 01, 2025
Alien Malachite
Price: 25kt/g
Male Skydancer

ID: 101419420
Hatchday: Mar 01, 2025
Awakened Roots
lored pair
Price: 35kt/g
Male Obelisk

ID: 101419421
Hatchday: Mar 01, 2025
Awakened Roots
lored pair
Price: 35kt/g
Male Spiral

ID: 101397100
Hatchday: Feb 28, 2025
Occult Mages
Price: 30kt/g
Female Fathom

ID: 101397101
Hatchday: Feb 28, 2025
Occult Mages
Price: 30kt/g
Female Spiral

ID: 101397102
Hatchday: Feb 28, 2025
Occult Mages
Price: 30kt/g
Male Auraboa

ID: 101397093
Hatchday: Feb 28, 2025
upcoming pair
Price: 25kt/g
Female Auraboa

ID: 101397094
Hatchday: Feb 28, 2025
upcoming pair
Price: 25kt/g
Male Auraboa

ID: 101397095
Hatchday: Feb 28, 2025
upcoming pair
Price: 25kt/g

Female Skydancer

ID: 101314322
Hatchday: Feb 24, 2025
Spectral Echoes
Lore Pair
Price: 25kt/g
Female Skydancer

ID: 101314323
Hatchday: Feb 24, 2025
Spectral Echoes
Lore Pair
Price: 25kt/g
Female Fae

ID: 101363715
Hatchday: Feb 26, 2025
Lore Pair
Price: 15kt/g
Male Fae

ID: 101363716
Hatchday: Feb 26, 2025
Lore Pair
Price: 15kt/g
Male Fae

ID: 101363717
Hatchday: Feb 26, 2025
Lore Pair
Price: 15kt/g
Male Skydancer

ID: 101296361
Hatchday: Feb 23, 2025
Swashbuckling Sages
Lored Pair
Price: 31kt/g
Male Skydancer

ID: 101296363
Hatchday: Feb 23, 2025
Swashbuckling Sages
Lored Pair
Price: 31kt/g

[center][url=]intro[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [b]lore dragons[/b] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Lore Sales[/b][/size][/center] Warning: some dragons are in my hibden, so they will come with a cooldown. I’m still fleshing out the different levels of lore writing I can keep up with, but some hatchlings will come with a shorter blurb or prophecy, some will have lengthier scenes or stories, and others will be children of permanent citizens of Saibhreas, and their lore will reflect their parent’s stories as well as their own. [rule] [size=4]Children of Saibhreas:[/size] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Fathom[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Common[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101314310[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 24, 2025[br]Child of Saibhreas[br][b]Starter lore in Bio[/b][br][b]Price[/b]: 28kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Male[/b] [b]Spiral[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Faded[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101314309[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 24, 2025[br]Child of Saibhreas[br][b]Starter lore in Bio[/b][br][b]Price[/b]: 28kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][size=5][b]Unnamed[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Spiral[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Unusual[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 101314308[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Feb 24, 2025[br]Child of Saibhreas[br][b]Starter lore in Bio[/b][br][b]Price[/b]: 28kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [rule] [size=4]Hatchlings Born under a [b]Prophecy[b]:[/size] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][br][outfit=2795225][br][size=5][b]Arza[/b][/size]---------[b]Female[/b] [b]Guardian[/b][br][br][emoji=Light rune size=1] [i]Gaze[/i][br][b]ID[/b]: 70862666[br][b]Hatchday[/b]: Jul 13, 2021[br][b][i]Child of Prophecy [/i](lore)[/b][br]3 years old[br][i]hibden[/i][br][b]Price[/b]: 35kt/g [url=][emoji=money bag size=1][/url] [br][/columns] [rule] Interested in being notified for Dragons with backstories? Join the pinglist below! Pinglist members can get 15% off (please tell me you’re on the pinglist). [center][pinglist=46099]
intro | rules | general sales | lore dragons | exalt row | gallery | graphics
Lore Sales

Warning: some dragons are in my hibden, so they will come with a cooldown. I’m still fleshing out the different levels of lore writing I can keep up with, but some hatchlings will come with a shorter blurb or prophecy, some will have lengthier scenes or stories, and others will be children of permanent citizens of Saibhreas, and their lore will reflect their parent’s stories as well as their own.

Children of Saibhreas:

Male Fathom

ID: 101314310
Hatchday: Feb 24, 2025
Child of Saibhreas
Starter lore in Bio
Price: 28kt/g
Male Spiral

ID: 101314309
Hatchday: Feb 24, 2025
Child of Saibhreas
Starter lore in Bio
Price: 28kt/g
Female Spiral

ID: 101314308
Hatchday: Feb 24, 2025
Child of Saibhreas
Starter lore in Bio
Price: 28kt/g

Hatchlings Born under a Prophecy:

arza outfit

Female Guardian

ID: 70862666
Hatchday: Jul 13, 2021
Child of Prophecy (lore)
3 years old
Price: 35kt/g

Interested in being notified for Dragons with backstories? Join the pinglist below! Pinglist members can get 15% off (please tell me you’re on the pinglist).
[center][url=]intro[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [b]exalt row[/b] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=5][b]Exalt Row[/size][/center] The below dragons are free, even if they are listed on the AH. If you want one, just send me a message and I'll send the dragon to you over a CR. They're very close to being sold for exalt price/trained for exalt, so move quickly if you're interested! [rule] [size=5]NEW:[/size] <cleared!> Interested in being notified when dragons are added to Exalt Row? Join the pinglist below. [b]Pinglist members can get dragons off exalt row FOR FREE. [center][pinglist=46098][/center]

Exalt Row

The below dragons are free, even if they are listed on the AH. If you want one, just send me a message and I'll send the dragon to you over a CR. They're very close to being sold for exalt price/trained for exalt, so move quickly if you're interested!



Interested in being notified when dragons are added to Exalt Row? Join the pinglist below. Pinglist members can get dragons off exalt row FOR FREE.

[center][url=]intro[/url] | [u][/u][url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [b]gallery[/b] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]

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[center][url=]intro[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [b]graphics[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Header (smaller): [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Header (bigger): [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] Clickable banner: [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Affiliate bump: [url=][img][/img][/url] [code] [url=][img][/img][/url][/code]

Header (smaller):


Header (bigger):

Clickable banner:

Affiliate bump:

[center][url=]intro[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Most recently updated pairs are at the top. I have not gotten to creating a pinglist for every pair, but if you’re interested in being pinged you can let me know (and I am willing to keep notes re: gender, breed, genes, etc.) ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Spectral Echoes][url=]Rashid [/url]used to be a scientist. He met his wife, [url=]Tesaia[/url], at l'Ecole d'Acolyte, the top Magitech university in the Sunbeam Ruins. Together, they made advancements in Arcane Multiuniversal Theory for over a decade before their most dangerous experiment went wrong and Rashid became trapped in the space between dimensions. Separated from her true love, Tesaia abandoned their work at the school and embarked on a tour of Sorneith, hoping to find her lover and bring him home. Even though they're separated by the skin of reality itself, Tesaia and Rashid's love is strong, and they continue to lay eggs that Tesaia must abandon to continue on her search. Their children are half void, half spectrum, half dragon. Occasionally, you might notice the laws of physics breaking and bending in their wake, but studies show there's no risk in taking in one of these beautiful dragons. So what could possibly go wrong?[/quote] [center][pinglist=46296][/center] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Asteroid Mining]Precious metals can be found in immense quantities in the asteroid belt. Silver, platinum, cobalt, and palladium found in space can be used to increase technological capabilities while decreasing strip mining on Earth. Is some of the ore acting sentient? Don't worry about it.[/quote] [center][pinglist=46315][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Dune Wyrm]In the remotest parts of the Shifting Expanse live these sociable creatures. An odd union between dragon, rock, and serpent, Dune Wyrms burrow into hot sand and form complex tunnel systems, where they live. They are curious, with a particular fascination with dragon civilization, and frequently find themselves in search of a new adventure in other territories. They can speak many languages, but their native tongue is comprised of sounds made as they rub their scales against each other. The strange rattling sound is quite alarming for those who don't know its source.[/quote] [center][pinglist=46314][/center] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Swashbuckling Sages]Once upon a time, sages from the realm of Arcane encountered skilled raiders from the Cloudsong region. To defend against encroaching tribes from the Scarred Wasteland, scholars and privateers combined their strengths to develop the Drunken Sailor discipline. [url=]Nova [/url]and [url=]Cipher [/url]met while training in this discipline, and they fell in love in the middle of a debate on the sacred philosophy of All for None, a piratical theology growing in influence in the West Sea Region. Together, Nova and Cipher quickly became their sensei's greatest students. They are masters of enchanted armor and weaponry leagues ahead of other pirates -- a strange combination of arcane magic, biosoftware, and genetic enhancement. Their children are gifted fighters, so quick it's like they can see the future, and so resilient that researchers in the Tourmaline Isles are currently researching poisons to neutralize them. Accomplished warriors though they are, their sailing skills could use some work, so if you hire a Sage for your ship, keep them away from anything important. They tend to break things ... [i]expensively[/i]. [/quote] [center][pinglist=46224][/center] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Biosolar Energy]In the future, energy comes from many different sources. The power of the sun was first harnessed through the use of solar panels strapped to dragons’ wings during flight. Eventually, that cumbersome prototype evolved into a species of genetically enhanced dragons with light-capturing capabilities built directly into their wings. Armed with this power, these creatures fly for incredibly long distances across Sornieth, far above the clouds, to charge their battery cells with valuable energy. At full power, their magic overflows, and golden rays of magical light begin to gleam under every feather and scale. They bring this captured electricity to cities in need, and so guard their charges very fiercely. Interfere with their sacred duty at your own risk.[/quote] [center][pinglist=46226][/center] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Fluorescent Algae]These fierce creatures are born in the ocean, from the vast colonies of glowing algae that live just off the shores of the Sea of Thousand Currents. They are a strange combination of genetic experiment and ocean spirit -- they formed when years of experiments in the Tourmaline Archives leached into the West Sea. Originally created to consume oil and pollutants from the water and keep the marine ecosystems safe, they have evolved to be sentient, and now live for thousands of years in close-knit pods. They can survive with very little food in the depths of the ocean, or ride the waves with pods of dolphins and harass trading ships on the surface. [/quote] [size=2][i]This pair nests in Light typically, but Arcane, Water, or Lightning can be arranged upon request. [center][pinglist=46225][/center] [rule] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Awakened Roots]Some legends say [url=]Rowan [/url]and [url=]Kazia[/url] are two gods, other say they are merely powerful sorcerers bonded by love. Rowan and Kazia are part of the Circle of Awakened Roots, a religious organization gaining traction in Northern Sornieth. They believe that the true supreme beings of the universe are the trees, and that all dragons can reach eternal happiness in the wilds of the oldest forests in Sornieth. They travel the world, teaching everyone how to worship the trees and learn their strange lessons. Children born to these two dragons hold within them the blessed heart of the Great Behemoth. Demigods in their own right, they travel the land, protecting the good and accepting worship from the devout. They are often tall, strong of limb, wise, and peaceful (though some are prickly too). If you encounter them, be wise -- trees are often seen as passive, but a tenacious vine can kill an entire grove in a single season.[/quote] [center][pinglist=46227][/center] [size=2][i]This pair nests in Light, Nature, or Wind. They take requests. ------ [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Atlas Moths]These autumnal beauties hide an incredible secret -- entwined in their DNA is the genetic information to resurrect endangered species of insects. Before climate change was successfully reversed, scientists sought a method to protect biodiversity in sensitive species. Their solution was to store it inside similar dragon species. Veilspuns, being quite insectoid themselves, were the perfect match to protect and preserve moth and butterfly DNA. Their markings reflect their unique ancestry.[/quote] [center][pinglist=46489][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Surfin' the EAC]These veilspun are very different from their land-bound counterparts. You'll find them frolicking in the oceans east of the Shifting Expanse, or riding the powerful waves in the Sea of a Thousand Currents, their manes tangled with kelp and seafoam. They're quite friendly beings, traveling in groups of closeknit families, and they adore showing off their impressive tricks for sailors. But don't cross them -- their smiling jaws hide rows of razor sharp teeth. Formidable predators, they fear nothing in the waters except losing the good vibes... so keep the music playing and they won't eat you![/quote] [center][pinglist=46490][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Eastern Dawn]These shimmery, ethereal dragons were once skydancers tasked with studying the atmospheric interactions between light and pollution. A strange accident led to some of the researchers becoming something... [i]other[/i]. They float between this realm and the next, a halfway point between wave and particle. Some say they appear at dawn and dusk, and some say they're always around us, just outside our view.[/quote] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Emerald Emissaries]Emerald traditionally signifies peace, tranquility, and nature. When cities decide to pursue sustainability wholeheartedly, they often need assistance. These Emissaries, genetically fashioned from emerald crystals, are capable of great empathy and possess sizable knowledge of sustainable technology. They are summoned to such places to help them transition.[/quote] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=BarkBots]The Gladekeeper despises poachers. Those who are ungrateful for the gifts of biodiversity, who take from her domain to feed only their pride, are enemies of the Barkbots. Robotic guardians colored to camouflage in the dense forests, they will swarm and destroy poachers with surprising speed. Some bear the scars of previous battles, and you can see their multicolored machinery peeking through the cracks.[/quote] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Mangrove Guardians]Genetically engineered to protect the delicate ecosystems of mangrove swamps from nighttime poachers, these quick creatures use their slight stature and dark coloration to remain hidden among tangled roots and in murky waters... They may be small, but they are terrifying -- their wings are designed to hypnotize, and their eerie white markings startle even the bravest of trespassers.[/quote] ----- [quote] [center] [b][size=6][emoji=lightning rune]TBWFTB[emoji=lightning rune][/size][/b][/center] [size=3]”The birds work for the bourgeoisie…” Many dragons have heard the catchphrase, laughing it off as a harmless joke. Unfortunately in this pair’s case, it’s not far off the mark. These dragons are mechanical fakes, using cameras in their eyes and wings to surveil the population “to reduce crime”. No one knows where that footage really goes, so most just avoid them.[/quote][/size] [PAIR CARD COMING SOON] [center][pinglist=46487][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [size=2][i]*Starter lore hatchlings.[/i][/size] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [size=2][i]*Some hatchlings subspecies eligible.[/i][/size] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center]

Most recently updated pairs are at the top. I have not gotten to creating a pinglist for every pair, but if you’re interested in being pinged you can let me know (and I am willing to keep notes re: gender, breed, genes, etc.)

Spectral Echoes wrote:
Rashid used to be a scientist. He met his wife, Tesaia, at l'Ecole d'Acolyte, the top Magitech university in the Sunbeam Ruins. Together, they made advancements in Arcane Multiuniversal Theory for over a decade before their most dangerous experiment went wrong and Rashid became trapped in the space between dimensions. Separated from her true love, Tesaia abandoned their work at the school and embarked on a tour of Sorneith, hoping to find her lover and bring him home.

Even though they're separated by the skin of reality itself, Tesaia and Rashid's love is strong, and they continue to lay eggs that Tesaia must abandon to continue on her search. Their children are half void, half spectrum, half dragon. Occasionally, you might notice the laws of physics breaking and bending in their wake, but studies show there's no risk in taking in one of these beautiful dragons. So what could possibly go wrong?

Asteroid Mining wrote:
Precious metals can be found in immense quantities in the asteroid belt. Silver, platinum, cobalt, and palladium found in space can be used to increase technological capabilities while decreasing strip mining on Earth. Is some of the ore acting sentient? Don't worry about it.

Dune Wyrm wrote:
In the remotest parts of the Shifting Expanse live these sociable creatures. An odd union between dragon, rock, and serpent, Dune Wyrms burrow into hot sand and form complex tunnel systems, where they live. They are curious, with a particular fascination with dragon civilization, and frequently find themselves in search of a new adventure in other territories. They can speak many languages, but their native tongue is comprised of sounds made as they rub their scales against each other. The strange rattling sound is quite alarming for those who don't know its source.

Swashbuckling Sages wrote:
Once upon a time, sages from the realm of Arcane encountered skilled raiders from the Cloudsong region. To defend against encroaching tribes from the Scarred Wasteland, scholars and privateers combined their strengths to develop the Drunken Sailor discipline. Nova and Cipher met while training in this discipline, and they fell in love in the middle of a debate on the sacred philosophy of All for None, a piratical theology growing in influence in the West Sea Region.

Together, Nova and Cipher quickly became their sensei's greatest students. They are masters of enchanted armor and weaponry leagues ahead of other pirates -- a strange combination of arcane magic, biosoftware, and genetic enhancement. Their children are gifted fighters, so quick it's like they can see the future, and so resilient that researchers in the Tourmaline Isles are currently researching poisons to neutralize them. Accomplished warriors though they are, their sailing skills could use some work, so if you hire a Sage for your ship, keep them away from anything important. They tend to break things ... expensively.

Biosolar Energy wrote:
In the future, energy comes from many different sources. The power of the sun was first harnessed through the use of solar panels strapped to dragons’ wings during flight. Eventually, that cumbersome prototype evolved into a species of genetically enhanced dragons with light-capturing capabilities built directly into their wings. Armed with this power, these creatures fly for incredibly long distances across Sornieth, far above the clouds, to charge their battery cells with valuable energy. At full power, their magic overflows, and golden rays of magical light begin to gleam under every feather and scale. They bring this captured electricity to cities in need, and so guard their charges very fiercely. Interfere with their sacred duty at your own risk.

Fluorescent Algae wrote:
These fierce creatures are born in the ocean, from the vast colonies of glowing algae that live just off the shores of the Sea of Thousand Currents. They are a strange combination of genetic experiment and ocean spirit -- they formed when years of experiments in the Tourmaline Archives leached into the West Sea. Originally created to consume oil and pollutants from the water and keep the marine ecosystems safe, they have evolved to be sentient, and now live for thousands of years in close-knit pods. They can survive with very little food in the depths of the ocean, or ride the waves with pods of dolphins and harass trading ships on the surface.

This pair nests in Light typically, but Arcane, Water, or Lightning can be arranged upon request.

Awakened Roots wrote:
Some legends say Rowan and Kazia are two gods, other say they are merely powerful sorcerers bonded by love. Rowan and Kazia are part of the Circle of Awakened Roots, a religious organization gaining traction in Northern Sornieth. They believe that the true supreme beings of the universe are the trees, and that all dragons can reach eternal happiness in the wilds of the oldest forests in Sornieth. They travel the world, teaching everyone how to worship the trees and learn their strange lessons.

Children born to these two dragons hold within them the blessed heart of the Great Behemoth. Demigods in their own right, they travel the land, protecting the good and accepting worship from the devout. They are often tall, strong of limb, wise, and peaceful (though some are prickly too). If you encounter them, be wise -- trees are often seen as passive, but a tenacious vine can kill an entire grove in a single season.

This pair nests in Light, Nature, or Wind. They take requests.

Atlas Moths wrote:
These autumnal beauties hide an incredible secret -- entwined in their DNA is the genetic information to resurrect endangered species of insects. Before climate change was successfully reversed, scientists sought a method to protect biodiversity in sensitive species. Their solution was to store it inside similar dragon species. Veilspuns, being quite insectoid themselves, were the perfect match to protect and preserve moth and butterfly DNA. Their markings reflect their unique ancestry.

Surfin' the EAC wrote:
These veilspun are very different from their land-bound counterparts. You'll find them frolicking in the oceans east of the Shifting Expanse, or riding the powerful waves in the Sea of a Thousand Currents, their manes tangled with kelp and seafoam. They're quite friendly beings, traveling in groups of closeknit families, and they adore showing off their impressive tricks for sailors. But don't cross them -- their smiling jaws hide rows of razor sharp teeth. Formidable predators, they fear nothing in the waters except losing the good vibes... so keep the music playing and they won't eat you!

Eastern Dawn wrote:
These shimmery, ethereal dragons were once skydancers tasked with studying the atmospheric interactions between light and pollution. A strange accident led to some of the researchers becoming something... other. They float between this realm and the next, a halfway point between wave and particle. Some say they appear at dawn and dusk, and some say they're always around us, just outside our view.

Emerald Emissaries wrote:
Emerald traditionally signifies peace, tranquility, and nature. When cities decide to pursue sustainability wholeheartedly, they often need assistance. These Emissaries, genetically fashioned from emerald crystals, are capable of great empathy and possess sizable knowledge of sustainable technology. They are summoned to such places to help them transition.

BarkBots wrote:
The Gladekeeper despises poachers. Those who are ungrateful for the gifts of biodiversity, who take from her domain to feed only their pride, are enemies of the Barkbots. Robotic guardians colored to camouflage in the dense forests, they will swarm and destroy poachers with surprising speed. Some bear the scars of previous battles, and you can see their multicolored machinery peeking through the cracks.

Mangrove Guardians wrote:
Genetically engineered to protect the delicate ecosystems of mangrove swamps from nighttime poachers, these quick creatures use their slight stature and dark coloration to remain hidden among tangled roots and in murky waters... They may be small, but they are terrifying -- their wings are designed to hypnotize, and their eerie white markings startle even the bravest of trespassers.

”The birds work for the bourgeoisie…” Many dragons have heard the catchphrase, laughing it off as a harmless joke. Unfortunately in this pair’s case, it’s not far off the mark. These dragons are mechanical fakes, using cameras in their eyes and wings to surveil the population “to reduce crime”. No one knows where that footage really goes, so most just avoid them.





*Starter lore hatchlings.


*Some hatchlings subspecies eligible.





[center][url=]intro[/url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]general sales[/url] | [url=]lore dragons[/url] | [url=]exalt row[/url] | [url=]gallery[/url] | [url=]graphics[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] The affiliate program at the Metropolitan has been discontinued. This post will be redesigned to be a Hatchery Wall of Fame! Please inquire if you want your banner posted here. Only active hatcheries will be accepted... but my definition of "active" is verrrrrrryyyyyyy generous. ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img] [font=rockwell][size=5][color=F0BF31]•[/color][color=253242] the dandelion market.[/size][/font] [font=cambria][size=3][color=253242][i]a hatchery[/i][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=cyan][b]A hatchery dedicated to Lightning reps and the Lightning aesthetic[/b][/color][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][url=] [img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] ----- My affiliate banner: [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center]

The affiliate program at the Metropolitan has been discontinued. This post will be redesigned to be a Hatchery Wall of Fame! Please inquire if you want your banner posted here. Only active hatcheries will be accepted... but my definition of "active" is verrrrrrryyyyyyy generous.




A hatchery dedicated to Lightning reps and the Lightning aesthetic


My affiliate banner:
[post under construction]
[post under construction]