Help me decide which to keep!

Kandy's Clan
We're dragons. DWI.
Clan Info
hey wahts up. left flight rising for a bit but im back. what is this archeology thing omg i love it
Recent Comments

Siobhan was on the front page—I love her outfit!

Ankh is frickin stunning

hi sorry to keep bothering you ^^; Do u have any of the 2020 familars?

when u do leave let me know ^^(if u want)

if ur leaving can i get a protobeast?

Yeah, no problem and thank you! I was looking for a future mate for Jinx. I believe I got Alucard in a giveaway, I got very lucky :)

Anytime and thank you XD

Your Carlotta is adorable. I like her bio XD

Hey there! I saw you have a Mantarune on teeh AH for 394 gems, would you accept a trade for it instead? I'm short on gems at present ^^;;

Hi I found your lair via AH (looking at miniature Sornieth globes) Then I saw your leaving message so figured I'd hit you up before throwing gems at it ^^ Trill's a nice fire dragon :) You have lots of nice dragons... I hope you come back to them one day

Kerrick was on the front page! Beautiful dragon!

I stumbled upon your lair and Torniquette is so pretty oh my gosh <3
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