

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Kingdom Human AU (CLOSED!)
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@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

(Ah, I don't mind, I'm rather glad that I could remind everyone!)

Butler smiled and coughed slightly as to attract my notice to the love letter I got earlier.
"Love..." I closed my eyes and put my head back to think.
Love makes you feel happy, nervous, beaming...but also confused, hurt and distracted. When you feel happy and beaming, you do a better job. When you are hurt, you're probably doing a good job but overdo it, and when you are confused, nervous and distracted, you ruin your job. More disadvantages means more problems, meaning more failures, meaning uselesness, meaning...
"Pathetic." Helado did fine though the soldier was not ill at all. The only thing he did was giving some advice, maybe. If it would have interested me, even I could have helped out. But why should that interest me. "I'm not convinced yet. Come back tomorrow."

Next to me, I heard Butler gasping and I could see how he reached out for my arm. "What's wrong with you?" He pressed his other arm against his chest and writhed in pain, slowly sinking to the ground. Trying to support him, I stood up quickly, sat down next to him and grabbed his hand, which was reaching out for me, in panic. "Maize, please! Your, do it for Taranis!", I calmly ordered, however deep inside I was screaming.

Taranis...was my only friend...after all.

((You can make him stay in a bed for a week or whatever but please make it dramatically xD I need Soraya being worried and showing another side))
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

(Ah, I don't mind, I'm rather glad that I could remind everyone!)

Butler smiled and coughed slightly as to attract my notice to the love letter I got earlier.
"Love..." I closed my eyes and put my head back to think.
Love makes you feel happy, nervous, beaming...but also confused, hurt and distracted. When you feel happy and beaming, you do a better job. When you are hurt, you're probably doing a good job but overdo it, and when you are confused, nervous and distracted, you ruin your job. More disadvantages means more problems, meaning more failures, meaning uselesness, meaning...
"Pathetic." Helado did fine though the soldier was not ill at all. The only thing he did was giving some advice, maybe. If it would have interested me, even I could have helped out. But why should that interest me. "I'm not convinced yet. Come back tomorrow."

Next to me, I heard Butler gasping and I could see how he reached out for my arm. "What's wrong with you?" He pressed his other arm against his chest and writhed in pain, slowly sinking to the ground. Trying to support him, I stood up quickly, sat down next to him and grabbed his hand, which was reaching out for me, in panic. "Maize, please! Your, do it for Taranis!", I calmly ordered, however deep inside I was screaming.

Taranis...was my only friend...after all.

((You can make him stay in a bed for a week or whatever but please make it dramatically xD I need Soraya being worried and showing another side))
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(Oh I can make it dramatic....)

Helado figure what he did wouldn't be considered a success, it was indeed only advice of course, he didn't know why he thought simply giving advice would get him the job, internally he scoffed at his own idiocy to think of such. The man simply nodded his head in understanding.
"I suppose in some sense people can find it as pathetic, but I find it amusing at most. I will be honored to prove myself more secu--" Helado stopped speaking, mostly out of shock and confusion. What was it the butler was-
Oh. Oh dear.
It was instinct to act, and Helado was in motion before the queen even commanded him to save the butler, in fact her command fell upon deaf ears as he slid to his knees as quickly as he could besides the butler, and all in that movement he had tossed his head skull aside, it was only decorative anyways and with cases like this it would just be in the way!

Despite how quickly everything was happening, Helado was calm but quick, hands beginning to unbutton the top of the butler's shirt to free his chest just enough so it didn't restrict anything. After he did that he grabbed the man's left arm, holding it tightly.
"Taranis, Taranis I need you to answer me, is your left arm numb? Can you feel your left arm?" He commanded sternly, he needed the answer quickly, there were so many cases that had chest pains he could link this to but he wanted to get the most drastic one out of the way, he needed to. Because that one is a lot less, treatable so suddenly, but it could be done, Helado wasn't sure he had the needed herbs and such though..
"Taranis it's very important you answer me!"

@Korax @Elubviq @Temerity @Adalinda
(Oh I can make it dramatic....)

Helado figure what he did wouldn't be considered a success, it was indeed only advice of course, he didn't know why he thought simply giving advice would get him the job, internally he scoffed at his own idiocy to think of such. The man simply nodded his head in understanding.
"I suppose in some sense people can find it as pathetic, but I find it amusing at most. I will be honored to prove myself more secu--" Helado stopped speaking, mostly out of shock and confusion. What was it the butler was-
Oh. Oh dear.
It was instinct to act, and Helado was in motion before the queen even commanded him to save the butler, in fact her command fell upon deaf ears as he slid to his knees as quickly as he could besides the butler, and all in that movement he had tossed his head skull aside, it was only decorative anyways and with cases like this it would just be in the way!

Despite how quickly everything was happening, Helado was calm but quick, hands beginning to unbutton the top of the butler's shirt to free his chest just enough so it didn't restrict anything. After he did that he grabbed the man's left arm, holding it tightly.
"Taranis, Taranis I need you to answer me, is your left arm numb? Can you feel your left arm?" He commanded sternly, he needed the answer quickly, there were so many cases that had chest pains he could link this to but he wanted to get the most drastic one out of the way, he needed to. Because that one is a lot less, treatable so suddenly, but it could be done, Helado wasn't sure he had the needed herbs and such though..
"Taranis it's very important you answer me!"

@Korax @Elubviq @Temerity @Adalinda
Festering Wounds and Decaying Flesh
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

"Left...? Somehow...hurts...can feel it.", Taranis said, his face twisted in pain.
Once, I got a book from an uncle who worked as a medic. I didn't read every page, only the ones he had marked as important. Something with a chest pain and left side of the body...what was it again?
"Everyone! Stay calm and get the emergency-herbs-bags, maids, and shut the doors. Stay alarmed, soldiers. You..." I stopped as I saw the messenger boy who tried to hide himself behind a pillar. "Boy, get some sheets and pillows and some water. You can ask the other free maids. And say 'it's for Adelais' sake' just in case that they are slow or don't want to help you." With a tired short smile, I saw him rushing off with a serious face.

Helado had moved on his own, and he had thrown his mask away. I didn't want to get in his way, so I moved a bit away though Taranis whimpered a bit, like a dog. Now that the mysterious man had put his mask away, I could see his face for a longer time of period and make out more details. It was a sharp, angular face with wrinkels under the eyes...or were these rings, produced by exhaustion? Judging by his words, he had already worked here, he seemed to know me as a princess, so he was way older than he looked like. He aged very well, and hold himself very well. Experience said that the lesser meat you have to carry the better is your lifestyle as people's strength and energy decrease.

"Mr...I'll just sit here and keep calm so you can work. If there is anything you need then let me know." This information usually helped medics a lot, or at least it helped the ones I had visited. The first emergency bag arrived, Ifedayo seemed to be concerned as well. I was totally surprised how fast my subordinates were. Was it because of me? Or..because of was clear, that he was popular, maybe even more than I was.

Or maybe everyone knew who Helado Maize really was.
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

"Left...? Somehow...hurts...can feel it.", Taranis said, his face twisted in pain.
Once, I got a book from an uncle who worked as a medic. I didn't read every page, only the ones he had marked as important. Something with a chest pain and left side of the body...what was it again?
"Everyone! Stay calm and get the emergency-herbs-bags, maids, and shut the doors. Stay alarmed, soldiers. You..." I stopped as I saw the messenger boy who tried to hide himself behind a pillar. "Boy, get some sheets and pillows and some water. You can ask the other free maids. And say 'it's for Adelais' sake' just in case that they are slow or don't want to help you." With a tired short smile, I saw him rushing off with a serious face.

Helado had moved on his own, and he had thrown his mask away. I didn't want to get in his way, so I moved a bit away though Taranis whimpered a bit, like a dog. Now that the mysterious man had put his mask away, I could see his face for a longer time of period and make out more details. It was a sharp, angular face with wrinkels under the eyes...or were these rings, produced by exhaustion? Judging by his words, he had already worked here, he seemed to know me as a princess, so he was way older than he looked like. He aged very well, and hold himself very well. Experience said that the lesser meat you have to carry the better is your lifestyle as people's strength and energy decrease.

"Mr...I'll just sit here and keep calm so you can work. If there is anything you need then let me know." This information usually helped medics a lot, or at least it helped the ones I had visited. The first emergency bag arrived, Ifedayo seemed to be concerned as well. I was totally surprised how fast my subordinates were. Was it because of me? Or..because of was clear, that he was popular, maybe even more than I was.

Or maybe everyone knew who Helado Maize really was.
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@Elubviq @Adalinda @Korax @Boneheadkoopa

Essylt in the evening was far from a welcoming sight: the dense canopy blocked out most of the natural light and as soon as Jacoby had led his horse off the main path he was left with only his instincts to guide him through the shadows. The forest was old, overgrown and incredibly vast – a lost wanderer could stumble in in Adelais and stumble out again in Darnell… if they were lucky enough to find their way out at all. Add to that the battles and the bodies that had never been recovered, and Jacoby understood full well why some of the peasants claimed that the forest was cursed. He paid no attention to those rumours: to him Essylt was a prime hideout for thieves and a place full of painful memories.

However the forest occasionally had its uses.

As soon as Jacoby heard the trickling of a stream it was only a matter of following the sound until he finally spotted the pale, silvery leaves and ended up in a grove of willows. A test scratch on a nearby tree with his knife showed him that it was full of sap and so he tied his horse nearby and set to work, methodically scraping the bark until he his satchel was looking full again. He considered staying longer to look for other plants, but remembered the Captain’s warning and simply untied his horse and began the journey back. The trip wasn’t the most effective use of his time, but he felt better for having done it and the time away had given him some perspective to his troubles.

The day had been remarkable when it came to strange visitors but he had been overthinking it. Even if the medic and merchantwoman did choose to settle down in Adelais what chance was there of him meeting either one again given their respective positions? Not very likely.

((Ah yes, let’s cut away from the medical action to this guy who’s shaving a tree – that’s far more interesting. Trivia: willow bark was used since ye olde days because it contains salicin, similar to acetylsalicylic acid – the effective substance in aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid reduces inflammatory prostaglandins (painkiller) but also blood coagulation: thanks to this it’s one of the things given to patients in modern healthcare when a heart attack is suspected. Willow bark isn’t nearly as effective in that regard though.))
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Korax @Boneheadkoopa

Essylt in the evening was far from a welcoming sight: the dense canopy blocked out most of the natural light and as soon as Jacoby had led his horse off the main path he was left with only his instincts to guide him through the shadows. The forest was old, overgrown and incredibly vast – a lost wanderer could stumble in in Adelais and stumble out again in Darnell… if they were lucky enough to find their way out at all. Add to that the battles and the bodies that had never been recovered, and Jacoby understood full well why some of the peasants claimed that the forest was cursed. He paid no attention to those rumours: to him Essylt was a prime hideout for thieves and a place full of painful memories.

However the forest occasionally had its uses.

As soon as Jacoby heard the trickling of a stream it was only a matter of following the sound until he finally spotted the pale, silvery leaves and ended up in a grove of willows. A test scratch on a nearby tree with his knife showed him that it was full of sap and so he tied his horse nearby and set to work, methodically scraping the bark until he his satchel was looking full again. He considered staying longer to look for other plants, but remembered the Captain’s warning and simply untied his horse and began the journey back. The trip wasn’t the most effective use of his time, but he felt better for having done it and the time away had given him some perspective to his troubles.

The day had been remarkable when it came to strange visitors but he had been overthinking it. Even if the medic and merchantwoman did choose to settle down in Adelais what chance was there of him meeting either one again given their respective positions? Not very likely.

((Ah yes, let’s cut away from the medical action to this guy who’s shaving a tree – that’s far more interesting. Trivia: willow bark was used since ye olde days because it contains salicin, similar to acetylsalicylic acid – the effective substance in aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid reduces inflammatory prostaglandins (painkiller) but also blood coagulation: thanks to this it’s one of the things given to patients in modern healthcare when a heart attack is suspected. Willow bark isn’t nearly as effective in that regard though.))
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((nice to know that willow bark was used as a kind of medicine! and little reminder that this rp exists ;D)
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((nice to know that willow bark was used as a kind of medicine! and little reminder that this rp exists ;D)
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@korax ((im just waiting rfor the next day ;-; who knew an entire day lasted a whole month?))
@korax ((im just waiting rfor the next day ;-; who knew an entire day lasted a whole month?))
@Elubviq ((same. I thought that you and Adalinda would wait that this day would be finally over...))
@Elubviq ((same. I thought that you and Adalinda would wait that this day would be finally over...))
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((@Korax: Thanks for pinging everyone - I thought I killed it with my nerdiness there at the end. @Elubviq: I know, right? I can't believe we started "today" soon three months ago. Poor Adalinda - Collier hasn't had a chance to meet anyone in all this time.

My flight leaves in 12 hours: I hope this roleplay will have moved into "tomorrow" by the time I'm getting on my flight home on April 30th! I should have wifi, just not sure how reliable it will be.))

((@Korax: Thanks for pinging everyone - I thought I killed it with my nerdiness there at the end. @Elubviq: I know, right? I can't believe we started "today" soon three months ago. Poor Adalinda - Collier hasn't had a chance to meet anyone in all this time.

My flight leaves in 12 hours: I hope this roleplay will have moved into "tomorrow" by the time I'm getting on my flight home on April 30th! I should have wifi, just not sure how reliable it will be.))

@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((umm, guys...this shouldn't go on like this. what should we do?))
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((umm, guys...this shouldn't go on like this. what should we do?))
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@korax ((I dunno. koopa NEEDS to do something. But.. my only device is broken, so.. Yeah this is my last post for a while. I will be back soon, but not for around a month
@korax ((I dunno. koopa NEEDS to do something. But.. my only device is broken, so.. Yeah this is my last post for a while. I will be back soon, but not for around a month
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