

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | Colors of FR - Hexes
Second part of the colors of FR guides the other being the palettes guide here(outdated)

Recreating this thread by Resonance

Second part of the colors of FR guides the other being the palettes guide here(outdated)

Recreating this thread by Resonance

Night ~ She/Her ~ +2 FR Time
Dragon Colors

  1. Maize: #FFFDEA
  2. Cream: #FFEFDC
  3. Antique: #D8D6CD
  4. White: #FFFFFF
  5. Moon: #D8D7D8
  6. Ice: #DAE0F3
  7. Orca: #E1DFFF
  8. Platinum: #C8BECE
  9. Silver: #BBBABF
  10. Dust: #9D9D9F
  11. Grey: #808080
  12. Smoke: #9494A9
  13. Gloom: #545365
  14. Lead: #413C40
  15. Shale: #4D484F
  16. Flint: #636268
  17. Charcoal: #555555
  18. Coal: #4B4946
  19. Oilslick: #352B25
  20. Black: #333333
  21. Obsidian: #1D2224
  22. Eldritch: #252A25
  23. Midnight: #292B38
  24. Shadow: #3B2F45
  25. Blackberry: #4C2A4F
  26. Mulberry: #6E235D
  27. Plum: #863290
  28. Wisteria: #724D79
  29. Thistle: #8F7D8B
  30. Fog: #A593B0
  31. Mist: #E1CEFF
  32. Lavender: #CCA4E0
  33. Heather: #9777BD
  34. Purple: #A261CF
  35. Orchid: #D951FF
  36. Amethyst: #993BD0
  37. NightShade: #792FB2
  38. Violet: #653F9C
  39. Grape: #560FBE
  40. Royal: #4D2D89
  41. Eggplant: #332B65
  42. Iris: #535195
  43. Storm: #757ADB
  44. Twilight: #474BA0
  45. Indigo: #2D237B
  46. Sapphire: #0D095B
  47. Navy: #212B5F
  48. Cobalt: #003584
  49. Ultramarine: #1D51E7
  50. Blue: #324BA9
  51. Periwinkle: #4967D5
  52. Lapis: #287CEF
  53. Splash: #6394DD
  54. Cornflower: #75A8FF
  55. Sky: #AEC8FF
  56. Stonewash: #7995C1
  57. Overcast: #454F69
  58. Steel: #556979
  59. Denim: #2F4557
  60. Abyss: #0B1F25
  61. Phthalo: #0B2D47
  62. Azure: #0A3D67
  63. Caribbean: #0086CE
  64. Teal: #2B768F
  65. Cerulean: #00B3D5
  66. Cyan: #00FFF0
  67. Robin: #9AEAEF
  68. Aqua: #73C4C4
  69. Turquoise: #3BA0A1
  70. Spruce: #8BBBB2
  71. Pistachio: #E2FFE6
  72. Seafoam: #B2E2BD
  73. Mint: #9AFFC7
  74. Jade: #61AB89
  75. Spearmint: #158E67
  76. Thicket: #005F49
  77. Peacock: #1F4739
  78. Emerald: #21613F
  79. Shamrock: #236925
  80. Jungle: #1E361A
  81. Hunter: #1D2715
  82. Forest: #425035
  83. Camo: #51694D
  84. Algae: #97AF8B
  85. Swamp: #687F67
  86. Avocado: #567D34
  87. Green: #629C3F
  88. Fern: #7FCE73
  89. Mantis: #99FF9C
  90. Pear: #8ECD55
  91. Leaf: #A5E32D
  92. Radioactive: #C6FF00
  93. Honeydew: #D0E673
  94. Peridot: #E8FFB5
  95. Chartreuse: #B4CD3D
  96. Spring: #9DA932
  97. Crocodile: #828335
  98. Olive: #697135
  99. Murk: #4B4521
  100. Moss: #7F7745
  101. Goldenrod: #BEA55D
  102. Amber: #C18E1B
  103. Honey: #D1B300
  104. Lemon: #FFE63B
  105. Yellow: #F9E255
  106. Grapefruit: #F7FF6F
  107. Banana:#FFEC80
  108. Sanddollar: #EBE7AE
  109. Flaxen: #FDE9AE
  110. Ivory: #FFD297
  111. Buttercup: #F6BF6B
  112. Gold: #E8AF49
  113. Metals: #D1B047
  114. Merigold: #FFB43B
  115. Sunshine: #FA912B
  116. Saffron: #FF8400
  117. Sunset: #FFA249
  118. Peach: #FFB577
  119. Cantaloupe: #FF984F
  120. Orange: #D5602B
  121. Bronze: #B2570D
  122. Terracotta: #B23B07
  123. Carrot: #FF5500
  124. Fire: #EF5C23
  125. Pumpkin: #FF6941
  126. Tangerine: #FF7360
  127. Cinnamon: #C05B39
  128. Caramel: #C67147
  129. Sand: #B27749
  130. Tan: #C49A71
  131. Beige: #CABBA2
  132. Stone: #827A64
  133. Taupe: #6D675B
  134. Slate: #564D48
  135. Driftwood: #776359
  136. Latte: #977B6D
  137. Dirt: #77493F
  138. Clay: #613F3D
  139. Sable: #57372D
  140. Umber: #2F1F1B
  141. Soil: #5A4534
  142. Hickory: #735739
  143. Tarnish: #855D33
  144. Ginger: #90532B
  145. Brown: #8D5B3E
  146. Chocolate: #563012
  147. Auburn: #7B3D1D
  148. Copper: #A44B29
  149. Rust: #8A3220
  150. Tomato: #BA311C
  151. Vermilion: #E22D17
  152. Ruby: #CD000F
  153. Cherry: #AA0025
  154. Crimson: #850012
  155. Garnet: #5B0F15
  156. Sanguine: #2F0003
  157. Blood: #451717
  158. Maroon: #652127
  159. Berry: #8B272D
  160. Red: #C1272D
  161. Strawberry: #DE3335
  162. Cerise: #A22929
  163. Carmine: #B13A3A
  164. Brick: #9A534D
  165. Coral: #CC6F6F
  166. Blush: #FFA2A2
  167. Cottoncandy: #EB7997
  168. watermelon: #DB518D
  169. Magenta: #E934AA
  170. Fuchsia: #EC0089
  171. Rasberry: #8A0349
  172. Wine: #4D0F29
  173. Mauve: #9C4975
  174. Pink: #E77FBF
  175. Bubblegum: #EAA9FF
  176. Rose: #FFD6F6
  177. Pearl: #FBEDF9
Dragon Colors

  1. Maize: #FFFDEA
  2. Cream: #FFEFDC
  3. Antique: #D8D6CD
  4. White: #FFFFFF
  5. Moon: #D8D7D8
  6. Ice: #DAE0F3
  7. Orca: #E1DFFF
  8. Platinum: #C8BECE
  9. Silver: #BBBABF
  10. Dust: #9D9D9F
  11. Grey: #808080
  12. Smoke: #9494A9
  13. Gloom: #545365
  14. Lead: #413C40
  15. Shale: #4D484F
  16. Flint: #636268
  17. Charcoal: #555555
  18. Coal: #4B4946
  19. Oilslick: #352B25
  20. Black: #333333
  21. Obsidian: #1D2224
  22. Eldritch: #252A25
  23. Midnight: #292B38
  24. Shadow: #3B2F45
  25. Blackberry: #4C2A4F
  26. Mulberry: #6E235D
  27. Plum: #863290
  28. Wisteria: #724D79
  29. Thistle: #8F7D8B
  30. Fog: #A593B0
  31. Mist: #E1CEFF
  32. Lavender: #CCA4E0
  33. Heather: #9777BD
  34. Purple: #A261CF
  35. Orchid: #D951FF
  36. Amethyst: #993BD0
  37. NightShade: #792FB2
  38. Violet: #653F9C
  39. Grape: #560FBE
  40. Royal: #4D2D89
  41. Eggplant: #332B65
  42. Iris: #535195
  43. Storm: #757ADB
  44. Twilight: #474BA0
  45. Indigo: #2D237B
  46. Sapphire: #0D095B
  47. Navy: #212B5F
  48. Cobalt: #003584
  49. Ultramarine: #1D51E7
  50. Blue: #324BA9
  51. Periwinkle: #4967D5
  52. Lapis: #287CEF
  53. Splash: #6394DD
  54. Cornflower: #75A8FF
  55. Sky: #AEC8FF
  56. Stonewash: #7995C1
  57. Overcast: #454F69
  58. Steel: #556979
  59. Denim: #2F4557
  60. Abyss: #0B1F25
  61. Phthalo: #0B2D47
  62. Azure: #0A3D67
  63. Caribbean: #0086CE
  64. Teal: #2B768F
  65. Cerulean: #00B3D5
  66. Cyan: #00FFF0
  67. Robin: #9AEAEF
  68. Aqua: #73C4C4
  69. Turquoise: #3BA0A1
  70. Spruce: #8BBBB2
  71. Pistachio: #E2FFE6
  72. Seafoam: #B2E2BD
  73. Mint: #9AFFC7
  74. Jade: #61AB89
  75. Spearmint: #158E67
  76. Thicket: #005F49
  77. Peacock: #1F4739
  78. Emerald: #21613F
  79. Shamrock: #236925
  80. Jungle: #1E361A
  81. Hunter: #1D2715
  82. Forest: #425035
  83. Camo: #51694D
  84. Algae: #97AF8B
  85. Swamp: #687F67
  86. Avocado: #567D34
  87. Green: #629C3F
  88. Fern: #7FCE73
  89. Mantis: #99FF9C
  90. Pear: #8ECD55
  91. Leaf: #A5E32D
  92. Radioactive: #C6FF00
  93. Honeydew: #D0E673
  94. Peridot: #E8FFB5
  95. Chartreuse: #B4CD3D
  96. Spring: #9DA932
  97. Crocodile: #828335
  98. Olive: #697135
  99. Murk: #4B4521
  100. Moss: #7F7745
  101. Goldenrod: #BEA55D
  102. Amber: #C18E1B
  103. Honey: #D1B300
  104. Lemon: #FFE63B
  105. Yellow: #F9E255
  106. Grapefruit: #F7FF6F
  107. Banana:#FFEC80
  108. Sanddollar: #EBE7AE
  109. Flaxen: #FDE9AE
  110. Ivory: #FFD297
  111. Buttercup: #F6BF6B
  112. Gold: #E8AF49
  113. Metals: #D1B047
  114. Merigold: #FFB43B
  115. Sunshine: #FA912B
  116. Saffron: #FF8400
  117. Sunset: #FFA249
  118. Peach: #FFB577
  119. Cantaloupe: #FF984F
  120. Orange: #D5602B
  121. Bronze: #B2570D
  122. Terracotta: #B23B07
  123. Carrot: #FF5500
  124. Fire: #EF5C23
  125. Pumpkin: #FF6941
  126. Tangerine: #FF7360
  127. Cinnamon: #C05B39
  128. Caramel: #C67147
  129. Sand: #B27749
  130. Tan: #C49A71
  131. Beige: #CABBA2
  132. Stone: #827A64
  133. Taupe: #6D675B
  134. Slate: #564D48
  135. Driftwood: #776359
  136. Latte: #977B6D
  137. Dirt: #77493F
  138. Clay: #613F3D
  139. Sable: #57372D
  140. Umber: #2F1F1B
  141. Soil: #5A4534
  142. Hickory: #735739
  143. Tarnish: #855D33
  144. Ginger: #90532B
  145. Brown: #8D5B3E
  146. Chocolate: #563012
  147. Auburn: #7B3D1D
  148. Copper: #A44B29
  149. Rust: #8A3220
  150. Tomato: #BA311C
  151. Vermilion: #E22D17
  152. Ruby: #CD000F
  153. Cherry: #AA0025
  154. Crimson: #850012
  155. Garnet: #5B0F15
  156. Sanguine: #2F0003
  157. Blood: #451717
  158. Maroon: #652127
  159. Berry: #8B272D
  160. Red: #C1272D
  161. Strawberry: #DE3335
  162. Cerise: #A22929
  163. Carmine: #B13A3A
  164. Brick: #9A534D
  165. Coral: #CC6F6F
  166. Blush: #FFA2A2
  167. Cottoncandy: #EB7997
  168. watermelon: #DB518D
  169. Magenta: #E934AA
  170. Fuchsia: #EC0089
  171. Rasberry: #8A0349
  172. Wine: #4D0F29
  173. Mauve: #9C4975
  174. Pink: #E77FBF
  175. Bubblegum: #EAA9FF
  176. Rose: #FFD6F6
  177. Pearl: #FBEDF9
Night ~ She/Her ~ +2 FR Time
Flight Codes

Beast Clan - #4C0900
Plague - #BF0303
Fire - #FF5000
Light - #FEE366
Earth - #785918
Wind - #96D200
Nature - #005B00
Lightning - #00C0A9
Ice - #2495D5
Water - #060AA3
Shadow - #7702E1
Arcane - #FF00CF
Rarity Codes

One Star - #575757
Two Stars - #285315
Three Stars - #43378F
Four Stars - #2b5ca1
Five Stars - #905718
Six Stars - #6A1710
Flight Codes

Beast Clan - #4C0900
Plague - #BF0303
Fire - #FF5000
Light - #FEE366
Earth - #785918
Wind - #96D200
Nature - #005B00
Lightning - #00C0A9
Ice - #2495D5
Water - #060AA3
Shadow - #7702E1
Arcane - #FF00CF
Rarity Codes

One Star - #575757
Two Stars - #285315
Three Stars - #43378F
Four Stars - #2b5ca1
Five Stars - #905718
Six Stars - #6A1710
Night ~ She/Her ~ +2 FR Time
Site Codes

InfoBox - #FFFFFF
InfoBox 2 - #F2EEE5
Padding - #DAD6C8
Dull Text - #666666
Quote Box - #F8F3D4
Link Text - #B0734F
Quote Box Header - #874430
Header - #731D08
Title Text 1 - #FFE780
Title Text 2 - #FF962D
Title Text Outline - #3E0100
Comment Bubble - #F3ECE4
Information Background - #FFFFCE
Information Text - #986714
Dragon Box 1 - #F4F2F1
Dragon Box 2 - #DBD3C4
Dragon Energy 1 - #FFF25E
Dragon Energy 2 - #FFCD47
Dragon Energy Border - #CF6100
Error Background - #FFB8B8
Error Text - #C00000
Marketplace Discount - #119300
Site Codes

InfoBox - #FFFFFF
InfoBox 2 - #F2EEE5
Padding - #DAD6C8
Dull Text - #666666
Quote Box - #F8F3D4
Link Text - #B0734F
Quote Box Header - #874430
Header - #731D08
Title Text 1 - #FFE780
Title Text 2 - #FF962D
Title Text Outline - #3E0100
Comment Bubble - #F3ECE4
Information Background - #FFFFCE
Information Text - #986714
Dragon Box 1 - #F4F2F1
Dragon Box 2 - #DBD3C4
Dragon Energy 1 - #FFF25E
Dragon Energy 2 - #FFCD47
Dragon Energy Border - #CF6100
Error Background - #FFB8B8
Error Text - #C00000
Marketplace Discount - #119300
Night ~ She/Her ~ +2 FR Time
Update Pinglist

Update Pinglist

Night ~ She/Her ~ +2 FR Time
Since you both seemed to have taken an interest in the hex codes I thought I would let you know I put the hex codes here on a separate thread and rechecked and fixed errors in the codes :)
Since you both seemed to have taken an interest in the hex codes I thought I would let you know I put the hex codes here on a separate thread and rechecked and fixed errors in the codes :)
Night ~ She/Her ~ +2 FR Time

Ah, rad! Thanks for all the work you've done to figure all this stuff out! c:

Ah, rad! Thanks for all the work you've done to figure all this stuff out! c:
Thanks a bunch!
If any of my projects get off the ground I will be sure to credit you.
And I'd love to be on a pinglist for any of your future work.
Thanks a bunch!
If any of my projects get off the ground I will be sure to credit you.
And I'd love to be on a pinglist for any of your future work.
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