

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Closed|OOC] To Magic and Back
The video clicked on, reavealing a man growing grey with age and a pair of small golden rimmed glasses sitting neatly on his nose. He sat at a desk, hands folded and giving the camera a slight smile after a moment to adress that who was watching the video. "Hello to whoever may be watching this, my name is Doctor Manar. I am a scientist of sorts, a researcher who has dedicated his life to gaining knowledge of the magical, paranormal, supernatural-- whatever you may wish to call it." There was no malice to his tone, only understanding, "If you are watching this, you now must fall into one of those categories. Your newfound abilities as a halfa have made you or someone else frightened, so now ypu've decided to come to the manor in hopes of learning to control your powers." He paused and gave a light hearted chuckle, "Or perhaps you wish to hide from the world..." "Regaurdless of your reasoning, you are welcomed to the manor. Tip-- or as you will come to know him, Enigma-- will be there to help you answer any questions. My notes will reside in the library, feel free to read them as you need too. I realize that this video by now is probably long outdated and that things have changed in the world, but know that no matter what there is nothing wrong with you. From the bottom of my heart, you are not dangerous, and ypu are not a monster. You mearly must learn, just as all creatures do. Once the time comes and you've gained control and mastery over your newfound abilities, you can leave this place or remain. However, what you do after your time at the manor is your choice." He sighed softly and began to clean his glasses, "I wish you all the happyness. Remember to watch out for each other, and stand against any obstical that might be thrown your way. You might be a Halfa, but know that no matter which world you find yourself in you will always have a place at the mansion." The video clicked to a stop and the car you were in pulled up to the manor. It was the moment of truth. ----- Okay so, the basic premise is people who started out as humans but then an event occured (involving them) in a place of high magical activity/when there was a spike in magic aura around the area. That event-- usually a near death experience-- caused them to gain the ability to swap between their human selves and a creature. It'll be explained a bit better in the posts below if that seemed a bit confusing ^^' In the manor they'll all be learning to use the abilities they gained from their myth half. You can be turned into a Halfa at any age, but you'll lack experience at first either way ^^' (they'll also be dealing with oher threats during their time at the manor, because most things don't take kindly to halfas). Just to let everyone know, Dr.Manar is genuine. He isn't secretly an evil scientist or anything, there is already enough danger in the world to the people who will bw living at the manor. ----- [center][size=5]Rules [/size][/center] [list][*]Only 2 'Halfa' characters per memeber [*]In their magical/non human form the characters will all have the same durability in terms of howthey can be hurt to keep things fair (they are harder to slay than normal humans of course) [*]Don't kill other characters, everyone has 'plot armor' unless their creator okays it [*]You're allowed to make up a city/town/village that your character is from [*]Character profile forms can be found in a post below [*]LGBT+ Welcome [*]Please no one liners, it makes it harder to repsond to [*]Don't control other people's characters please (no power-play/god-modding) [*]Be nice OOC [*]If you have a question please ask ^^ [*]Have fun! :D [/list] ----- [center][size=5]Members[/size][/center] SuddenShimmer: [url=]Enigma/Tip[/url] [url=]Garth Haldor + Eric Valids[/url] DstructvCupc4ke: [url=]Charity Simmons[/url] [url=]Léon Jul Camille[/url] TundraReign: [url=]Lucas[/url] AbyssRanger: [url=]Humble Ducaine/Cain[/url] Draconeqius: [url=]Hilda Driscoll[/url]
The video clicked on, reavealing a man growing grey with age and a pair of small golden rimmed glasses sitting neatly on his nose. He sat at a desk, hands folded and giving the camera a slight smile after a moment to adress that who was watching the video.

"Hello to whoever may be watching this, my name is Doctor Manar. I am a scientist of sorts, a researcher who has dedicated his life to gaining knowledge of the magical, paranormal, supernatural-- whatever you may wish to call it." There was no malice to his tone, only understanding, "If you are watching this, you now must fall into one of those categories. Your newfound abilities as a halfa have made you or someone else frightened, so now ypu've decided to come to the manor in hopes of learning to control your powers." He paused and gave a light hearted chuckle, "Or perhaps you wish to hide from the world..."

"Regaurdless of your reasoning, you are welcomed to the manor. Tip-- or as you will come to know him, Enigma-- will be there to help you answer any questions. My notes will reside in the library, feel free to read them as you need too. I realize that this video by now is probably long outdated and that things have changed in the world, but know that no matter what there is nothing wrong with you. From the bottom of my heart, you are not dangerous, and ypu are not a monster. You mearly must learn, just as all creatures do. Once the time comes and you've gained control and mastery over your newfound abilities, you can leave this place or remain. However, what you do after your time at the manor is your choice."

He sighed softly and began to clean his glasses, "I wish you all the happyness. Remember to watch out for each other, and stand against any obstical that might be thrown your way. You might be a Halfa, but know that no matter which world you find yourself in you will always have a place at the mansion."

The video clicked to a stop and the car you were in pulled up to the manor. It was the moment of truth.

Okay so, the basic premise is people who started out as humans but then an event occured (involving them) in a place of high magical activity/when there was a spike in magic aura around the area. That event-- usually a near death experience-- caused them to gain the ability to swap between their human selves and a creature. It'll be explained a bit better in the posts below if that seemed a bit confusing ^^'

In the manor they'll all be learning to use the abilities they gained from their myth half. You can be turned into a Halfa at any age, but you'll lack experience at first either way ^^' (they'll also be dealing with oher threats during their time at the manor, because most things don't take kindly to halfas).

Just to let everyone know, Dr.Manar is genuine. He isn't secretly an evil scientist or anything, there is already enough danger in the world to the people who will bw living at the manor.

  • Only 2 'Halfa' characters per memeber
  • In their magical/non human form the characters will all have the same durability in terms of howthey can be hurt to keep things fair (they are harder to slay than normal humans of course)
  • Don't kill other characters, everyone has 'plot armor' unless their creator okays it
  • You're allowed to make up a city/town/village that your character is from
  • Character profile forms can be found in a post below
  • LGBT+ Welcome
  • Please no one liners, it makes it harder to repsond to
  • Don't control other people's characters please (no power-play/god-modding)
  • Be nice OOC
  • If you have a question please ask ^^
  • Have fun! :D

Garth Haldor + Eric Valids

Charity Simmons
Léon Jul Camille


Humble Ducaine/Cain

Hilda Driscoll
[Size=5]Notes of Doctor Manar[/size] [Quote=Intro] [size=4]Halfa [/size] [i]noun[/i] 1. A being who can at will jump between the plains of life and death; someone who shifts into the form of a spirit and is then considered among the realm of the supernatural while able to shift back into the living creature they were born as. 2. A being who jumps between a human to a magical beast; one who can shift into a monster and shift back to the living creature they were born as. [center]---[/center] A Halfa is a human that can turn into something that is inhuman, and turn back without any issue aside from retainint any wounds gained in either form. This can range anywhere from an undead creature to a create considered "mythical". (It leads me to believe that the myths and legends of wendigos first came from early halfas). The most common Halfas have the ability to turn into a creature which is considered to be among the 'unliving' as it allows them to jump between the plains of life and death so to speak. These will be those that can turn themselves to a vampire, demon, angel, ghost, poltergeist, banshee, or wraith. There are many other types of undead creatures, though i have never happened to meet any others. The more uncommon halfas turn from a human into a mythical creature, from man to beast. The most common of these are werecanines and werefelines, as well as those who can become centaurs, harpies, or sirens of different design. However there have been recorded to be halfas who turn into dragons, unicorns, thunderbirds, wyverns, pegasi, and pheonix. There are many more, though i cannot name all as i haven't come into contact with them. The rarest of halfas, are those who can transform into creatures we consider 'cryptids'. Things such as moth-man, the jersy devil, and yetis.[/quote] [Quote=Your Event] A halfa is created when the undergo a traumatic or memorable event during the presence of a magical rift being open somewhere near them (even if they don't realize the rift is open). For most, this is a near death experience which is likely why it is common for halfas to be able to turn into creatures considered to not be of the living [/quote] [Quote=Dangers] It should be noted, that halfas give off an altered magical energy than those who are full a magical creature. This makes them easier to find, although luckily having more in one place actually surves to dampen the aura rather than make it stronger. Safety in numbers i suppose? Either way, there are plenty of threats. I have no doubt that with halfas living here, the manor will get attacked by other things from time to time. I've complied a list of things that have already attacked before, noted weakness and such and given the list to Tip. Another note is humans. Most humans will no even realize you're a halfa unless you turn in front of them. Their reaction to it depends on the human, but better safe than sorry to refrain from turning in front of them unless you have to. [/quote] [Quote=Creatures of Halfas - Table of Contents] [list][*]Wraith - page 1 [/list][/quote]
Notes of Doctor Manar
Intro wrote:


1. A being who can at will jump between the plains of life and death; someone who shifts into the form of a spirit and is then considered among the realm of the supernatural while able to shift back into the living creature they were born as.

2. A being who jumps between a human to a magical beast; one who can shift into a monster and shift back to the living creature they were born as.

A Halfa is a human that can turn into something that is inhuman, and turn back without any issue aside from retainint any wounds gained in either form. This can range anywhere from an undead creature to a create considered "mythical". (It leads me to believe that the myths and legends of wendigos first came from early halfas).

The most common Halfas have the ability to turn into a creature which is considered to be among the 'unliving' as it allows them to jump between the plains of life and death so to speak. These will be those that can turn themselves to a vampire, demon, angel, ghost, poltergeist, banshee, or wraith. There are many other types of undead creatures, though i have never happened to meet any others.

The more uncommon halfas turn from a human into a mythical creature, from man to beast. The most common of these are werecanines and werefelines, as well as those who can become centaurs, harpies, or sirens of different design. However there have been recorded to be halfas who turn into dragons, unicorns, thunderbirds, wyverns, pegasi, and pheonix. There are many more, though i cannot name all as i haven't come into contact with them.

The rarest of halfas, are those who can transform into creatures we consider 'cryptids'. Things such as moth-man, the jersy devil, and yetis.
Your Event wrote:
A halfa is created when the undergo a traumatic or memorable event during the presence of a magical rift being open somewhere near them (even if they don't realize the rift is open).

For most, this is a near death experience which is likely why it is common for halfas to be able to turn into creatures considered to not be of the living
Dangers wrote:

It should be noted, that halfas give off an altered magical energy than those who are full a magical creature. This makes them easier to find, although luckily having more in one place actually surves to dampen the aura rather than make it stronger. Safety in numbers i suppose?

Either way, there are plenty of threats. I have no doubt that with halfas living here, the manor will get attacked by other things from time to time. I've complied a list of things that have already attacked before, noted weakness and such and given the list to Tip.

Another note is humans. Most humans will no even realize you're a halfa unless you turn in front of them. Their reaction to it depends on the human, but better safe than sorry to refrain from turning in front of them unless you have to.

Creatures of Halfas - Table of Contents wrote:
  • Wraith - page 1
[center][size=5]Character Applications [/size][/center] [code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Pronouns:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] (what they turn into) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Be sure to include human appearance and inhuman appearance) [b]Personality:[/b] (Can be traits listed or how they respond to a situation if trying to write out the personality is hard to put into words) [b]Abilities:[/b] (what they gain from their inhuman form) [b]History:[/b] (Can be breif, just mostly life growing up before they became a halfa) [b]Event:[/b] (what happened to make them a halfa) [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b] (Feel free to write your own lore/stuff about whatever species your character can turn into) [b]Other:[/b](Likes/Dislikes) [/code]
Character Applications
[b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Pronouns:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] (what they turn into) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Be sure to include human appearance and inhuman appearance) [b]Personality:[/b] (Can be traits listed or how they respond to a situation if trying to write out the personality is hard to put into words) [b]Abilities:[/b] (what they gain from their inhuman form) [b]History:[/b] (Can be breif, just mostly life growing up before they became a halfa) [b]Event:[/b] (what happened to make them a halfa) [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b] (Feel free to write your own lore/stuff about whatever species your character can turn into) [b]Other:[/b](Likes/Dislikes)
Okay so, Wraith is already claimed by me BUT anything else is fair game atm! ^^

@AbyssRanger @Draconequis @DstructvCupc4ke @Ragnaroc

This was the actual other idea i mentioned i'd ping you for ^^'

Don't worry about having to make character sheets atm, ik it's probably late on your guys' time (the profiles are there for when you're ready if you wanna join)

Feel free to go a bit crazy. The Wraiths are going to have wacko amounts of powers i now realized whoops (don't worry though, just because they have quite a bit at their disposal doesn't mean they're invincible or by any means can win. In fact my main character loses 9/10 battles and has to go back for a rematch lol)
Okay so, Wraith is already claimed by me BUT anything else is fair game atm! ^^

@AbyssRanger @Draconequis @DstructvCupc4ke @Ragnaroc

This was the actual other idea i mentioned i'd ping you for ^^'

Don't worry about having to make character sheets atm, ik it's probably late on your guys' time (the profiles are there for when you're ready if you wanna join)

Feel free to go a bit crazy. The Wraiths are going to have wacko amounts of powers i now realized whoops (don't worry though, just because they have quite a bit at their disposal doesn't mean they're invincible or by any means can win. In fact my main character loses 9/10 battles and has to go back for a rematch lol)
Here is our character that knows everything/most stuff. Only character that isn't a halfa, he probably won't be around 24/7 and will just show up when your character needs to speak to him ^^ ----- [b]Name:[/b] Enigma "Tip" [b]Age:[/b] Lost track, but looks to be mid to late 30's [b]Pronouns:[/b] They/Them | He/Him [b]Species:[/b] Time Guardian (not a halfa) [b]Appearance:[/b] Skin has a slight blue undertone while seeming generally pale. He stands about 6'2 and has short white hair that hangs around his face slightly, a small pair of black rimmed metal glasses usually sitting on his nose. Eyes are solid purple in color, having no pupils or whites to his eyes aside from having faux pupils of a slightly lighter purple. Enigma wears a white button up shirt and purple pants with purple suspenders. Has a purple bow tie and dark purple formal shoes. He has a cane he carries around which looks to hace a black metal stopwatch on the top of a silver handle which leads down to the rest of the cane being a similar black metal. A silver blade can draw from the end of the cane, forming it into a scythe. [b]Personality:[/b] Enigma comes across as level headed, being extremely hard to tick him off in ajy way. He might show some slight annoyance to others, generally though that will only be towards adults. Enigma is someone you can come to with any questions, though his answers may be a bit cryptic. He does what he can to watch over and protect the others, but he does have bounds of how much he is able to use his powers to change the life of others as he is supposed to remain more on the passive side since he watches over time itself. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*]Time Manipulation [*]A degree of foresight, but the further away the event the more unclear as to what will happen (as the event draws closer, there will be less possibilities as to how it will go) [*]Reality Manipulation within his own realm and spaces [*]All knowledge of the past[/list] [b]History:[/b] Enigma generally doesn't remeber much about his childhood. He's been the guardian so long that he doesn't really ever think about it, although if he did try to remember he could tellyou. [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b] [quote=Tip] Tip is a creature of mystery to me even still now as i write this. He says he is the gaurdian of time, an Enigma of sorts, which is apparently what he is called in myth. Not many creatures know of his exsistance, both humans and magical beings think of him as little more than a bedtime story or cryptid. However I can confirm that Tip is neither. He is very much real, but even in that i do not know to what degree. His powers seem limitless-- especially in his own domain-- though apparently he is never to use them to create a dramatic sway in the life of another creature. He is to remain passive and watch time, not manipulate it as it is supposed to go. Much else that he's told me i neglect to write in this book. Were these notes to fall into poor hands, i do not wish to give away the secrets of my dear friend. [/quote] [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]Likes hot drinks [*]Likes books and stories, even if he would know some just by default of his powers [*]Can usually be found in a room that seems like a library, but is apparently where his room when he is at the mansion[/list]
Here is our character that knows everything/most stuff. Only character that isn't a halfa, he probably won't be around 24/7 and will just show up when your character needs to speak to him ^^

Name: Enigma "Tip"

Age: Lost track, but looks to be mid to late 30's

Pronouns: They/Them | He/Him

Species: Time Guardian (not a halfa)

Appearance: Skin has a slight blue undertone while seeming generally pale. He stands about 6'2 and has short white hair that hangs around his face slightly, a small pair of black rimmed metal glasses usually sitting on his nose. Eyes are solid purple in color, having no pupils or whites to his eyes aside from having faux pupils of a slightly lighter purple.

Enigma wears a white button up shirt and purple pants with purple suspenders. Has a purple bow tie and dark purple formal shoes. He has a cane he carries around which looks to hace a black metal stopwatch on the top of a silver handle which leads down to the rest of the cane being a similar black metal. A silver blade can draw from the end of the cane, forming it into a scythe.

Personality: Enigma comes across as level headed, being extremely hard to tick him off in ajy way. He might show some slight annoyance to others, generally though that will only be towards adults. Enigma is someone you can come to with any questions, though his answers may be a bit cryptic. He does what he can to watch over and protect the others, but he does have bounds of how much he is able to use his powers to change the life of others as he is supposed to remain more on the passive side since he watches over time itself.

  • Time Manipulation
  • A degree of foresight, but the further away the event the more unclear as to what will happen (as the event draws closer, there will be less possibilities as to how it will go)
  • Reality Manipulation within his own realm and spaces
  • All knowledge of the past

History: Enigma generally doesn't remeber much about his childhood. He's been the guardian so long that he doesn't really ever think about it, although if he did try to remember he could tellyou.

Notes of Dr.Manar:
Tip wrote:
Tip is a creature of mystery to me even still now as i write this. He says he is the gaurdian of time, an Enigma of sorts, which is apparently what he is called in myth. Not many creatures know of his exsistance, both humans and magical beings think of him as little more than a bedtime story or cryptid.

However I can confirm that Tip is neither. He is very much real, but even in that i do not know to what degree. His powers seem limitless-- especially in his own domain-- though apparently he is never to use them to create a dramatic sway in the life of another creature. He is to remain passive and watch time, not manipulate it as it is supposed to go.

Much else that he's told me i neglect to write in this book. Were these notes to fall into poor hands, i do not wish to give away the secrets of my dear friend.

  • Likes hot drinks
  • Likes books and stories, even if he would know some just by default of his powers
  • Can usually be found in a room that seems like a library, but is apparently where his room when he is at the mansion
[b]Name:[/b] Garth Haldor [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Species:[/b] Wraith [b]Appearance:[/b] [u]Human[/u] Short fluffy black hair and green eyes. He has a lean build with a light tan skin tone. Wears a black tank top, somewhat baggy jeans with black shoes, and fingerless gloves which reach about halfway up towards his elbows. [u]Inhuman[/u] Hair changes to white in color, eyes tuning a glowing solid blue without any pupils and the whites of his eyes turn black. Outfit changes to look like a black sleevless hoodie and mostly fitted pants, having white boots which reach up to his knees. He retains a lean body-shape and his skin turns to a very pale icy shade of blue. His mask is white and covers only the upper half of his face, having two amall prongs off the top sides which tilt back like small horns/spikes with blue markings on it. Fingers are sharp and canines are significantly more prominant than on most creautres. [b]Personality:[/b] Not exactly a social butterfly, but if you're nice to him he'll probably be nice back. He comes across as a bit closed off and maybe even a bit distant, but once you manage to get close to him he is a conplete dork. If you're his friend it would be the embodyment of 'Garth will drop whatever he is doing an catch me at any time, watch' to whicg he drops something glass to catch you. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*]Levitation [*]Intangibility [*]Invisibility [*]Minor Telepathy and Minor Telekenesis (explained in notes) [*]Sheilds/Blasts/Energy Manipulation - Light Blue [*]Cryokinesis (via core) [*]Uncommon Ability: Bashee Cry[/list] [b]History:[/b] Garth was raised for the first half of his life by his single mother. Along the way, she eventually married a man who had a daughter already, giving Gath a father and older sister in one fell swoop. His life was normal and nothing special until his event, to which he had to leave his friends and family behind at being sent away to manor. By the time the others arrive, Garth has been living there for a while, having been sent there since his parents knew the other halfa living a the manor. [b]Event:[/b] Garth's parents were scientists, ones that specifically told him he was not to touch anything in their lab. He was 15 when he decided to go down into the lab and prod around out of curiosity, one of their inventions going off and what should have killed Garth, but instead made him a wraith halfa. [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b] [Quote=Dr.Manar's Notes on Wraiths] Wraiths are essentially a type of ghost or spirit. It is unknown what determines if someone will becomea wraith upon death, but what is known about wraiths is that they are creatures crafted for war. Now that sounds a bit dramatic, but the basic premise of a wraith is that they are a spirit who can defend themselves and fight other creatures. Enigma tells me that Wraiths see the natural world different than a human would. Through their eyes, the sky takes shades of cloudy purple and everything else glosses over with an almost haunting tint of blue. (It intreagues me, and i wish i coild see through their eyes, though i know it impossible with my current magical skills). [center]---[/center] Wraiths appear like a ghost. They are solid in form, but their skin does have a very minor translucent touch to it. All wraiths give off a dull white etheral glow and aura, as well as glowing eyes which appear solid in color when wearing their masks. One thing every Wraith has is a mask, which can appear as if made from things such as wood, bone, fabrics, any material really. The only stipulation to a mask is that it will cover at least 1/3 of a Wratih's face. These mask include markings over them-- which can be any color, but will generally be their core color-- which actually mean details of their life even if other creatures cannot read their language. [center]---[/center] Wraiths are kept 'alive' or funcioning by a core which serves as their heart. While they are like spirit in that they have no functioning physical workings internally, they do rely on their core for their life and it is the exact thing that grants them their abilities. The color of a wraith's core is determined by the last emotion they felt before leaving the living world, and that same color determines the color of their energy and 'blood' but not the color of their other possible abilitiies. There are three types of cores for a wraith, but at the moment i'll stick to discussing the elemental core. This core grants the wraith some amounts of control over the element which resides as their core. Their element is not their core color, but rather the natural color of said element. (So a wraith with an ice core will have natural colored ice, though their energy and core could be gold in color). The element of Halfa Wraith is usually determined based upon their environment at time of contact rather than the origin of the accident itself. A wraith with an elemental core also gains a side power. An 'uncommon ability' of sorts (this can be more in depth with other cores, but that is not relivant at the moment). The nature of this ability is determined by the nature of the Wraith, of something that was prominent in their life prior to death. Some wraiths cannot preform this skill unless they have their masks on. [center]---[/center] A halfa that turbs into a wraith does have differences in abilities, though they are no less fighting capable. That being said, they do remain with the key factors in appearance, as well as having a core and mask, although their mask can retain no decor coming off it like a full wraith. Like a normal wraith, a halfa will have the base powers of levitation, intangibility, invisibility, and slightly better durability and strength so as to be able to put up a fight with other creatures. However they cannot possess others and only have minor telepathy to try and sway others, and minor telekenesis. Said telekenesis can only occur under time of intense emotional distress, but cannot effect a living creature or anything held down. (Tip has suggested that I put blue tack on the bottom of everything precious to me so it will be considered held down. In all honesty i cannot tell if he was joking or not). [/quote] [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]Doesn't like coffee [*]Misses his friends and family [*]Will do a lot of things when he's mad at Eric, but he won't move the furniture at least[/list] ----- [b]Name:[/b] Eric Valids [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Species:[/b] Archdemon - Wrath [b]Appearance:[/b] [u]Human[/u] Short cut and somewhat messy ginger hair. Has a lanky build, pale-ish skin, frecklss covering his nose/shoulders/back, and blue eyes that seem to be slightly cloudy if you look at them long enough. Normally he wears a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, as well as black formal pants and shoes. For training the other halfas he goes the complete oposite in wearing sweat pants and a white tank top, should they not be training in their inhuman forms. [u]Inhuman[/u] Skin turns a pale red color, though retains build and hair color/style. Two black horns sprout from his head and curve backwards, eyes turning solid white. Wears a black leather outfit if arm guards, chest piece, pants, and boots, with black wrapping around his hands. Has long black claws on his hands, and a long prehensile tail. While he normally doesn't have them, can sprout large red and translucent pink memebraned wings from his back. There is a more monsterous version of his other half, but it isn't something he taps into often. (Should it ever come up in the rp, i'll describe it) [b]Personality:[/b] Eric is both the best and worst adult to have watching over a group of uncontrollable halfas-- being fairly well versed in his own abilities. He has a bleeding heart for those considered kids, wanting to teach them and protect them, but also believing that once they have training they certainly won't need it. He may come across as harsh to those who are adults with powers for a long time, yet who never bothered to learn how to use them. His abiltiy to watch over younger halfas is somewhat questionable considering half the time he'd rather not be sober if he can avoid it. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list][*]An almost telepathic type ability which allows communication to other demoic creatures. The weaker minded ones could possibly even be controlled [*]Despite lanky build, practically has super strength [*]Flight [*]Thicker skin/a more durrable body than other creatures [*]Immune to fire, but has no pyrokenetic abilities himself [*][i]Extremely[/i] heightened senses, and am almost 'sixth sense' which serves as a radar of sorts - one he can easily tap into when even bot tramsformed fully [*]Able to tap into dark magics - Can control specific forms of inanimate object through this [*]Venomous bite [*]Sway of Wrath [/list] [b]History:[/b] Eric keeps his past close to himself, similarly not many in normal society seem to know of him. Were you to ask Tip about him in private, the time guardian may just share... [b]Event:[/b] Eric was turned at a [i]very[/i] young age, hence why Garth's parents are aware of him being a halfa. When Eric was 10, he ended up getting hit by a truck that was speeding down a back road in the neighborhood he lived in, something that should have been the end of him. Instead left in his place was a young demon, one who was promptly sent away to live at the manor with Enigma and another halfa who no loner lives at the manor. [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b] [quote=Notes on Archdemon] An Archdemon is one who leads a clan of demons. They are essentially demons, only if you amped them up and made it ten times stronger. Oftenin the world there is only every 7 at a time, one for each sway they can have over humans. This creates compititon between Archdemons with the same sway, causing them to often figh and kill one another to keep their sole jursidiction over that sway and to expand their clans. Their powers can be like that of a demon. Along with their natural disposition to what their sway over humans is, they are basically super soldiers resistant to fire and with about every trait you can get from a demon in one body. Like their smaller normal counter parts, they prwform demonic reituals but unlike them can outright do forms of dark magic. However a note is made, that while a normal demon cannot become an Archdemon, an Archdemon can teach a normal demon darker magic than the standard demonic rituals. An unique feature to them is their bite, which contains a venomous touch (although i have yet to figureout of it is from glands or their siliva) as well as their ability to spread death and plagues. [center] ---- [/center] A halfa Archdemon, thankfully, cannot push their sway onto other halfas as they can onto humans. The Archdemon halfa retains their venom, but cannot produce any sort of Plague. Unlike a true Archdemon, their venom can be fiven in controlled doses so they might only make another creature ill rather than outrightkill them. They have no control over fire like a full blood, but otherwise keep the same resistance and strengths as a normal Archdemon would. It is observed that extensive use of dark magic can also drain them of energy as opposed to how a normal one could use such rituals and abilities endlessly. [/quote] [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]Unhealthy sleep schedual [*]Probably seens like he lives off a liquid diet [*]Strawberries and Cherries are the best, and so is anything flavoured or made with them [*]In case no one caught it, he's blind[/list]
Name: Garth Haldor

Age: 17

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Wraith

Short fluffy black hair and green eyes. He has a lean build with a light tan skin tone. Wears a black tank top, somewhat baggy jeans with black shoes, and fingerless gloves which reach about halfway up towards his elbows.

Hair changes to white in color, eyes tuning a glowing solid blue without any pupils and the whites of his eyes turn black. Outfit changes to look like a black sleevless hoodie and mostly fitted pants, having white boots which reach up to his knees. He retains a lean body-shape and his skin turns to a very pale icy shade of blue. His mask is white and covers only the upper half of his face, having two amall prongs off the top sides which tilt back like small horns/spikes with blue markings on it. Fingers are sharp and canines are significantly more prominant than on most creautres.

Personality: Not exactly a social butterfly, but if you're nice to him he'll probably be nice back. He comes across as a bit closed off and maybe even a bit distant, but once you manage to get close to him he is a conplete dork. If you're his friend it would be the embodyment of 'Garth will drop whatever he is doing an catch me at any time, watch' to whicg he drops something glass to catch you.

  • Levitation
  • Intangibility
  • Invisibility
  • Minor Telepathy and Minor Telekenesis (explained in notes)
  • Sheilds/Blasts/Energy Manipulation - Light Blue
  • Cryokinesis (via core)
  • Uncommon Ability: Bashee Cry

History: Garth was raised for the first half of his life by his single mother. Along the way, she eventually married a man who had a daughter already, giving Gath a father and older sister in one fell swoop. His life was normal and nothing special until his event, to which he had to leave his friends and family behind at being sent away to manor. By the time the others arrive, Garth has been living there for a while, having been sent there since his parents knew the other halfa living a the manor.

Event: Garth's parents were scientists, ones that specifically told him he was not to touch anything in their lab. He was 15 when he decided to go down into the lab and prod around out of curiosity, one of their inventions going off and what should have killed Garth, but instead made him a wraith halfa.

Notes of Dr.Manar:
Dr.Manar's Notes on Wraiths wrote:
Wraiths are essentially a type of ghost or spirit. It is unknown what determines if someone will becomea wraith upon death, but what is known about wraiths is that they are creatures crafted for war. Now that sounds a bit dramatic, but the basic premise of a wraith is that they are a spirit who can defend themselves and fight other creatures.

Enigma tells me that Wraiths see the natural world different than a human would. Through their eyes, the sky takes shades of cloudy purple and everything else glosses over with an almost haunting tint of blue. (It intreagues me, and i wish i coild see through their eyes, though i know it impossible with my current magical skills).
Wraiths appear like a ghost. They are solid in form, but their skin does have a very minor translucent touch to it. All wraiths give off a dull white etheral glow and aura, as well as glowing eyes which appear solid in color when wearing their masks.

One thing every Wraith has is a mask, which can appear as if made from things such as wood, bone, fabrics, any material really. The only stipulation to a mask is that it will cover at least 1/3 of a Wratih's face. These mask include markings over them-- which can be any color, but will generally be their core color-- which actually mean details of their life even if other creatures cannot read their language.
Wraiths are kept 'alive' or funcioning by a core which serves as their heart. While they are like spirit in that they have no functioning physical workings internally, they do rely on their core for their life and it is the exact thing that grants them their abilities. The color of a wraith's core is determined by the last emotion they felt before leaving the living world, and that same color determines the color of their energy and 'blood' but not the color of their other possible abilitiies.

There are three types of cores for a wraith, but at the moment i'll stick to discussing the elemental core. This core grants the wraith some amounts of control over the element which resides as their core. Their element is not their core color, but rather the natural color of said element. (So a wraith with an ice core will have natural colored ice, though their energy and core could be gold in color). The element of Halfa Wraith is usually determined based upon their environment at time of contact rather than the origin of the accident itself.

A wraith with an elemental core also gains a side power. An 'uncommon ability' of sorts (this can be more in depth with other cores, but that is not relivant at the moment). The nature of this ability is determined by the nature of the Wraith, of something that was prominent in their life prior to death. Some wraiths cannot preform this skill unless they have their masks on.
A halfa that turbs into a wraith does have differences in abilities, though they are no less fighting capable. That being said, they do remain with the key factors in appearance, as well as having a core and mask, although their mask can retain no decor coming off it like a full wraith.

Like a normal wraith, a halfa will have the base powers of levitation, intangibility, invisibility, and slightly better durability and strength so as to be able to put up a fight with other creatures. However they cannot possess others and only have minor telepathy to try and sway others, and minor telekenesis. Said telekenesis can only occur under time of intense emotional distress, but cannot effect a living creature or anything held down. (Tip has suggested that I put blue tack on the bottom of everything precious to me so it will be considered held down. In all honesty i cannot tell if he was joking or not).

  • Doesn't like coffee
  • Misses his friends and family
  • Will do a lot of things when he's mad at Eric, but he won't move the furniture at least

Name: Eric Valids

Age: 28

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Archdemon - Wrath

Short cut and somewhat messy ginger hair. Has a lanky build, pale-ish skin, frecklss covering his nose/shoulders/back, and blue eyes that seem to be slightly cloudy if you look at them long enough. Normally he wears a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, as well as black formal pants and shoes. For training the other halfas he goes the complete oposite in wearing sweat pants and a white tank top, should they not be training in their inhuman forms.

Skin turns a pale red color, though retains build and hair color/style. Two black horns sprout from his head and curve backwards, eyes turning solid white. Wears a black leather outfit if arm guards, chest piece, pants, and boots, with black wrapping around his hands. Has long black claws on his hands, and a long prehensile tail. While he normally doesn't have them, can sprout large red and translucent pink memebraned wings from his back.

There is a more monsterous version of his other half, but it isn't something he taps into often. (Should it ever come up in the rp, i'll describe it)

Personality: Eric is both the best and worst adult to have watching over a group of uncontrollable halfas-- being fairly well versed in his own abilities. He has a bleeding heart for those considered kids, wanting to teach them and protect them, but also believing that once they have training they certainly won't need it. He may come across as harsh to those who are adults with powers for a long time, yet who never bothered to learn how to use them. His abiltiy to watch over younger halfas is somewhat questionable considering half the time he'd rather not be sober if he can avoid it.

  • An almost telepathic type ability which allows communication to other demoic creatures. The weaker minded ones could possibly even be controlled
  • Despite lanky build, practically has super strength
  • Flight
  • Thicker skin/a more durrable body than other creatures
  • Immune to fire, but has no pyrokenetic abilities himself
  • Extremely heightened senses, and am almost 'sixth sense' which serves as a radar of sorts - one he can easily tap into when even bot tramsformed fully
  • Able to tap into dark magics - Can control specific forms of inanimate object through this
  • Venomous bite
  • Sway of Wrath

History: Eric keeps his past close to himself, similarly not many in normal society seem to know of him. Were you to ask Tip about him in private, the time guardian may just share...

Event: Eric was turned at a very young age, hence why Garth's parents are aware of him being a halfa. When Eric was 10, he ended up getting hit by a truck that was speeding down a back road in the neighborhood he lived in, something that should have been the end of him. Instead left in his place was a young demon, one who was promptly sent away to live at the manor with Enigma and another halfa who no loner lives at the manor.

Notes of Dr.Manar:
Notes on Archdemon wrote:
An Archdemon is one who leads a clan of demons. They are essentially demons, only if you amped them up and made it ten times stronger. Oftenin the world there is only every 7 at a time, one for each sway they can have over humans. This creates compititon between Archdemons with the same sway, causing them to often figh and kill one another to keep their sole jursidiction over that sway and to expand their clans.

Their powers can be like that of a demon. Along with their natural disposition to what their sway over humans is, they are basically super soldiers resistant to fire and with about every trait you can get from a demon in one body. Like their smaller normal counter parts, they prwform demonic reituals but unlike them can outright do forms of dark magic. However a note is made, that while a normal demon cannot become an Archdemon, an Archdemon can teach a normal demon darker magic than the standard demonic rituals. An unique feature to them is their bite, which contains a venomous touch (although i have yet to figureout of it is from glands or their siliva) as well as their ability to spread death and plagues.

A halfa Archdemon, thankfully, cannot push their sway onto other halfas as they can onto humans. The Archdemon halfa retains their venom, but cannot produce any sort of Plague. Unlike a true Archdemon, their venom can be fiven in controlled doses so they might only make another creature ill rather than outrightkill them. They have no control over fire like a full blood, but otherwise keep the same resistance and strengths as a normal Archdemon would. It is observed that extensive use of dark magic can also drain them of energy as opposed to how a normal one could use such rituals and abilities endlessly.

  • Unhealthy sleep schedual
  • Probably seens like he lives off a liquid diet
  • Strawberries and Cherries are the best, and so is anything flavoured or made with them
  • In case no one caught it, he's blind
GAH!! I was on SUCH a good Roll but have yet to finish my profiles! Off to work it is.
GAH!! I was on SUCH a good Roll but have yet to finish my profiles! Off to work it is.
Can I join this? @SuddenShimmer
if so, can we make up creatures?)

Can I join this? @SuddenShimmer
if so, can we make up creatures?)

drastrciallyfantastic.gif Webp-net-gifmaker.gif
Nova, She/Her, Taurus
urgle burgle. Fear the lime green.

You can make up the lore for a creature, but it does have to be something that exsists already as a mythical/magical/paranormal creature

You can make up the lore for a creature, but it does have to be something that exsists already as a mythical/magical/paranormal creature
I don't know if this exists...

a shadow phoenix?

I don't know if this exists...

a shadow phoenix?

drastrciallyfantastic.gif Webp-net-gifmaker.gif
Nova, She/Her, Taurus
urgle burgle. Fear the lime green.