Level 1 Guardian
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15.15 m
13.8 m
9158.07 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245

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» Esmera "The Moon" |
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━![]() » about Esmera is not what she seems. On the outside, she is as fortunate as her sisters, quick to laugh and easy to befriend. It is a facade she works hard to maintain. After all, that is the truth of it -- she works hard. Nothing comes easily to her, not fighting, not magic, not thieving. As the eldest of her clutch of three, she always felt the looming pressure of responsibility. Who will watch over her sisters? Who will find them money for food? Who will protect them from the monsters that hunt near their home in the cliffs? Esmera will. She must. She hasn't even given thought to who her true charge may be; she spends far too much time herding her sisters and keeping their little family away from the precipice of disaster. It is one morning on market day, as she sneaks into the walls of the city to see what pockets she can pick, that she is presented with a choice. She stands on the edge of the arcane district, at stalls bristling with magical weapons, blades tinted pink with the light from the lamps in between each vendor. There is a pearlcatcher calling out exorbitant prices for the jewelry at his booth. She knows the likelihood that all those "enchanted artifacts" are fake is very high, but there is a tug in her gut when she turns to leave, like something grabs her ribcage and turns her right back around. Can't hurt to check it out, she thinks. I won't buy anything, anyway. As she approaches, the pearlcatcher catches sight of her and sniffs. "Not sure anything I have for sale would appeal to an orphan," they say, frowning. "Usually only the most talented of sorcerers -- hey, don't touch that!" She starts. Her hand is wrapped tightly around an intricately carved moonstone amulet -- one that she reached for automatically. She's not one for jewelry, so why is this cheap pendant so hypnotizing? "Where did you find this?" she asks the vendor, loosening her grip but not removing her hand entirely. They puff out their chest. "I made it myself." She stares at him. They deflate immediately. "That one, I found out in the desert. Near an abandoned trading caravan. I'm not sure what happened to the dragons traveling with it." She looks back at the amulet, at the swirling patterns carved into its surface. The moonstone almost glows in the gentle morning sunlight. It feels like trouble. It feels like she can't afford it anyway. But something about it... it feels like... not like it's her charge, but almost like... it's connected to her charge. Like it was looking for her, and it's warm and bright in her hand like it's happy to have found her. "Look, I'll give you a deal on it. Just six gold pieces. It's probably not enchanted, but the craftsmanship is worth twice that." Take me, she hears in her mind. Take me and go. Six gold pieces. She has it, but it's the money she was going to use to pay for a weeks' worth of food for her sisters. She can't possibly abandon them. Find him, the stone purrs. Him...? She truly wants to blame this on her guardian biology, but... she can't. She had already made her mind up when she heard the stone call to her. I'm coming. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ | ooooooooooooooooo |
notes. » note here » note here » as many as you want. | ooooooooooooooooo |
━━ ABOUT ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ It wasn't long after she had found the amulet that her sisters had started drifting off on their own ways, abd she finally felt free to pursue the mystery that pulled at her very core. She's been traveling far and wide, though she still feels like she's a long way from finding her charge... oo NOTES » not for sale/stud » lore concept based from blah blah blah blah blah! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ | ooooooooooooooooooo |
code by celebie
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Exalting Esmera to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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