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TOPIC | [NotN] Change egg rates back to 9%.
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[quote name="ShinySalamence" date="2022-12-22 01:44:52" ] . I'd probably prefer fewer chests with higher egg drops per chest, but idk whether I'd want that if it also meant going back to the Swipp model. [/quote] Last year we had Swipp form. This is not Swipp major reason but adding other ways get chest besides of coli. Well actually even now coli chests mutch-mutch larger part against other way, but those non coli chests still big to affect on eggs number on site. (On foddie too, but as we mentioned & foddie market fix theiselve while foddie AH prices barrely higher than hoardsell) This again leads to question is it better get less chests but more eggs per chest? And where cut off chest chances? (And looks like it is coli to cut off them from)
ShinySalamence wrote on 2022-12-22 01:44:52:
. I'd probably prefer fewer chests with higher egg drops per chest, but idk whether I'd want that if it also meant going back to the Swipp model.

Last year we had Swipp form. This is not Swipp major reason but adding other ways get chest besides of coli.

Well actually even now coli chests mutch-mutch larger part against other way, but those non coli chests still big to affect on eggs number on site.

(On foddie too, but as we mentioned & foddie market fix theiselve while foddie AH prices barrely higher than hoardsell)

This again leads to question is it better get less chests but more eggs per chest? And where cut off chest chances? (And looks like it is coli to cut off them from)

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[quote name="Cakeless" date="2022-12-20 06:57:29" ] [quote name="Temora" date="2022-12-20 05:48:53" ] It’s a very slight nerf. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be reverted. Of course everyone would like higher egg rates but considering that chests have become easier to get over time it makes sense to try to balance it out. A 1% decrease is negligible. Any more than that and I’d say ok, maybe it’s an issue. But for all those who are saying they’re noticing getting less eggs than last year, i really think it might just be bad luck for the most part. Those who get bad luck with eggs are far more likely to post about it, so it makes it look like things are worse than they are. Others are having average or even good luck, they just don’t feel the need to post about it as much. You can scan the forums and see for yourself. Threads like this pop up every holiday, you’ll see it during festivals often, people always think the chest rates have been nerfed when it’s just luck. But now that there has been a small nerf to eggs people are up in arms. If Undel hadn’t outright said the egg rates had been changed I don’t think most people would have noticed. Of course I’m glad she did say so. But my point is things are really not that different. [/quote] Given that the change was immediately noticed within the playerbase and threads were made about it a few hours after the event started, I'd say that was pretty obvious that there IS a noticeable issue here. it is not luck or bad RNG. If that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as many people complaining. [/quote] Well, but that’s my point. Those threads ALWAYS pop up, every year for every holiday, and it’s never meant anything until now. I promise you if you go back and look at threads from past NOTNs, you’ll see. I’d even link some except I don’t want to be calling out the users lol. The argument for reinstating the old rate boils down to (from what I can see) “I’m not getting a lot of eggs, and I want to be getting more because I got more last year” which, yes we all would but it’s a balance change, not a malicious decision from staff to screw casual players (who actually have better chances at eggs than ever). You got more last year because it wasn’t balanced and that’s why egg prices have been so low.
Cakeless wrote on 2022-12-20 06:57:29:
Temora wrote on 2022-12-20 05:48:53:
It’s a very slight nerf. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be reverted. Of course everyone would like higher egg rates but considering that chests have become easier to get over time it makes sense to try to balance it out. A 1% decrease is negligible. Any more than that and I’d say ok, maybe it’s an issue. But for all those who are saying they’re noticing getting less eggs than last year, i really think it might just be bad luck for the most part. Those who get bad luck with eggs are far more likely to post about it, so it makes it look like things are worse than they are. Others are having average or even good luck, they just don’t feel the need to post about it as much. You can scan the forums and see for yourself. Threads like this pop up every holiday, you’ll see it during festivals often, people always think the chest rates have been nerfed when it’s just luck. But now that there has been a small nerf to eggs people are up in arms. If Undel hadn’t outright said the egg rates had been changed I don’t think most people would have noticed.

Of course I’m glad she did say so. But my point is things are really not that different.

Given that the change was immediately noticed within the playerbase and threads were made about it a few hours after the event started, I'd say that was pretty obvious that there IS a noticeable issue here. it is not luck or bad RNG. If that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as many people complaining.

Well, but that’s my point. Those threads ALWAYS pop up, every year for every holiday, and it’s never meant anything until now. I promise you if you go back and look at threads from past NOTNs, you’ll see. I’d even link some except I don’t want to be calling out the users lol.

The argument for reinstating the old rate boils down to (from what I can see) “I’m not getting a lot of eggs, and I want to be getting more because I got more last year” which, yes we all would but it’s a balance change, not a malicious decision from staff to screw casual players (who actually have better chances at eggs than ever). You got more last year because it wasn’t balanced and that’s why egg prices have been so low.
[quote name="@Temora" date="2022-12-22 06:43:13" ] [quote name="Cakeless" date="2022-12-20 06:57:29" ] [quote name="Temora" date="2022-12-20 05:48:53" ] It’s a very slight nerf. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be reverted. Of course everyone would like higher egg rates but considering that chests have become easier to get over time it makes sense to try to balance it out. A 1% decrease is negligible. Any more than that and I’d say ok, maybe it’s an issue. But for all those who are saying they’re noticing getting less eggs than last year, i really think it might just be bad luck for the most part. Those who get bad luck with eggs are far more likely to post about it, so it makes it look like things are worse than they are. Others are having average or even good luck, they just don’t feel the need to post about it as much. You can scan the forums and see for yourself. Threads like this pop up every holiday, you’ll see it during festivals often, people always think the chest rates have been nerfed when it’s just luck. But now that there has been a small nerf to eggs people are up in arms. If Undel hadn’t outright said the egg rates had been changed I don’t think most people would have noticed. Of course I’m glad she did say so. But my point is things are really not that different. [/quote] Given that the change was immediately noticed within the playerbase and threads were made about it a few hours after the event started, I'd say that was pretty obvious that there IS a noticeable issue here. it is not luck or bad RNG. If that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as many people complaining. [/quote] Well, but that’s my point. Those threads ALWAYS pop up, every year for every holiday, and it’s never meant anything until now. I promise you if you go back and look at threads from past NOTNs, you’ll see. I’d even link some except I don’t want to be calling out the users lol. The argument for reinstating the old rate boils down to (from what I can see) “I’m not getting a lot of eggs, and I want to be getting more because I got more last year” which, yes we all would but it’s a balance change, not a malicious decision from staff to screw casual players (who actually have better chances at eggs than ever). You got more last year because it wasn’t balanced and that’s why egg prices have been so low. [/quote] I'll call myself out ;-) Me, last year. [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-19 10:53:15" ] Hit 200 chests, opening FOR SCIENCE. (No worries, I bought a good chunk of the chests, I am not some amazing grind monster) [img][/img] EDIT: 14 eggs out of 200 chests. Not great, but it happens. [/quote] [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-19 14:35:01" ] Opened another 50 chests. 2 eggs. Not going so hot lol [/quote] [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-20 13:22:37" ] 250 chests, 22 eggs. Probably about 60 chests from familiar bonding, bought about 125 at 20G, rest coli/swipp/site activity. Brewing only the single chests as the mats are much cheaper. [/quote] [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-21 05:40:07" ] Starting the day with 100 chests. 58 from bonding, a bunch from Swipp, some bought, a few from scavenging. 4 eggs.. rough. [/quote] [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-21 10:32:45" ] Opening 200 more. Some bought, most gotten from exalting dragons (so many!) 13/200 ugh.. my egg luck is not too fabulous atm. [/quote] And then you get gems like this: [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-23 11:31:05" ] 350 chests today. I bought the majority, about 50 from bonding, a few coli, a few gathering, about 15 from Swipp. 35/350 AMAZING! I love it! [/quote] And my end tally, last year. [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-08 11:59:44" ] Egg tally: 232/2500 chests 9.3% [/quote] I was going to quit at 2000 chests, but ended up opening 500 more. [quote name="SCB" date="2021-12-27 10:31:33" ] Swipp came through and I bought some more. 500 chests seems a good number to open. Okay, so after about 60 chests I decided to stop taking screenshots.. and now I got 61 eggs. Clearly, opening continuously at a fast pace is the way to go. lol [/quote] Had I not opened those 500 chests at the end, my rate would've been 171/2000 and I would have had a 8.55% in a year where it should've been 9%. I ended up with 9.3% in the end. RNG is a cruel mistress. It comes and goes in waves. It never plays nice. I spent about 20G per chests I bought, last year. This year 17-19G. It likely averages out. I truly feel for those who get bad luck. Been there. Pretty sure I am there this year.. just not tracking this year. Trying to obsess a little less and have a little more fun. Might just throw a rotten nocturne egg or two at folks ;-p
@Temora wrote on 2022-12-22 06:43:13:
Cakeless wrote on 2022-12-20 06:57:29:
Temora wrote on 2022-12-20 05:48:53:
It’s a very slight nerf. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be reverted. Of course everyone would like higher egg rates but considering that chests have become easier to get over time it makes sense to try to balance it out. A 1% decrease is negligible. Any more than that and I’d say ok, maybe it’s an issue. But for all those who are saying they’re noticing getting less eggs than last year, i really think it might just be bad luck for the most part. Those who get bad luck with eggs are far more likely to post about it, so it makes it look like things are worse than they are. Others are having average or even good luck, they just don’t feel the need to post about it as much. You can scan the forums and see for yourself. Threads like this pop up every holiday, you’ll see it during festivals often, people always think the chest rates have been nerfed when it’s just luck. But now that there has been a small nerf to eggs people are up in arms. If Undel hadn’t outright said the egg rates had been changed I don’t think most people would have noticed.

Of course I’m glad she did say so. But my point is things are really not that different.

Given that the change was immediately noticed within the playerbase and threads were made about it a few hours after the event started, I'd say that was pretty obvious that there IS a noticeable issue here. it is not luck or bad RNG. If that were the case, there wouldn't be nearly as many people complaining.

Well, but that’s my point. Those threads ALWAYS pop up, every year for every holiday, and it’s never meant anything until now. I promise you if you go back and look at threads from past NOTNs, you’ll see. I’d even link some except I don’t want to be calling out the users lol.

The argument for reinstating the old rate boils down to (from what I can see) “I’m not getting a lot of eggs, and I want to be getting more because I got more last year” which, yes we all would but it’s a balance change, not a malicious decision from staff to screw casual players (who actually have better chances at eggs than ever). You got more last year because it wasn’t balanced and that’s why egg prices have been so low.
I'll call myself out ;-)

Me, last year.
SCB wrote on 2021-12-19 10:53:15:
Hit 200 chests, opening FOR SCIENCE. (No worries, I bought a good chunk of the chests, I am not some amazing grind monster)


EDIT: 14 eggs out of 200 chests. Not great, but it happens.
SCB wrote on 2021-12-19 14:35:01:
Opened another 50 chests. 2 eggs. Not going so hot lol
SCB wrote on 2021-12-20 13:22:37:
250 chests, 22 eggs. Probably about 60 chests from familiar bonding, bought about 125 at 20G, rest coli/swipp/site activity. Brewing only the single chests as the mats are much cheaper.
SCB wrote on 2021-12-21 05:40:07:
Starting the day with 100 chests. 58 from bonding, a bunch from Swipp, some bought, a few from scavenging. 4 eggs.. rough.
SCB wrote on 2021-12-21 10:32:45:
Opening 200 more. Some bought, most gotten from exalting dragons (so many!)

13/200 ugh.. my egg luck is not too fabulous atm.

And then you get gems like this:
SCB wrote on 2021-12-23 11:31:05:
350 chests today. I bought the majority, about 50 from bonding, a few coli, a few gathering, about 15 from Swipp.

35/350 AMAZING! I love it!

And my end tally, last year.
SCB wrote on 2021-12-08 11:59:44:
Egg tally: 232/2500 chests 9.3%

I was going to quit at 2000 chests, but ended up opening 500 more.
SCB wrote on 2021-12-27 10:31:33:
Swipp came through and I bought some more. 500 chests seems a good number to open.

Okay, so after about 60 chests I decided to stop taking screenshots.. and now I got 61 eggs. Clearly, opening continuously at a fast pace is the way to go. lol

Had I not opened those 500 chests at the end, my rate would've been 171/2000 and I would have had a 8.55% in a year where it should've been 9%. I ended up with 9.3% in the end. RNG is a cruel mistress. It comes and goes in waves. It never plays nice.

I spent about 20G per chests I bought, last year. This year 17-19G. It likely averages out.

I truly feel for those who get bad luck. Been there. Pretty sure I am there this year.. just not tracking this year. Trying to obsess a little less and have a little more fun. Might just throw a rotten nocturne egg or two at folks ;-p
~* SCB *~
* accent *

___* BUY *

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___* BUY *
I'm okay with the 8% rate, but not with this particularly spotty RNG. FR's RNG is bad. Really bad. Ever notice that you get a lot of multigaze twins, or primal twins? I've noticed this searching for multigaze in the auction house. Lots of twins. Gathering two eggs at a time. Getting entire or almost entire nests of the same hatchling.

I suspect that this is because FR's RNG pulls from the clock, and if you do that, it will be so spotty and streaky that you absolutely need to add Bad Luck Protection of some sort.

So full support, with a strong because. Because the RNG is too streaky to absorb even a tiny hit, which will penalise unlucky players A LOT.
I'm okay with the 8% rate, but not with this particularly spotty RNG. FR's RNG is bad. Really bad. Ever notice that you get a lot of multigaze twins, or primal twins? I've noticed this searching for multigaze in the auction house. Lots of twins. Gathering two eggs at a time. Getting entire or almost entire nests of the same hatchling.

I suspect that this is because FR's RNG pulls from the clock, and if you do that, it will be so spotty and streaky that you absolutely need to add Bad Luck Protection of some sort.

So full support, with a strong because. Because the RNG is too streaky to absorb even a tiny hit, which will penalise unlucky players A LOT.
[quote name="Aliandrin" date="2022-12-22 13:18:50" ] I'm okay with the 8% rate, but not with this particularly spotty RNG. FR's RNG is bad. Really bad. Ever notice that you get a lot of multigaze twins, or primal twins? I've noticed this searching for multigaze in the auction house. Lots of twins. Gathering two eggs at a time. Getting entire or almost entire nests of the same hatchling. I suspect that this is because FR's RNG pulls from the clock, and if you do that, it will be so spotty and streaky that you absolutely need to add Bad Luck Protection of some sort. So full support, with a strong because. Because the RNG is too streaky to absorb even a tiny hit, which will penalise unlucky players A LOT. [/quote] That right there is the truth though.. some nests I hatched have been so strange. Hatching 3 dragons with the same primary when it was a paring of like 15-20 colors between the two.. that makes little sense. HearthStone had a pity timer. If you opened packs of cards and went x amounts of packs without getting an epic or legendary card, you'd automatically get one. Once you got one, the pity timer reset. It kept people from being too unlucky.
Aliandrin wrote on 2022-12-22 13:18:50:
I'm okay with the 8% rate, but not with this particularly spotty RNG. FR's RNG is bad. Really bad. Ever notice that you get a lot of multigaze twins, or primal twins? I've noticed this searching for multigaze in the auction house. Lots of twins. Gathering two eggs at a time. Getting entire or almost entire nests of the same hatchling.

I suspect that this is because FR's RNG pulls from the clock, and if you do that, it will be so spotty and streaky that you absolutely need to add Bad Luck Protection of some sort.

So full support, with a strong because. Because the RNG is too streaky to absorb even a tiny hit, which will penalise unlucky players A LOT.
That right there is the truth though.. some nests I hatched have been so strange. Hatching 3 dragons with the same primary when it was a paring of like 15-20 colors between the two.. that makes little sense.

HearthStone had a pity timer. If you opened packs of cards and went x amounts of packs without getting an epic or legendary card, you'd automatically get one. Once you got one, the pity timer reset. It kept people from being too unlucky.
~* SCB *~
* accent *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

i usually come back every notn to grind and i feel like im not getting as much this year. did they also change drop rates in the coli? i used to be able to grind the coli for a while and get a ton of chests, but i think ive gotten 2-3 chests total haha ;c

i usually come back every notn to grind and i feel like im not getting as much this year. did they also change drop rates in the coli? i used to be able to grind the coli for a while and get a ton of chests, but i think ive gotten 2-3 chests total haha ;c
Alright. Y'all frustrating me a little. Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

Let's do...

Chests = 9% | 8%

100 = 9 | 8
200 = 18 | 16
300 = 27 | 24
400 = 36 | 32
500 = 45 | 40
600 = 54 | 48
700 = 63 | 56
800 = 72 | 64
900 = 81 | 72
1000 = 90 | 80
BOOP 1100 = 99 | 88
1200 = 108 | 96
1300 = 117 | 104
1400 = 126 | 112
1500 = 135 | 120
1600 = 144 | 128
1700 = 153 | 136
1800 = 162 | 144
1900 = 171 | 152
2000 = 180 | 160
BOOP 2100 = 189 | 168
2200 = 198 | 176
2300 = 207 | 184
2400 = 216 | 192
2500 = 225 | 200
2600 = 234 | 208
2700 = 243 | 216
2800 = 252 | 224
2900 = 261 | 232
3000 = 270 | 240
BOOP 3100 = 379 | 248
3200 = 288 | 256
3300 = 297 | 264
3400 = 306 | 272
3500 = 315 | 280
3600 = 324 | 288
3700 = 333 | 296
3800 = 342 | 304
3900 = 351 | 312
4000 = 360 | 320

To start, it is, quite simply, not possible for the change in drop rate to be 'noticeable' until you're hitting 3000-5000 chests. Any users who have opened under 2500 chests claiming they 'noticed' the difference are just having bad RNG luck. That is all. 2500+, I can accept you maybe noticed it was a bit off, but even then, you're getting into such large numbers that missing 40 eggs at four THOUSAND chests is still something that could be attributed to bad RNG. Honestly, the fact that you lose 100 eggs at TEN THOUSAND CHESTS and you still walk away with 800 eggs is insane to me.

Most users are not opening 10k chests. Most users are opening in the low hundreds at most. This change isn't going to impact their egg gathering. It isn't meant to - it's meant to reduce the eggs brought into the site as a whole. If you are bringing in a significant egg numbers by yourself, to the point that your egg haul makes up a noticeable percentage of all the site's earned eggs, yeah, it hurts, but you're still going to contribute 5% of the entire site's count of Unhatched Nocturne Eggs whether the drop rate is 9% or 8%.

If you are opening enough chests to actually be noticing the change, you are still walking away with HUNDREDS of eggs. The more you open, the closer you'll get to exactly 8% of the chests dropping the eggs - the higher you go, the closer you are to negating both bad and good RNG. Again, you are still walking away with hundreds of eggs - hundreds of eggs that should be made more valuable, since there will be fewer in circulation.

And, to consider, this conversation with my mother, who has been listening to me mutter about this since I checked on this thread again:

Me: Mum. I hand you 20000 chests. You open the first 10000 to find 900 eggs. You open the second 10000 to find 800 eggs. Are you butthurt over not getting 100 eggs?

Mum: *with zero hesitation* No.

I repeat that the change is valid, I stand by my no support.
Alright. Y'all frustrating me a little. Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

Let's do...

Chests = 9% | 8%

100 = 9 | 8
200 = 18 | 16
300 = 27 | 24
400 = 36 | 32
500 = 45 | 40
600 = 54 | 48
700 = 63 | 56
800 = 72 | 64
900 = 81 | 72
1000 = 90 | 80
BOOP 1100 = 99 | 88
1200 = 108 | 96
1300 = 117 | 104
1400 = 126 | 112
1500 = 135 | 120
1600 = 144 | 128
1700 = 153 | 136
1800 = 162 | 144
1900 = 171 | 152
2000 = 180 | 160
BOOP 2100 = 189 | 168
2200 = 198 | 176
2300 = 207 | 184
2400 = 216 | 192
2500 = 225 | 200
2600 = 234 | 208
2700 = 243 | 216
2800 = 252 | 224
2900 = 261 | 232
3000 = 270 | 240
BOOP 3100 = 379 | 248
3200 = 288 | 256
3300 = 297 | 264
3400 = 306 | 272
3500 = 315 | 280
3600 = 324 | 288
3700 = 333 | 296
3800 = 342 | 304
3900 = 351 | 312
4000 = 360 | 320

To start, it is, quite simply, not possible for the change in drop rate to be 'noticeable' until you're hitting 3000-5000 chests. Any users who have opened under 2500 chests claiming they 'noticed' the difference are just having bad RNG luck. That is all. 2500+, I can accept you maybe noticed it was a bit off, but even then, you're getting into such large numbers that missing 40 eggs at four THOUSAND chests is still something that could be attributed to bad RNG. Honestly, the fact that you lose 100 eggs at TEN THOUSAND CHESTS and you still walk away with 800 eggs is insane to me.

Most users are not opening 10k chests. Most users are opening in the low hundreds at most. This change isn't going to impact their egg gathering. It isn't meant to - it's meant to reduce the eggs brought into the site as a whole. If you are bringing in a significant egg numbers by yourself, to the point that your egg haul makes up a noticeable percentage of all the site's earned eggs, yeah, it hurts, but you're still going to contribute 5% of the entire site's count of Unhatched Nocturne Eggs whether the drop rate is 9% or 8%.

If you are opening enough chests to actually be noticing the change, you are still walking away with HUNDREDS of eggs. The more you open, the closer you'll get to exactly 8% of the chests dropping the eggs - the higher you go, the closer you are to negating both bad and good RNG. Again, you are still walking away with hundreds of eggs - hundreds of eggs that should be made more valuable, since there will be fewer in circulation.

And, to consider, this conversation with my mother, who has been listening to me mutter about this since I checked on this thread again:

Me: Mum. I hand you 20000 chests. You open the first 10000 to find 900 eggs. You open the second 10000 to find 800 eggs. Are you butthurt over not getting 100 eggs?

Mum: *with zero hesitation* No.

I repeat that the change is valid, I stand by my no support.
Untitled2165.png O Oh Stormcatcher what have I started...
[quote name="Aliandrin" date="2022-12-22 13:18:50" ] I'm okay with the 8% rate, but not with this particularly spotty RNG. FR's RNG is bad. Really bad. Ever notice that you get a lot of multigaze twins, or primal twins? I've noticed this searching for multigaze in the auction house. Lots of twins. Gathering two eggs at a time. Getting entire or almost entire nests of the same hatchling. I suspect that this is because FR's RNG pulls from the clock, and if you do that, it will be so spotty and streaky that you absolutely need to add Bad Luck Protection of some sort. So full support, with a strong because. Because the RNG is too streaky to absorb even a tiny hit, which will penalise unlucky players A LOT. [/quote] Randomness is [i]always [/i]spotty and streaky, though. People always expect it to be far more balanced and even than it actually is. I don't want the 9% rate reimplemented. If it is, then come March the forums will be full of posts complaining how Nocturne eggs have tanked in value. You can get lots of eggs, [i]or[/i] they can be worth something. Pick [b]one[/b].
Aliandrin wrote on 2022-12-22 13:18:50:
I'm okay with the 8% rate, but not with this particularly spotty RNG. FR's RNG is bad. Really bad. Ever notice that you get a lot of multigaze twins, or primal twins? I've noticed this searching for multigaze in the auction house. Lots of twins. Gathering two eggs at a time. Getting entire or almost entire nests of the same hatchling.

I suspect that this is because FR's RNG pulls from the clock, and if you do that, it will be so spotty and streaky that you absolutely need to add Bad Luck Protection of some sort.

So full support, with a strong because. Because the RNG is too streaky to absorb even a tiny hit, which will penalise unlucky players A LOT.

Randomness is always spotty and streaky, though. People always expect it to be far more balanced and even than it actually is.

I don't want the 9% rate reimplemented. If it is, then come March the forums will be full of posts complaining how Nocturne eggs have tanked in value.

You can get lots of eggs, or they can be worth something. Pick one.
Coffee Pot
May be grumpy before coffee. And after coffee. (FR+8)
Honestly as a long time player (who did take a long break before the holiday/(some) NotN QOL improvements AND as someone who studied video game design post secondary): 8% is fine. There's 10 pages in this thread, multiple people doing math to show unless you're getting an INSANELY high number of chests, you're not going to feel a difference.

There are so many chests. More chests = more chances to get eggs, even at that reduced drop rate. This year I've gotten more chests than ever before (I'm probably at the 150(ish) marker right now? I don't keep track,) and out of 150(ish) chests I've gotten around 20 eggs, which is INSANELY good RNG luck, and that's what it boils down to- you're just not having good luck and that's really it. Those eggs are still flowing in, just not to you.

In a similar vein on my years of flight rising and the amount of strange chests I've opened up-- I've never had Smirch drop from a chest. I have friends who are DROWNING in smirch scrolls-- it's a matter of luck. My bad luck doesn't correlate to bad game design.
Honestly as a long time player (who did take a long break before the holiday/(some) NotN QOL improvements AND as someone who studied video game design post secondary): 8% is fine. There's 10 pages in this thread, multiple people doing math to show unless you're getting an INSANELY high number of chests, you're not going to feel a difference.

There are so many chests. More chests = more chances to get eggs, even at that reduced drop rate. This year I've gotten more chests than ever before (I'm probably at the 150(ish) marker right now? I don't keep track,) and out of 150(ish) chests I've gotten around 20 eggs, which is INSANELY good RNG luck, and that's what it boils down to- you're just not having good luck and that's really it. Those eggs are still flowing in, just not to you.

In a similar vein on my years of flight rising and the amount of strange chests I've opened up-- I've never had Smirch drop from a chest. I have friends who are DROWNING in smirch scrolls-- it's a matter of luck. My bad luck doesn't correlate to bad game design.
I've been doing NotN super-casually this year. Like, no griding, no Familliar-switching, just the stuff I get from my regular daily FR Routine. And I'm averaging about an-egg-a-day so far. Even if I'm kinda lucky, I don't buy the argument that lowering the drop-rate by one percent is gonna lock casual players off the festivities. Besides, NotN isn't just about the Eggs, lol.
So, No Support from me.
I've been doing NotN super-casually this year. Like, no griding, no Familliar-switching, just the stuff I get from my regular daily FR Routine. And I'm averaging about an-egg-a-day so far. Even if I'm kinda lucky, I don't buy the argument that lowering the drop-rate by one percent is gonna lock casual players off the festivities. Besides, NotN isn't just about the Eggs, lol.
So, No Support from me.
(Hey! Maybe check out my comic?)
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