
TheRaptorFurry's Clan
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Clan Info
🎇🎇Hello! Welcome to TheRaptorFurry's Hatchery! I main in wildclaws, but can breed some other dragons! Just PM me (my messages aren't working ATM but ill try) to see what dragons you want to breed or buy. The prices below are for rare eye types.🎇🎇
🤩Rare Eye type Prices🤩*
Goat-20000 treasure or 10 gems
Primal- 50000 treasure or 30 gems
Multigaze- 65000 treasure or 45 gems
*Prices may differ for the breeds of dragons and their genes.
✨✨Backstory of dragon groups✨✨
The Toxins
💥💥The toxins are vile and dangerous creatures. They formed when a nuclear powerplant burst, causing radiation to spread. They were all normal before, but sadly when the powerplant burst, they were trapped inside, suffocating from the gas and radiation. When they emerged, bright colours and powerful radioactive scales were deadly to the touch. A whole colony will rise.💥💥
🤩Rare Eye type Prices🤩*
Goat-20000 treasure or 10 gems
Primal- 50000 treasure or 30 gems
Multigaze- 65000 treasure or 45 gems
*Prices may differ for the breeds of dragons and their genes.
✨✨Backstory of dragon groups✨✨
The Toxins
💥💥The toxins are vile and dangerous creatures. They formed when a nuclear powerplant burst, causing radiation to spread. They were all normal before, but sadly when the powerplant burst, they were trapped inside, suffocating from the gas and radiation. When they emerged, bright colours and powerful radioactive scales were deadly to the touch. A whole colony will rise.💥💥
Recent Comments

i have lost everything i once had

hiya guys my account got hacked it was kawaiikat2307

You need to keep off the IC! You aren't part of the RP!

Delete the post on the IC! If you can't get in, don't post!

All good :D

Want me to breed some of your toxin dragons? Maybe give them lore?

Thank god xD

[ Oml I hope I didn’t give you a bad dragon ] Thank you, I love your Wildclaws!

Answered in gmail :D

Of course you can UwU

Okay! :3

:( sad
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