
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
These are so cool! I’d love one of Yanli if she strikes your fancy. Username: alleyes007 Dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] Dragon’s personality: Yanli is gentle and quiet (much like her namesake, in case you’ve ever watched the Untamed). she’s a skilled guzheng player, and likes to play for the patrons of the clan’s teahouse. Requests: none!
These are so cool! I’d love one of Yanli if she strikes your fancy.

Username: alleyes007
Dragon’s personality: Yanli is gentle and quiet (much like her namesake, in case you’ve ever watched the Untamed). she’s a skilled guzheng player, and likes to play for the patrons of the clan’s teahouse.
Requests: none!
username: TheEnforcer ID/link to your dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] dragon's personality: he's got lore in his bio. Put shortly, he's an edgy creative deity from another world. Wants everyone to be happy, doesn't quite get how to do that. requests: Nothing in particular, artist freedom
username: TheEnforcer
ID/link to your dragon: 67017809_350.png
dragon's personality: he's got lore in his bio. Put shortly, he's an edgy creative deity from another world. Wants everyone to be happy, doesn't quite get how to do that.
requests: Nothing in particular, artist freedom
The Enforcer - they/themAboutArtFree IconsAvatar DragonNeocitiesWishlistA pixelated animation of a teal Mirror dragon wearing a blue and purple hood. They blink and then a heart appears in a speech balloon before filling with dark liquid and fading to black.
@GarbagePal [emoji=ivy leaf size=1] beep! I like the character so much!!! [url=][img][/img][/url]
@GarbagePal beep! I like the character so much!!!

@nekopallet [emoji=ivy leaf size=1] boop! I think you can ask for multiple requests as long as you ask to draw different dragons! [I mean their breed/colors are completely different and they have different apparels or something like that!!!] [url=][img][/img][/url] [a useless fact: "beepboop" is actually the way how I name my requests when I save the images in my files. this request is called "beepboop25.png"]
@nekopallet boop! I think you can ask for multiple requests as long as you ask to draw different dragons!

[a useless fact: "beepboop" is actually the way how I name my requests when I save the images in my files. this request is called "beepboop25.png"]
I AM IN LOVEEEE TYSM I WOULD LOVE ANOTHER Also that is an amazing fun fact [b]username:[/b] nekopallet [b]ID/link to your dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]dragon's personality:[/b] kind of a meanie but sweet on the inside.. only if ur her friend tho [b]requests:[/b] probably her teeth exposed kinda snarling ig? otherwise go ham again lol
Also that is an amazing fun fact

username: nekopallet
ID/link to your dragon:
dragon's personality: kind of a meanie but sweet on the inside.. only if ur her friend tho
requests: probably her teeth exposed kinda snarling ig? otherwise go ham again lol
stagsig1.png aaa
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» Avatar Dragon
username: Ashen0 ID/link to your dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] dragon's personality: Very hyperactive and can't take anything seriously requests: I don't mind, as long as he seems energetic
username: Ashen0

ID/link to your dragon:


dragon's personality: Very hyperactive and can't take anything seriously

requests: I don't mind, as long as he seems energetic
I absolutely adore your style what da hell.. literally art goals, its so cool looking and expressive!! Thank you in advance, id be honoured to get smth from you. And thank you for giving free stuff tor the community in general, I admire that! username: computers ID/link to your dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] dragon's personality: laangust is a very cheery playful magician! he's rather distant and finds it hard to communicate with others but practical jokes on his clanmates is just about in his comfort zone. requests: idm, go wild, a mischevious smirk or something on those lines would be good! (also he wears his goggles above his eyes usually but feel free to put them over if youre inclined)
I absolutely adore your style what da hell.. literally art goals, its so cool looking and expressive!! Thank you in advance, id be honoured to get smth from you. And thank you for giving free stuff tor the community in general, I admire that!

username: computers
ID/link to your dragon:
dragon's personality: laangust is a very cheery playful magician! he's rather distant and finds it hard to communicate with others but practical jokes on his clanmates is just about in his comfort zone.
requests: idm, go wild, a mischevious smirk or something on those lines would be good! (also he wears his goggles above his eyes usually but feel free to put them over if youre inclined)
- LILLY! -
no pronouns
im subscribed to every thread i make
[quote name="KettlePacifist" date="2021-10-05 19:12:12" ] @psychefennecat [emoji=ivy leaf size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] Idk if this is an issue on my end but the image isn't popping up and the link won't load either ;u;
KettlePacifist wrote on 2021-10-05 19:12:12:

Idk if this is an issue on my end but the image isn't popping up and the link won't load either ;u;
Username: KoifishLizard ID/link to your dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] Dragon personality: He's eerie, mysterious. He doesn't know how to communicate with others do to dying young and he typically follows others into caves and guides them out! A helpful little bugger. You don't have to draw him, it's your choice! (My bad just realized I didn't do the right thing-)
Username: KoifishLizard
ID/link to your dragon:
Dragon personality: He's eerie, mysterious. He doesn't know how to communicate with others do to dying young and he typically follows others into caves and guides them out! A helpful little bugger.

You don't have to draw him, it's your choice!
(My bad just realized I didn't do the right thing-)
Untitled284_20220117130752.png AH


@PsycheFennecat ah, I have no idea... qq maybe something on your end, because the image for me is loaded and I can see it

I'm so sorry :"" I can't give another link, I haven't posted any of these requests
@PsycheFennecat ah, I have no idea... qq maybe something on your end, because the image for me is loaded and I can see it

I'm so sorry :"" I can't give another link, I haven't posted any of these requests