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PlagueAlchemist's Clan

Why did I ever sign up. No forum posts for years.
Ancient Lair
carved into the
Rotrock Rim icon

Clan Info

INACTIVE. not online.

[Very much occupied at the moment - will not be responding to messages for a while, unfortunately, left arm injury - very bruised.]
(Any messages sent back will be between March 2025-June 2025.)

(Please do not ping me unless it’s necessary.)
(I have disabled any and all pings from harassment with identity buttons that went on for years, because I had to send food to other users for free [and random gifts for years], and as such the forum signature will remain permanently shortened.)
(I almost died from this site.)
(Dragon energy will remain low for years.)
It is not my fault that I signed up in the year 2017.
I have not had an emotional attachment to this site since 2020.

- - > This was 100% not the proper way to treat someone who was sending gifts to others out of common kindness. What resulted was vast amounts of post traumatic stress disorder from negative interactions with others. Please never, ever, EVER treat a Human Person like this.

Read the below info to find out why no dragons are ever going to be fed again, why I am not online during any festivals, and why the familiar count number will never be increased in the future. For someone who was trying to be as nice as possible and to avoid arguments, this was not a good result of an online experience at all.

The only types of people online I now trust are those with an extensive history on a site, who are nice, from PTSD.

Just be glad that this user is alive.
(We left from on-site bullying that was very, very real, and will not be returning ever. Please never treat someone very nice like this.)
(If we didn’t have mental health awareness, we most likely would not have made it through alive. That was the severity- as such, you will see no forum posts for years to come.)
(There was already warning given for three years in advance in forum posts in the past, that we would leave if we were harassed for several years.)
(You are allowed to direct message us, though, please be very, very kind in them. We will respond back as soon as we can.)

Also did I mention, several multiple others have severely harassed DrSheep, the one really good friend I made on here for years off site (on multiple different sites), as well? Why would you do that? It just made me not forum post as much, from trying to warn you, just be glad I could communicate to them for years and years to try to help.



I am leaving the forums for several years.
I literally. This is not from dissociation. I have been harassed in the past for years. Though, I still try to be respectful of other people as much as I possibly can.


(This user is having a severe chronic illness + permanent chronic concussion/other several multiple injuries (severe head pain), and feels very sick. Please be nice to them).

From a neurological issue, I am currently unable “to click on a send friend request button”, “send a crossroads”, or “send a message” to another person on this website from emotional pain.


Forum vista description is an aroace flag.
*I am not attracted to fictional characters.
*You know how in some Superman movies there were military coders? Yea? Similar.
(No dragons will be fed for the next few months.)
[Resident evil/scp foundation fan. I like that type of dark horror stuff, you know.]


Genderfluid / Dragon nerd / Adult
About | FAQ | Disabled System | Chaotic Good
I would rather be referred to as my username than my actual name, I have dissociation. I don’t role play. Favorite character is Magnus Chase.

[Please under no circumstances imply that this account was ever hacked.]
[Health issues caused by cyber bullying literally happened to me.]
[Because of that, I am unable to include much personal information about myself, unless it is in a direct message. That was the extent.]

Please be aware that I have carpal tunnel/permanent arm-wrist pain, (I have had major depression for years), and may have typos in messages. It’s not up to me if I don’t respond back in a few days.

*Magnus Chase is a character from a fictional book series written by Rick Riordan (Norse mythology).

Current avatar dragon: Krypto (dog from an animated movie) - DC Comics. He is associated with the Justice League/Superman.
(This is social anxiety related).

-> Dragon energy will be considerately lowered past 10-3-24.

I am disabled from severe chronic health issues (chronic headaches/etc) and will not be posting on the forums for sometime. Studying languages is a coping mechanism for that.

Languages I am very knowledgeable in:
-Japanese (highly proficient, can write thousands of different characters and various combined symbols.)
-Hindi (language + culture + history + mythology).
-Scottish Gaelic (can easily write down sentences in this without much thought.)
-Latin (studied extensively online for 2 1/2 years, familiar with most of the basic grammar concepts/etc. Very difficult without a lot of practice, however…..after a while, it may become familiar).

I am currently going through a lot right now. Still remaining nice when I can, I would always act kindly. I am a survivor and would be very understanding. Accepting any and all messages and friends requests.

Will reply as soon as possible to any messages when I can be online. Still on a semi hiatus, though I check frequently around afternoon and evenings from being occupied during the morning.

(Will) be leaving the forums for a while.
(Please) do not ask about future forum posts.

I have difficulty talking in real life + diagnosed autism, and have stopped replying to profile comments.

Favorite anime character: Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia).
Favorite ancient historical civilization: Mesopotamia - I have a major interest in historical nonfiction and older languages.
Favorite cartoon: Transformers Prime.
Favorite word: Constellation.
Favorite book series: Skyward, Stormlight Archives, Rithmatist, and Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. Fandragons of these are in the hibernal den, I have a few for now.

Favorite screenplay: Ocean's Eleven.
Favorite play: Percy Jackson - the Musical (though I am generally interested in most types of mythology, I don’t have a preference as I am fond of so many of them.)
Favorite movie: Mission Impossible (series).

-> Currently required to learn a bunch of languages - more than 5 - so future online activity may be varied.

Mostly taking a forum hiatus in 2024 from major pain (I posted for as long as I could). From my physical health, I am no longer able to respond to future profile comments. I read and appreciate each one. Again, thanks for posting them! I’d be responding back if I could.

I no longer have music buttons on my profile because I am too sad to listen to any form of it by myself.

Favorite book genres: fantasy (various), historical fiction, horror, and science fiction. I will also watch almost any movie that’s pg-13 or a lower rating, so I know of a lot of them.

I will be unable to forum post in 2024 from stuff going on in my life. I have both serious mental + physical health issues.

I have a migraine headache/stomach issue, expect reply times to be slow. Currently extremely busy in real life. More ID buttons are listed below.

I’ll always accept friend requests, some messages are open, from how my health is. I can't be on more right now from in real life stuff (if my energy goes below 50% that is why), use of <3 is friendly platonic.

Note to mods: I use multiple devices from multiple locations (IPs may change).

Lore-wise, I ignore a lot of the main plague lore, except for the survivor aspect. Currently, my lair is kept clean at all times, and the dragons are very healthy. Many are doctors, warriors, and artists, with a main purpose to help.

Dragons in my lair tend to be peaceful and many of the wall guards will be around to help and give warm cloaks, blankets, and supplies to other dragons. They also have several Skydancers flying in patterns nearby to help the mood.

Most of the main lair is under an infrastructure/building renovation at the moment since more dragons moved in. Many of the ones previously in the sanctuary moved to hibernal den for a vacation and a few are in healing, since it is calming there.

This lair is also very allied to the water, ice, lightning, and earth flights. There are also extremely high countless numbers of dragons that exist outside of the main lair and den which aren’t listed in slots. They frequently occupy themselves with things benefiting the clan.

I will (mostly) be taking a forum hiatus during the months of September/October 2023.

Should my forum activity on here be very low for several weeks, assume I've been grounded. I live in a really strict family, please be patient.

Buttons relating to my conditions (content: image heavy):
Basic info:

Identities (I have lots of social anxiety and am aroace):

Health stuff (some, I have a lot physically wrong, trigger warning because I have a lot):
I have depression that is not stable from the past few months, otherwise I’d be on more. Please be kind, I still try to sound positive. Even if I do, I still feel sad, fr has always been one of my special interests.

Languages I have an interest in/am required to learn (main one is English):
(Japanese level is N3)
Fictional ones:
(Lord of the Rings, Avatar).

Main comfort interests at the moment (some of them, I hyperfixate on fantasy which always happens, can't prevent this from diagnosed autism):
*These are in no particular order - also, I have a Dune franchise interest as well. I am a huge fan of the books.
*Even though I have a D&D interest I do not know how to play it. So while I know stuff about it, I wouldn’t know how to do anything if I was at a table. I still am really interested in it though.
character name: Florencia Clearwater, Paladin class. Chaotic Good.

Hobbies (entertainment purposes only):
I have interests in these just for fun, not professionally. I research stuff about the last one.

Personal FR Timeline
2-13-17: Aubin becomes Queen.
5-26-18: Light sprite obtained (CrystalKing).
6-8-18: Rosemary inherits the Clan, becomes Queen.
9-5-18: Cauldron becomes maximum level (28 now).
11-x-19: Obtained 600 familiars.
12-10-19: Golden Bantam Fangar obtained (Arcturus).
1-12-20: Obtained a full set of sprites.
2-17-20: Obtained 700 familiars.
5-20-20: Reached a shiny star on the forums.
7-10-20: Obtained 800 familiars.
12-12-20: Reached 2,000 forum posts.
11-X-22: Obtained 1,000 familiars.
11-23-22: Any potential major hiatus avoided, semi hiatus still in place.

Messaging semi hiatus for a while until I recover. I’m taking a (temporary) break from writing most profile comments for a bit, unless I really like a clan bio/lore/etc from irl stuff. I’d be interacting more if I could.

I have fictional characters (known as fictives) in my system, as well as regular alters, who write their names in parenthesis/brackets should they want. I've had alters for years, this is from a coping mechanism. Please accept this.

Online status button is permanently turned off from social anxiety.

Friends = really good beings (Trigger warning: some really bright colors):


The above is a lore thing for my clan.

Exalting has been stopped since around January 2022. To the ones kind enough to send research notes: thanks, I really like that archaeology game!

yea there's a lot of magical doctor dragons lore wise, favorite colors are yellow and blue

Previous username was BreezingWinds.

SIMON SNOW world of mages
Please. (If you can. It would help me.)

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clockworkworm's avatar
January 03, 2025 16:48:33
Orisa was on the front page!
eduarda1932's avatar
January 03, 2025 08:15:38
Velvet was on the front page!! <3
LushClan's avatar
August 27, 2024 22:19:55
Lunar was on the front page!
SqwishyDragon's avatar
August 08, 2024 15:54:54
Leap was on the front page!
PlagueAlchemist's avatar
July 31, 2024 21:14:44
Adding in another thing here.
Please do not further include dragon identity numbers when one of my dragons is on the front page. Please.
Dragonwyspr's avatar
July 28, 2024 23:10:10
Julianna (#64911997) was on the front page!! She's gorgeous!
PlagueAlchemist's avatar
July 27, 2024 17:09:49
I’m going to add in another comment here.
From recent chronic health issues, I will only be feeding dragons at certain times, when I can. Please do not mistake this as any form of a hacked account. I am actually familiar in reading several programming languages from an extensive science and math knowledge. Messages will only be answered after October 24th from complex post traumatic stress disorder.

I am including this as a warning that DC Comics also has thousands of comics attached to it, as well as marvel and transformers. Please look into this before contacting me if you want to discuss any of them. I modeled the forum posts after I was given a justice league button specifically after a magic doctor “for a reason.” Doctor fate is a character in dc comics that has been found in them for a really long time. I am actually a not working medical researcher (for years - I knew of his character way ahead of time before he appeared in a movie from that), so, I’ll be alive.
Dathir's avatar
May 09, 2024 13:46:44
Nox was on the front page!
Carvanha's avatar
April 21, 2024 20:18:00
Undomiel was on the Random Dragon!
RainbowCRITICAL's avatar
April 21, 2024 20:17:11
Congrats! Undomiel was on the front page!
PlagueAlchemist's avatar
March 27, 2024 00:49:20
Adding a message here.
I have severe major depression, so please know that before interacting.
I’m really a very, very nice person and I care about other people a lot.
From health issues, I might not respond until late hours in the day.
Just…..please be kind.
miisoma's avatar
March 14, 2024 11:42:08
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Elemental plague flag
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Date Joined
Feb 13, 2017

Recent Forum Posts

PlagueAlchemist's Friends

hazelnewt's avatar
hazelnewt (#324310)

unending internal screaming
Manateerainwing's avatar
Manateerainwing (#257325)

Wings of Fire all the way!
Leeloominai's avatar
Leeloominai (#97898)

Defender of Light and Life
ADanceOfDragons' avatar
ADanceOfDragons (#296946)

Misfits Welcome
Wubblyboofus' avatar
Wubblyboofus (#280185)

buy my dergs plez
raptorqueen1's avatar
raptorqueen1 (#300531)
Dreamcatcher07's avatar
Dreamcatcher07 (#297672)

NCIS: LA is awesome!!
MoonEyedMuttwing's avatar
MoonEyedMuttwing (#308329)

Bruh, lmao
QueenOuroboros' avatar
QueenOuroboros (#339317)

The Curse shall spread ...
Mayflower2705's avatar
Mayflower2705 (#323222)

I'll stop procrastinating- tomorrow.

Recent Activity

Sep 01
Became friends with CosmicPeach
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jun 29
Became friends with Amaranth41
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Apr 19
Became friends with AllasBarron
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Jan 21
Time for Hot Cocoa and a Fireplace!
Jan 21
You Can Never Have Too Many Dragons (25)
Jan 21
You Can Never Have Too Many Things (100)
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