
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Little Acorn Inn: lore - a small purge
@Salathielly my cunning plan to make you say "oh no!" about all my dragons is working! *rub hands together*

Thanks for reading along!
@Salathielly my cunning plan to make you say "oh no!" about all my dragons is working! *rub hands together*

Thanks for reading along!
The Mossy Stone

(Thanks for writing!)

(Thanks for writing!)
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
[b]General Pinglist[/b] - @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard Was going to have this out yesterday, but didn't expect to like banescales that much, and also the site performance was um. Hah. :) Please enjoy. [quote][url=]Oddity[/url] bent by lamplight over [url=]Peony[/url]'s form, making thoughtful noises as he did. "Temperature and breathing are all within normal ranges..." He said, his fingers finding the collapsed coatl's pulse in the ensuing silence. As he kept time, [url=]Kusil[/url] shifted his weight. He would have been doing a good deal more shifting of his weight, except his bad leg prevented such spry movements. "He just collapsed, you say?" Oddity asked. Kusil shook his head. "I was in another room. I found him." Oddity pursed his lips. "I need to consult," he said. "I'll return shortly. [url=]Nibiru[/url] is in their study next door if there are any changes." Oddity left, and Kusil found himself staring by flickering flame at the shape of his mate who looked so much as if he were merely sleeping. He dared run his fingers along the downy fur by Peony's jaw, then sank into a chair beside his pallet and waited. It was a long time before Oddity returned with a guardian in tow. "[url=]Bryg[/url] is a different kind of specialist," Oddity explained, gesturing at the guardian as a form of introduction. "I've told them of Peony's trouble, and they insisted they perform their own examination." "If it is permitted," Bryg said, their voice low and reedy. Kusil stood and stepped aside. It didn't appear he had much choice. He certainly couldn't diagnose Peony's trouble. The following time was filled with Bryg speaking soft, rhythmic words and glowing rosy sigils tracing through the air from their claws. Kusil had seen such magic only once, the performer a mere illusionist. His heart felt cold in his chest. Then, Bryg hummed deeply and clapped, and in that moment Kusil felt his fur stand on end, his feathers split and fray. He turned to see a flash of illusory tethers clamped around Peony's body before they faded from view. "A curse," Bryg muttered, then turned to Oddity with a nod. "He's been cursed." "No one would curse him," Kusil said sharply. "He isn't disliked by anyone." Bryg sat back and pushed their cowl from their face, their pale horns glittering in the firelight. They wiped sweat from their brow and looked winded, as if the chanting had taken a great deal from them. "If I say your mate is cursed, do you think I am being humorous?" Kusil met their pale stare and bristled slightly. "It sounds like a convenience. 'There is nothing to be done. He is cursed.' Surely there is something!" Bryg smiled, and it was an adder's smile. "I did not say there is nothing to be done," they said, their cowl slipping aside and revealing a number of sigils scrawled across their flesh. "I only said he is cursed. It is a bleak curse. His spirit is traveling." "So you can fix it?" Kusil asked. Bryg shook their head. "Not I." Kusil turned to Peony's body. He looked peaceful. Asleep. Kusil's heart broke looking at him. "Who?" he asked, his words resigned to the knowledge that whoever it was would charge more than Kusil's whole herd was worth. "You." Kusil turned swiftly back to Bryg. Their smile deepened, and a softness crept around the corners. [url=]<<Prev<<[/url] [right][url=]>>Next>>[/url][/right][/quote] Pair: [b]PROJECT STARDUST[/b] - The whole nest was a dud, and parents have been exalted. - @ghostlyplants [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pair: [b]Kusil & Peony[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Everyone is listed on the front page, and everyone is ALSO listed in the AH. Thanks for taking a look! :)
General Pinglist - @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard

Was going to have this out yesterday, but didn't expect to like banescales that much, and also the site performance was um. Hah. :) Please enjoy.

Oddity bent by lamplight over Peony's form, making thoughtful noises as he did. "Temperature and breathing are all within normal ranges..." He said, his fingers finding the collapsed coatl's pulse in the ensuing silence. As he kept time, Kusil shifted his weight. He would have been doing a good deal more shifting of his weight, except his bad leg prevented such spry movements.

"He just collapsed, you say?" Oddity asked.

Kusil shook his head. "I was in another room. I found him."

Oddity pursed his lips. "I need to consult," he said. "I'll return shortly. Nibiru is in their study next door if there are any changes."

Oddity left, and Kusil found himself staring by flickering flame at the shape of his mate who looked so much as if he were merely sleeping. He dared run his fingers along the downy fur by Peony's jaw, then sank into a chair beside his pallet and waited.

It was a long time before Oddity returned with a guardian in tow. "Bryg is a different kind of specialist," Oddity explained, gesturing at the guardian as a form of introduction. "I've told them of Peony's trouble, and they insisted they perform their own examination."

"If it is permitted," Bryg said, their voice low and reedy.

Kusil stood and stepped aside. It didn't appear he had much choice. He certainly couldn't diagnose Peony's trouble.

The following time was filled with Bryg speaking soft, rhythmic words and glowing rosy sigils tracing through the air from their claws. Kusil had seen such magic only once, the performer a mere illusionist. His heart felt cold in his chest. Then, Bryg hummed deeply and clapped, and in that moment Kusil felt his fur stand on end, his feathers split and fray. He turned to see a flash of illusory tethers clamped around Peony's body before they faded from view.

"A curse," Bryg muttered, then turned to Oddity with a nod. "He's been cursed."

"No one would curse him," Kusil said sharply. "He isn't disliked by anyone."

Bryg sat back and pushed their cowl from their face, their pale horns glittering in the firelight. They wiped sweat from their brow and looked winded, as if the chanting had taken a great deal from them. "If I say your mate is cursed, do you think I am being humorous?"

Kusil met their pale stare and bristled slightly. "It sounds like a convenience. 'There is nothing to be done. He is cursed.' Surely there is something!"

Bryg smiled, and it was an adder's smile. "I did not say there is nothing to be done," they said, their cowl slipping aside and revealing a number of sigils scrawled across their flesh. "I only said he is cursed. It is a bleak curse. His spirit is traveling."

"So you can fix it?" Kusil asked.

Bryg shook their head. "Not I."

Kusil turned to Peony's body. He looked peaceful. Asleep. Kusil's heart broke looking at him. "Who?" he asked, his words resigned to the knowledge that whoever it was would charge more than Kusil's whole herd was worth.


Kusil turned swiftly back to Bryg. Their smile deepened, and a softness crept around the corners.


Pair: PROJECT STARDUST - The whole nest was a dud, and parents have been exalted. - @ghostlyplants




Pair: Kusil & Peony -




Everyone is listed on the front page, and everyone is ALSO listed in the AH. Thanks for taking a look! :)
The Mossy Stone
PEONY! And aww, cute hatchlings. <33
PEONY! And aww, cute hatchlings. <33
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
Can I just say: YOUR WRITING IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL OH MY GOSH. Seriously. Start writing books please, thank you <3. ^u^
Can I just say: YOUR WRITING IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL OH MY GOSH. Seriously. Start writing books please, thank you <3. ^u^
@nighttfall - Aww, thank you! :) It is my intention to publish one day, but it hasn't happened yet. Until then, the dragon economy keeps my hands in the 'just write something' game and reminds me when my drafts feel too impossible that if I just keep pecking at something I love, I can finish it! \o/

@Salathielly - Thank you~! (also just shrieking 'PEONY' is somehow worse than anything else my brain has ever concocted. XD; Thanks for the weirdest earworm.)
@nighttfall - Aww, thank you! :) It is my intention to publish one day, but it hasn't happened yet. Until then, the dragon economy keeps my hands in the 'just write something' game and reminds me when my drafts feel too impossible that if I just keep pecking at something I love, I can finish it! \o/

@Salathielly - Thank you~! (also just shrieking 'PEONY' is somehow worse than anything else my brain has ever concocted. XD; Thanks for the weirdest earworm.)
The Mossy Stone
Uhhhh whoops??? Sorry there xD;;;
Uhhhh whoops??? Sorry there xD;;;
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
[b]General Pinglist:[/b] @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard Not sorry for my radio silence over the last week. My life has been just stress incarnate, but it's thankfully settled a bit, so hopefully will be back to regular programming for a while, once I get some of the adults out of my lair, lolol whoops. As it is NotN, I would like to point out that it is EXCEPTIONALLY EASY to bribe me with these guys: [item=transmuted treasure] As well as last year's apparel and any of the candles. (I wasn't here for the spooky jewelry, and I love the candles.) That's all for now. Time to get back to that story you were reading, lol. [quote]They set out four days ago, towards the Dragonspine mountains to the East of Oakrest. Wreathed in cloud, the summit seemed nearly as tall as the Pillar itself, though [url=]Kusil[/url] knew this could not be true. Climbing the peak itself, however, Kusil wondered if he had been mistaken at the size of the thing. Under his bad leg and his homely constitution, they climbed for four days without making much progress. [url=]Bryg[/url] led the way. They had consulted dreams before they left, studied stars and charts to predict the comings and goings of their quarry. A great beast, Bryg had promised, would be the gateway to [url=]Peony[/url]'s salvation. Among the biting, whipping wind, Kusil's cheeks frosted over, the ice trapped among his fine, pale whiskers. He wondered if the beast even existed. With them, [url=]Amund[/url] chose the paths. Born of ice and raised of ice, he knew how best to tackle the terrain of this high-altitude climb. Where Kusil and Bryg were bundled to their eyebrows, Amund wore a light jacket, sometimes laughing at the shrieking gusts of wind and shouting down to them what a brisk adventure. Kusil gathered that he didn't get out much. They dug their dens often, crowding together for warmth at the end of each day's climb. Salted herring did little to amend Kusil's exhaustion, and his bad leg demanded that they slow their climb more and more each day. Staring into the flickering embers of their campfire, the wind hurling flakes of snow just outside their shelter, Kusil tried to sleep, but the pain in his leg was strong, and his heart ached for their warm hearth and Peony's gentle ways. Whatever had happened, he swore again, he would do his best. Let no one pretend otherwise. [url=]<<Prev<<[/url] [right][url=]>>Next>>[/url][/right] [/quote] Note: Everyone's an adult already. Ready to dress! :D As such, though, they'll only be on the AH for 3 days before being trained and denned. [b]Pair: Bordeaux & Chandra[/b] - @KnightYumi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Pair: PROJECT STARDUST[/b] - @ghostlyplants [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (SO CLOSE!) [b]Pair: Laurel & Patina (NEW)[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] That's all for today! Thanks for taking a look! As always, everyone's listed in the AH and on the front page for your convenience. :) Have a great NotN!
General Pinglist: @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard

Not sorry for my radio silence over the last week. My life has been just stress incarnate, but it's thankfully settled a bit, so hopefully will be back to regular programming for a while, once I get some of the adults out of my lair, lolol whoops.

As it is NotN, I would like to point out that it is EXCEPTIONALLY EASY to bribe me with these guys:

Transmuted Treasure

As well as last year's apparel and any of the candles. (I wasn't here for the spooky jewelry, and I love the candles.)

That's all for now. Time to get back to that story you were reading, lol.

They set out four days ago, towards the Dragonspine mountains to the East of Oakrest. Wreathed in cloud, the summit seemed nearly as tall as the Pillar itself, though Kusil knew this could not be true. Climbing the peak itself, however, Kusil wondered if he had been mistaken at the size of the thing. Under his bad leg and his homely constitution, they climbed for four days without making much progress.

Bryg led the way. They had consulted dreams before they left, studied stars and charts to predict the comings and goings of their quarry. A great beast, Bryg had promised, would be the gateway to Peony's salvation. Among the biting, whipping wind, Kusil's cheeks frosted over, the ice trapped among his fine, pale whiskers. He wondered if the beast even existed.

With them, Amund chose the paths. Born of ice and raised of ice, he knew how best to tackle the terrain of this high-altitude climb. Where Kusil and Bryg were bundled to their eyebrows, Amund wore a light jacket, sometimes laughing at the shrieking gusts of wind and shouting down to them what a brisk adventure. Kusil gathered that he didn't get out much.

They dug their dens often, crowding together for warmth at the end of each day's climb. Salted herring did little to amend Kusil's exhaustion, and his bad leg demanded that they slow their climb more and more each day.

Staring into the flickering embers of their campfire, the wind hurling flakes of snow just outside their shelter, Kusil tried to sleep, but the pain in his leg was strong, and his heart ached for their warm hearth and Peony's gentle ways. Whatever had happened, he swore again, he would do his best. Let no one pretend otherwise.


Note: Everyone's an adult already. Ready to dress! :D As such, though, they'll only be on the AH for 3 days before being trained and denned.

Pair: Bordeaux & Chandra - @KnightYumi




Pair: PROJECT STARDUST - @ghostlyplants




Pair: Laurel & Patina (NEW) -




That's all for today! Thanks for taking a look! As always, everyone's listed in the AH and on the front page for your convenience. :) Have a great NotN!
The Mossy Stone
Poor Kusil. :c Hope next week is better for you! <33
Poor Kusil. :c Hope next week is better for you! <33
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
@Salathielly - The worst is that I had ALL OF THIS written last weekend and the anxiety was too strong to go online long enough to put a post together. The most intense frustration at myself. lol This week's sorting itself as best it can. :) Thanks as always!
@Salathielly - The worst is that I had ALL OF THIS written last weekend and the anxiety was too strong to go online long enough to put a post together. The most intense frustration at myself. lol This week's sorting itself as best it can. :) Thanks as always!
The Mossy Stone