
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | ΔKudu's Curios∇ Gao M Tarot Rose
[center][img][/img] [color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=6][b]Welcome to the curio shop[/b][/size] Hope you find what you're lookin for[/font][/color] ----- [color=4f6720][font=times new roman][url=]Currently Selling[/url] | [url=]Collection[/url] | [url=]Customs[/url] | [url=]Featured Dragons[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url][/font][/color] ----- [color=4f6720][font=times new roman][size=4][b]Read this section before placing an order![/b][/size][/font][/color] [/center][columns][img][/img][nextcol] [color=4f6720][font=times new roman] » [b]Please ping me![/b] I do check the thread semi-regularly, but a ping will get you a faster response » No official treasure slots for now but if you're unable to pay pure gems for a piece you really want, PM me » PAs will be set for a week. If they are not claimed within that period and you haven't contacted me for an extension, the copy will be put on the AH » All leftover copies will be placed on the AH unless otherwise specified » [b]None of my main releases will ever be fully retired.[/b] After the ordering period is up, the piece will be soft retired and will continue to be available forever for blueprint price + a discounted print price. Private customs and certain challenge skins may be permanently retired » [b]Please don't buy for the purposes of reselling![/b][/columns][/font][/color] -----

Welcome to the curio shop

Hope you find what you're lookin for

Currently Selling | Collection | Customs | Featured Dragons | Pinglist

Read this section before placing an order!

» Please ping me! I do check the thread semi-regularly, but a ping will get you a faster response

» No official treasure slots for now but if you're unable to pay pure gems for a piece you really want, PM me

» PAs will be set for a week. If they are not claimed within that period and you haven't contacted me for an extension, the copy will be put on the AH

» All leftover copies will be placed on the AH unless otherwise specified

» None of my main releases will ever be fully retired. After the ordering period is up, the piece will be soft retired and will continue to be available forever for blueprint price + a discounted print price. Private customs and certain challenge skins may be permanently retired

» Please don't buy for the purposes of reselling!

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]skdfhsdfsidufsiufsdiufdsbfy[/color][nextcol][center][size=6][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b]Currently Selling[/b][/font][/color][/size][/center][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]dfhsldg[/color] [nextcol][left][b][u][size=4]0. The Fool[/u][/b] [b]Type:[/b] Skin [b]Price:[/b] 850g [b]Status:[/b] Taking orders ----- [skin=56880] ----- [b][u][url=]Spreadsheet sign-up[/url][/u][/b] [/left][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]dfhsldg[/color] [nextcol][left][b][u][size=4]0. The Madman[/u][/b] [b]Type:[/b] Skin [b]Price:[/b] 850g [b]Status:[/b] Taking Orders ----- [url=]Preview[/url] ----- [b][u][url=]Spreadsheet sign-up[/url] [/u][/b][/left][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]dfhsldg[/color] [nextcol][left][b][u][size=4]0. The Beggar[/u][/b] [b]Type:[/b] Skin [b]Price:[/b] 850g [b]Status:[/b] PAs sent out - leftovers on AH ----- [skin=56917] ----- [b][u][url=]Spreadsheet sign-up[/url] [/u][/b][/left][/columns] ----- [center][size=5][b][color=4f6720][font=times new roman]In Stock[/font][/color][/b] [columns] [center][skin=56917] [size=2]850g 4 copies [/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol]
Sl76kiB.png skdfhsdfsidufsiufsdiufdsbfy
Currently Selling

32BTGkm.png dfhsldg
0. The Fool
Type: Skin
Price: 850g
Status: Taking orders

Spreadsheet sign-up

1E87xvw.png dfhsldg
0. The Madman
Type: Skin
Price: 850g
Status: Taking Orders
Spreadsheet sign-up

h1h6wnU.png dfhsldg
0. The Beggar
Type: Skin
Price: 850g
Status: PAs sent out - leftovers on AH

Spreadsheet sign-up

In Stock

4 copies

[columns][center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=7]Collection[/size][/b][/font][/color][/center][nextcol][color=transparent]sdfjhsdgfljsgflsjdyfglsjdygsdfgsdiufgifgsifludfgsldfghjsug[/color][img][/img][/columns] ----- [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=6]Shelved[/size][/b] [b][size=3]Print on demand - provide blueprints and printing fee Accents: 300g — Skins: 350g[/size][/b][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=5][u]Public Releases[/u][/size][/b] [/font][/color][/center] [columns][skin=37867] [center]30 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=42382] [center]41 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=42559] [center]30 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=42743] [center]10 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=43414] [center]30 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=43415] [center]20 copies[/center][/columns] [columns] [skin=44070] [center]51 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=44071] [center]61 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=44390] [center]40 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=44391] [center]50 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=43703] [center]40 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=43704] [center]40 copies[/center] [/columns] [columns][skin=52457] [center]20 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=52458] [center]20 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=52904] [center]20 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=52905] [center]30 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=53969] [center]40 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=53970] [center]60 copies[/center] [/columns] [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=5][u]Collabs and Challenge Skins[/u][/size][/b] [/font][/color][/center] [columns][skin=49129] [center][size=2]Collab w/5inthemorning[/size] 21 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=49130] [center][size=2]Collab w/5inthemorning[/size] 20 copies[/center][/columns] ----- [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=6]Retired[/size][/b] [/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=5][u]Limited Prints[/u][/size][/b] [/font][/color][/center] [center][skin=52459] [center]20 copies[/center][/center] [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=5][u]Collabs and Challenge Skins[/u][/size][/b] [/font][/color][/center] [center][skin=44866] [center][size=2]3C2F Challenge Skin[/size] 5 copies[/center][/center] [center][color=4f6720][font=times new roman][b][size=5][u]Customs[/u][/size][/b] [/font][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]ldjfgsbeljchrgskiehjhgrc ljhegrkshj[/color] [nextcol][skin=42968] [center]Private custom 10 copies[/center] [nextcol][skin=53315] [center]Custom recolor 5 copies[/center][/columns]

Print on demand - provide blueprints and printing fee
Accents: 300g — Skins: 350g

Public Releases
30 copies
41 copies
30 copies
10 copies
30 copies
20 copies
51 copies
61 copies
40 copies
50 copies
40 copies
40 copies
20 copies
20 copies
20 copies
30 copies
40 copies
60 copies

Collabs and Challenge Skins

21 copies

20 copies


Limited Prints
20 copies

Collabs and Challenge Skins
3C2F Challenge Skin
5 copies

ldjfgsbeljchrgskiehjhgrc ljhegrkshj
Private custom
10 copies
Custom recolor
5 copies

1. Cynderbark
2. GarbagePal

If you're interested in a custom piece by me, you can either PM me here or on Discord (dinosaurdown #1060) to get a quote!

Sign up here to be notified when custom slots open up again!


» I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason
» I am a graduate student completing a thesis. I'm very busy! Please understand that your custom might take a bit of time to complete
» Full payment is expected once the sketch is approved
» USD payments will be through PayPal. You must have a valid e-mail address
» After a sketch is approved, only minor changes like colors or small jewelry pieces will be free
» Major changes after sketch approval will have an additional cost
» WIPs will be shared at each stage (lines, flat colors, shading, etc.)
» Please let me know the breed and pose you'd like. Images and/or moodboards are appreciated!

Private Customs

Starting prices
Accents: 5kg ($50)
Skincents: 8kg ($80)

» Blueprints must be provided by the commissioner
» If you opt for a 1- or 2-print, I reserve the right to print a personal copy (for personal use only)
» I will keep two copies out of a 5-print
» Limit of 5 copies total
» If you decide to cancel your commission, I will retain full rights to the design
» Private customs will generally not be reprinted

Custom Recolors
» 1-1.5kg ($10-15 USD) depending on complexity
» All rules for private customs apply

Public Customs

Do you have an idea for a skin that you'd like to see become a reality but don't want to pay the price of a private custom? This is for you!

Starting prices
Accents: 600g ($6)
Skincents: 1000g ($10)

» An additional payment of the design's print price (550g for accents and 850g for skincents) will be charged via PA for the purchase of your copy
»I reserve all rights to publicly release the design and print/sell as many copies as I wish
» I will retain a higher degree of artistic freedom with these commissions. Highly specific or particular requests may or may not be granted

1. Cynderbark
2. GarbagePal

If you're interested in a custom piece by me, you can either PM me here or on Discord (dinosaurdown #1060) to get a quote!

Sign up here to be notified when custom slots open up again!


» I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason
» I am a graduate student completing a thesis. I'm very busy! Please understand that your custom might take a bit of time to complete
» Full payment is expected once the sketch is approved
» USD payments will be through PayPal. You must have a valid e-mail address
» After a sketch is approved, only minor changes like colors or small jewelry pieces will be free
» Major changes after sketch approval will have an additional cost
» WIPs will be shared at each stage (lines, flat colors, shading, etc.)
» Please let me know the breed and pose you'd like. Images and/or moodboards are appreciated!

Private Customs

Starting prices
Accents: 5kg ($50)
Skincents: 8kg ($80)

» Blueprints must be provided by the commissioner
» If you opt for a 1- or 2-print, I reserve the right to print a personal copy (for personal use only)
» I will keep two copies out of a 5-print
» Limit of 5 copies total
» If you decide to cancel your commission, I will retain full rights to the design
» Private customs will generally not be reprinted

Custom Recolors
» 1-1.5kg ($10-15 USD) depending on complexity
» All rules for private customs apply

Public Customs

Do you have an idea for a skin that you'd like to see become a reality but don't want to pay the price of a private custom? This is for you!

Starting prices
Accents: 600g ($6)
Skincents: 1000g ($10)

» An additional payment of the design's print price (550g for accents and 850g for skincents) will be charged via PA for the purchase of your copy
»I reserve all rights to publicly release the design and print/sell as many copies as I wish
» I will retain a higher degree of artistic freedom with these commissions. Highly specific or particular requests may or may not be granted
[center][b][size=5]Featured Dragons[/size][/b][/center] ----- [center]Ping me with a dragon wearing one of my designs and they might be featured here! I love seeing every dragon that wears my skins, so don't be afraid to share! ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url]
Featured Dragons

Ping me with a dragon wearing one of my designs and they might be featured here! I love seeing every dragon that wears my skins, so don't be afraid to share!

49628105.png 73946854.png 74558877.png 73152517.png 62519756.png
77306337.png 76206952.png 77114693.png 83695584.png 7203664.png
86646676.png 64809015.png


@/ArceusAcelaena @/2towels @/willowthewispvd @/chocoli @/Itarille @/FlyingScales @/cakespeare @/napstabl00k @/Novrre @/Industry @/Paralian @/Nemalu @/Noddddd @/UnhappyJoker @/Stovokor @/Mudy @/inn @/azemn @/BapeTheFish @/Flora @/SnailTrebuchet @/irony @/MinnowFox @/Raioru @/Rohana @/SuzyChi @/Hydrocity @/Tempestris @/WolfTrickster @/leafwreath @/tokyoisms @/Gunk @/Empyrean @/Grendaline



@/ArceusAcelaena @/2towels @/willowthewispvd @/chocoli @/Itarille @/FlyingScales @/cakespeare @/napstabl00k @/Novrre @/Industry @/Paralian @/Nemalu @/Noddddd @/UnhappyJoker @/Stovokor @/Mudy @/inn @/azemn @/BapeTheFish @/Flora @/SnailTrebuchet @/irony @/MinnowFox @/Raioru @/Rohana @/SuzyChi @/Hydrocity @/Tempestris @/WolfTrickster @/leafwreath @/tokyoisms @/Gunk @/Empyrean @/Grendaline

[center]Hey everyone! At long last, I have made another accent and have an official shop. Introducing: Ames-ib for PCF, based on the goddess Hathor Price: 550g (no treasure slots, sorry!) [b]Please read the info and rules [url=]here[/url] before signing up for a copy![/b] Fair warning! This piece has a decent likelihood of being sent back for lines/shadows depending on which mod is checking accents. I will keep everyone updated if that happens. ALSO, keep your eyes peeled for a similar piece for PCM based on Horus ;) ----- [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] ----- [center][url=]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Pearlcatcher F, Accent, cool colors, egyptian, gold, jewelry/silks, mythology, nature, piercings, space/galaxy/stars/nebula, warm colors[/center][br][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@IAmStillATestAccount @Parad0xxy @Leonaa @Trachynhawb @refrayn @Mezzo @PandragonsBox @caelumdeity @velvetpaws @Gilan @Plushstiel @anrei @Lionsong @FireflyRhapsody @Iniga @Clifftop @Fadeela @SydKiaray @Emordnilap @TheDwarfQueen @wildewinged @ZeroAerie @Maila @xarazura @Ashtastic @Veracity @Yaevinn @sinha27 @Yoda @BurntEmber @Soupy @Grimbone @starsystems @reliquiaen @Mycologist @penantiomers @Kardi @Serpede @Apellosine @durandal @Kernun @shamwow @Alive @IndigoCat @ofendlessstars @arcaneidolriots @smileytechie @SleepyNightify @Fantelle @Stasha @snowy @Trickilicky @TikindiDragon @Vesperupus @captaincaiti @Renoki @squidragon @InfinityLlama @Velociraptor42 @Steel @Ganymede @delightfuliza @Velsim @Tangaroa @Shroomlet @Nevros @Vulpen @AwayfromBirdland @Auralion @taipantigress @Kurtcobain @Beladonna @Gibby @Uitwaaien @theroiprocepios @Insouciant @Aloice @kaaoqi @lightly @solaritude @mochimajuru @Rifter @FairyArmadillo @Artemis @Reborn @flamyfox @FlareSolaire @BlackWinter @Leafdapple1 @Juni @ThirtyOne @Acidfox @Argonaut @Alstroemeria @mummy @Astraya @Akal @thefrogg @yumejia @Bluetadamore @Koneko @Veevi @Zanate @shimmeringxolo @Redsparrow @FWD @hayum @arach @Darkdragonfiend @Pumpcat @CakeOn @Dragonlaird @Mirrorface @ranyani @Noxeryrs @Narif @wobbitt @Lynn1 @Firtarian @karilara @kazay @hiddenmica @Whimzica @Lexreon @WildFlora @Cryptic @Maye @Riko @Elaendorlien @LhiannanSidhe @TheUltimateOwl @MusicalMaladies @judiama @Essynkardi @Bunnykins @Mercendia @Jazz @Jaye @OverlordFreya @Aegirscales @Mookzilla @ionicbondie @SouthFarthing @Naakka @Survivors @Athexreh @Harribel @moosesushi @Rubisco @jamaesi @Oriel @Noll @Safirien @Katreal @christina @Rinibun @Deva @sero @Cerys @miuaki @bringmeataco @godspeed @Zelai @leeedea @Cedric @Ellowen @Katherine @KatGrimm @koujakward @LittlestDragon @Erendira @kriseis @DarkOwl @Xemriss @Kelenthe @Maybels @Tria91 @boxparts @Izurude @Idari @Juyoung @Heliopunk @ccccctk @Jaie @Luunai @everynne @keraunic @Nidanasi @mus @haxure @artangcls @Cirruss @thank @wtf @Snipe @PaintingFlowers @Yay @birdfairy @awaicu @raxyl @Enekokoro @Venneris @absolmon @Kaelidra @Disanxian @Obscaenus @TeddyDJ @Oakwick @rethi @Darkmekmon @meonox @StarDandere @Suzuranao @infectionary @Skitties @copiousPeplom @Pained @sorai @necrophades @rubyredtan @HayBau @Godspeed @Betta @veevi @Nuriya @Zyanith @TheflyingTypO @Lynchly @Cherubim @RJWolf @Monchii @Shishiru @LionMagnus @heiheidamowang @Geowlett @anhbon921 @WDGaster @Runi @Isidora @Primaria @BlackMistress @StarshipSally @VineDream @MollyMerula @Nahiri @RRHepburn @qew23 @Reconnaissance @keydotzip @Lonin @Carthasis @pioff @Cryptozoolo @aecasia @Ririterasu @xazz @Aruakhal @casanovasAnchor @Raydioactive @Chaimellow @FontDictionary @Ysdaar @VolatileMatter @PrinceOfStorms @nightmischief @Eve @MadDucks @SeptentrionSea @Wuxian @Otrera @aelith @saltyscone @Gem4567 @HighFives @Ixnyeltha @SilverFoxDemon @Shougoney @Zayev @Bhaskara @Nukleer @Tigenki @BloodyBunny @Niklia @Nimphy @OrionPax @Aava @Maddiebird @iodine @scarletskyz @Nevaka @selenomancy @Seriema @Zerobotic @yoosung @Prelude @greyyourwarden @Oara @IrritatorRaji @Resorant @chocomonster @Mima @Snowkitsu @CosmicSummer @Gravekeeper @Astrologian @HorseCrazy @cutinstincts @Touming @Asobi @PharahRaptor @WeyrLeader @artillerychick @pureblood @sugarcrash @a27594111 @PennyLane @Edge @Ebrietas @Dior @Crysi102 @ilimati @AlexiCyn @BombSwan @irithyll @Eagles @Floidivoidi @NorthPrincess @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Kyoya @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Fanartsy @Windstrike @Panopticon @Moonlace @Rosoidela @Brea @Moristian @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Apothecaria @nemodave @Featherly @ClockworkOctopus @Dracorvus @Minstri @Geminie @BloodSentry @WhiteMantis @Wrath @InHeritent @Peisinoe @Smokeybunny @Aeroden @Pseudoscience @jsquiddy @Whitefoxtails @SerpentRose @Sonora @wesleydog @Lycoteuthis @Emysry @IveRios @TKodami @Noirist @TheThrane @Dishonor @Sickened @Effervessa @DawnRavenclaw @sableye @Tinytalkingtina @cywscross @comette @Alraune @HermitCrab @Aoroen @Owlienerd @feverking @Silverishness @MechWyrms @Necrovatai @Fukii @Gwendolyn @Ythequeris @TopsySky @Rangiku @alexicyn @PeonydKingpin @Saraku @yomnea33 @Duskflame @Dragondrop @Dross @Cethosia @Valolaire @Ashirene @bisou @gemgem @Sagittarium @aurorie @Tempestris @Pigeonpanhandle @WheatleyScience @ThatOneGirl @Sharkbutt @brdey @pretend @MissK @londoner @Rest @Beltaguise @potestas @ToxicE @Syceris @Sirenia @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Gyropilot @Bekuno @GrumpyCatlover @Shadowlugia711 @Hiame @Koobi @Steamplonk @loststarship @oilux @Apotheca @Tidybunny @Ariizumi @Scuzz @Rohana @corvid @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Hevnoraak @Angu15 @Starrlight @Ketchum @nohsara @songify @Xirei @Apfelobst @Lichtdrache @cloverly @MadaMada @ffgrape @Kipiekie @Illuminary @Valeguard @DreamingShad0ws @Devilledegghead @lyttlekytten @Comic1Sans @eggod @uniquelykenn @shibadog @Leukowii @Chocoli @NorthSong @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @perifinite @oly @TalaTari @TheEnderDraco @Acacia @despoinai @limeypie @Gallus @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @ayatos @haylxx @MisfitsLanding @kumoko @Makronyx @Goolix @Shadowangel @Croissants @bioglitch @00Riku00 @micchikureshima @Oodie @Jenkow @Keikoku @Mudguts @jaxentiatil @Cognitive @Fervanus @AntivirusAndroid @TxTiger @Lirim @Tiarana @Hideki @Myndris @Journey @luckless @Kaio @TarmonSuravye @zeguk @Pollen @NoodleMomma @Saeliras @ideunatty @Kiragami @Holi @DracoLeo @elfmoss @BizarreKitten @AimzVador @SparkleOfGold @daffynewt @Goldenstorm @manacampbell @roiben @JesterGurl @lynxedlight @Yagine @Spirit78 @Felisaries @GEESE @Faileas @CrimsonSasaki @Elachu @Noxclerati @SaintMotel @bitmap @StarlitFire @caedis @Raptora @Suntouched @Peyp @MarinaQuakenbush @Kavalkade @RyuLevone @CheeseChatot @suncodex @Nabesima @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @jr413 @Kaljaia @Lunox @folie @Finne @Distances @Aeraetraea @Viverridae @Tidemaiden @Artichoke @Whirlwish @Mozzy @stakataka @ashenhartkrie @Amorah @Cyans @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @24lovefancy @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @raQua @DrowsyPanda @Sunlace @MuffinCloud @GryphonSong @Alliance @batcrooks @HermaMora @los @ancelstierre @Premiumhugs @Mickie @Karanja @Friendo @auroshen @cytotoxic @SirArchimedes @vetra @CrazyBat @Stellatrix13 @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @OliveBoat @Lyren @SquidneyTsu @ellensaurus @agust @Guest @Actaeon @Doodeedoodah @Moonpiebandit @cosmicConundrum @Nanosaur @mumtup @Reptilia @Addmon @Denryu @0verdose @Jabberwocky09 @Fortuna @Elody @SquidMage @snapppper @Darkrait @firtarian @warthog @KattsTheName @Cynil @STRHKR @unsolved @NorthernLiights @terato @Incarnate @gunklord @pyr0 @ColoradoBlues @Belegorn @Humboldt @Skedge @Cascarones @oceanics @mildlyanxiousdoe @TwilightStars @necromancing @Wych @terrellini @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @WickedJayla @alyblaith @Morvudd @Cieyuu @Ilesvia @Shaire @Swanee @DrZiegler @Rafaru @Desolation @spacecat @MaraStarSeer @antiserum @Artorias @X3X @Maeca @Nettlebird @ghxy @SilverQuark @Drag0n5 @Karrikut @Aushi @Bumblesweet @Cerion @Ectopi @Zukohere @Starstalker @fithandantilus @Aeriel @tytonidae @Loyalties @ninjanuary @PhoenixFire36 @DragonDraws @Kikatzu @ravensong2 @Texere @TheClassCalico @candycanexolo @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @Velifer @Sanati @thornasaur @Lukee @Weredogalism @Sienne @Nirwana @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @Khepri @TheBluestJay @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @Spiritwindy @Venture @briar @Ky0n @keyy @Tuchulcha @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @notinsaneyet @RainingAcid @Cyrya @Neurachem @VioletChachki @rattus @NowViewing @Mairon @techmess @Bluwingskitty @ShinyStufful @suuji @phoenixoflegend @briteoctopus @GhostChateau @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @Crowstorm @Vialheart @Pyronox @macrobiiology @starskynadder @Hardycat @Harmonywish @Chelo @Halua @Blacklily @Cryfie @deerfawn @ribbonz @Evarinya @MildChameleon @solariaa @UchihaIyo @WarriorSong @LostWhisperer @PoisonNightshade @nemora @PikaChan412 @xRK800 @ShadowPiper @Li3los @RiavaCornelia @Macchi @Osmodeus @Heathers @HayBay @overture @Pandonkey @Harana @dogma @Psi @Mip @TAOGTMI @Katarra @Fujo @Lokke @shot @Aquaparrot @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @ivority @angstprxnce @Naahva @RinyshkaS @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @LemmeRest @LeviathanDemon @jenivan1000 @Fawniti @bamf @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @sunnyVista @CrimsonDragon @LordMalak @manylimbs @606 @Eleventh @serron @ThePlasticTree @gefrorenerzahn @Ebby172 @cynicalCrows @RubyZoisite @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @RoyalLudroth @DrFlug @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @Tremble @BillyRuffian @cobwebs @bedfordblack @concept @DragonNoodle @mooncakefestival @Marmite @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @soarieglibb @BitterTea @stanley @Windows98 @Drastalblight @oppay @KallyPaige @CelestialMuse @SimFeetUnder @dinaurian @Nonsense @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @sylveondreams @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @Syldaya @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @apricotstarship @Closetcreep @Arkenrall @heathermoon @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @Acheri @Overcoat @Elisse @FeatherFace @kephallonian @Adriel @Hmm @Murakali @Irmingard @Banhi @Sheerivory @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @Kisk @Vendetta @Concertina @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @atooksays @Fluffpuffpanda @Sunline @akoshka @techne @kbb @LunarParadox @Munancho @Juleatic @ReneDV98 @pondweed @klee @Endyr @lotusen @Zivo @Allychan @Interverse @GoldStar @doniider @axololtl @WitchHunt @full @Emarelda @Crumpet @Reverent @Thrawn @Ravaarian @Onyxbat @Krosulhah @nychthemeron @Cadash @Sadiegreen @Oxy @Lordofthepies @kingjoethecat @Maeva @Dracowolf @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @HoodieCat @Mysthia @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @StarPortal @big @Arkeyr79 @lemecrazy @pooses @frostwalkers @Fervor @nonaline @iaqo @faraway @puppicino @InkedMyths @TheChurchGrim @DeltaNegative @ancestral @Rayzor @Flanoir @Kom @Hyenalope @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @velvetufo @Heliolisk @TehuMertt @OyasumiKasumi @BloodAlphaess @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @Oxyhemoglobin @Bantymom @CoffeeCaat @Alamire @moyaofthemist @NeekoNeekoNii @Anduins @Starfire0 @dustfawn @Visceryl @Watercolour @evilwave @ghostheel @Sylvanlady @NullE @Thoroughbred @Sakurashark @IromotNemem @aliciawonderland @Verosa @xjsx @Ozma @putrefaction @serpentarius @Joywing @EternalBlaze @junu @Lusinga @Mir @BurntCookies @Vanq @Driamatic @Lurkingbullfox @fuzzysherbet @LynterriaHatake @Hauntology @pinkkittens @Saerino @Tilli @Yorshka @Doxiunoia @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @razzamatazz @Eaen @Kelpoyo @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @mmuted @pups @Katigura @HPPJWoF @Meely @cvthedral @Ayxia @kijauni @FluffleDuffel @minervamaga @seylon @Briarfox13 @catoftheallie @Bystander @Trilonyte @ces @tvoir @chetungwan @Pyrozod @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @todorokishoto @CristorcusHelix @ashenraven @onemessyperson @Sitten1115 @Chromathesia @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Bynx @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @AnoraBorealis @VeryMuchATest @Adagia @eonflute @batnap @astereia @DelightedVilla @serpents @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @doniiderr @ladymoon2886 @CandyKacktus @summerwar @Volve @vorselon @notamused @Daemonengrau @Shpee @Jaypaw @RaspyBone @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @lumiinous @Pinkuu @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @Ponscha @Iralla @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @S0ap @vendi @Saeldryn @mega1omaniacal @Aisuryu @Peafowl @atlanticREM @mazurkas @xxxx @Desecrated @Taarnfalk @Mintso @Kimmeh @Solinary @WistyRain @Onyswift @clustxr @Violeteevee @Adabat @Rubyserpent @orangesunrise @Neltharygos @ForsakenAngel @User9125 @ChakotayDgryphon @tinkabelle @Natron @Denyzia @hydde @Tofubear @sallow @silveremouse @Arborpunk @MathematicalMind @CPFG44 @Varnaxis @Aeriona @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @StarshipsFleeing @Fin72 @Lokey @drool @Atsumi @Averat @retrace @hat17 @thatwhatthing @cloudfilledskies @teebone @Sheta @Lunyra @Soulykins @Killunia @Mikada @caution @KittyAoba @Icystorm @Avifors @madameprez @Andraya @Archimedez @Doomslayer @Tatobot @suu @hobihobi @Idyll @SkyCsxandr @MinnowFox @Bamf @aeons @clovur @kkertas @Keryth @Merennis @Rainbowlight @Raan @Vyrelord @zephyrouss @Grune @caathedral @Marrigan @DannaSukaira @Denutena @DiamondNoodles @Ekkinox @Contaminate @Vader @nephelle @hyuukiru @SleepyDrago @137 @arlyn @robinchan33 @ViewtifulJen @strawyerberry @sessmachine @Qhersek @SparkleDeer @Yilara @Diamondbacked @BunnySox @aalien @Thunderbird21 @nonlineardogtime @chuchuana @AngelOfFate @Rolyo @Sincerity11 @Hnai @Kiipho @ptarmigan @mem @eldrvtch @Tordue @shadesofchaos @Basileia @Moonweaverr @MapleMatcha @Tuberose @Skystalker @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @Prinsessa @Worship @kiwis @FoxyPlant @Riddance @Somaville @sylvalley @mPhish @Druzy @Pepi @torch @pouchipouchi @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @DemonChild77 @Shyia @Quetzy @sheppo @zeeboot @aavikko @Galaxius @TypeFull @VALENTINX @shirorobiin @laffayette @scared @bullfrog @Burger @moonstrucksmorns @Infinipede @QuirkyTea @Inofaro @pensive @Sucrose @cynosural @smolelf @Angilian @brevityis @Thedas @Nuthatch @plaguesdevil @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Exlann @sifenke @Hydrixz404 @OblivionStriker @hasoyi @TheFortissima @wurple @Kael1030 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @fraulien @wolfbutterfly42 @Puffin25 @PlatonicPluto @LSparrow @kyaniite @Levona @GraveRabbit @decays @DawnBreak77 @Crimsonpizza @sekainouta @sickreaps @Paganism @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @wanderingworlds @RisenWolf @Joule @Wizardry @addams @Vinyamar @DashieDoesThings @Refractor @IcyGlaceon471 @YUNLING @Urza @Cirrostratus @SolarSam @elafralah @Missed @Scent @vangeance @ruijuun @RealityMask @Xenokiin @SpecialDragon12 @yik @Tahoma @KreepyKrawlies @World @LizardFruit @JulyAphelion @tapewyrm @Phay @Wintaclu @ladywindgrace @Gaze @CandyPrincess @Ambulocetus @Phenri @Kitty4801 @Pyracantha @atrolock @Miridiana @swinlock @Golurk @daysold @Cats @ProbablySkeletor @teiidae @LavaKitto @softsylveon @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @Xaraxal @BlueDragon819 @Yiku @Hiii @Outpost @Obituary @Witheren @Tamarin21 @Kazure @endlessstation @EmSheshan @Shidoo @craftbaobao2 @NAKoo @crogge @elysifish @StormJunes @Dabble @Blushunt @Lilacskye @Randodemon @FuzzyMelon @a030095275 @2towels @FableSky @Are @Tinble @Windowz @Sigmaglow @wintrecat @valerakki @hallinhammas @Fenixinka @ShallowAbyss @Saerel @ilan @Hrathen @BeingOfSalt @AkaneChaan @Swageus @mithrail @FreyaShadow @kiwisun @dragonpals @Raboniel @willowthewispvd @MissMaira @nebulova @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @Morningrise @copiouscrawdadz @Lunakitty @Purpose @Trinkets @KoTiss @arsenicxx @Airaly @epitaffio @oof @SolitarySphynx @Psiuser @Hasufel @Legacywolf @Maliblu @Miasmas @Peachie @Formenos @Minnowbutt @Rabbitspirit @WitchyyWeasel @Dewberry @FusionBoltzGX @silversouledcat @Sushimonsterr @Khayria @Lepton @CorvidCryptid @Spacemanspiff @weffle @JustUneven @Euthymia @queenhelixxia @Faunnie @Tomoko10 @SaltyGhost @Kalorin @wooloo @ulvesang @DepressoDad @FireBrimstone @DeadlyPlague @pacem @CrystallizedMoon @Mystel @Viscount @Pecularity @Gypae @fernbrake @sassibirb @liturgies @Aletsan @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @Riimi @Shizuku @mintychip @Saturnalian @Comfrey @Sekine @Mean @dolohova @Turmoil @Revius @StarSpeckledInk @Apology @ttaikapapu @Fletchling @AlbinoDragon3605 @Sanzuwu @pilotwave @Oia @PearlyPeaks @R3gulus @explicitmoxley @RolandMiller @doremy @churchill @Snallygaster @Vivarium @alastrcs @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Isyrii @ItMeansHope @TacoTequila @SurfnTurf @KoifishLizard @Krocodalie @Magala @Incantamentum @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @Demonochorus @Faunaflor @ChristianCutie @asoryuu @ShallWeDance @eieru @Reithya @Stormvale @Hag @Meii @hisseefit @JustAnotherFan @battleaxe @anemo @Dragongirl00100 @Risse @IamNoHere @DementedDracon @slimecicle @Allstohel @marshsiren @HellsGate @BirchConcentus @Reckless @Asgore @xique @Searen @Dianounais @MemeFish @WolfByte @Spottedleaf125 @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @HalfPintVerdance @mynnthia @TheEmptyCity @evereden @Orphism @Askesis @Blackeyed @Glum @frosmoth @Lupen @Hakkar @Maleficus @Fluttering @DoomedIdeas @secular @Spooce @maybels @lazerbuckley @kyruiz @InTheDarke @GayNidoKing @Lykos @antiques @Empyreal @ikunoche @Sic @Horrifying @Eryel @SanctumAngelus @SatansAppendix @stickycube @Saffirre @Drizzlesong @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @Victorzies @Beruga @Iskaeil @LotusCandy @RheoTastic @laivence @Starwindrider @leukristic @giroro @Yelloweye @theobear @Plouvoir @seamists @wella @Fruitling @Morifinde @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @halcy @Saharawrites @CorneliaR @Gravitaxis @JadedSerpent62 @pigeontarot @kingcrown @Yeechen @Crownings @Roheryn @isuzu @Hazardoush @Frieren @TheDEV1L @Amika @seclusion @SeaweedSalad @RowanofRohan @Zavijava @ImpossibleJedi4 @nebulastep @HoIIow @BirdWings @sleepyflower @Artefact @Sphere @Barok @Kassinu @0hzarks @Devonix @Falgardien @ChaosSyst @xylocopa @NimStratus @Vertigris @AquaEmperor @Patch @Scaramouche @mrgbmommy @jinu @finder77 @Flaxen @Paleozoic @Lodzhal @rinjing @Shiver @chunsah @AikoHosokawa @Gavix @AstralEventide @VermilionVasili @LapisWings @Azureus @BellumInvictus @LadyLarkin @prefiringfort @Forestwolf @Eriisx @mabon @MissHush @GreatValueCereal @dawnwyrm @Vwoop @CryptidUni @ScrampledEgg @9th @seasnakes @xianvar @RainyCerdae @Crescentstar711 @Paralian @Elpzh @pori @munchea @Nihilus @Endeavour @Valmue @Kael @Blacknovelist @Oggdo @bogfriend @FlyingScales @iskaeil @lumihime @Venusian @Viscere @GuardianLioness @nonbearnary @Xuanxuan @Businessman @Aplomado @Phisans @sowilo @monstergf @thevvitch @Moirne @whour @SwiftedSphinx @ColorfulLava @Jaguarthecat @EverestEcho @Skelestial @periwinkleclouds @Snekboop @SeaShanty @Pestilential @Sweetnest @swordblush @luxidy @Starbunnies @mungmungbean @Unrest @Bluedragon819 @Subdued @Aemort @broadwaypaisano @Leviter @Chickles13 @Werepunk @Blackstar1981 @DeadShift @Itarille @Interest @lightningnimrod @Badendmusical @VolcanicThunder @JotaroCujoh @Hydrocity @AutumnNiche @asolrock @Pripyat @RahgolDok @Promare @gardener @ShadowRising @blooddrool[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size] [center] Edit: Whoops forgot to ping my general pinglist @ArceusAcelaena @2towels @willowthewispvd @pulchritudinous[/center]
Hey everyone! At long last, I have made another accent and have an official shop.

Introducing: Ames-ib for PCF, based on the goddess Hathor

Price: 550g (no treasure slots, sorry!)

Please read the info and rules here before signing up for a copy!

Fair warning! This piece has a decent likelihood of being sent back for lines/shadows depending on which mod is checking accents. I will keep everyone updated if that happens. ALSO, keep your eyes peeled for a similar piece for PCM based on Horus ;)



Click here for the GASP thread!

Pearlcatcher F, Accent, cool colors, egyptian, gold, jewelry/silks, mythology, nature, piercings, space/galaxy/stars/nebula, warm colors

@IAmStillATestAccount @Parad0xxy @Leonaa @Trachynhawb @refrayn @Mezzo @PandragonsBox @caelumdeity @velvetpaws @Gilan @Plushstiel @anrei @Lionsong @FireflyRhapsody @Iniga @Clifftop @Fadeela @SydKiaray @Emordnilap @TheDwarfQueen @wildewinged @ZeroAerie @Maila @xarazura @Ashtastic @Veracity @Yaevinn @sinha27 @Yoda @BurntEmber @Soupy @Grimbone @starsystems @reliquiaen @Mycologist @penantiomers @Kardi @Serpede @Apellosine @durandal @Kernun @shamwow @Alive @IndigoCat @ofendlessstars @arcaneidolriots @smileytechie @SleepyNightify @Fantelle @Stasha @snowy @Trickilicky @TikindiDragon @Vesperupus @captaincaiti @Renoki @squidragon @InfinityLlama @Velociraptor42 @Steel @Ganymede @delightfuliza @Velsim @Tangaroa @Shroomlet @Nevros @Vulpen @AwayfromBirdland @Auralion @taipantigress @Kurtcobain @Beladonna @Gibby @Uitwaaien @theroiprocepios @Insouciant @Aloice @kaaoqi @lightly @solaritude @mochimajuru @Rifter @FairyArmadillo @Artemis @Reborn @flamyfox @FlareSolaire @BlackWinter @Leafdapple1 @Juni @ThirtyOne @Acidfox @Argonaut @Alstroemeria @mummy @Astraya @Akal @thefrogg @yumejia @Bluetadamore @Koneko @Veevi @Zanate @shimmeringxolo @Redsparrow @FWD @hayum @arach @Darkdragonfiend @Pumpcat @CakeOn @Dragonlaird @Mirrorface @ranyani @Noxeryrs @Narif @wobbitt @Lynn1 @Firtarian @karilara @kazay @hiddenmica @Whimzica @Lexreon @WildFlora @Cryptic @Maye @Riko @Elaendorlien @LhiannanSidhe @TheUltimateOwl @MusicalMaladies @judiama @Essynkardi @Bunnykins @Mercendia @Jazz @Jaye @OverlordFreya @Aegirscales @Mookzilla @ionicbondie @SouthFarthing @Naakka @Survivors @Athexreh @Harribel @moosesushi @Rubisco @jamaesi @Oriel @Noll @Safirien @Katreal @christina @Rinibun @Deva @sero @Cerys @miuaki @bringmeataco @godspeed @Zelai @leeedea @Cedric @Ellowen @Katherine @KatGrimm @koujakward @LittlestDragon @Erendira @kriseis @DarkOwl @Xemriss @Kelenthe @Maybels @Tria91 @boxparts @Izurude @Idari @Juyoung @Heliopunk @ccccctk @Jaie @Luunai @everynne @keraunic @Nidanasi @mus @haxure @artangcls @Cirruss @thank @*** @Snipe @PaintingFlowers @Yay @birdfairy @awaicu @raxyl @Enekokoro @Venneris @absolmon @Kaelidra @Disanxian @Obscaenus @TeddyDJ @Oakwick @rethi @Darkmekmon @meonox @StarDandere @Suzuranao @infectionary @Skitties @copiousPeplom @Pained @sorai @necrophades @rubyredtan @HayBau @Godspeed @Betta @veevi @Nuriya @Zyanith @TheflyingTypO @Lynchly @Cherubim @RJWolf @Monchii @Shishiru @LionMagnus @heiheidamowang @Geowlett @anhbon921 @WDGaster @Runi @Isidora @Primaria @BlackMistress @StarshipSally @VineDream @MollyMerula @Nahiri @RRHepburn @qew23 @Reconnaissance @keydotzip @Lonin @Carthasis @pioff @Cryptozoolo @aecasia @Ririterasu @xazz @Aruakhal @casanovasAnchor @Raydioactive @Chaimellow @FontDictionary @Ysdaar @VolatileMatter @PrinceOfStorms @nightmischief @Eve @MadDucks @SeptentrionSea @Wuxian @Otrera @aelith @saltyscone @Gem4567 @HighFives @Ixnyeltha @SilverFoxDemon @Shougoney @Zayev @Bhaskara @Nukleer @Tigenki @BloodyBunny @Niklia @Nimphy @OrionPax @Aava @Maddiebird @iodine @scarletskyz @Nevaka @selenomancy @Seriema @Zerobotic @yoosung @Prelude @greyyourwarden @Oara @IrritatorRaji @Resorant @chocomonster @Mima @Snowkitsu @CosmicSummer @Gravekeeper @Astrologian @HorseCrazy @cutinstincts @Touming @Asobi @PharahRaptor @WeyrLeader @artillerychick @pureblood @sugarcrash @a27594111 @PennyLane @Edge @Ebrietas @Dior @Crysi102 @ilimati @AlexiCyn @BombSwan @irithyll @Eagles @Floidivoidi @NorthPrincess @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Kyoya @Prey @AmelieLacroix @snowpea @Fanartsy @Windstrike @Panopticon @Moonlace @Rosoidela @Brea @Moristian @doodlefae @Faye @jd1620 @needtoscribble @Apothecaria @nemodave @Featherly @ClockworkOctopus @Dracorvus @Minstri @Geminie @BloodSentry @WhiteMantis @Wrath @InHeritent @Peisinoe @Smokeybunny @Aeroden @Pseudoscience @jsquiddy @Whitefoxtails @SerpentRose @Sonora @wesleydog @Lycoteuthis @Emysry @IveRios @TKodami @Noirist @TheThrane @Dishonor @Sickened @Effervessa @DawnRavenclaw @sableye @Tinytalkingtina @cywscross @comette @Alraune @HermitCrab @Aoroen @Owlienerd @feverking @Silverishness @MechWyrms @Necrovatai @Fukii @Gwendolyn @Ythequeris @TopsySky @Rangiku @alexicyn @PeonydKingpin @Saraku @yomnea33 @Duskflame @Dragondrop @Dross @Cethosia @Valolaire @Ashirene @bisou @gemgem @Sagittarium @aurorie @Tempestris @Pigeonpanhandle @WheatleyScience @ThatOneGirl @Sharkbutt @brdey @pretend @MissK @londoner @Rest @Beltaguise @potestas @ToxicE @Syceris @Sirenia @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Gyropilot @Bekuno @GrumpyCatlover @Shadowlugia711 @Hiame @Koobi @Steamplonk @loststarship @oilux @Apotheca @Tidybunny @Ariizumi @Scuzz @Rohana @corvid @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Hevnoraak @Angu15 @Starrlight @Ketchum @nohsara @songify @Xirei @Apfelobst @Lichtdrache @cloverly @MadaMada @ffgrape @Kipiekie @Illuminary @Valeguard @DreamingShad0ws @Devilledegghead @lyttlekytten @Comic1Sans @eggod @uniquelykenn @shibadog @Leukowii @Chocoli @NorthSong @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @perifinite @oly @TalaTari @TheEnderDraco @Acacia @despoinai @limeypie @Gallus @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @ayatos @haylxx @MisfitsLanding @kumoko @Makronyx @Goolix @Shadowangel @Croissants @bioglitch @00Riku00 @micchikureshima @Oodie @Jenkow @Keikoku @Mudguts @jaxentiatil @Cognitive @Fervanus @AntivirusAndroid @TxTiger @Lirim @Tiarana @Hideki @Myndris @Journey @luckless @Kaio @TarmonSuravye @zeguk @Pollen @NoodleMomma @Saeliras @ideunatty @Kiragami @Holi @DracoLeo @elfmoss @BizarreKitten @AimzVador @SparkleOfGold @daffynewt @Goldenstorm @manacampbell @roiben @JesterGurl @lynxedlight @Yagine @Spirit78 @Felisaries @GEESE @Faileas @CrimsonSasaki @Elachu @Noxclerati @SaintMotel @bitmap @StarlitFire @caedis @Raptora @Suntouched @Peyp @MarinaQuakenbush @Kavalkade @RyuLevone @CheeseChatot @suncodex @Nabesima @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @jr413 @Kaljaia @Lunox @folie @Finne @Distances @Aeraetraea @Viverridae @Tidemaiden @Artichoke @Whirlwish @Mozzy @stakataka @ashenhartkrie @Amorah @Cyans @deep @Ravenhearst @EverAutumn @W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @24lovefancy @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @raQua @DrowsyPanda @Sunlace @MuffinCloud @GryphonSong @Alliance @batcrooks @HermaMora @los @ancelstierre @Premiumhugs @Mickie @Karanja @Friendo @auroshen @cytotoxic @SirArchimedes @vetra @CrazyBat @Stellatrix13 @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @OliveBoat @Lyren @SquidneyTsu @ellensaurus @agust @Guest @Actaeon @Doodeedoodah @Moonpiebandit @cosmicConundrum @Nanosaur @mumtup @Reptilia @Addmon @Denryu @0verdose @Jabberwocky09 @Fortuna @Elody @SquidMage @snapppper @Darkrait @firtarian @warthog @KattsTheName @Cynil @STRHKR @unsolved @NorthernLiights @terato @Incarnate @gunklord @pyr0 @ColoradoBlues @Belegorn @Humboldt @Skedge @Cascarones @oceanics @mildlyanxiousdoe @TwilightStars @necromancing @Wych @terrellini @JWayland @literallyacat @Amenen @WickedJayla @alyblaith @Morvudd @Cieyuu @Ilesvia @Shaire @Swanee @DrZiegler @Rafaru @Desolation @spacecat @MaraStarSeer @antiserum @Artorias @X3X @Maeca @Nettlebird @ghxy @SilverQuark @Drag0n5 @Karrikut @Aushi @Bumblesweet @Cerion @Ectopi @Zukohere @Starstalker @fithandantilus @Aeriel @tytonidae @Loyalties @ninjanuary @PhoenixFire36 @DragonDraws @Kikatzu @ravensong2 @Texere @TheClassCalico @candycanexolo @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @Velifer @Sanati @thornasaur @Lukee @Weredogalism @Sienne @Nirwana @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @Khepri @TheBluestJay @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @Spiritwindy @Venture @briar @Ky0n @keyy @Tuchulcha @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @notinsaneyet @RainingAcid @Cyrya @Neurachem @VioletChachki @rattus @NowViewing @Mairon @techmess @Bluwingskitty @ShinyStufful @suuji @phoenixoflegend @briteoctopus @GhostChateau @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @Crowstorm @Vialheart @Pyronox @macrobiiology @starskynadder @Hardycat @Harmonywish @Chelo @Halua @Blacklily @Cryfie @deerfawn @ribbonz @Evarinya @MildChameleon @solariaa @UchihaIyo @WarriorSong @LostWhisperer @PoisonNightshade @nemora @PikaChan412 @xRK800 @ShadowPiper @Li3los @RiavaCornelia @Macchi @Osmodeus @Heathers @HayBay @overture @Pandonkey @Harana @dogma @Psi @Mip @TAOGTMI @Katarra @Fujo @Lokke @shot @Aquaparrot @LavenderAmethyst @Mary @ivority @angstprxnce @Naahva @RinyshkaS @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @LemmeRest @LeviathanDemon @jenivan1000 @Fawniti @bamf @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @sunnyVista @CrimsonDragon @LordMalak @manylimbs @606 @Eleventh @serron @ThePlasticTree @gefrorenerzahn @Ebby172 @cynicalCrows @RubyZoisite @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @RoyalLudroth @DrFlug @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @FireTissue831 @Tremble @BillyRuffian @cobwebs @bedfordblack @concept @DragonNoodle @mooncakefestival @Marmite @SuspiciousOrange @Hikaye @EmotionalTree @soarieglibb @BitterTea @stanley @Windows98 @Drastalblight @oppay @KallyPaige @CelestialMuse @SimFeetUnder @dinaurian @Nonsense @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @Aberration @SarcasticHawke @sylveondreams @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @Bufftuffandfluff @LunaeLumen @silverishness @Syldaya @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @apricotstarship @Closetcreep @Arkenrall @heathermoon @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @Acheri @Overcoat @Elisse @FeatherFace @kephallonian @Adriel @Hmm @Murakali @Irmingard @Banhi @Sheerivory @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @Kisk @Vendetta @Concertina @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @atooksays @Fluffpuffpanda @Sunline @akoshka @techne @kbb @LunarParadox @Munancho @Juleatic @ReneDV98 @pondweed @klee @Endyr @lotusen @Zivo @Allychan @Interverse @GoldStar @doniider @axololtl @WitchHunt @full @Emarelda @Crumpet @Reverent @Thrawn @Ravaarian @Onyxbat @Krosulhah @nychthemeron @Cadash @Sadiegreen @*** @Lordofthepies @kingjoethecat @Maeva @Dracowolf @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @HoodieCat @Mysthia @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @StarPortal @big @Arkeyr79 @lemecrazy @pooses @frostwalkers @Fervor @nonaline @iaqo @faraway @puppicino @InkedMyths @TheChurchGrim @DeltaNegative @ancestral @Rayzor @Flanoir @Kom @Hyenalope @Maikatze @OriginalIAm @velvetufo @Heliolisk @TehuMertt @OyasumiKasumi @BloodAlphaess @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @Oxyhemoglobin @Bantymom @CoffeeCaat @Alamire @moyaofthemist @NeekoNeekoNii @Anduins @Starfire0 @dustfawn @Visceryl @Watercolour @evilwave @ghostheel @Sylvanlady @NullE @Thoroughbred @Sakurashark @IromotNemem @aliciawonderland @Verosa @xjsx @Ozma @putrefaction @serpentarius @Joywing @EternalBlaze @junu @Lusinga @Mir @BurntCookies @Vanq @Driamatic @Lurkingbullfox @fuzzysherbet @LynterriaHatake @Hauntology @pinkkittens @Saerino @Tilli @Yorshka @Doxiunoia @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @razzamatazz @Eaen @Kelpoyo @SirLeafheart @lorri12 @mmuted @pups @Katigura @HPPJWoF @Meely @cvthedral @Ayxia @kijauni @FluffleDuffel @minervamaga @seylon @Briarfox13 @catoftheallie @Bystander @Trilonyte @ces @tvoir @chetungwan @Pyrozod @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @todorokishoto @CristorcusHelix @ashenraven @onemessyperson @Sitten1115 @Chromathesia @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Bynx @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @AnoraBorealis @VeryMuchATest @Adagia @eonflute @batnap @astereia @DelightedVilla @serpents @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @doniiderr @ladymoon2886 @CandyKacktus @summerwar @Volve @vorselon @notamused @Daemonengrau @Shpee @Jaypaw @RaspyBone @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @lumiinous @Pinkuu @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @Ponscha @Iralla @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @S0ap @vendi @Saeldryn @mega1omaniacal @Aisuryu @Peafowl @atlanticREM @mazurkas @xxxx @Desecrated @Taarnfalk @Mintso @Kimmeh @Solinary @WistyRain @Onyswift @clustxr @Violeteevee @Adabat @Rubyserpent @orangesunrise @Neltharygos @ForsakenAngel @User9125 @ChakotayDgryphon @tinkabelle @Natron @Denyzia @hydde @Tofubear @sallow @silveremouse @Arborpunk @MathematicalMind @CPFG44 @Varnaxis @Aeriona @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @fredddio @StarshipsFleeing @Fin72 @Lokey @drool @Atsumi @Averat @retrace @hat17 @thatwhatthing @cloudfilledskies @teebone @Sheta @Lunyra @Soulykins @Killunia @Mikada @caution @KittyAoba @Icystorm @Avifors @madameprez @Andraya @Archimedez @Doomslayer @Tatobot @suu @hobihobi @Idyll @SkyCsxandr @MinnowFox @Bamf @aeons @clovur @kkertas @Keryth @Merennis @Rainbowlight @Raan @Vyrelord @zephyrouss @Grune @caathedral @Marrigan @DannaSukaira @Denutena @DiamondNoodles @Ekkinox @Contaminate @Vader @nephelle @hyuukiru @SleepyDrago @137 @arlyn @robinchan33 @ViewtifulJen @strawyerberry @sessmachine @Qhersek @SparkleDeer @Yilara @Diamondbacked @BunnySox @aalien @Thunderbird21 @nonlineardogtime @chuchuana @AngelOfFate @Rolyo @Sincerity11 @Hnai @Kiipho @ptarmigan @mem @eldrvtch @Tordue @shadesofchaos @Basileia @Moonweaverr @MapleMatcha @Tuberose @Skystalker @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @Prinsessa @Worship @kiwis @FoxyPlant @Riddance @Somaville @sylvalley @mPhish @Druzy @Pepi @torch @pouchipouchi @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @DemonChild77 @Shyia @Quetzy @sheppo @zeeboot @aavikko @Galaxius @TypeFull @VALENTINX @shirorobiin @laffayette @scared @bullfrog @Burger @moonstrucksmorns @Infinipede @QuirkyTea @Inofaro @pensive @Sucrose @cynosural @smolelf @Angilian @brevityis @Thedas @Nuthatch @plaguesdevil @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Exlann @sifenke @Hydrixz404 @OblivionStriker @hasoyi @TheFortissima @wurple @Kael1030 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @fraulien @wolfbutterfly42 @Puffin25 @PlatonicPluto @LSparrow @kyaniite @Levona @GraveRabbit @decays @DawnBreak77 @Crimsonpizza @sekainouta @sickreaps @Paganism @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @wanderingworlds @RisenWolf @Joule @Wizardry @addams @Vinyamar @DashieDoesThings @Refractor @IcyGlaceon471 @YUNLING @Urza @Cirrostratus @SolarSam @elafralah @Missed @Scent @vangeance @ruijuun @RealityMask @Xenokiin @SpecialDragon12 @yik @Tahoma @KreepyKrawlies @World @LizardFruit @JulyAphelion @tapewyrm @Phay @Wintaclu @ladywindgrace @Gaze @CandyPrincess @Ambulocetus @Phenri @Kitty4801 @Pyracantha @atrolock @Miridiana @swinlock @Golurk @daysold @Cats @ProbablySkeletor @teiidae @LavaKitto @softsylveon @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @Xaraxal @BlueDragon819 @Yiku @Hiii @Outpost @Obituary @Witheren @Tamarin21 @Kazure @endlessstation @EmSheshan @Shidoo @craftbaobao2 @NAKoo @crogge @elysifish @StormJunes @Dabble @Blushunt @Lilacskye @Randodemon @FuzzyMelon @a030095275 @2towels @FableSky @Are @Tinble @Windowz @Sigmaglow @wintrecat @valerakki @hallinhammas @Fenixinka @ShallowAbyss @Saerel @ilan @Hrathen @BeingOfSalt @AkaneChaan @Swageus @mithrail @FreyaShadow @kiwisun @dragonpals @Raboniel @willowthewispvd @MissMaira @nebulova @kschaef @Zodiakey @Sarcoline @Morningrise @copiouscrawdadz @Lunakitty @Purpose @Trinkets @KoTiss @arsenicxx @Airaly @epitaffio @oof @SolitarySphynx @Psiuser @Hasufel @Legacywolf @Maliblu @Miasmas @Peachie @Formenos @Minnowbutt @Rabbitspirit @WitchyyWeasel @Dewberry @FusionBoltzGX @silversouledcat @Sushimonsterr @Khayria @Lepton @CorvidCryptid @Spacemanspiff @weffle @JustUneven @Euthymia @queenhelixxia @Faunnie @Tomoko10 @SaltyGhost @Kalorin @wooloo @ulvesang @DepressoDad @FireBrimstone @DeadlyPlague @pacem @CrystallizedMoon @Mystel @Viscount @Pecularity @Gypae @fernbrake @sassibirb @liturgies @Aletsan @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @Riimi @Shizuku @mintychip @Saturnalian @Comfrey @Sekine @Mean @dolohova @Turmoil @Revius @StarSpeckledInk @Apology @ttaikapapu @Fletchling @AlbinoDragon3605 @Sanzuwu @pilotwave @Oia @PearlyPeaks @R3gulus @explicitmoxley @RolandMiller @doremy @churchill @Snallygaster @Vivarium @alastrcs @CeriothOfCinders @Rhapsodus @Isyrii @ItMeansHope @TacoTequila @SurfnTurf @KoifishLizard @Krocodalie @Magala @Incantamentum @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @Demonochorus @Faunaflor @ChristianCutie @asoryuu @ShallWeDance @eieru @Reithya @Stormvale @Hag @Meii @hisseefit @JustAnotherFan @battleaxe @anemo @Dragongirl00100 @Risse @IamNoHere @DementedDracon @slimecicle @Allstohel @marshsiren @HellsGate @BirchConcentus @Reckless @Asgore @xique @Searen @Dianounais @MemeFish @WolfByte @Spottedleaf125 @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @HalfPintVerdance @mynnthia @TheEmptyCity @evereden @Orphism @Askesis @Blackeyed @Glum @frosmoth @Lupen @Hakkar @Maleficus @Fluttering @DoomedIdeas @secular @Spooce @maybels @lazerbuckley @kyruiz @InTheDarke @GayNidoKing @Lykos @antiques @Empyreal @ikunoche @Sic @Horrifying @Eryel @SanctumAngelus @SatansAppendix @stickycube @Saffirre @Drizzlesong @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @Victorzies @Beruga @Iskaeil @LotusCandy @RheoTastic @laivence @Starwindrider @leukristic @giroro @Yelloweye @theobear @Plouvoir @seamists @wella @Fruitling @Morifinde @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @halcy @Saharawrites @CorneliaR @Gravitaxis @JadedSerpent62 @pigeontarot @kingcrown @Yeechen @Crownings @Roheryn @isuzu @Hazardoush @Frieren @TheDEV1L @Amika @seclusion @SeaweedSalad @RowanofRohan @Zavijava @ImpossibleJedi4 @nebulastep @HoIIow @BirdWings @sleepyflower @Artefact @Sphere @Barok @Kassinu @0hzarks @Devonix @Falgardien @ChaosSyst @xylocopa @NimStratus @Vertigris @AquaEmperor @Patch @Scaramouche @mrgbmommy @jinu @finder77 @Flaxen @Paleozoic @Lodzhal @rinjing @Shiver @chunsah @AikoHosokawa @Gavix @AstralEventide @VermilionVasili @LapisWings @Azureus @BellumInvictus @LadyLarkin @prefiringfort @Forestwolf @Eriisx @mabon @MissHush @GreatValueCereal @dawnwyrm @Vwoop @CryptidUni @ScrampledEgg @9th @seasnakes @xianvar @RainyCerdae @Crescentstar711 @Paralian @Elpzh @pori @munchea @Nihilus @Endeavour @Valmue @Kael @Blacknovelist @Oggdo @bogfriend @FlyingScales @iskaeil @lumihime @Venusian @Viscere @GuardianLioness @nonbearnary @Xuanxuan @Businessman @Aplomado @Phisans @sowilo @monstergf @thevvitch @Moirne @whour @SwiftedSphinx @ColorfulLava @Jaguarthecat @EverestEcho @Skelestial @periwinkleclouds @Snekboop @SeaShanty @Pestilential @Sweetnest @swordblush @luxidy @Starbunnies @mungmungbean @Unrest @Bluedragon819 @Subdued @Aemort @broadwaypaisano @Leviter @Chickles13 @Werepunk @Blackstar1981 @DeadShift @Itarille @Interest @lightningnimrod @Badendmusical @VolcanicThunder @JotaroCujoh @Hydrocity @AutumnNiche @asolrock @Pripyat @RahgolDok @Promare @gardener @ShadowRising @blooddrool
Edit: Whoops forgot to ping my general pinglist
@ArceusAcelaena @2towels @willowthewispvd @pulchritudinous
@Kudu — oh this is gorgeous please put me down for a slot!!
@Kudu — oh this is gorgeous please put me down for a slot!!
I'd like two slots for Ames-ib if it's ok to have more than one slot, if not, one will be fine. :)
I'd like two slots for Ames-ib if it's ok to have more than one slot, if not, one will be fine. :)
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@chunsah @Lexreon You've been marked down!

Signing up for two slots is perfectly fine! But probably no more than two haha
@chunsah @Lexreon You've been marked down!

Signing up for two slots is perfectly fine! But probably no more than two haha