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Numinous' Clan

...do you really think this is wise?
Ancient Lair
hidden within the
Hewn City icon

Clan Info

We always knew it would come to this.



!! Twice-Dyed Cowl !!
Autumnal Wreath
Polychromatic Bundle
Anniversary Cakes

Accent: Night Quite Right (by dr090909)
Accent: Chaote (by Ursus)
Accent: Doomsday Prophet (by dualscepters)
Accent: Fall to the Sky (MJ 2015)
Accent: From The Depths (RC 2018)
Accent: Oil Slick (RC 2018)
Skin: Carrying Time (RC 2018)
Skin: Waking Nightmare (by owlapin)
Any accents by Apel

Quest for Eggs

In a clan plagued with infertile/barren dragons, our dragons are always on the lookout for any live eggs to keep the clan from withering away. Those that can reproduce are honored, and most of their children are sent to serve the great Lightweaver. Perhaps She will grant relief to this wretched clan.

Our dragons are slowly working their way through different Flight territories, scavenging for eggs. As of now, we have one plague egg. It has not been a kind year to our clan.

Once all the eggs are collected, we'll go back to scavenging Light territories, until the annual hatch on February 5th. After all the eggs have been hatched, we'll start the quest again.

Dream Dragons:

Female G1
Fire/Light/Plague/Arcane Eyes
Saffron/Vibrant Honey-Pumpkin/Grapefruit
Male G1
Fire/Light/Plague/Arcane Eyes
Saffron/Vibrant Amber-Sunset/Grapefruit

Male Coatl
Common Nature Eyes

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cellspine's avatar
April 29, 2022 22:55:50
Cinnamon was on the front page! She's terrifying and I love her!
Booleano's avatar
April 05, 2022 18:21:17
Every once in a while I visit your lair to say 'hi' to Bran and Petalmist. I still love what you've done with them and couldn't be happier in any other lair <3 Love stopping by here!
Raskies' avatar
February 26, 2022 22:41:25
Mushroom was on the front page! What a pretty dragon (:
SanctumAngelus' avatar
February 26, 2022 22:41:06
Mushroom was on the front page, I love him AND your username!
RainbowCRITICAL's avatar
December 04, 2021 21:02:38
Congrats! Mushroom was on the front page! That's a good name!
vidcundrexina's avatar
August 09, 2021 23:03:24
Emory made the front page! They're stunning!
DakerVadora's avatar
July 30, 2021 12:56:25
Akhila was on the front page! She's pretty! :D
unidra's avatar
July 30, 2021 12:56:12
Akhila made the front page. Your dragon's really cool!
HyperrTsuki's avatar
December 23, 2020 12:23:11
Cipher was on the front page!!! Such a beautiful dragon!! The colors and the genes work so well together :D
Archaeoraptor's avatar
December 31, 2019 11:39:00
Verrill is on the front page! Wow, that base color + skin + apparel combo works beautifully.
LuckyKitty's avatar
November 03, 2019 07:21:19
Eleuthero was on the front page! I love his aesthetic, reminds me of a white-out.
Ushirinaki's avatar
May 07, 2018 14:36:53
aH thank you!! I've had him for quite awhile now, it'll be hard for me to get rid of him one day. JSE is definitely one of my favorite people.
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Date Joined
Apr 9, 2015

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Numinous' Friends

18000goats' avatar
18000goats (#137369)

A hoard of goats with a computer
Phthartic's avatar
Phthartic (#58363)

Narrenschiff's avatar
Narrenschiff (#57043)

get up and go hit the highway
FerrisBuelle's avatar
FerrisBuelle (#138796)

Clan Brigid
Synstematic's avatar
Synstematic (#428)

Let the light guide you.
Zevon's avatar
Zevon (#8425)

everything I touch turns to dragons
Starquilled's avatar
Starquilled (#225002)

A chill family of friendly dragons
Chimaerix's avatar
Chimaerix (#39676)

Don't hand-feed my dragons.
godbird's avatar
godbird (#68318)

// a strange god wandering in endless winter //
Marl1nde's avatar
Marl1nde (#145206)

keep on derping!

Recent Activity

May 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Fae Female
May 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Female, 1 Nocturne Male, Nocturne Female
May 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Female

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