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nerk2486's Clan
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Clan Info
Welcome to the Spring Tide Clan
I'm Nerk!
9 years baby!
Let me know if you see any pairs you want bred or hatchlings you would like to purchase in my Lair/Nests!
Shoot me a line anytime, I love to chat! And feel free to friend me as well!!
P.S. I'd like to thank my friend PeaceTree for sending me the invite to FR!! She is beautiful, wonderful, and I love her dearly!
Current Projects:
- Seasonal: Autumn Leaves and Skeletal Dragons
- Gemstone Snappers
- Starsmiths
- Big Cats
- Rainbow Challenge
Recent Comments
Thesan was on the FP and they're really pretty and made me happy
Xiwangmu was on FP!
Amenti was on the front page! A stunning Skydancer!
Manasa was on the front page. That skin fits em so much!
Manasa was on the front page!! Gorgeous dragon
Yama was on the front page!
Thank you for purchasing Sheilun! ^_^
Meng was on the front page!
Your cryscet dragons are amazing! Bought 6? :D
Starsmith Jewels are stunning, makes me feel like I'm tip-toeing around in the hidden section of an exotic gems shop!
Malphas was on the front page! They’re so pretty uwu
Och was on the front page!
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