
travelers' host
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Conjoined Skink
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Verdant Sage Lantern
Sorcerer's Cobwebs
Cobalt Halfmoon Spectacles
Mossy Maze Colony
Green Birdskull Legband
Fiendish Emerald Nightshroud
Glowing Green Clawtips
Fiendish Emerald Clawrings




22.43 m
15.68 m
5941.98 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 17, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245






A wide cave mouth opens into what an overhanging ironwrought sign designates as the "Travelers' Dens." Vivid ribbons of a rainbow of colors hang from the top of the entrance and flutter in the sea breeze, welcoming you in. You push past them and step into the cave. The hard stone floor contrasts distinctly with the sun-baked sand of the beach, but the cave is anything but cold. Bubbles of light are enchanted to hover about the ceiling, illuminating many uniform caverns that span out from this central room, which is notably empty save for a disorganized seating area and a guestbook propped up on a pedestal near the entrance.

One of the halls ahead deviates from the rest due to a parchment pinned to the wall, reading "Vacancy - Temporary Stay." You proceed through the tunnel, tucking your wings in close to your body. The first few dens - you suppose they're dens and not further branching caverns - have linen curtains drawn over the entrances, and muffled voices can be heard from inside. You enter the next unoccupied den, taking in the humble bedroll and the worn woven rug spread over the stone floor - a split second before you realize this den isn't unoccupied after all. Before you can make a hasty exit, the Ridgeback swivels around with a smile.

"Oh, another guest! Welcome, welcome!" He rushes up to you, holding one clawed foreleg out for a handshake. "My name is Blight - I'm the caretaker of these here Travelers' Dens. I was just finishing tidying the place up - sorry I wasn't available up front to greet you!"

Blight | he/him | hostel host | elder

Blight was an enthusiastic traveler in his youth - never mind that he typically skipped out on work to do so! The proud young Ridgeback felt unenamored with the idea of serving others, and instead flew solo to some of the most dangerous regions in Sornieth at the time, for no reason other than that he could. Due to the persistence of this pattern, it's a wonder that he was home when the entire clan of Sunbeam Grotto fell into a deep hibernation.

Since awakening, Blight's wild temper has waned after experiencing the very real threat of losing his family and his home. Like his family, and many of his fellow elder clan members, Blight too is apprehensive to leave the clan for fear he might be unable to return. He feels a begrudging duty to help the clan in ways he didn't care to in the past.

Blight has combined his desires and his fears into a very palpable service. Noticing the increase of passing travelers since the clan's reawakening, Blight hollowed out a shallow system of caves in a mountain base near the clan proper. This area serves as the travelers' den - a set of rooms maintained by Blight to house visitors passing through, ambassadors serving their duty, or new clan members awaiting their own dwellings.

In addition to his work hosting the hostel, Blight has deigned to keep a log of all the travelers who have come and gone from Sunbeam Grotto, as seen below.

travelers originating from Sunbeam Grotto

Dusk wrote:
dragon?did=66960037&skin=0&apparel=909,23289,17907,17889,17925,17916,35205&xt=dressing.png Dusk was the first traveler sent away from the newly awakened Sunbeam Grotto. The young Tundra nobly accepted his duty, even though he had a suspicion that the elders knew something they weren't telling him.
As a traveler, Dusk operates on a lenient schedule - he aims to reach landmark destinations where the land holds its own story, hoping that the occupants of the area share that trait. But he's always willing to take a segue, since stories can be found in the most unlikely of places!

Dusk sets out on each journey with a time limit - or, a space limit, as his satchel can only carry so many scrolls! Once he's collected enough stories to fill his bag, Dusk will make a beeline home to Sunbeam Grotto so that he can drop them off at the clan's developing library.

Scroll Case
Ekolon wrote:
Unlike Dusk, Ekolon wasn't born in Sunbeam Grotto - it's merely where he began to track his journeys across Sornieth. Formerly a part of a traveling performance troupe, Ekolon split from the group with the intention to make a name for himself with his elaborate puppeteering skills. Now, Ekolon roams the lands, pulling a wheeled cart that not only holds his supplies but doubles as a popup puppet stage! He has many routines to reenact with his marionette actors, from legends that enchant hatchlings to vicious, dramatic battles that regale adult audiences. Ekolon travels on foot, performing anywhere from the most bustling of cities to tiny isolated hamlets - it's a wonder the landscapes through which he's been able to maneuver his cart!

Painted Marionette
Coriander wrote:
69846368_350.png Coriander has long had a love for cooking with rare ingredients, so it was no surprise to the dragons of Sunbeam Grotto when he flew off at first light on the day he reached maturity! Coriander has great plans to source the most exotic of ingredients from all corners of Sornieth - and he's ready to cook them up into a meal to please any dragons who help get him there!
Coriander left with a detailed list, compiled from stories of foreign-born clanmates and travelers of their favorite regional meals and ingredients. Actually obtaining the rare herbs, recipes, and cooking techniques will prove a challenge in itself!
Blooming Woodbasket
Gesso wrote:
Gesso came to Sunbeam Grotto as a juvenile to spend time with her family while waiting for her future path to present itself. Suffice to say, she got tired of waiting!

Even without any particular skills or experience of her own, Gesso confidently stated that touring Sornieth will be education enough - leaving no space for argument! Whether or not she's aware of the fact, she will be participating in a long-standing tradition of Sunbeam Grotto's youth, one I myself partook in as a young dragon. Before Gesso departed, I offered her a word of advice - "look before you leap." Hopefully she takes it to heart - Gesso seems to be the clumsy type.

Navy Aviator Satchel
Zora wrote:
75248195_350.png A serious young hatchling of our own clan, Zora wished from a young age to carry the mantle of the festival and elemental sages that preceded him. After spending many moons studying under his mother and the eldest of our sages, he's declared himself ready to tour Sornieth, seeking to experience the elemental festivals in the lands of their origin.

Fortunately, he was old enough to join the rest of the clan in enjoying the abundance of this previous Wavecrest Saturnalia! It's been many years since I myself participated in a festival that wasn't held on Sunbeam Grotto's shores...I look forward to reading about Zora's adventures.

Giant Sand Dollar

travelers who passed through Sunbeam Grotto

Saltaure wrote:
58397817_350.png Saltaure, a wild, free-spirited young Mirror, visited Sunbeam Grotto via a crash landing on the beach. Her arrival predated a pattern - many of the travelers who arrived to the area weren't intending to reach Sunbeam Grotto at all. It seemed that the clan's surrounding area was prone to increased anomalies, accidents, and missteps.
After her entrance, Saltaure's visit went smoothly - she spent a day crafting jewelry with Precious, and left with a gift of her own. She did leave a nasty review of the travelers' den in the guestbook, but it almost certainly stemmed from a...personal misunderstanding, let's say.

Advisor Rings
Frost wrote:
Frost came and went, disappearing into the clan's library as soon as he'd arrived and exiting shortly after with a notable weight off his shoulders. It seems he'd deposited some stories inside, much to the delight of the dragons around! How he knew where to find the library, or how he'd even known that one existed in the clan, continues to be a mystery.
What's more, Frost was gone so fast that no dragon had the opportunity to ask about his journey, nor his arrival... From the perspective of the dragons in attendance that day, it seemed that he had entered Sunbeam Grotto focused on his single task - delivering books to a clan with an empty library.

Book of Urban Legends
Toffee wrote:
68401437_350.png The sweets-loving Toffee also stumbled across Sunbeam Grotto by chance. He had gotten turned around while traversing the Zephyr Steppes, but noticed a path that seemed to call out to him. Following the overgrown path down the cliff led him to Sunbeam Grotto!
Toffee got lost again within the clan's cave system, but this path also lead somewhere special - the den of Taffy, the clan's candymaker!
Toffee spent some time learning about Taffy's craft, and he departed the following day with a baggie of goodies and a skip in his step as he traveled onward.

Refined Highnoon Brimmer
Eladrin wrote:
Eladrin arrived in Sunbeam Grotto for some much-needed rest - but before she could get any, she was whisked away for a tour by the overenthusiastic Zenith! Ah, well. It only took her a long rest and a lazy day before Eladrin felt the desire to explore somewhere new. Such is the life of a wanderer!
While she was here, though, Eladrin spent an afternoon regaling the other young dragons of the clan with some tales from her travels. Warpwind sat off to the side, recording a particularly interesting experience Ela reported having in the Millmeadows. Maybe it's worth checking out, or maybe it'll serve as another good story for the old Skydancer to scare the hatchlings with!
Ash Lace Headpiece
Wave wrote:
64100693_350.png "Wave?" Who is Wave? I don't recognize this dragon as having stayed in my travelers' dens...are you sure she entered Sunbeam Grotto at all? I apologize, but if you're looking for her I'll be of no help.

Driftwood Log
DiscoBall wrote:
After a particularly eventful flight over the Sea of a Thousand Currents, DiscoBall found herself recuperating from an injury in Sunbeam Grotto. Isadora struggled to keep the wild party dragon on bedrest for the month it took to heal her wing...similarly, Disco was challenged by the clan's tranquil atmosphere! Even though she didn't pass through the travelers' den, she was hard to miss during the time she stayed here.
As soon as her wing was healed, the Spiral thanked her hosts and healer profusely before dashing back out across the Sea. If anyone heard her whooping and hollering with joy as she soared away from the clan, they were polite enough to not mention it...
Noxious Coralclimber Toxin
Mavir wrote:
61909232_350.png Oh, that dragon? I haven't met him myself, but he matches the description of a traveler reported haunting our neighboring coast for much of the day some time ago. It appears he wasn't able to pass through our borders for whatever reason.

Delta was the only one of our own to speak to him, and from what I heard, he wasn't all too kind...though, Delta struggles with making a good first impression. Regardless, perhaps it's best Mavir never made it to our shores - he seems like a bit of a menace! My condolences to whichever clan hosts him next.

Montfort wrote:
Montfort made a quick stop in Sunbeam Grotto to weather a storm over the Sea of a Thousand Currents. During his short visit, he was captured by the beautiful harmony of land and sea in the environment and population of the clan. With his violin he launched into song while perched on a tall rock in the center of the clan, the cliffsides beside him acting as amplifiers for the lovely sound. Unbidden, the clanmembers paused what they were doing to listen to the improvised tune, unlike any dragon had heard or played before or since. Montfort's expert composition united the vista of the stormy sea with the calm refuge he'd found in Sunbeam Grotto, and every dragon privileged enough to listen to his song that day will never forget it.

Dirge Fiddlefiend
Sooyoung wrote:
69224278_350.png Sooyoung came to our shores troubled, and seemed content to do little more than observe the clan from a distance. She'd wake early, find a perch on the cliff, and watch the goings-on of Sunbeam Grotto from sunrise to sunset.

Sooyoung stayed for quite some time, and when she left it seemed as if she'd perked up just a little...for all the time she was here, though, I didn't get a chance to know her very well at all. Perhaps someday she will return - or, perhaps not. Such is the life of a traveling dragon! Either way...I wish her the best in her endeavors.
Blue Quartz
Marron wrote:

Daydreamer's Spines
Anemone wrote:
69835503_350.png Anemone was curious to meet her namesake, so she was willing to dive beneath the sea - as long as she was assured her feathers wouldn't get wet! After Circadi, the clan's most experienced mage, cast a waterproofing spell and a waterbreathing spell, Anemone was led by Tsunami and Laminaria to the Fishspine Reef, a short distance from the clan's nesting grounds. The typically reserved and proper Skydancer was overwhelmed by the experience, darting back and forth through the colorful coral like an enthusiastic hatchling! Anemone slept well that night and bid us all a gracious farewell the next morning before taking to the skies.

Doane wrote:
Doane wandered into Sunbeam Grotto and entertained little Minnow by allowing her to give Doane a tour of the clan. The traveler seemed absorbed by the many flowers Begonia's featured across the cliffside and at the border of the Viridian Forest. Or, at least, she was until she arrived at her quarters in the hostel, at which point she immediately rushed out and politely requested me to bring her our clan's gardener. It was no issue to find him, though I didn't know what she may have wanted from him - and by the look of him sheepishly slinking out of her den minutes later, it must've been quite the talking-to! It seems to have had an effect on Begonia, though - he's been putting a lot of effort recently into cultivating this beautiful blue bloom all across the clan.
Bluelipped Thresh
SeventhRound wrote:
68763514_350.png It seemed SeventhRound was under the impression that our clan served as a rural seaside retreat - but he seemed satisfied with our amenities, at least, always asking me to pay a compliment to my manager. He made the elders antsy, though - some dragons complained he was questioning them at length about a supposed "secret," but as none of them knew about...anything, he eventually left them alone.

It all worked out for the best, though - as the elder council is loyal to their own rules, they kept their distance; and since Seventh had crossed the border to Sunbeam Grotto, that meant he was welcome to stay as long as he wished to fulfill whatever destiny had in mind for him here. He eventually bid us farewell, charisma dripping from his every word as he thanked myself and my clanmates for our hospitality. I get the feeling a dragon like him belongs to a very different world than most of our residents...but I'm glad he enjoyed his stay, at least.

Emeraldback Shardspawn
Teapeddler wrote:
Teapeddler, upon his introduction to Sunbeam Grotto, was invited by Aen to enter the Twilit Teashop. He must have spent quite a bit of time in there, as I barely saw him at all during his visit! The big guy was kind enough to leave a tip for me in the form of a jar of tea leaves - a new brew, apparently, that he'd created during his time here.

Thyme was extra spirited after making a new friend, too, or so it's seemed every time I've visited the Teashop since Teapeddler arrived. It's been some time since I've seen him so energized - it reminds me what a gift I give in hosting travelers for the clan. I always say, the more we can connect with the rest of Sornieth, the better. So many experiences exist outside Sunbeam Grotto, and only certain dragons can carry them here. I only hope we have a positive influence on the world beyond our borders, too.

Meadow Tea Tray
Vaille wrote:
82478039_350.png A shy Mirror was the first unplanned visitor to Sunbeam Grotto in quite some time. I'd nearly forgotten what it was like to be surprised by a new face exiting the den come morning. He arrived on the same day as one of our own returning from a long, far journey - when I returned to my post after fishing up breakfast, Sundrop had strongarmed poor Vaille into agreeing to a full-body tattoo.

My arrival allowed him to make a hasty retreat into the travelers' quarters, while Sundrop left with me the sketch she'd whipped up for his new look - not without adding a few embellishments I'm sure the poor lad wouldn't have approved of. By her request, I passed the sketch along to Vaille the next time I saw him - he didn't stay long after that.

Empty Inkwell
Artan wrote:
This odd fellow behaved as if he came from another world - and I've met dragons from other worlds less strange than he. Artan's language seemed to be a unique twist on our own Draconic - for example, when one clan member he'd been following around called him "rude," he puffed up with pride. Due to his strange vernacular, it was difficult to tell if he was happy or displeased with his accommodations...if I recall correctly, he called my humble hostel "uber cottage-core vibes," or something of the sort. He always carried around an unusual device that seems to occupy much of his attention, often laughing out loud by himself while staring into the inky black square. A most unusual dragon indeed...

Woven Cloth
Aurrunen wrote:
68112641_350.png A landscape painter who'd been attracted to Sunbeam Grotto by rumors of its serene atmosphere and gorgeous vistas - ironic, since all she ended up painting during her stay here was a cross-section of a cave den. Though the subject matter was nothing special, the painting was truly lovely. I'm lucky I got to see it before she left!

Anafiel wrote:
A polite traveler, indeed, though it was painfully obvious that he had nearly no experience of the world outside his own small clan. He often wandered around with that awed expression most of us save for special occasions.

Fortunately, most of our own found his stares of amazement endearing rather than rude. All the more fortunately, Anafiel had been lucky enough to find a traveling companion in Aurrunen, the spirited painter who'd brought him to our shores. They parted the morning after Aurrunen's painting was complete, gently squabbling mid-air as they skirted the cliffs westwards.

Green Sea Slug Cloak
Ocean wrote:
83196679_350.png This poor soul washed up on the shore one day, scaring the hatchlings playing in the surf half to death. Fortunately, she'd somehow survived being knocked unconscious and carried by the currents halfway across the world! No one saw much of her for a few weeks, as she was laid up in the healers' den healing from a concussion. I believe this is the first traveler we've had in quite some time that hasn't once ventured into my travelers' dens, but it was a special case, of course. I did pass her quite a few times sitting out in the early morning breeze, looking out over the sea as if it would give her all the answers she sought. Perhaps it did, because she made a hasty exit nearly as soon as Isadora had declared her well. All the best, traveler!

Soft Lightweaver Idol
Contralto wrote:

Possibly Clay
name wrote:
url x
name wrote:
name wrote:
url x
name wrote:
Peacock Spider Acid Ant Watchful Viperpillar Blight Nymph
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Exalting Blight to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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