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7.66 m
7.23 m
1020.83 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245

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H U A J I N G turn your face towards the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus malesuada vulputate diam ultrices ultricies. Integer justo leo, mollis eu leo vel, pulvinar aliquet sem. Nullam feugiat orci ut eros sodales faucibus. Mauris malesuada fringilla tellus, vel vestibulum nisi lacinia ac. Donec mollis, neque non accumsan molestie, libero diam pretium magna, a ultricies metus mi a neque. Duis lectus libero, commodo eget elit et, sodales venenatis purus. Ut mattis enim sed nibh aliquet, at blandit urna laoreet. Nam id condimentum metus, vitae finibus nisl.
Aliquam eget sagittis diam. Sed venenatis nec dui varius tincidunt. Ut sed malesuada tortor. Nullam consectetur ullamcorper elit aliquet euismod. Pellentesque enim sapien, dictum vitae enim a, facilisis interdum leo. Vestibulum efficitur turpis vel sem ullamcorper lacinia. Nunc convallis volutpat ante id semper. Etiam non tristique nibh. Ut sagittis auctor felis, in aliquam augue egestas sed. Nam at ex vel massa blandit blandit.
Aliquam eget sagittis diam. Sed venenatis nec dui varius tincidunt. Ut sed malesuada tortor. Nullam consectetur ullamcorper elit aliquet euismod. Pellentesque enim sapien, dictum vitae enim a, facilisis interdum leo. Vestibulum efficitur turpis vel sem ullamcorper lacinia. Nunc convallis volutpat ante id semper. Etiam non tristique nibh. Ut sagittis auctor felis, in aliquam augue egestas sed. Nam at ex vel massa blandit blandit.
Huajing’s earliest memory is of fire. In her dreams it’s everywhere, the smoke so thick she can hardly see, and the smell of it clings to her feathers when she wakes. There’s no roar of flame here. The darkness is gentle and calm, and she spends a long moment breathing in the spring-sweet air. She clambers to her feet, resisting the urge to sway and weave as she does so. Her body has grown used to compensating for the gentle bob of the Cloudsong platforms, but the ground here is solid, steady in a way that she hadn’t realised she missed. Above the hills, the sky is just beginning to lighten. Lotus Song has grown so much since she left. The buildings she remembers as half-finished stand tall and beautiful, blending the Eastern and Western architectural styles of the Plateau. The Teahouse has reopened on the ground floor of the Singing Shrine, and Huajing hears they have a fortune-teller now, and live music. There’s even a second settlement, the thriving port town of Morningmist. Everything has changed. Huajing wanders through the streets, arriving eventually at the riverbank. Across the water, she can just make out the worn stone of an unlit wayshrine lantern, half-hidden in the underbrush. It will be her duty to tend to it, now; to light the way for travellers and spirits, make sure that every wayshrine in their territory is well kept. |
"We’re glad to have you home.” She glances over her shoulder. Inara meets her eyes, gaze open and welcoming. When Huajing’s mother died, Inara carried her grief like a physical weight, tied around her ankles. (Elain died for the clan, Inara always insists. For all of them. But Huajing knows it wasn’t the whole clan that fell behind as they fled the fire. It wasn’t the whole clan that Elain turned back for.) “I’m glad to be back,” Huajing says. She nods at the lantern, and adds, “Looks like there’s plenty for me to do.” Inara settles at her side, flexing her claws in the dew-damp grass. “Is that the only reason?” No. But also yes. Huajing has fire in her bones, raging and awful, and she sees it in her clan: in how everyone turns to the northwest at the first smell of smoke, and how Bane keeps his stores stocked with more wispfruit than they’ll ever need. It’s in the way they speak of the home they left behind. |
“I missed you, auntie,” she says instead, and hopes Inara hears the rest.

by MothTime!

by Slurpuff!

by Aavinox!
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Exalting Huajing to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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