ΔKudu's Curios∇ NOTN recolor/SALE

Archean's Clan
Stealing your vegetables!
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Hinata was on the front page!! He's so cute, and I'm assuming a fan dragon.(:

Your unnamed crocodile/peacock/amber g1 is stunning. Love how you made a yellow-tone green and a blue-tone green match so beautifully. And the skin is so pretty too.

Hey, thanks for the heads up on the messaging! I totally forgot that button existed. D:

your lair is so beautiful!!! :,O

im away from my laptop atm that i keep discord on but i'd like to thank you rn for coastal drifter!! i absolutely adore this skin and they'll make a nice addition to "historia hollow" in my lair

Rolec is my user number dragon and I just wanted to say he's real neat c:

Hauatiu (#59536865) was on the front page :D

I just wanted to let you know that you have the coolest reason for slow replies I've ever seen on Flight Rising. On a boat doing research?? Rad!!

tell me about your projects <3

Thank you for the SS gift! I love the rocks and birds so much, and your art is wonderful!!

Matter was on the front page, theyre so pretty!!

Matter was on the front page! He's awesome!
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