Wings Of Hope [OOC]

NovaBorn's Clan
not really active on here
Clan Info To do:
Get a mate for Sugardust
Gene the experiment gift
Hatch nest then put swirl on babies for more profit!!! Very important!!
Slime dragons
Find expensive dragon couple, sell babies
Eerie Cyan Clasp, 50
take a random pixel, kid

Recent Comments

Ellis was on FP!

Billy (#61251882) made the front page!

Belladonna was on the front page! And hey there Nova!

Amiel was on the front page! Such amazing beauty! Good derg.

Hi! Tolstae was on the front page, he's such a pretty boi


hmmmmmm, happen to be Nova Smarties But Is She Really??? >.> (It's Wren if so)

G o o s e - g o d

Y e s

Number 16. Burger King foot lettuce. The last thing you want on your Burger King burger is someone else’s foot fungus. But as it turns out that may just be what you get.

*Tips hat* m’lady

mutual consent, my favourite kink
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