
"Ah, why hello there. I didn't see you."
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Energy: 50
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Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Umbral Wreath
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Earrings
Lagoon Starsilk Earrings
Cobalt Halfmoon Spectacles
Blue Birdskull Necklace
Sky Blue Silk Scarf
Blue Birdskull Armband
Lavish Waistcoat
Studious Healer's Reference
Blueberry Plumed Anklets
Blue Breeches
Spiffy Dress Shirt
Blueberry Plumed Tuft





5.61 m
5.11 m
927.18 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 27, 2021
(4 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Full/Real Name: Aoko Apira Kiril Opallz
Nickname(s): Loco Aoko
Codename: Blueberry Lagoon
Identification Tag (ID): AAKO01272021BL
Occupation(s)(Outside of the Clan): Philologist

Lore: (In process)
Brothers with Tobias.
Friends with Eden.

Aoko grew up in a very intellectual and creative home with decorative stones and fossils adorning the shelves of his home. Maps, diagrams, and documents sprawled across every inch of the walls. Some banners in ancient and forgotten languages are present on the walls. Some of the tapestries are made by Aoko's father, Kiril. Exotic and rare plants hang from the metal mesh nailed high up on the walls. Elaborate rugs made from wool and linen decorated the floors. His father, a pirate who used to serve on the Rapscallion now weaves clothes for his children. His mother Apira is skilled in the art of geology and spends much of her time cataloguing the minerals and crystals near their home. Most of the time, he and his four siblings travelled with her across Sornieth to document the gems she has found.

On one such trip, he wandered far from the group after becoming annoyed by his sibling's teasing. As the oldest, he tried to set a good example for his younger four siblings, but nearly all of them were rambunctious and never listened to him or anyone except for one of them. Tobias is the one that always listens to his brother's advice and useful tips. Instead, all of his siblings except Tobias, teased him until he grew frustrated and lost his calmness at them. Tobias and Aoko himself like wandering together far away from their siblings and parents. They both enjoy studying ancient runes with forgotten symbols scribed on them, and old languages abroad Sornieth with each other and their familiars

He eventually came upon a small cave that glowed with teal crystals, and he felt drawn to the light twinkling off the rim of the cave. He approached and followed the soft teal light inside the tunnel. Unsurprisingly, he got lost in the twisted paths within the labyrinth of the cave. He refused to call for help partly because his pride wouldn't allow it, but partly because he was the oldest and the bravest of all of his siblings. Eventually, he saw a bright light at the end of the branching cave, and he followed it back into the sun on the opposite side of where his family was. He managed to shake himself and fly to them but not before noticing that some delicate teal crystal dust had stuck to his fur and feathers and despite a soak in a lake later that night, the crystal dust never came out. The teal crystal dust doesn't affect his quality of life much to his surprise. He now glows in the dark, a faint teal speck of soft light is visible when the light is particularly low. He can hear other dragons' thoughts and creatures alike. The only way to find out what creatures are thinking is to surround himself with strange living life, so that's what he'll always do.

Bronwyn as the eldest from the cluster of 5 eggs she always felt like most of the responsibilities were on her, although most of her siblings are tedious she loves them. She had an unusual skill for distraction. She could lead someone to talk about something else, or even direct them to a different place than they intended to go to. Although she had this great gift, she never uses it to her advantage. One day she disappeared, and all of her possessions were gone. All of it vanished into thin air, even Bronwyn. Despite his best to find her by lying to his parents that he was "searching for minerals and ancient rocks with runes scribed on them", Aoko never found his elder sister. Even when travelling abroad Sornieth with his brother Tobias, Bronwyn was never found. Aoko swore to never stop looking for his long-lost sister. So he'll search every nook and cranny until he finds her. Until then, he writes letters and sends them to random places with the phrase "If you know someone named Bronwyn who is a female Skydancer from the Lightning flight, please give this letter to her. She is my sister." at the top of the letter along with his address for people to respond to him if they see her along with a more in-depth description of her: She is a female Skydancer from the Lightning flight. Her colour and gene combination is White Iridescent, White Bee, and Mint Opal.
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Exalting Aoko to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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