

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | onexone RP *{Private}*

The little hatchling grew nervous; a vibe coming of his carer. He tightened his grip on her tail and huddled in as close as he could to her without being kicked. What were they all looking at? Who were they? What is negative feeling and what does it mean?
Many questions expressed by emotions and imagrs ran through his mind, making him let lose a scared, shaken chirp.

The little hatchling grew nervous; a vibe coming of his carer. He tightened his grip on her tail and huddled in as close as he could to her without being kicked. What were they all looking at? Who were they? What is negative feeling and what does it mean?
Many questions expressed by emotions and imagrs ran through his mind, making him let lose a scared, shaken chirp.

Rose put the tip of her wing on the hatchling's back, just as a small action of comfort.

Thunder watched the pair before speaking. "Where did this hatchling come from?"

Rose was intimidated by the all black male. "I found him." She said not Looking into his eyes.

Thunder smirked "you found a water egg? Just found it?" It was obvious he didn't believe her.

Rose nodded, at a loss for words.

Thunder shook his head. "Wherever you got it, take it back."

Rose scrunched up her nose. "I can't abandon him! Unless someone comes for him, I will care for him!" Immediately she realized her mistake.

Thunder growled at her disrespect. "You can find a different nest then!"

Rose was shocked but angry, so she turned her back and began walking out of the center of camp.

((I apologize for misspells, on my phone and not used to it yet))

Rose put the tip of her wing on the hatchling's back, just as a small action of comfort.

Thunder watched the pair before speaking. "Where did this hatchling come from?"

Rose was intimidated by the all black male. "I found him." She said not Looking into his eyes.

Thunder smirked "you found a water egg? Just found it?" It was obvious he didn't believe her.

Rose nodded, at a loss for words.

Thunder shook his head. "Wherever you got it, take it back."

Rose scrunched up her nose. "I can't abandon him! Unless someone comes for him, I will care for him!" Immediately she realized her mistake.

Thunder growled at her disrespect. "You can find a different nest then!"

Rose was shocked but angry, so she turned her back and began walking out of the center of camp.

((I apologize for misspells, on my phone and not used to it yet))
((@DalphieRose We reached pg2 haha XD Nah, it's alright. You'll get better soon^^))

The hatchling didn't understand what went on through the two dragons conversing, but he could easily sense the anger and negative emotion between the two of them. He felt better at the red dragon's touch, but still shrunk behind her flank, clinging tightly to her leg. He could sense this was about him by the way the dragons were staring at him like that...
When the red dragon began to depart, he quickly followed, clambering onto two legs for a moment before falling back down to two.
((@DalphieRose We reached pg2 haha XD Nah, it's alright. You'll get better soon^^))

The hatchling didn't understand what went on through the two dragons conversing, but he could easily sense the anger and negative emotion between the two of them. He felt better at the red dragon's touch, but still shrunk behind her flank, clinging tightly to her leg. He could sense this was about him by the way the dragons were staring at him like that...
When the red dragon began to depart, he quickly followed, clambering onto two legs for a moment before falling back down to two.

Rose looked at the little gray hatchling as she reached the outer parts of the clan area. Grabbing some foliage, she began making a bit of a nest, not in the hatchery or Rose's usual tree. She planned on standing guard while the hatchling slept. "C'mon, dark soon."

Rose looked at the little gray hatchling as she reached the outer parts of the clan area. Grabbing some foliage, she began making a bit of a nest, not in the hatchery or Rose's usual tree. She planned on standing guard while the hatchling slept. "C'mon, dark soon."

He watched with curiosity as the dragon started to create the nest. He chased any stray leaves, slowly starting to find that he ran better on his hindlegs. However, he still fell over a lot so for now, all-fours was safest.
When she was done, he was half in the nest before a butterfly fluttered towards a tree. It landed on the trunk and the little grey hatchling chased it, grinning and yipping excitedly

He watched with curiosity as the dragon started to create the nest. He chased any stray leaves, slowly starting to find that he ran better on his hindlegs. However, he still fell over a lot so for now, all-fours was safest.
When she was done, he was half in the nest before a butterfly fluttered towards a tree. It landed on the trunk and the little grey hatchling chased it, grinning and yipping excitedly

Rose giggled and chased after the hatchling chasing the butterfly, for a moment forgetting her clan issues. "Come back you, you silly!"

Rose giggled and chased after the hatchling chasing the butterfly, for a moment forgetting her clan issues. "Come back you, you silly!"
((sorry, I hadn't realised that you posted =/ So sorry! Posting now))

The hatchling leaped up when he reached the trunk, squealing as the red dragon followed him. the butterfly took off, but, instinctively, the grey hatchling flapped his tiny wings a few quick times, giving him to boost needed to catch the butterfly in his mouth then fall back down on his back.
The shock of the hurt from falling made him freeze with the butterfly twitching, still clamped in his jaws.
((sorry, I hadn't realised that you posted =/ So sorry! Posting now))

The hatchling leaped up when he reached the trunk, squealing as the red dragon followed him. the butterfly took off, but, instinctively, the grey hatchling flapped his tiny wings a few quick times, giving him to boost needed to catch the butterfly in his mouth then fall back down on his back.
The shock of the hurt from falling made him freeze with the butterfly twitching, still clamped in his jaws.

Rose quickly hovered over him. "You ok, lil one?" She was proud of his 'flying' however.

Rose quickly hovered over him. "You ok, lil one?" She was proud of his 'flying' however.

He blinked, twitched, then rolled onto his belly. Stepping back, he faced her and dropped the now-crushed butterfly to his mother. He stands back up on his hindlegs to try and impress her. the little grin on his face gives away his smugness as his tail swishes side to side in pride

He blinked, twitched, then rolled onto his belly. Stepping back, he faced her and dropped the now-crushed butterfly to his mother. He stands back up on his hindlegs to try and impress her. the little grin on his face gives away his smugness as his tail swishes side to side in pride

Rose couldn't help but laugh at his antics. She shook her head and started walking back to the nest she had made for him.

Rose couldn't help but laugh at his antics. She shook her head and started walking back to the nest she had made for him.