• [size=6][font=Century Gothic] [emoji=sun size=1] [b]S[/b]un-kissed [b]S[/b]kins [/size][size=2]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039923]Pre-orders[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039924]Catalogue[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039977]Customs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039978]Showcase[/url][/size][/font]
[columns][url=https://imgur.com/a/rWdhA][img]https://i.imgur.com/yPL7vcO.gif[/img][/url][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][font=consolas][size=7] Read before buying !![/size]
» I'm [u][u]subscribed[/u][/u] and I check this post at least once a day, no pings needed! However, if I take too long to answer, a reminder via PM is okay.
» Copies of my accents can be resold for the [b][u]same[/u][/b] price you bought them, no more. Main accents wouldn't be retired so selling them for higher isn't even a good move.
» Payment will be asked once there's, at least, [u][b]5 people[/b][/u] pre-ordering. After receiving enough for a 10-print bundle, skin will be sent for approval. Anyone who hasn't paid yet can do it at that moment or wait until I send a PA once the skin is approved.
» Pre-paid accents will be sent to the buyer via [u][b]Private Auction[/b][/u] for 1 [emoji=treasure size=1]. If you haven't paid yet, I'll give you up to [u][b]one week[/b][/u] to buy it via PA before I cancel and sell it via AH, unless you tell me beforehand that you'll need more time.
» Extra copies that weren't able to find a buyer in the pre-ordering stage will be sent to the AH and will cost [b][u]50[/u][/b] [emoji=gem size=1] extra from their original price.
» I do accept mixed payment, or full treasure payment instead of gems. My [b][u]exchange rate[/u][/b] is [b]1[/b] [emoji=gem size=1] = [b]1.1k[/b] [emoji=treasure size=1].[/columns]
[columns][list][nextcol][center][font=consolas][size=5][emoji=ivy leaf size=1] [b]Pinglists[/b] [/size][/font]
![nextcol][list][nextcol][center][font=consolas][size=5] [b]Anything on Stock?[/b] [emoji=ivy leaf size=1][/size]
[item=Daffodil] [item=Daffodil]
[item=Daffodil] [item=Daffodil][/center][/columns]
[center]Buy ---- | Buy ---- | Buy ---- | Buy ----[/center]
[font=consolas]* [b]General Pinglist:[/b] Pre-orders for, all, new and returning skins & accents. Also used for interest checks and seeking opinions.
** [b]Custom Pinglist:[/b] You'll get pinged once new slots for customs are open. First come first served.[/font]
» I'm subscribed and I check this post at least once a day, no pings needed! However, if I take too long to answer, a reminder via PM is okay.
» Copies of my accents can be resold for the same price you bought them, no more. Main accents wouldn't be retired so selling them for higher isn't even a good move.
» Payment will be asked once there's, at least, 5 people pre-ordering. After receiving enough for a 10-print bundle, skin will be sent for approval. Anyone who hasn't paid yet can do it at that moment or wait until I send a PA once the skin is approved.
» Pre-paid accents will be sent to the buyer via Private Auction for 1 . If you haven't paid yet, I'll give you up to one week to buy it via PA before I cancel and sell it via AH, unless you tell me beforehand that you'll need more time.
» Extra copies that weren't able to find a buyer in the pre-ordering stage will be sent to the AH and will cost 50 extra from their original price.
» I do accept mixed payment, or full treasure payment instead of gems. My exchange rate is 1 = 1.1k.
• Sunny/Oliver | They/he*+. » FR +4
» Spanish & English speaker
» Skin&Accents shop!!
» Link
• [size=6][font=Century Gothic] [emoji=sun size=1] [b]S[/b]un-kissed [b]S[/b]kins [/size][size=2]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039923]Pre-orders[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039924]Catalogue[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039977]Customs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039978]Showcase[/url][/size][/font]
[emoji=star size=1] || [size=4][font=Century Gothic][b]Regular Skins & Accents[/b][/font] *+.[/size]
[font=consolas] Skins will never retire. I'll start a new run of pre-orders if +3 people are interested in a design. I will, also, create more copies if I'm provided with the desired blueprint + 250 [emoji=gem size=1]
Join their individual pinglists if you want to be notified of future re-runs.[/font]
------------[columns][center][item=accent: queen in red]
[u]Queen in Red[/u]
--------- -------------
[emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] || [size=4][font=Century Gothic][b]Seasonal Skins & Accents[/b][/font] *+.[/size]
[font=consolas] Skins only available for a month each year (ex: a Greenskeeper Gathering-themed skin only available each May)[/font]
Available on -
Skins will never retire. I'll start a new run of pre-orders if +3 people are interested in a design. I will, also, create more copies if I'm provided with the desired blueprint + 250
Join their individual pinglists if you want to be notified of future re-runs.
Accent: Queen in Red
Fathom Female Only
Accents are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the accent will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by Lemondr0p.)
Skins only available for a month each year (ex: a Greenskeeper Gathering-themed skin only available each May)
Marigolds are popular in decorative food dishes, their bright florets adding an interesting pop of color.
Available on -
• Sunny/Oliver | They/he*+. » FR +4
» Spanish & English speaker
» Skin&Accents shop!!
» Link
• [size=6][font=Century Gothic] [emoji=sun size=1] [b]S[/b]un-kissed [b]S[/b]kins [/size][size=2]| [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039923]Pre-orders[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039924]Catalogue[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039977]Customs[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3383054/1#post_58039978]Showcase[/url][/size][/font]
[center][emoji=palette size=1]
[size=5][font=Century Gothic][b]Custom Skins Status: [color=red][b]CLOSED[/b][/color] | [s]0 slots left !![/b][/s][/font][/size]
[u]??? [emoji=gem size=1] + blueprint[/u]
[font=consolas]Currently unavailable, I want to get more experience in creating skins & accents before I start accepting custom requests.
[center][size=5][font=Century Gothic][b]Custom Recolors Status: [color=green][b]OPEN[/b][/color] | Infinite slots !![/b][/font][/size]
[u]250 [emoji=gem size=1] + blueprint[/u] or [u]500 [emoji=gem size=1] via pre-order method.[/u]
[font=consolas]People can always ask and suggest new recolors, and if the idea grabs my interest, I'll make it, however, this is not guaranteed. If you want to guarantee a specific recolor of your liking, your best bet is paying for this service. I'm also open to adding/removing details, but the price may rise if it's too complicated.
The [b]first payment method[/b] means you'll get a unique recolor for yourself, which won't be reprinted unless you allow it. It is faster than the second method but more expensive.
The [b]second payment method[/b] makes your requested recolor public for other buyers, and open to future reprints. I'll make a pre-order list like any other main accent, meaning that you'll need to wait for, at least, 4 more buyers besides yourself, which may take some time, but, at the end, you'll be paying a lot less than the first method. What are you going to choose?
Custom Skins Status: CLOSED | 0 slots left !! ??? + blueprint Currently unavailable, I want to get more experience in creating skins & accents before I start accepting custom requests.
Custom Recolors Status: OPEN | Infinite slots !! 250 + blueprint or 500 via pre-order method. People can always ask and suggest new recolors, and if the idea grabs my interest, I'll make it, however, this is not guaranteed. If you want to guarantee a specific recolor of your liking, your best bet is paying for this service. I'm also open to adding/removing details, but the price may rise if it's too complicated.
The first payment method means you'll get a unique recolor for yourself, which won't be reprinted unless you allow it. It is faster than the second method but more expensive.
The second payment method makes your requested recolor public for other buyers, and open to future reprints. I'll make a pre-order list like any other main accent, meaning that you'll need to wait for, at least, 4 more buyers besides yourself, which may take some time, but, at the end, you'll be paying a lot less than the first method. What are you going to choose?
• Sunny/Oliver | They/he*+. » FR +4
» Spanish & English speaker
» Skin&Accents shop!!
» Link
• Sunny/Oliver | They/he*+. » FR +4
» Spanish & English speaker
» Skin&Accents shop!!
» Link
[center][emoji=sun size=1]
Reserved just in case I need more space one day
For now just look at my babies
[img]https://i.imgur.com/Giq4OsF.gif[/img] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/leafeon.gif[/img][/center]