

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | onexone RP *{Private}*
An egg covered with crustaceans washed up against an unlikely bank - the bank of the Viridian Cabrinth. The land simply dropped vertically into the calm water, a few metres steep at this particular section. The egg was wedged in between two rocks, riding the small waves that came by and being crashed into by others.
Of course the little dragon inside had no idea what was going on - all he knew was that he had to get out of this shell but... mother wasn't around. He was stuck with no way out that the little unhatched dragon thought of.
An egg covered with crustaceans washed up against an unlikely bank - the bank of the Viridian Cabrinth. The land simply dropped vertically into the calm water, a few metres steep at this particular section. The egg was wedged in between two rocks, riding the small waves that came by and being crashed into by others.
Of course the little dragon inside had no idea what was going on - all he knew was that he had to get out of this shell but... mother wasn't around. He was stuck with no way out that the little unhatched dragon thought of.

Rose had been strolling along the waters, looking out into the sea for most of the morning. As much as she loved the forest, every once in a while she had to stare at the expanse of water surrounding her home. She looked out over an edge and then directly below, searching for fish or maybe a few crabs. However, what she saw there wasn't what she expected.

Rubbing her eyes with her tiny claws, she looked again. Wha...? Glancing around herself, she searched for maybe a trickster or something. Anyone.

Jumping into the water, she swam to the egg and poked it with one claw. Yep, that is real. she thought before grabbing it and trying to get back onto land. The burden was a bit troublesome, but eventually she sat upon the shore with the egg on her lap, wondering what to do now.

Rose had been strolling along the waters, looking out into the sea for most of the morning. As much as she loved the forest, every once in a while she had to stare at the expanse of water surrounding her home. She looked out over an edge and then directly below, searching for fish or maybe a few crabs. However, what she saw there wasn't what she expected.

Rubbing her eyes with her tiny claws, she looked again. Wha...? Glancing around herself, she searched for maybe a trickster or something. Anyone.

Jumping into the water, she swam to the egg and poked it with one claw. Yep, that is real. she thought before grabbing it and trying to get back onto land. The burden was a bit troublesome, but eventually she sat upon the shore with the egg on her lap, wondering what to do now.
The hatchling within the egg remained silent as it was airlifted up then placed back down onto land. Then, as the hatchling felt the sense of solid ground, he also felt a little warmth. Curious, he quietly chirped and nudged with the top of one of his forepaws. Of course, being unhatched, he had no concept of danger or suspicion, just a slight knowledge of circumstance and Mummy.
The hatchling within the egg remained silent as it was airlifted up then placed back down onto land. Then, as the hatchling felt the sense of solid ground, he also felt a little warmth. Curious, he quietly chirped and nudged with the top of one of his forepaws. Of course, being unhatched, he had no concept of danger or suspicion, just a slight knowledge of circumstance and Mummy.

Rose wasn't quite sure what to do now. Her clan may think she stole the egg, and that would just be a disaster. Although not all Flights liked eachother, egg stealing was a crime. She sighed, the looked back out into the water, searching for answers there.

Rose wasn't quite sure what to do now. Her clan may think she stole the egg, and that would just be a disaster. Although not all Flights liked eachother, egg stealing was a crime. She sighed, the looked back out into the water, searching for answers there.
@DalphiaRose ((geez I awkays manage to forget the @ thing at each post and have to go back to edit! Can be really annoying haha))

Again, he chirped and pushed against the shell. He had no idea whether this creature was his mother or not, simply that it posessed warmth. In his tight, curled position, he attempted to shift a bit but it simply wasn't possible - he'd have to break out soon as his instincts told him.
@DalphiaRose ((geez I awkays manage to forget the @ thing at each post and have to go back to edit! Can be really annoying haha))

Again, he chirped and pushed against the shell. He had no idea whether this creature was his mother or not, simply that it posessed warmth. In his tight, curled position, he attempted to shift a bit but it simply wasn't possible - he'd have to break out soon as his instincts told him.
@Staggare ((haha XD by the way, may be slower today. Having a friend over for a Minecraft party!))

Rose felt the hatchling moving about a bit inside the shell, She had never been a mother, so she wasn't quite sure if that was normal or not. However, for some odd reason, she just held on.
@Staggare ((haha XD by the way, may be slower today. Having a friend over for a Minecraft party!))

Rose felt the hatchling moving about a bit inside the shell, She had never been a mother, so she wasn't quite sure if that was normal or not. However, for some odd reason, she just held on.
@DalphiaRose ((ooh wow that sounds like fun! XD I'll have to get your minecraft user off you sometime haha :P And don't worry about it; it's late where I am and I need to get to sleep anyways. Have fun! ^^))

A crack appeared on the shell, the direction of force clearly coming from within. The pressure receded for a moment before another push, followed by another and yet another finally cracked the egg and its membrane.
A tiny paw emerged having two fingers with soft, unused claws at their tip. The hatchling's skin was a silvery-grey and tightly yet snugly forming over what little muscle he had.
Giving another chirp, he began to push with his head in a continued attempt to break free.
@DalphiaRose ((ooh wow that sounds like fun! XD I'll have to get your minecraft user off you sometime haha :P And don't worry about it; it's late where I am and I need to get to sleep anyways. Have fun! ^^))

A crack appeared on the shell, the direction of force clearly coming from within. The pressure receded for a moment before another push, followed by another and yet another finally cracked the egg and its membrane.
A tiny paw emerged having two fingers with soft, unused claws at their tip. The hatchling's skin was a silvery-grey and tightly yet snugly forming over what little muscle he had.
Giving another chirp, he began to push with his head in a continued attempt to break free.
@Staggare ((It isn't very unique, it just so happens to also be DalphiaRose XD It would be fun to play with you sometime! =D))

Rose was amazed to watch the hatchling break free from his egg. She did remember someone say once to not help, so she just continue to watch, wide-eyed.
@Staggare ((It isn't very unique, it just so happens to also be DalphiaRose XD It would be fun to play with you sometime! =D))

Rose was amazed to watch the hatchling break free from his egg. She did remember someone say once to not help, so she just continue to watch, wide-eyed.
It took a considerable amount of tries but the little grey hatchling appeared, breaking the rest of the shell simply by struggling. His tiny violet wings flapped out of sync and in all sorts of directions. His large, blue eyes squinted in the new-found daylight as his body draped over this red dragon's lap...
He looked up at the dragon. Was she Mummy?
It took a considerable amount of tries but the little grey hatchling appeared, breaking the rest of the shell simply by struggling. His tiny violet wings flapped out of sync and in all sorts of directions. His large, blue eyes squinted in the new-found daylight as his body draped over this red dragon's lap...
He looked up at the dragon. Was she Mummy?

For a moment, Rose was in shock. All of a sudden... there was a hatchling! First an egg, now a hatchling?! However, after a few moments she smiled down at the baby Fae. "Hello" she whispered.

For a moment, Rose was in shock. All of a sudden... there was a hatchling! First an egg, now a hatchling?! However, after a few moments she smiled down at the baby Fae. "Hello" she whispered.