
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Snap's Accents - Reprints Dec 17-Jan 20
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]DIRECTORY:[/b] [LIST] [*][b]Rules[/b] - you're here [*][url=][b]Accents[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Customs[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Old Accents[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Dragon Showcase[/b][/url] [/LIST] [center][b]RULES & GENERAL INFO:[/b][/center] [LIST] [*]All accents are in the range of [b]500g-600g[/b] [*]Treasure and mixed treasure/gem payments are fine, just put a (t) or an (m) next to your name when ordering [*]All non-custom accents will always be available for reprint. As of 2024, accents will be reprinted twice a year, during spring and fall. Depending on interest, I may only do yearly reprints as of 2025. [*]You can still get an accent immediately for a blueprint + print price. [*]You can request a refund up to the point where the accent is submitted. [b]At this point refunds will no longer be available[/b] [*]I can do previews upon request [*]You have [b]one week[/b] (one Private Auction listing) to accept your accent. If the PA listing expires without you having claimed it, I'll pass the copy on to the next person on the list or list it on the AH. [*]However, I'll happily hold it longer for you so long as you let me know you'll need some time! [*]While it's fine to resell my accents if you no longer want them, please don't sign up with the intention of reselling. You'll be removed from future orders[/LIST] [center] [pinglist=20090] The new general pinglist, for new releases and more! [pinglist=20110] The new reprint pinglist, to be pinged in spring and fall of 2024.[/center] Reprints will work like this: I will ping the reprint list, you will sign up on the relevant preorder lists for the accents you're interested in, and if I get 5 or more sign-ups, I'll send the accent off to print.


  • All accents are in the range of 500g-600g
  • Treasure and mixed treasure/gem payments are fine, just put a (t) or an (m) next to your name when ordering
  • All non-custom accents will always be available for reprint. As of 2024, accents will be reprinted twice a year, during spring and fall. Depending on interest, I may only do yearly reprints as of 2025.
  • You can still get an accent immediately for a blueprint + print price.
  • You can request a refund up to the point where the accent is submitted. At this point refunds will no longer be available
  • I can do previews upon request
  • You have one week (one Private Auction listing) to accept your accent. If the PA listing expires without you having claimed it, I'll pass the copy on to the next person on the list or list it on the AH.
  • However, I'll happily hold it longer for you so long as you let me know you'll need some time!
  • While it's fine to resell my accents if you no longer want them, please don't sign up with the intention of reselling. You'll be removed from future orders

The new general pinglist, for new releases and more!

The new reprint pinglist, to be pinged in spring and fall of 2024.

Reprints will work like this: I will ping the reprint list, you will sign up on the relevant preorder lists for the accents you're interested in, and if I get 5 or more sign-ups, I'll send the accent off to print.
[b]DIRECTORY:[/b] [LIST] [*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] [*][b]Accents[/b] - you're here [*][url=][b]Customs[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Old Accents[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Dragon Showcase[/b][/url] [/LIST] [center][size=6][b]REPRINT EVENT DEC 17 – JAN [s]17[/s] 20 2024/25[/b] Event extended till Jan 20th because of local weather conditions that are making it difficult for me to get online. [url=]SIGN-UP SHEET[/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself![/center] [center][size=6][b]ON THE AH[/b][/size][/center] These accents are currently available on the AH; if the links lead you to empty results, you’ll need to sign up at the spreadsheet above. Updated Jan 20: [b][i]Veilspun F[/i][/b] [columns][skin=54677] [url=]Current Caller[/url][/columns] [b][i]Tundra M[/i][/b] [columns][skin=54600] [url=]Thought we had a deal[/url][nextcol][skin=55146] [url=]Your end of the bargain[/url][/columns] [b][i]Spiral M[/i][/b] [columns][skin=30624] [url=]Delenda est[/url] [color=transparent]-[/color][nextcol][skin=30985] [url=]Oderint dum metuant[/url][/columns] [center][pinglist=20110] This event will return in fall 2025[/center] [LIST] [*]All accents in this post are available for reprints for the duration of the event. [*]To minimize clutter I will only show dummies of one accent for each series in this post, the rest will remain as skin icons. You can see all the accents together in the sign-up sheet. [*][s]Each accent needs at least 5 signups to be reprinted.[/s] [b]Anything with 4 signups will be sent to print on the final day![/b] [*]You can pay in gems, treasure or mixed (1:1000t), but put the note (t) or (m) next to your name if you do so. [*]You have 1 week (1 PA listing) to accept your accent. If you cancel the order or the PA expires, I will send the accent to the next person on the list or put it on the AH. [*]If you need more time, no problem, just let me know [b]before[/b] the PA expires! [*]If the spreadsheet says "x copies in stock", it means I have the accents on hand and will send them to you as soon as I see your name on the spreadsheet. [*]Love to see the dragons wearing the accents, feel free to show me! If you share them in the thread, I'll put them in the [url=][b]Dragon Showcase[/b][/url] post (but feel free to let me know if you don't want your dragon there) [/LIST] ------- [center][size=5][b]DOWN WE GO SERIES - FATHOM M:[/b][/size] [size=5][url=][b]-> SIGN UP <-[/b][/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself! [center][img][/img] [/center] [columns][skin=57801] [b]Down we go[/b] 850g/850kt [color=transparent]-[/color][nextcol][skin=57802] [b]All bound down to the deep[/b] 850g/850kt[nextcol][skin=57803] [b]Into the cold below[/b] 850g/850kt[/columns] ------ [center][size=5][b]NO GODS SERIES - PC M:[/b][/size] No Gods, No Kings and No Commanders are available for instant reprints. No Masters has to go through the queue again. [size=5][url=][b]-> SIGN UP <-[/b][/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself! [img][/img][/center] [columns][skin=42910] [b]No Gods[/b] 500g/500kt[nextcol][skin=42999] [b]No Kings[/b] 500g/500kt[nextcol][skin=43002] [b]No Masters[/b] 500g/500kt[nextcol][skin=56195] [b]No Commanders[/b] 550g/550kt[/columns] --------- [center][size=5][b]DELENDA EST SERIES - SPIRAL M:[/b][/size] This series needs to go through the queue again. [size=5][url=][b]-> SIGN UP <-[/b][/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself! [img][/img][/center] [columns][skin=30624] [b]Delenda est[/b] 500g/500kt [color=transparent]-[/color] [nextcol][skin=30982] [b]Vae victis[/b] 500g/500kt [color=transparent]-[/color][nextcol][skin=30985] [b]Oderint dum metuant[/b] 500g/500kt [color=transparent]-[/color][nextcol][skin=30983] [b]Orbis non sufficit[/b] 500g/500kt [color=transparent]-[/color][nextcol][skin=30984] [b]Arcana imperii[/b] 500g/500kt [color=transparent]-[/color][/columns] --------------- [center][size=5][b]ASHFALL ARTISAN SERIES - VEIL F:[/b][/size] [size=5][url=][b]-> SIGN UP <-[/b][/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself! [img][/img][/center] [columns][skin=54553] [b]Ashfall Artisan[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol] [skin=54661] [b]Dust Dancer[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol][skin=54677] [b]Current Caller[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol][skin=54678] [b]Grove Guardian[/b] 550g/550kt[/columns] --------------- [center][size=5][b]THOUGHT WE HAD A DEAL SERIES - TUN M:[/b][/size] [size=5][url=][b]-> SIGN UP <-[/b][/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself! [img][/img][/center] [columns][skin=54600] [b]Thought we had a deal[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol][skin=55142] [b]Heard you want a parlay[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol][skin=55147] [b]Believe we had an accord[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol][skin=55146] [b]Your end of the bargain[/b] 550g/550kt[nextcol][skin=55144] [b]I've come to collect[/b] 550g/550kt[/columns] ----- [center][size=5][b]MOURN NO MORE - PCM:[/b][/size] [size=5][url=][b]-> SIGN UP <-[/b][/url][/size] Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself! [img][/img][/center] [columns][skin=33465] [b]Mourn no more[/b] 500g/500kt[/columns]
DEC 17 – JAN 17 20 2024/25

Event extended till Jan 20th because of local weather conditions that are making it difficult for me to get online.


Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!
These accents are currently available on the AH; if the links lead you to empty results, you’ll need to sign up at the spreadsheet above.

Updated Jan 20:

Veilspun F

Current Caller

Tundra M

Thought we
had a deal

Your end of
the bargain

Spiral M

Delenda est

Oderint dum

This event will return in fall 2025
  • All accents in this post are available for reprints for the duration of the event.
  • To minimize clutter I will only show dummies of one accent for each series in this post, the rest will remain as skin icons. You can see all the accents together in the sign-up sheet.
  • Each accent needs at least 5 signups to be reprinted. Anything with 4 signups will be sent to print on the final day!
  • You can pay in gems, treasure or mixed (1:1000t), but put the note (t) or (m) next to your name if you do so.
  • You have 1 week (1 PA listing) to accept your accent. If you cancel the order or the PA expires, I will send the accent to the next person on the list or put it on the AH.
  • If you need more time, no problem, just let me know before the PA expires!
  • If the spreadsheet says "x copies in stock", it means I have the accents on hand and will send them to you as soon as I see your name on the spreadsheet.
  • Love to see the dragons wearing the accents, feel free to show me! If you share them in the thread, I'll put them in the Dragon Showcase post (but feel free to let me know if you don't want your dragon there)


-> SIGN UP <-
Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!

Down we go

All bound down
to the deep


Into the cold


No Gods, No Kings and No Commanders are available for instant reprints. No Masters has to go through the queue again.

-> SIGN UP <-
Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!


No Gods

No Kings

No Masters

No Commanders

This series needs to go through the queue again.

-> SIGN UP <-
Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!


Delenda est

Vae victis

Oderint dum


Orbis non sufficit

Arcana imperii


-> SIGN UP <-
Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!


Ashfall Artisan

Dust Dancer

Current Caller

Grove Guardian


-> SIGN UP <-
Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!


Thought we
had a deal


Heard you
want a parlay


Believe we
had an accord


Your end of
the bargain


I've come
to collect



-> SIGN UP <-
Please post in the thread or PM me if you have issues adding yourself!


Mourn no more
Currently open for custom recolors and custom edits.

Aurum asperum
- for Subdued
- Review
Witness My Sin
- Personal
- Personal

No Mortal
- for Actaeon
- Review

Heavenly Harmonies
- for Spark
- Review

- for UnholyFidelity
No Commanders
- for quietsea
- public recolor

Make dust from gold
- for Kael

A note on reviews: They are intended for customers and not for me, so for the sake of professionalism I do not respond to them in public. I do encourage anyone who has purchased a custom from me to leave a review, good and bad. I prefer to send my thanks through PM. If there are issues to hash out, I also prefer to deal with this in private, as I find this to result in a more fruitful discussion than a public back and forth.


If you commission me, you acknowledge you have read and understood these rules.

PM me or post in the thread with the info provided under "Custom recolor" or "Custom edit".

All customs are private by default. That means I only print the number of copies you specifically pay for. You can always request further reprints of your custom later.

Public copies must be specifically requested. This means you pay for your personal copies, and I am free to reprint and sell the accent later at my leisure.

Payment is due in two installments: 50% once you approve the sketch, 50% once you approve the final accent/skin. I am also happy to take full payment upfront or at the sketch stage.

If I receive no response from you within two weeks after showing you the skin/accent for final approval, I am free to make the skin/accent part of my public collection. This rule does not apply if you let me know ahead of time that you may be unavailable. Please communicate with me and most things can be worked out. This also does not apply if the custom is based on one of your original characters, in which case the accent/skin will be scrapped entirely.

You will be fully refunded if you cancel the custom before I have started working. Once I have started on your custom, I will only make partial refunds based on how much work I have already put in.

I may use artwork from canceled customs in my public collection. This does not apply if the custom is based on one of your original characters.

Only I will print my accents/skins. I will not send you the final art files.

Two major changes are free of charge at the sketch stage only. If you request changes to the artwork once you have approved the sketch, you will be charged extra based on the scale of the changes. If you request a change because I have made mistakes in interpreting your commission, it is free of charge.

A color variation on the accent. No changes are made to the art aside from the new colors.

  • 1 accent blueprint + 600 gems (or treasure equivalent) per copy. That means a 1-copy recolor costs 600g, a 2-copy recolor 1200g, so on.
Info I need from you:
  • The colors you want. If you have something specific in mind, images and/or the names of the closest FR colors are very helpful.
  • A link/scry to the dragon you plan to use the accent on, if applicable. This ensures I can make sure specific details match.
  • Name of the accent, if you have one in mind, otherwise I will provide one for you. Note that accent names can only be 32 characters long, including the "Accent: " part.

Minor to major changes are made to the art of the accent, covering additional areas or removing coverage from others. Can also be recolored.

  • Edits start at 1 accent blueprint + 600 gems (or treasure equivalent) per copy.
  • Edits can be bumped up to skin coverage at commissioner's request. Skins start at 1 skin blueprint + 900 gems (or treasure equivalent) per copy.
  • Final price is decided on a case-by-case basis, and depends on the number and difficulty of minor, medium and major changes as well as coverage.
  • Examples: Coloring the claws or adding an extra eye is a minor change; completely re-drawing a pattern or adding a new piece of jewelry a medium change, adding a new piece of cloth or extra limbs a major change.

Info I need from you:
  • Accent or skin coverage. Note that some of my accents are near the 30% limit and can only have minor changes added if you want to stay within the accent limit, unless you also request to remove parts of the original accent.
  • A description of the changes you want. Reference images are extremely helpful if you have something specific in mind. I can work from a variety of reference materials, including simple doodles.
  • The colors you want.If you have something specific in mind, images and/or the names of the closest FR colors are very helpful.
  • A link/scry to the dragon you plan to use the accent on, if applicable. This ensures I can make sure specific details match.
  • Name of the skin/accent, if you have one in mind, otherwise I will provide one for you. Note that accent names can only be 32 characters long, including the "Skin: "/"Accent: " part.

Currently open for custom recolors and custom edits.

Aurum asperum
- for Subdued
- Review
Witness My Sin
- Personal
- Personal

No Mortal
- for Actaeon
- Review

Heavenly Harmonies
- for Spark
- Review

- for UnholyFidelity
No Commanders
- for quietsea
- public recolor

Make dust from gold
- for Kael

A note on reviews: They are intended for customers and not for me, so for the sake of professionalism I do not respond to them in public. I do encourage anyone who has purchased a custom from me to leave a review, good and bad. I prefer to send my thanks through PM. If there are issues to hash out, I also prefer to deal with this in private, as I find this to result in a more fruitful discussion than a public back and forth.


If you commission me, you acknowledge you have read and understood these rules.

PM me or post in the thread with the info provided under "Custom recolor" or "Custom edit".

All customs are private by default. That means I only print the number of copies you specifically pay for. You can always request further reprints of your custom later.

Public copies must be specifically requested. This means you pay for your personal copies, and I am free to reprint and sell the accent later at my leisure.

Payment is due in two installments: 50% once you approve the sketch, 50% once you approve the final accent/skin. I am also happy to take full payment upfront or at the sketch stage.

If I receive no response from you within two weeks after showing you the skin/accent for final approval, I am free to make the skin/accent part of my public collection. This rule does not apply if you let me know ahead of time that you may be unavailable. Please communicate with me and most things can be worked out. This also does not apply if the custom is based on one of your original characters, in which case the accent/skin will be scrapped entirely.

You will be fully refunded if you cancel the custom before I have started working. Once I have started on your custom, I will only make partial refunds based on how much work I have already put in.

I may use artwork from canceled customs in my public collection. This does not apply if the custom is based on one of your original characters.

Only I will print my accents/skins. I will not send you the final art files.

Two major changes are free of charge at the sketch stage only. If you request changes to the artwork once you have approved the sketch, you will be charged extra based on the scale of the changes. If you request a change because I have made mistakes in interpreting your commission, it is free of charge.

A color variation on the accent. No changes are made to the art aside from the new colors.

  • 1 accent blueprint + 600 gems (or treasure equivalent) per copy. That means a 1-copy recolor costs 600g, a 2-copy recolor 1200g, so on.
Info I need from you:
  • The colors you want. If you have something specific in mind, images and/or the names of the closest FR colors are very helpful.
  • A link/scry to the dragon you plan to use the accent on, if applicable. This ensures I can make sure specific details match.
  • Name of the accent, if you have one in mind, otherwise I will provide one for you. Note that accent names can only be 32 characters long, including the "Accent: " part.

Minor to major changes are made to the art of the accent, covering additional areas or removing coverage from others. Can also be recolored.

  • Edits start at 1 accent blueprint + 600 gems (or treasure equivalent) per copy.
  • Edits can be bumped up to skin coverage at commissioner's request. Skins start at 1 skin blueprint + 900 gems (or treasure equivalent) per copy.
  • Final price is decided on a case-by-case basis, and depends on the number and difficulty of minor, medium and major changes as well as coverage.
  • Examples: Coloring the claws or adding an extra eye is a minor change; completely re-drawing a pattern or adding a new piece of jewelry a medium change, adding a new piece of cloth or extra limbs a major change.

Info I need from you:
  • Accent or skin coverage. Note that some of my accents are near the 30% limit and can only have minor changes added if you want to stay within the accent limit, unless you also request to remove parts of the original accent.
  • A description of the changes you want. Reference images are extremely helpful if you have something specific in mind. I can work from a variety of reference materials, including simple doodles.
  • The colors you want.If you have something specific in mind, images and/or the names of the closest FR colors are very helpful.
  • A link/scry to the dragon you plan to use the accent on, if applicable. This ensures I can make sure specific details match.
  • Name of the skin/accent, if you have one in mind, otherwise I will provide one for you. Note that accent names can only be 32 characters long, including the "Skin: "/"Accent: " part.

While I'd prefer not to reprint these, I understand if people might still want them. So, I'll reprint any of these for 1 accent blueprint + 350 gems. These are not available for custom recolors.

These will not be reprinted.
While I'd prefer not to reprint these, I understand if people might still want them. So, I'll reprint any of these for 1 accent blueprint + 350 gems. These are not available for custom recolors.

These will not be reprinted.
[b]DIRECTORY:[/b] [LIST] [*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Accents[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Customs[/b][/url] [*][url=][b]Old Accents[/b][/url] [*][b]Dragon Showcase[/b] - you're here [/LIST] [center][b]DRAGON SHOWCASE[/b][/center] If you've got a dragon wearing one of my accents and post it in the thread, I'll try to feature it here! If you don't want it featured, just PM me and I'll remove it c: [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=] [img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
If you've got a dragon wearing one of my accents and post it in the thread, I'll try to feature it here! If you don't want it featured, just PM me and I'll remove it c:





Onto the main event! [center][b]DELENDA EST[/b] Spiral Male [skin=30624] [skin=30624] [skin=30624] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [s]Seven copies are currently on the AH; price's 500g (will also accept 500kt, please give me a poke if you wanna pay in treasure).[/s] [b]ETA 1: All sold! That was fast wow.[/b] [b]ETA 2: Submitted another batch for approval, will set up PAs to those of you who've added yourself to the order form when I get them back.[/b] I'm going to keep printing this until interest runs out, after which it will be temporarily shelved. [b]If you want to get on a future run, feel free to add yourself to the [url=]self-editing order form[/url]. If you have any trouble with it, lemme know and I'll add you![/b] I might also do 1-2 recolors of this accent, so if you have any particular color choices you'd like to see, please tell me! Pinged the GASP list, haven't done this in ages so apologies for any mispings! [center][url=]Please click here to go to the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Keywords selected: Spiral M, Accents, apparel, desert, magic/runes, royalty, warm colors, jewelry/silks, filigree[/center]
Onto the main event!
Spiral Male


Seven copies are currently on the AH; price's 500g (will also accept 500kt, please give me a poke if you wanna pay in treasure).

ETA 1: All sold! That was fast wow.
ETA 2: Submitted another batch for approval, will set up PAs to those of you who've added yourself to the order form when I get them back.

I'm going to keep printing this until interest runs out, after which it will be temporarily shelved.

If you want to get on a future run, feel free to add yourself to the self-editing order form. If you have any trouble with it, lemme know and I'll add you!

I might also do 1-2 recolors of this accent, so if you have any particular color choices you'd like to see, please tell me!

Pinged the GASP list, haven't done this in ages so apologies for any mispings!
Please click here to go to the GASP thread!

Keywords selected: Spiral M, Accents, apparel, desert, magic/runes, royalty, warm colors, jewelry/silks, filigree
Shucks, I was too late to grab that one. I'd love a blue variation on it!

Shucks, I was too late to grab that one. I'd love a blue variation on it!

I'll send in another batch for print later today, want me to put you down for one of those? Blue would be neat, thanks for the suggestion!

Hannibal ante portas!
I'll send in another batch for print later today, want me to put you down for one of those? Blue would be neat, thanks for the suggestion!

Hannibal ante portas!

You need it in purple obviously!!! and i would appreciate cream/offwhite for my Catullus dragon 8D he is already purple

I am interested in the red as well!!

You need it in purple obviously!!! and i would appreciate cream/offwhite for my Catullus dragon 8D he is already purple

I am interested in the red as well!!
grRJOR8.png AdNAlvs.gif
Yes, true, I need it in purple, and a cream-y color would also look nifty. Ooh look at him, what a handsome chap!

Put you down for a red, thank you c:
Yes, true, I need it in purple, and a cream-y color would also look nifty. Ooh look at him, what a handsome chap!

Put you down for a red, thank you c: