

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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Alright i was looking over your profile (finally, sorry ^^') in depth and i just want to ask for 1 change. In your notes section, can you please add how a halfa of that species is different than a full of that species? Generally a halfa will have some limitations that a full one does not, you can see examples by looking at other's profiles

Alright i was looking over your profile (finally, sorry ^^') in depth and i just want to ask for 1 change. In your notes section, can you please add how a halfa of that species is different than a full of that species? Generally a halfa will have some limitations that a full one does not, you can see examples by looking at other's profiles
Alright. That might take a bit though cause imma have to do a little extra research on Raiju. Thanks for telling me!
Alright. That might take a bit though cause imma have to do a little extra research on Raiju. Thanks for telling me!
Help my babies grow?

Np, thank you! ^^

Np, thank you! ^^
Also just an update to everyone:

-I've changed Eric's age, he's 28 now

-I'll be picking 4 people besides me for the start

-Anyone who doesn't get picked in the beginning may have a chance to join in later, although it depends on how the rp goes

-If you get picked but don't want your spot plz let me known asap so I can pick someone else

-I've finished my character profiles, or at least the important stuff

@AbyssRanger @Draconequis @DstructvCupc4ke @Ragnaroc @NovaBorn @Superblox @TundraReign
Also just an update to everyone:

-I've changed Eric's age, he's 28 now

-I'll be picking 4 people besides me for the start

-Anyone who doesn't get picked in the beginning may have a chance to join in later, although it depends on how the rp goes

-If you get picked but don't want your spot plz let me known asap so I can pick someone else

-I've finished my character profiles, or at least the important stuff

@AbyssRanger @Draconequis @DstructvCupc4ke @Ragnaroc @NovaBorn @Superblox @TundraReign
Cool! I'll await your judgement!
Cool! I'll await your judgement!
Alright, I changed it. Is that sufficient or should I add more?
Alright, I changed it. Is that sufficient or should I add more?
Help my babies grow?
Alrighty, can't wait to see just who you pick! Fingers Crossed~!
Alrighty, can't wait to see just who you pick! Fingers Crossed~!
drastrciallyfantastic.gif Webp-net-gifmaker.gif
Nova, She/Her, Taurus
urgle burgle. Fear the lime green.

Looks good, just 1 thing! The notes aren't supposed to be about them specifically, so if you could change them to be about 'Raiju Halfas' instead of 'Lucas' it'll be perfect ^^'

Looks good, just 1 thing! The notes aren't supposed to be about them specifically, so if you could change them to be about 'Raiju Halfas' instead of 'Lucas' it'll be perfect ^^'
Help my babies grow?