

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | onexone RP *{Private}*
@DarlphiaRose ((Well I'm never LOOKING to buy dragons, just... manage to buy them anyways XD))

Sylvester yawned, displaying his gummy jaws. They had teeth, just very little and soft ones. slowly, he managed to get up onto four feet.

Amethyst stood there, growing a little impatient but saying nothing as she watched the little one get up.
@DarlphiaRose ((Well I'm never LOOKING to buy dragons, just... manage to buy them anyways XD))

Sylvester yawned, displaying his gummy jaws. They had teeth, just very little and soft ones. slowly, he managed to get up onto four feet.

Amethyst stood there, growing a little impatient but saying nothing as she watched the little one get up.
@Staggare ((Lol well you are helping me with my predicament so buy away! XD I have two clutches waiting to hatch today since I have so many dragons!))

Rose took a few steps, watching to see if Sylvester would follow along. She wasn't aware of Amethyst's growing impatience, she was fully focused on her little adopted hatchling.
@Staggare ((Lol well you are helping me with my predicament so buy away! XD I have two clutches waiting to hatch today since I have so many dragons!))

Rose took a few steps, watching to see if Sylvester would follow along. She wasn't aware of Amethyst's growing impatience, she was fully focused on her little adopted hatchling.
@DalphiaRose ((This will be my last post for tonight as it's 1:38 am here... hehe I'll try get the money for the little one before I go to sleep though!^^))

Sylvesta followed, acting somewhat dazed and bumping into Rose. Shaking his head, he got back up, more awake now, and looked up at her as if to tell her that he's ready.
@DalphiaRose ((This will be my last post for tonight as it's 1:38 am here... hehe I'll try get the money for the little one before I go to sleep though!^^))

Sylvesta followed, acting somewhat dazed and bumping into Rose. Shaking his head, he got back up, more awake now, and looked up at her as if to tell her that he's ready.
@Staggare ((No problem! =] She will be waiting for you haha))

Rose looked to Amethyst. "Alright, we are ready!" she glanced back at Sylvest
@Staggare ((No problem! =] She will be waiting for you haha))

Rose looked to Amethyst. "Alright, we are ready!" she glanced back at Sylvest
@Dalphia rose

Amethyst fluttered her wings, easily lifting up into the air. She hovered, not far off of the ground, often looking back to make sure the other two weren't far behind.

Sylvester saw the other fae and, almost on auto-pilot, began to
@Dalphia rose

Amethyst fluttered her wings, easily lifting up into the air. She hovered, not far off of the ground, often looking back to make sure the other two weren't far behind.

Sylvester saw the other fae and, almost on auto-pilot, began to

((That post doesn't look done... Lol))

((That post doesn't look done... Lol))
I can only see one page... POKE
I can only see one page... POKE
This sucks O.o
This sucks O.o

Well uh......... I don't know what to do O.o

Well uh......... I don't know what to do O.o
((Now it's showing me... Phew! Stupid ipad >.> My school has replaced computers with ipads... Now everything is so difficult and glitchy))

((Aaaand apparently my edit didn't work either! *stabs knife through the ipad*))

Waddle towards the dragon.
((Now it's showing me... Phew! Stupid ipad >.> My school has replaced computers with ipads... Now everything is so difficult and glitchy))

((Aaaand apparently my edit didn't work either! *stabs knife through the ipad*))

Waddle towards the dragon.