
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Little Acorn Inn: lore - a small purge
[b]General Pinglist:[/b] @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants Gonna post the last chunk of this line tomorrow. It's been a long weekend, and I'm tired, and you don't need a third ping from me today. :) Enjoy the end of Rockbreaker's, everyone! [quote]The dance may have been nothing much to some, but for [url=]Titus[/url], the dance at Rockbreaker's Ceremony was one of the most important moments of the year. He had been working with [url=]Nibiru[/url] since he arrived at the Citadel, begging them to let him practice under them, learning the ways his battered body would move. He could not leap and flit like Nibiru could for so many of the more expressive celebrations they danced. The stumps of his legs would not allow it, and he refused to be taken as a pity case. He wanted to be respected as a dancer of caliber, like his mother and her teacher - who was now his teacher as well. The strength it took to weave his body into shapes reminiscent of the mighty hills, mountains, and valleys of Dragonhome was more than most assumed. He looked frail, but he was often raised up on his arms, performing as upright as he could without his prosthetics. After all, was not the spirit of Dragonhome in taking what we had, something cast off by others, and making something beautiful from it? Titus concentrated on his movements, but he was grateful and relieved that [url=]Bier[/url] had agreed to accompany him. It had taken him a great deal of effort to head to the Inn to even ask, and Bier had treated him - eventually - with kindness and concern. Bier's playing changed from the assertive, robust sound to a lonely, mournful stretch. And it was here that Titus drew up his strength to perform what he and Nibiru called 'raising the Pillar.' From prone, he pulled himself upright on his hands, his torso and core straight and proud, his wings folded. All his balance was on his wrists, and it had taken him two years to develop the strength necessary to create the effect. Sweat poured between the feathers on his back, and he watched his hands, aware of every fiber of muscle in his body as Bier's fiddle soared in the darkness. Above him, something screamed. Titus' concentration shattered, and he fell, all his weight bending his wrist in the wrong direction. He yelped in pain as he fell, the impact striking the memory of old wounds, his stumps striking the earth with such intensity he saw stars. The thing was on him, then. He didn't know what it was. His good eye was pinned into the dust beneath him, his blind eye wheeling wildly as he tried to comprehend what was filling him with such feelings of [i]pain[/i] and [i]rage[/i] and [i]want[/i]. They coursed through him, filled him until he was shaking beneath its grip, its screams roaring above the crowd's gasps of surprise and horror. Then its weight shifted, and its arms went limp beneath it, and it fell upon him, the pain and want seeping out of him slowly, like mud through a sand filter. Titus was still filled with it when hands started to pull him free, and he struck out at them, gasping and wild, until the calming touch of another skydancer caused him to turn and see first [url=]Setara[/url], then the mottled grey mass of a creature with a silver-clad arrow piercing it. On the edge of the crowd, [url=]Lisabet[/url] turned her bow in search of another, but none came. [url=]<<Prev<<[/url] [right][url=]>>Next>>[/url][/right] [/quote] Pair: [b]Radomir & Thorns[/b] - @AmethystLynx @WorgenWoman [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Everyone's on the AH, as well as listed on the front page. Thanks for taking a look! :)
General Pinglist: @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants

Gonna post the last chunk of this line tomorrow. It's been a long weekend, and I'm tired, and you don't need a third ping from me today. :) Enjoy the end of Rockbreaker's, everyone!

The dance may have been nothing much to some, but for Titus, the dance at Rockbreaker's Ceremony was one of the most important moments of the year. He had been working with Nibiru since he arrived at the Citadel, begging them to let him practice under them, learning the ways his battered body would move.

He could not leap and flit like Nibiru could for so many of the more expressive celebrations they danced. The stumps of his legs would not allow it, and he refused to be taken as a pity case. He wanted to be respected as a dancer of caliber, like his mother and her teacher - who was now his teacher as well.

The strength it took to weave his body into shapes reminiscent of the mighty hills, mountains, and valleys of Dragonhome was more than most assumed. He looked frail, but he was often raised up on his arms, performing as upright as he could without his prosthetics. After all, was not the spirit of Dragonhome in taking what we had, something cast off by others, and making something beautiful from it?

Titus concentrated on his movements, but he was grateful and relieved that Bier had agreed to accompany him. It had taken him a great deal of effort to head to the Inn to even ask, and Bier had treated him - eventually - with kindness and concern.

Bier's playing changed from the assertive, robust sound to a lonely, mournful stretch. And it was here that Titus drew up his strength to perform what he and Nibiru called 'raising the Pillar.' From prone, he pulled himself upright on his hands, his torso and core straight and proud, his wings folded. All his balance was on his wrists, and it had taken him two years to develop the strength necessary to create the effect. Sweat poured between the feathers on his back, and he watched his hands, aware of every fiber of muscle in his body as Bier's fiddle soared in the darkness.

Above him, something screamed.

Titus' concentration shattered, and he fell, all his weight bending his wrist in the wrong direction. He yelped in pain as he fell, the impact striking the memory of old wounds, his stumps striking the earth with such intensity he saw stars.

The thing was on him, then. He didn't know what it was. His good eye was pinned into the dust beneath him, his blind eye wheeling wildly as he tried to comprehend what was filling him with such feelings of pain and rage and want. They coursed through him, filled him until he was shaking beneath its grip, its screams roaring above the crowd's gasps of surprise and horror.

Then its weight shifted, and its arms went limp beneath it, and it fell upon him, the pain and want seeping out of him slowly, like mud through a sand filter.

Titus was still filled with it when hands started to pull him free, and he struck out at them, gasping and wild, until the calming touch of another skydancer caused him to turn and see first Setara, then the mottled grey mass of a creature with a silver-clad arrow piercing it. On the edge of the crowd, Lisabet turned her bow in search of another, but none came.


Pair: Radomir & Thorns - @AmethystLynx @WorgenWoman



Everyone's on the AH, as well as listed on the front page. Thanks for taking a look! :)
The Mossy Stone
@ixris can I get Luna coatl for 30 gems?
@ixris can I get Luna coatl for 30 gems?
Hi there! Could I please do a mixed payment of 15kt/15g for Carver? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Hi there! Could I please do a mixed payment of 15kt/15g for Carver?

nate | 23 | my wonderful boyfriend
known to leave periodically but i will always return to the confines of Dragon Lairs. i am on the quest to boop all the auraboas!
Yay Eldritch! I love your descriptions of how your clan celebrations Rockbreaker's. Such wonderful images. <33 And OH NO TITUS. D:
Yay Eldritch! I love your descriptions of how your clan celebrations Rockbreaker's. Such wonderful images. <33 And OH NO TITUS. D:
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
@ragingrexasaurus - Sure can! I'll send you a CR in a moment! :)

@pkspred - You bet! :) I'll send Carver over momentarily!

@Salathielly - Oh, thank you! Descriptions and setting is something I'm actively trying to work on, so I'm glad that you felt the imagery was good! (If I'm not tormenting someone, my storytelling must be going wrong... lol)
@ragingrexasaurus - Sure can! I'll send you a CR in a moment! :)

@pkspred - You bet! :) I'll send Carver over momentarily!

@Salathielly - Oh, thank you! Descriptions and setting is something I'm actively trying to work on, so I'm glad that you felt the imagery was good! (If I'm not tormenting someone, my storytelling must be going wrong... lol)
The Mossy Stone
[b]General Pinglist:[/b] @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard Wrapping up the RBC short, and posting four new hatches. \o/ Hope ya'll had a great weekend, and that the coming week is Not Awful for all ya'll. <3 [quote]Outside the Citadel, a fine fresh snow fell upon the stark earth and stone. Inside, the Hunters went door to door, seeking out others like the monstrosity that had interrupted [url=]Titus[/url]' dance at Rockbreaker's. In his chambers, Titus sat curled around a cup of tea, the tail of his massive mate, [url=]Horehound[/url], nestling around him while she wove quietly, the sound of a crackling fire and her shuttle all that went between them. It had been a long time since Titus felt fear like this, had felt so impotent as this. But he had never felt caught in a collapsing wave of malevolence and anger. He shook with it from time to time, even beneath the intricately woven cowl his mate had given him. He felt, now and again, the muffled emotions of the Hunters going about their business. He doubted very deeply that they would find anything, as the Citadel had been kept clean for years, but they could never be too careful. Titus knew he had to be glad of the Hunters' presence at the dance, of how easily they integrated society here to accept that some who walked among them were ready, at any given time, to stand and protect. But not for the first time, Titus felt unnerved by the whole thing. In a moment supposed to be filled with praise and glory, he felt robbed of his due. And perhaps that was selfish of him. He should be grateful for his life. Horehound set her shuttle away and turned her loom towards him. Stretched between the bars was an intricate tapestry of geometric shapes, the likes of which Titus would never have the patience to create, but which Horehound wove again and again in increasing mastery. "What do you think?" she asked. He considered, flattered that she, the artist, would ask his opinion. "It's beautiful," he said, and he meant it. "Do you think it's too dark?" He smiled at her, then turned back to the tapestry. He considered it in the fire light, the way the flickering glow caught the brighter threads and let them stand out against the deep, rich colors in the background. "For some lairs," he said, "perhaps. But not for all." She smiled, and she pulled him nearer with her tail. He jostled, his tea sloshing up against his hands, and he laughed in spite of his sour mood. [url=]<<Prev<<[/url] [right]FIN[/right][/quote] Pair: [b]PROJECT STARDUST[/b] - @ghostlyplants [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pair: [b]Lily & Marra[/b] - @Kodak [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pair: [b]Xudyr & Chade[/b] - @StilinskiSpark [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] That's all for today! Everyone is listed up front and an on the AH. Thanks for taking a look, and please take care of yourselves. <3
General Pinglist: @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard

Wrapping up the RBC short, and posting four new hatches. \o/ Hope ya'll had a great weekend, and that the coming week is Not Awful for all ya'll. <3

Outside the Citadel, a fine fresh snow fell upon the stark earth and stone. Inside, the Hunters went door to door, seeking out others like the monstrosity that had interrupted Titus' dance at Rockbreaker's. In his chambers, Titus sat curled around a cup of tea, the tail of his massive mate, Horehound, nestling around him while she wove quietly, the sound of a crackling fire and her shuttle all that went between them.

It had been a long time since Titus felt fear like this, had felt so impotent as this. But he had never felt caught in a collapsing wave of malevolence and anger. He shook with it from time to time, even beneath the intricately woven cowl his mate had given him.

He felt, now and again, the muffled emotions of the Hunters going about their business. He doubted very deeply that they would find anything, as the Citadel had been kept clean for years, but they could never be too careful. Titus knew he had to be glad of the Hunters' presence at the dance, of how easily they integrated society here to accept that some who walked among them were ready, at any given time, to stand and protect.

But not for the first time, Titus felt unnerved by the whole thing. In a moment supposed to be filled with praise and glory, he felt robbed of his due. And perhaps that was selfish of him. He should be grateful for his life.

Horehound set her shuttle away and turned her loom towards him. Stretched between the bars was an intricate tapestry of geometric shapes, the likes of which Titus would never have the patience to create, but which Horehound wove again and again in increasing mastery. "What do you think?" she asked.

He considered, flattered that she, the artist, would ask his opinion. "It's beautiful," he said, and he meant it.

"Do you think it's too dark?"

He smiled at her, then turned back to the tapestry. He considered it in the fire light, the way the flickering glow caught the brighter threads and let them stand out against the deep, rich colors in the background. "For some lairs," he said, "perhaps. But not for all."

She smiled, and she pulled him nearer with her tail. He jostled, his tea sloshing up against his hands, and he laughed in spite of his sour mood.


Pair: PROJECT STARDUST - @ghostlyplants


Pair: Lily & Marra - @Kodak


Pair: Xudyr & Chade - @StilinskiSpark



That's all for today! Everyone is listed up front and an on the AH. Thanks for taking a look, and please take care of yourselves. <3
The Mossy Stone
Phew, Titus. Again, very lovely writing. Hope your week goes well too! <33
Phew, Titus. Again, very lovely writing. Hope your week goes well too! <33
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
@Salathielly - Thanks! Yours, too! :) Thanks as always for reading along! <3
@Salathielly - Thanks! Yours, too! :) Thanks as always for reading along! <3
The Mossy Stone
[b]General Pinglist:[/b] @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard Hi ya'll, it's a weekend, which means it's story time! \o/ I've got a backlog of dragons, and today didn't go exactly according to plan, so expect some pile of them later this week. Thank you as always for watching me make melodrama out of my silly dragon hobby. :) [quote]"He's watching that light again," [url=]Bier[/url] muttered to [url=]Gentian[/url] as they passed on the stairs. "He's going to get himself in trouble one of these days." "You will kindly not antagonize my staff about what they do and do not look at out the window," Gentian replied sternly. Then he turned a smile on the bard. "I heard you play at Rockbreaker's. A remarkable event." "It doesn't ... usually end like that..." Bier muttered in embarassment. /// "This is a godless country, isn't it?" [url=]Arnalt[/url] muttered, deep into his cups. "There, there, dear," his mate, [url=]Mantle[/url], said, patting him on the shoulder. "When our caravan finally arrives, we'll be able to leave this awful place." She turned sharply to where [url=]Mallow[/url] stared at her impassively as he passed her a steaming drink oozing with foam. "Not you, of course, dear, or you, [url=]Peony[/url]. You two have been so kind to us while we await our protection." Mallow elbowed Peony sharply in the ribs and offered Mantle an awkward smile before returning to clean his machinery. Peony finally yanked his gaze from the window, where the sun had fled and revealed the well known and glimmering [url=]spirit[/url] in the distance. /// "Do you want me to walk you home?" [url=]Lorn[/url] asked at the door. His last job had savaged his ribs, and he was finally recovering. It was good to be up again. "Taking the air doesn't sound half bad on a night like this." Peony smiled warmly and drew his cloak around his shoulders. "I'll be alright," he said. Lorn watched him bundle up, and he had half a mind to just throw on his own cloak and gloves and announce his destination somewhere near enough to make an excuse. But at that moment, [url=]Karina[/url] called him, and he turned away to answer. When he turned back, Peony was gone, the bell jingling merrily behind him. /// [url=]Kusil[/url] fed the stew a few more herbs and some brine before banking the fire and returning to his wool room, where he was preparing the season's cashmere for cleaning, spinning, and sale. He heard Peony come in, but they were a quiet pair, and sometimes his mate needed time after work. He would come see Kusil when he was ready, or they would see each other over supper. Kusil judged his time by the sifting of sand through the glass, and when it had poured out and Peony still had not appeared, he headed back to the kitchen to check the stew was ready. Thick and savory, its warm umami made his stomach rumble, the notes of humble sage and sharp tomato a good compliment to the prawns and fish heads within. It would be filling and nourishing and warm - especially important on this frigid evening. He limped towards their quarters, wondering how his mate's day was, and stopped abruptly in the doorway at the sight of brilliant plumage spilled across the floor. Kusil tried to bend, but his leg went slack beneath him, and he stumbled to his love's side. He spoke Peony's name softly, tapping him on the cheek, trying to rouse him, but while his chest rose and fell with breath, his pale rosy eyes stared at nothing, and he did not wake. [url=]>>Next>>[/url][/quote] Pair: [b]Horace & Mephala[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pair: [b]Marjoram & Caraway[/b] - @Dracowolf @katha053 (tuns) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As always, everyone is on the front page. Thanks so much for taking a look!
General Pinglist: @CosmicFalcon @Salathielly @Quis @rotdeer @MeraHunt @gbot13 @ells @Tala2121 @Azuroru @DescendentMoon @septarianflare @mmuted @defenestrating @nappez @ghostlyplants @sunflowerlizard

Hi ya'll, it's a weekend, which means it's story time! \o/ I've got a backlog of dragons, and today didn't go exactly according to plan, so expect some pile of them later this week. Thank you as always for watching me make melodrama out of my silly dragon hobby. :)

"He's watching that light again," Bier muttered to Gentian as they passed on the stairs. "He's going to get himself in trouble one of these days."

"You will kindly not antagonize my staff about what they do and do not look at out the window," Gentian replied sternly. Then he turned a smile on the bard. "I heard you play at Rockbreaker's. A remarkable event."

"It doesn't ... usually end like that..." Bier muttered in embarassment.


"This is a godless country, isn't it?" Arnalt muttered, deep into his cups.

"There, there, dear," his mate, Mantle, said, patting him on the shoulder. "When our caravan finally arrives, we'll be able to leave this awful place." She turned sharply to where Mallow stared at her impassively as he passed her a steaming drink oozing with foam. "Not you, of course, dear, or you, Peony. You two have been so kind to us while we await our protection."

Mallow elbowed Peony sharply in the ribs and offered Mantle an awkward smile before returning to clean his machinery. Peony finally yanked his gaze from the window, where the sun had fled and revealed the well known and glimmering spirit in the distance.


"Do you want me to walk you home?" Lorn asked at the door. His last job had savaged his ribs, and he was finally recovering. It was good to be up again. "Taking the air doesn't sound half bad on a night like this."

Peony smiled warmly and drew his cloak around his shoulders. "I'll be alright," he said.

Lorn watched him bundle up, and he had half a mind to just throw on his own cloak and gloves and announce his destination somewhere near enough to make an excuse. But at that moment, Karina called him, and he turned away to answer. When he turned back, Peony was gone, the bell jingling merrily behind him.


Kusil fed the stew a few more herbs and some brine before banking the fire and returning to his wool room, where he was preparing the season's cashmere for cleaning, spinning, and sale.

He heard Peony come in, but they were a quiet pair, and sometimes his mate needed time after work. He would come see Kusil when he was ready, or they would see each other over supper.

Kusil judged his time by the sifting of sand through the glass, and when it had poured out and Peony still had not appeared, he headed back to the kitchen to check the stew was ready. Thick and savory, its warm umami made his stomach rumble, the notes of humble sage and sharp tomato a good compliment to the prawns and fish heads within. It would be filling and nourishing and warm - especially important on this frigid evening.

He limped towards their quarters, wondering how his mate's day was, and stopped abruptly in the doorway at the sight of brilliant plumage spilled across the floor.

Kusil tried to bend, but his leg went slack beneath him, and he stumbled to his love's side. He spoke Peony's name softly, tapping him on the cheek, trying to rouse him, but while his chest rose and fell with breath, his pale rosy eyes stared at nothing, and he did not wake.


Pair: Horace & Mephala -



Pair: Marjoram & Caraway - @Dracowolf @katha053 (tuns)



As always, everyone is on the front page. Thanks so much for taking a look!
The Mossy Stone
Oh no Peony! D:
Oh no Peony! D:
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png