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Personal Style


Chancellor Rings
Envious Eye Earrings
Flaxen Unicorn Horn
River Royalist Headdress
River Royalist Waist Cinch
Golden Carousel Saddle
Golden Carousel Bracelet
Golden Carousel Sandal
Golden Carousel Tail Twirl
River Royalist Cuffs


Accent: Shepherd's Beacon



4.28 m
4.84 m
774.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 17, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Nocturne
Max Level
Rune Slash




  • none


Likely staying
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune. In the center the vine wraps around a runestone in shape of an arcane rune.

A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flower puds.

Mage, Outlaw

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Naru was the middle hatchling of a three-hatchling litter she being older than Mediterranean but younger than Jalokivi. Their mother had developed an interesting condition where she was basically split between four different personalities who took turns in controlling the body. Interested if any of the hatchlings had or developed similar condition their father Undreg took them to the Observatory to be observed. While they were waiting for anything to happen she and her siblings were taken care of by Louisa and Kurige, two old clan members who had worked in Observatory’s daycare for years by then. Though the two were primarily looking after the three their father also kept an eye on them, and even played with them to spend time.

None of the hatchlings had showed any signs of having other personalities by the time they were old enough to start studying and they didn’t show any signs while studying. Undreg made an assumption that they would be fine and prepared to return to the lair. He asked if any of the hatchlings wanted to come with him and only Naru was willing to. She did enjoy studying in the Observatory but she had become interested about her father’s mission to solve the mystery of her mother’s condition, and in order to help with that she needed to meet her first. She and her father returned to the clan about one month after moving to the Observatory.

After getting back to the lair Undreg checked Naru’s mother, who at the moment was Flora, and he asked her to tell “Rose” that her hatchlings were alright. Naru later revisited her mother out of curiosity and was greeted by Tilia that time. Communicating with the imperial was challenging. Not only did she change personalities with no way of controlling it externally or internally but she had also lost her ability to speak altogether. Naru felt bad for her mother and promised to fix her, no matter what it took.

Undreg was not a healer, or a scholar, he was an exorcist and summoner, both jobs with next to no need in the clan. Because of that he spent most of his time either keeping his skills sharp, playing games or helping Kupari with her job, and Naru followed him learning all kinds of stuff from her father. One evening Richard arrived to meet Undreg asking him to help Finlande who was apparently being kept as prisoner by Nagabaro and Ninya. Undreg went to investigate the issue and Naru followed with Undreg’s talonok coworker the two keeping their distance just in case.

Neither spirit was willing to answer Undreg’s summoning, even though at least Nagabaro usually didn’t mind chatting, and the nocturnes had to use magic to track the two down. They eventually found the two with the skydancer who seemed to be in trance, Naru couldn’t see clearly because of the distance. Naru and the talonok stayed afar and used a spell to protect themselves from potential mind control spells Nagabaro liked to use while Undreg went closer to get the skydancer back. He was polite to the two spirits and after greeting them he asked if he could get the dragon back. The two were not going to do that and said they had some things they wanted out of the skydancer, like to learn where she had gotten her power and how they could use it. Undreg asked for details and Nagabaro made Finlande tell she had ability to travel to another dimension where the local “fate entity” lived. They were in the middle of learning how to contact that “fate entity” and asked to be left alone with the skydancer. Undreg though was not leaving without Finlande and used his crystal ball to drive the two away.

Naru tried to rush to see things closer but the talonok asked her to be careful. Exorcism seemed to have freed Finlande from mind control but she was not feeling good. She was woozy from the spell and it was clear she had not slept, eaten or gotten anything to drink for few nights. Undreg asked Naru to help get the skydancer to the lair and once at the temple door he allowed her to go. Before Naru though got far her father asked her to not mention about Finlande’s power to anyone. The skydancer was not in condition to deal with that kind of attention, and even if she was it was better to not spread that information so “wrong ears” didn’t hear of it. There was no telling what they would do to get the power for themselves. Naru promised to keep her mouth shut.

Finlande’s power interested Naru and she tried to go ask for more details but when she got to the healing offices she heard the skydancer had visitors, among them Tinker. She decided it was not smart to go in now and decided to go to the library instead. Before she left, though, she heard it was Finlande’s sword that allowed the dimension travelling, supposedly. Naru spent a lot of time in the library studying about dimensions and dimension travelling trying to find a way to replicate skydancer’s power but her attempts were fruitless. She had found books about regular dimension travelling but not about the dimension that was connected to the fate. Still, she kept trying.

Soon after Tinker had visited the healing offices the leaders had decided to increase defense of the clan and the clan had been warned about bounty hunters. No details were given but Naru guessed the leaders knew about Finlande’s powers. She though had no idea of what bounty hunters had to do with it, the spirits most likely wouldn’t use them to get the skydancer back and she had not mentioned about the power to anyone. Naru had spent the entire earth holiday studying the same books over and over again in hopes of finding something useful, but by the time it was over she was ready to give up. She was returning the books back to the shelves when she saw a young spiral pick up books, way more than what she was able to carry with her long and not fully grown body.

After spending so much studying same topic over and over again Naru was in mood for social interaction and she went to lend a hand, or spell, for the young dragon. Valkyrie was maybe grateful for Naru, she was so monotone Naru had hard time believing she was not a fae, and as the two were carrying the books the younger dragon asked if she could teach the levitation spell for her. Naru did that the spiral learning it fast, naturally as it was a basic arcane spell, after which she shared some information with the smaller dragon. During that night they also talked about breed differences and that Valkyrie wasn’t quite happy with being a spiral. Her body was very long and would never be large enough to carry a lot of stuff, walking was hard and carrying stuff while flying was near impossible. They talked about breed changes and Naru left the younger dragon think about her choices when she decided to go to sleep.

Naru met with Valkyrie the following evening the spiral having decided to become a ridgeback. They got the funds from clan’s money vault, bought the scroll which Naru used on the spiral after which they went to study. Valkyrie had very high goal of learning pretty much everything and Naru suggested her to take some courses and lectures in the Observatory. She knew it was possible to take those, she had taken a short one between finding Finlande and beginning of the earth holiday. Valkyrie liked the idea and Naru escorted the younger dragon to the heart of the arcane to make sure she found her way, and was safe from the spirits of the wood. She herself returned back home as there were no interesting courses or lectures available at the moment.

Later Naru was getting something to eat with her father when a mirror on Pix’s shelf caught their eye. It was clearly a magic mirror though Pix didn’t know much details of it. Hillo had brought it when he had come home and the nature ambassador had taken it until Ayla were to come back from Tangled Wood. Undreg asked to have it and the coatl had nothing against it. She gave the mirror and after finishing their meals the two nocturnes went to experiment with the mirror.

Naru and Undreg studied the mirror both understanding the symbols on the frame indicated it was magical one. It was very old and clearly in dormant state and the two decided to see if they could activate it. Naru was more familiar with the symbols and she was confidents she knew the spell to activate it. The two nocturnes concentrated and cast the spell which ended with a small explosion that mutated one of their eyes. It though didn’t seem to be anything to be worried about. After recovering from the blast Naru was the one to pick the mirror up though she dropped it fast when she saw her reflection. It was not a dragon that stared back, in fact it looked like a less pretty centaur. Undreg’s reflection didn’t seem at all different and the two dragons were confused by the result. His talonok companion also tried the mirror but the reflection wasn’t at all different. Only Naru’s was.

Naru was curious of what the mirror did and didn’t do. She had seen its symbols in dimension related books and she wondered if the mirror was some kind of dimensional window. She asked others to look at the mirror and noticed that some residents, dragons, familiars and beastclans alike, had alternative reflections while others didn’t. She revisited the books she had read and learned the mirror in fact seemed to be a dimensional window of sorts, maybe it showed the alternative versions of the residents but it didn’t answer why some residents had and others didn’t have a counterpart to stare back at them. Valkyrie, who had returned from the Observatory for time being, had no idea either but she guessed the window showed only one dimension and the ones who didn’t have an alternative reflection didn’t have a counterpart in that dimension. Naru thought that was plausible.

Naru kept studying the mirror trying to figure out what it did while Undreg decided to let it be. One evening Naru happened to walk past Finlande with the mirror and as she did so she glanced to her sword. It was sheeted but Naru was sure she saw it glow for a moment with the markings around the mirror. That interested her and she started to think what it could mean and recalled what the skydancer had said when under Nagabaro’s control. She had talked about local “fate entity” and that “local” really caught Naru’s attention. She didn’t know what the entity was or what it actually did but she guessed it controlled everything in the clan area, “locally”. As she had studied the mirror she had noticed that not everyone with alternative reflection see a character, some saw non-living things, like how Hillo had seen jam and Statospher had seen a type of night cloud. Maybe the reflections weren’t just counterparts but the thing after which the “fate entity” had named everyone.

Naru was sure she was onto something and she wondered if she could contact the “fate entity” through the mirror. If she managed to do that, she could maybe change the fates of her clan mates, she could fix her mother, she could keep bad things from happening ever again. Excited from all the possibilities she tried to use the mirror to break the wall between her and the fate’s realm but her magic either wasn’t strong enough or she used wrong spells. She tried and tried but if she managed to do something it was pass out due to exhaustion.

It was few nights before Night of the Nocturne started and a bounty hunter managed to sneak into the lair. They were captured but why they had come confused the residents. They came up with theories most of them suggesting that some residents had bounty on their head most believing those were Finlande, Richard and Marjatta. There was no proof but the hints were too clear. During the trial against the bounty hunter Naru evaluated the situation. She remembered how Finlande’s sword and the mirror had reacted to each other and she wondered if she could use the sword and the mirror to reach the fate. At the moment there though was a risk of a bounty hunter getting their hand on the skydancer and the power she had. Even if they didn’t notice the power it would still be out of Naru’s reach if that happened. Naru decided to prevent that by capturing the skydancer herself.

Naru woke up very early, almost everyone was still asleep. She made her way to the healing offices and got some strong sleep medicine before making her way to the cafeteria. Finlande generally ate very early, before vast majority even woke up. That was good for Naru as she could probably get the skydancer out before the clan woke up, and with the mimic night starting around sunset she was able to blame the vanishing on the mimics.

Pix was already awake making food for the residents and Finlande was waiting for her meal. Naru knew she should not let the ambassador see her or she would become the prime subject faster than ice melted in volcano. She turned herself invisible and sneaked in she turning the attention away from the bell with a thought transferring spell. Once in she sneaked closer to Finlande who just got her meal, some plants and bugs. Her wolf seemed to notice Naru and Finlande turned to her attention to it Naru taking that opportunity to add the medicine to the food. The wolf remained silent, maybe it was confused by smelling something but not seeing anything. Realizing the wolf would probably follow its owner Naru blew the leftover medicine to its face the dog soon falling asleep.

Finlande soon felt the effect of the medicine and she started to leave. Pix noticed she was not feeling great but the skydancer assured she’d get to the healing office on her own. Naru had assumed she was the type of dragon to turn help down. As the skydancer stepped out of the building Naru did as well the skydancer seemingly not noticing how she had squashed past her. Her swan companion stayed inside wondering what had gotten to the wolf. Once outside Naru offered to help Finlande still keeping the invisibility spell active, though the skydancer wouldn’t notice that due to the hood blocking the vision to the sides. Once the skydancer passed out Naru hurried to the wood in where she used magic to create an underground tunnel for her to use. That way the rangers couldn’t track her, unless they opened the earth on the right level.

The clan soon noticed the skydancer had vanished, probably because the leaders knew of her bounty, and Puolanka started investigating. He was suspicious of Naru after Fauna and Fiona told they had seen something invisible carry Finlande away, and the clan didn’t have many dragons able to turn invisible, but he didn’t have enough proof to blame Naru outright. Because of the investigation Naru had hard time sneaking out to check the skydancer but she should be fine. Her hide was protected with anti-spirit and anti-sound spells, the cell was mostly underground with small windows for air near the top and hole for the water to go through at the bottom and the inside of it was made out of crystal which should stand her water magic better than plain earth, and the sword was kept safe inside the anti-spirit spell but far away from the skydancer herself. If Naru needed to be worried of something, it was to keep the older dragon fed.

Naturally the skydancer was not happy to be trapped and she asked to let go once Naru eventually came to see her. Naru promised to do so if she helped her with her goal, which the skydancer refused to do without question. As the skydancer was not cooperating Naru had to do her experiments herself. She tried to cut a portal with the sword but that didn’t do anything, she tapped the mirror with the blade and draw all kinds of symbols in front of it by using the sword, but no matter what she did nothing happened. She asked how the skydancer used the sword she just saying she used it. Naru assumed she had some kind of power that allowed her to activate the sword without effort. The skydancer couldn’t deny nor admit her claim.

Naru spent the following night reading books, both to not look too suspicious and to maybe find a way to use the tools she had. After that she returned to her hide with food and the information she had gathered, that very little. She tried to cast some spells on her tools to see if that changed anything and after few fruitless attempts she turned to Finlande demanding her to show how to use the sword. The skydancer was hanging on the inner wall of her cell, she needed to do that to see out, and her eyes were fixated on something. She glanced to Naru but the eyes returned to watch whatever it was, and Naru followed her eyes only to see Undreg inside the two wide spell circles.

Naru had not expected that and asked how her father had found her and if he was followed. She glanced to the wood and saw no one else. Undreg said he knew she was behind Finlande’s capture, he sounded disappointed as he said that. He asked what she was doing and Naru told she tried to contact the “fate entity” and use that opportunity to change things around. She could heal her mother, she could fix her father’s damaged wings, she could keep bad things from happening ever again. Undreg was not happy with Naru’s goal. He asked if she planned to erase her mother’s other personalities, make a choice of which was “the correct one”. Naru knew Tilia was her mother’s original personality but Undreg pointed out Rose was basically her mother. Her emotions had created Naru and her siblings.

Naru didn’t want to talk about that anymore and changed the topic to her father’s wings. They had been damaged during a raid in his old home and now he had difficulties with flying. He could fly but not as well as a wind dragon should. Undreg was clearly offended by what Naru implied and just said he didn’t feel inferior because of his injuries. He turned to leave and Naru rushed to ask him to not reveal what she had done and what she was doing. She was close to succeeding and after that she could let Finlande go. Undreg turned to watch both Naru and Finlande, and after that he said he would wait until end of the mimic night or until Naru was caught. After that he left.

In the clan Valkyrie had also figured out that Naru was behind Finlande’s disappearance but she was more interested about the results, and that the skydancer was not hurt, than she was about revealing Naru to the higher-ups. Naru was happy to take those news as she had not done much progress, and the Night of the Nocturne was approaching its end. Few nights after meeting with Valkyrie a conference was announced and Naru assumed it was about Finlande’s status, even when it was a little late, and though she was a bit nervous she decided to attend as to not looks suspicious. At least two knew she had done it, and it was possible others were onto her. She needed to act as normal as possible.

Once everyone, or most as the border guards had no time to join, had arrived to the trial room Karmiini started the meeting by asking the five guardians to look over them during the conference. That was a little odd as usually only Ruoigu was called to look over the meetings but Naru chose to ignore that detail. The chairdragon then told what the topic of the conference was and to Naru’s, and by the sound of it everyone else’s, surprise it was not that Finlande had been missing for a bit over a week but that the guardians demanded something from the clan. Once the crowd calmed down the chairdragon gave the floor to Kupari the priestess telling the guardians demanded one to be exiled. They condemned “her” actions and demand “her” to leave the clan and the wood entirely. Naru glanced to Undreg, who was sitting near, he staring at her as if she was that “she”. Naru turned her eyes back to the priestess as someone asked who she was referring to Kupari turning her eyes directly to Naru.

Naru had not expected the guardians to call her out like that and she asked what she had done. She knew what she had done but surely the guardians weren’t mad because of that. The priestess asked Naru what she had done and she swore she had just been devoted to the five. Karmiini turned her attention to Undreg and asked for his take. She didn’t ask if he knew, she didn’t assume that he knew, she knew he knew. As Undreg hesitated, for a moment, Naru was able to see Witchi, also known as the Gossip Queen, look straight at her. She was small and not particularly close but Naru was able to tell she had told the judge who to interrogate. He had said he would wait until she was caught, and she was caught.

Undreg told Naru had captured Finlande, and she started to think a way out. She was ordered to be exiled, which wasn’t that bad in a sense, but they would no doubt free Finlande and Naru needed her still. The judge then asked Naru for reasons and she told it was to keep her safe from the bounty hunters. The border guards were growing tired and it was only a matter of time before they got through and took the skydancer. The judge then asked what made Finlande so special. She was pressuring Naru with her eyes and she knew the judge knew she was withholding information.

Naru hesitated with her answer and the judge turned her eyes to Undreg asking if he knew why. Before he could answer Naru told the sword the skydancer carried was a key between realities. It could be used to contact the fate itself. That was when Itameri asked to speak the prophet telling that if Naru was allowed near Finlande she could tear the reality apart. They had to kick the mage out and get the skydancer back. That was when someone asked why Finlande had the bounty as surely it was not for her power. The clan started to talk about that for a moment and Naru realized she needed to figure out way to escape. She had been so close to reaching her goal, she could not lose the skydancer now.

Naru had made a smart decision to sit near the end of the courtroom but between her and the only door were clan’s imperial, guardian and ridgeback residents, and Kronk was standing on guard. She could petrify one of the bigger dragons to buy herself a little bit time, and she most certainly needed to petrify the ice dragon, but she needed to either fly or run very fast or else she was caught before she reached the wood. Once she reached it, she should be fine. She was able to control the earth to some degree and that gave her the upper hand. Flying was out of question because of Ninya. The clan was done talking about bounty hunters and Karmiini asked Undreg where Finlande was being kept. She had probably noticed Naru planned escape. Undreg gave the clan the location and Naru had to act before he finished his sentence.

Naru petrified Kronk and the dragon second closest to the door to slow down others and rushed out as fast as she could. She could hear the mirrors and rangers run after either to stop her or to reach Finlande before her. Once out of the temple she blocked the door by rising earth and kept flying towards the wood as fast as she could. Once she reached the edge she created a tunnel for herself and made her way to Finlande underground while leaving some walls for rangers to run around. With how hastily she had had to make them, they would not hold the pursuers for long.

At the hide Finlande was clearly confused when the wall of her cell opened and Naru demanded her to follow. She had no time to wait for an answer and took the skydancer with her by grabbing her hand. She took the sword and her guard companion with her by opening holes for them. Finlande seemingly saw her chance to escape and she pulled herself free, but before she got away Naru petrified her and dragged from the tail. They were underground in a magically created tunnel which was safe in theory. However, above ground the earth rose where the tunnel was formed before Naru lowered it down, meaning if she was not fast she could be tracked without issues. She moved as fast as she could by constantly casting spells and dragging an immobile dragon with her.

Naru had no idea where she was or how long it had been when she eventually passes out. Finlande was still petrified by the time she woke and Naru went above ground to see where they were. They were not underground, they were below the sea, and Naru closed the hole as soon as the water started leaking in. She backtracked a little and noticed she was just past the north-western edge of the Focal Point; they were not on the Dream Wood’s landmass anymore. After resting for a moment Naru took a look at her surroundings and found a nice crystal cave below where she had passed out. She decided to make that her new hideout and made Finlande a new cell. After releasing the skydancer she told her that she would be with her until she managed to contact the fate, wanted she or not.

The crystal cave was a pretty place to live in but it had no food for anyone, not the dragons or Naru’s companions. Naru wasn’t much of a hunter and even less of a forager but she needed to find food somehow. She used her tunnels to make her way to the Focal Point proper and invisible she waited to see someone travel towards the Observatory. The route she was stalking connected the clan and the heart of arcane, and if Naru was lucky Valkyrie might walk by. After waiting for a long time Naru saw a familiar ridgeback on the road and after managing to stop her with her beetle she got her to come to her by thought transfer.

Valkyrie seemed surprised to see Naru but she was not going to report her. Naru was happy to hear that and asked if she could provide them with food. Valkyrie thought about that for a moment but eventually she agreed to feed her friend, and her pets. The ridgeback told Naru that she would come with food during certain times of a week, and if the nocturne was not there to receive it she would need to wait till next time. Friend or not she was not going to risk being kicked out for helping a wanted dragon. Naru was thankful and promised to pay it all back somewhere in the future.

Small pile of pink petals.

Greyish purple stone frame filled with pink glowing runes. Inside it a shooting star, pale pink on dark pink background.

A pink curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a pink glass arcane rune.
Name origin:
Named after a character from movie Prey
due to her colors being green and hunter.
"Naru" also means "line" or "string"
in Finnish.

A pink curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Naru is an arcane nocturne with sharp spines and horns both of which are longer than usual. Her wings and frill are dark green in color and have pattern similar to falcon wings. Her main body is common green in color. It used to be speckled but preferring jaguar spots Naru changed the pattern to match the animal theme of her wings. Her underbelly used to be desaturated blue but being a proud mage she changed it to dimly glowing legs, arms, horns and runes that run down her sides. The runes spell out the spells she has cast on herself to protect herself from being possessed or taken over by a spell. After a small magic accident Naru’s right eye has turned solid color with stars sparkling in similarly to arcane’s primal eyes though it lacks the glowing marks around it. The left eye kept its unusual tint. Both eyes have normal sight, though the right one can also see spirits and their tracks, and can be closed without problems. Naru tends to paint black markings around her eyes and the edges of her wings are gilded. Her claws are also painted golden.

Naru is a mage and in her eyes quite skilled and powerful. Wanting to show that she wears a lot of golden jewelry and clothes. Her horns are decorated with golden rings, her wings and nose have been pierced with golden decorations and she wears golden rings on both arms and legs the ones on arms emitting golden mist when casting a spell. After exile she was gifted copper earrings with turquoise gems by Valkyrie who in turn got them as lucky charm from her sister. They are shaped like eyes and decorate Naru's horns. She has hidden her frill with wraps around her neck and similar ones decorate her tail as well. She is wearing a golden cover on her back it having white and golden tufts on its sides. The cover is being held in place with golden and blue belt as Naru doesn’t like how loose it is otherwise. She wears a large headdress fitting the belt they both having a large blue gem. The headdress is also modified with a golden unicorn horn that is in front of the gem. It and the white tail tuft at the end of the tail decoration were meant to show devotion to Ealga as Naru hoped the guardian of fate would keep her safe in case she messed up. She kept them after the guardians cast her out to show she hasn't forgotten them and that she was devoted to them. It was them who turned their backs. On her legs and arms she has golden bracelets decorated with brown heart-shaped adornments. She also carries a lantern with her it being powered by a yellow crystal. It is used to see the way when there are no other light sources or they are too dim.

Naru is not necessarily mean but she is proud of herself and that can be heard easily from the way she talks. Her speech has a clear tone of power and pride and she tends to use more obscure words though she avoids coming across as nerdy. She is clear with what she wants to say to the point of being almost too direct though she knowns when to keep her mouth shut. She has strong Egyptian accent.

Small pile of pink petals.

Naru is a confident and goal-oriented dragon. She used to study challenging types of magic in the Observatory and because of that she has a bit of an ego. She isn’t mean or dismissing by default but she is proud of her skills and knowledge and doesn’t like to be challenged on that front. If someone questions her, she is fast to hold her experience and diploma against the one who is questioning, and if the situation is not going anywhere she leaves because she doesn’t want to waste her time arguing with “an idiot”. With having great skills with magic Naru wants to use them and she tends to have quite high, even potentially dangerous goals which she will reach eventually. She tends to ignore warnings but she isn’t an idiot. Whatever she is planning to do, she will always try to do it in a place where it won’t cause harm to the world as a whole, and she uses magical barriers to be extra safe.

Naru was rarely seen in public because she hated how she always ended up mimicking others mainly by repeating their mindless movements. Sometimes she also ended up mimicking random words others said. Despite of that she did enjoy having company once in a while, mainly to feel proud for the knowledge she has but also to share some rumors and play some games. Naru is generally friendly towards others though her pride can sometimes make interactions with her a little tiring. Though quite smart she isn’t good at reading social cues and may not notice that she is making her fellow dragons annoyed or bothered. She is also unlikely to actually care about how others feel and bringing that up most likely ends up with a fruitless argument. Naru isn’t usually that bothered if there have been one or two arguments between her and someone else, but if they end up stockpiling she might start seeing the other as “not worth hanging out with”. After being cast out she had avoided interacting or even seeing her old clan mates but she takes an opportunity to hang out with anyone unaware of her exiled status.

Naru has total of three familiars all of which are smart enough to understand speech while being unable to speak themselves. Naru though understands them through magic. Empress the feathered beetle was Naru’s first familiar and she has remained loyal to her dragon companion. The beetle flies around the lair and wood and reports what she saw to her dragon friend the attention being enough of a price for the job. She likes attention as well as being pampered, and when happy she is like trying to sing. Ramses the sewer toridae and Seti the wasteland collector both joined Naru’s family around the same time. They are both Naru’s ferocious “guard dogs” Ramses usually staying in one place guarding what Naru wants him to guard while Seti follows the nocturne protecting her if needed. He also fetches things or dragons for his owner. Both beasts are loyal to their dragon master who keeps them happy with a little bit of attention and chunks of high-quality meat they get as rewards. Though treating her familiars as servants Naru sees them as her family and hurting anyone of them is sure way to make her very upset.

Small pile of pink petals.

Naru studied in the Observatory in which she learned some challenging spells. She is able to levitate a lot of items, even bigger ones, she can transform items, petrify living creatures, create glowing crystals if she needs some more light and she can turn invisible. Along with that she can tie magic and spells to crystals and items, and she knows a lot of spells that protect areas and herself from all kinds of things, mostly unnatural and otherworldly beings. She can also transfer thoughts into others' heads as long as they don’t move too much, and she can wipe memory clean as long as she is able to ambush her target. That though is extremely tiring and she prefers not to do that for safety of herself. She is also able to control ground on Focal Point thanks to the high concentration of magic fused with it. She also knows basics of summoning and exorcism.
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.

Wishlist/Notes to self:

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