

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Kingdom Human AU (CLOSED!)
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@korax @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

@korax @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

Helado kept his posture as straight as anyone could keep it as he walked along, following the Butler, offering the slightest nod in response. "I see, how particular. I'll have to ask the soldier myself about his condition, he might be able to shed more light upon this.." Helado murmured thoughtfully, speaking mostly to himself.
He rubbed at his chin idly and waited for the patient to near, eyeing the soldier in curiosity.

"Greetings." He lowered his head ever slightly to the soldier, taking note of the fear that he exhibited in the presence of the Queen, hmmn.
He turned his head towards the butler and the queen. "Would you do me kind and allow me a room so I can talk to this man in private? Patients tend to reveal more to the doctor when there are no others present." He explained knowingly, arms once again crossed.

((Eyo, sorry about the wait, I had to take care of a lot of personal things.))

@Korax @Temerity @Elubviq @Adalinda
Helado kept his posture as straight as anyone could keep it as he walked along, following the Butler, offering the slightest nod in response. "I see, how particular. I'll have to ask the soldier myself about his condition, he might be able to shed more light upon this.." Helado murmured thoughtfully, speaking mostly to himself.
He rubbed at his chin idly and waited for the patient to near, eyeing the soldier in curiosity.

"Greetings." He lowered his head ever slightly to the soldier, taking note of the fear that he exhibited in the presence of the Queen, hmmn.
He turned his head towards the butler and the queen. "Would you do me kind and allow me a room so I can talk to this man in private? Patients tend to reveal more to the doctor when there are no others present." He explained knowingly, arms once again crossed.

((Eyo, sorry about the wait, I had to take care of a lot of personal things.))

@Korax @Temerity @Elubviq @Adalinda
Festering Wounds and Decaying Flesh
@temerity ((ayy, those look great!
@temerity ((ayy, those look great!
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((Somehow I didn't get the pings from here...that's strange..but whatever, there I am!))

Maize was right with what he said. The soldier was indeed intimidated by me. "Very well, Gardener, you may show a suitable place.", I ordered.
Then I waited and began inspecting the plants. Nice work, only one plant was not tended well. The rose was withering.

/low muse

((The actual Soraya-Hairstyle includes curls, but I'm not so good at drawing them. Then there is that hairstyle from Mistletoe, on the CD-cover there is that blue-haired woman...that's a possibility, too))
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((Somehow I didn't get the pings from here...that's strange..but whatever, there I am!))

Maize was right with what he said. The soldier was indeed intimidated by me. "Very well, Gardener, you may show a suitable place.", I ordered.
Then I waited and began inspecting the plants. Nice work, only one plant was not tended well. The rose was withering.

/low muse

((The actual Soraya-Hairstyle includes curls, but I'm not so good at drawing them. Then there is that hairstyle from Mistletoe, on the CD-cover there is that blue-haired woman...that's a possibility, too))
Ued3cu6.png KqvPhMk.png
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Korax @Boneheadkoopa ((Tried fixing the Soraya sketch))

Jacoby was guiltily relieved when the change of the guard rolled around, leaving him free for a quick meal and to run his own errands for the evening. If the squires had found someone to teach them he could go ask the blacksmith about his breastplate again. On the other hand, his stash of willow bark was almost empty and some of the horses needed exercising – a ride to Essylt was definitely in order. Then there was the matter of the Queen’s reward which he couldn’t accept until he had talked to the captain of the guard or the Queen’s butler about the earlier security slip-up. Perhaps there was more news in the mess hall about why the other guard had deserted his work and if he really had been talking to himself, though the Queen seemed to be dealing with that already...

The only thing Jacoby knew for certain was that asking Sir Elias about Helado – or was it Sir Helado? – would have to wait; the older knight had stayed by the gate, saying that he had only just swapped in anyway. Jacoby suspected that he was avoiding the issue and needed some more time alone with his thoughts.

When Jacoby walked into soldiers' mess hall there was an uncharacteristic crowd gathered around someone in the center of the room. For a heartbeat he thought that one of the squires really had hurt themselves with a poleaxe before he saw that the group was too relaxed for that and heard snippets of their conversation:

“Look, man, I don’t know – she left before I could get a word in,”

“So, what? You stood guard holding a letter all day?”

“It wasn’t all day and she said it was important, alright? I couldn’t just hand it to a messenger.”

“… don’t worry, any thieves would have died from laughter.”

“Driftmark,” someone called and the whole group turned to look at him, “You haven’t seen the Queen lately, have you?”

“She and her retinue were headed to the gardens earlier–” Jacoby answered and had to step aside as one of the soldiers rushed out, “What –?”

“He accepted post from a commoner and said he’d hand it to the Queen. He’s been running around the castle ever since,” a younger man piped up with a grin, “Some papers from a Miss Crucelia Elwood, gem merchant and possible future citizen of Adelais. What?” he said at Jacoby’s disapproving look, “The seal had come off from the rain. We had to check the envelope for poison and all that anyway.”

Even after the crowd had settled down to eat, something about the talk stayed with Jacoby. Two female gem merchants in one day seemed like too much of a coincidence … so "that woman" from the morning was Miss Elwood and she was planning on staying. Just his luck. Jacoby left his bowl of broth half-uneaten for the maids to collect: he didn’t have much of an appetite and he had to find the captain quickly if he was going to talk to him and still make the ride to the forest. If the news was true he could use some distance between himself and Adelais, at least for the evening…
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Korax @Boneheadkoopa ((Tried fixing the Soraya sketch))

Jacoby was guiltily relieved when the change of the guard rolled around, leaving him free for a quick meal and to run his own errands for the evening. If the squires had found someone to teach them he could go ask the blacksmith about his breastplate again. On the other hand, his stash of willow bark was almost empty and some of the horses needed exercising – a ride to Essylt was definitely in order. Then there was the matter of the Queen’s reward which he couldn’t accept until he had talked to the captain of the guard or the Queen’s butler about the earlier security slip-up. Perhaps there was more news in the mess hall about why the other guard had deserted his work and if he really had been talking to himself, though the Queen seemed to be dealing with that already...

The only thing Jacoby knew for certain was that asking Sir Elias about Helado – or was it Sir Helado? – would have to wait; the older knight had stayed by the gate, saying that he had only just swapped in anyway. Jacoby suspected that he was avoiding the issue and needed some more time alone with his thoughts.

When Jacoby walked into soldiers' mess hall there was an uncharacteristic crowd gathered around someone in the center of the room. For a heartbeat he thought that one of the squires really had hurt themselves with a poleaxe before he saw that the group was too relaxed for that and heard snippets of their conversation:

“Look, man, I don’t know – she left before I could get a word in,”

“So, what? You stood guard holding a letter all day?”

“It wasn’t all day and she said it was important, alright? I couldn’t just hand it to a messenger.”

“… don’t worry, any thieves would have died from laughter.”

“Driftmark,” someone called and the whole group turned to look at him, “You haven’t seen the Queen lately, have you?”

“She and her retinue were headed to the gardens earlier–” Jacoby answered and had to step aside as one of the soldiers rushed out, “What –?”

“He accepted post from a commoner and said he’d hand it to the Queen. He’s been running around the castle ever since,” a younger man piped up with a grin, “Some papers from a Miss Crucelia Elwood, gem merchant and possible future citizen of Adelais. What?” he said at Jacoby’s disapproving look, “The seal had come off from the rain. We had to check the envelope for poison and all that anyway.”

Even after the crowd had settled down to eat, something about the talk stayed with Jacoby. Two female gem merchants in one day seemed like too much of a coincidence … so "that woman" from the morning was Miss Elwood and she was planning on staying. Just his luck. Jacoby left his bowl of broth half-uneaten for the maids to collect: he didn’t have much of an appetite and he had to find the captain quickly if he was going to talk to him and still make the ride to the forest. If the news was true he could use some distance between himself and Adelais, at least for the evening…
@korax @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

Crucelia returned to her little room, relaxing for a small bit. Maybe she would have to explore the kingdom a bit more to get used to it.

Though.. That one guard was intriguing. He was awfully simple, and she didn't catch his name, but he seemed.. Distant. He didn't even ask for her name. What a guy! Either he was giving her an advantage, or just. Forgot. It was in her favor anyhow.

She only hoped her name wouldn't spread around to much.
@korax @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

Crucelia returned to her little room, relaxing for a small bit. Maybe she would have to explore the kingdom a bit more to get used to it.

Though.. That one guard was intriguing. He was awfully simple, and she didn't catch his name, but he seemed.. Distant. He didn't even ask for her name. What a guy! Either he was giving her an advantage, or just. Forgot. It was in her favor anyhow.

She only hoped her name wouldn't spread around to much.
@temerity ((i'm screaming I love them
@temerity ((i'm screaming I love them
@korax @adalinda @boneheadkoopa @temerity ((I commissioned research to draw Helado..)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@korax @adalinda @boneheadkoopa @temerity

((I commissioned research to draw Helado..))


((@Korax, @Adalinda, @Boneheadkoopa, @Elubviq: That's amazing, especially Helado's cloak and hair! He looks like he could fade into mist or smoke - very mysterious. *waits and bribes some more* [url=][img][/img][/url] Click it for a large size. This time it's meant to be more RP accurate (... though the women's clothes are improvised and Jacoby got a helmet that wasn't mentioned). Corrections are welcome, as is a design for an actual Adelais coat of arms for Jacoby's surcoat.))
((@Korax, @Adalinda, @Boneheadkoopa,
@Elubviq: That's amazing, especially Helado's cloak and hair! He looks like he could fade into mist or smoke - very mysterious.

*waits and bribes some more*
Click it for a large size. This time it's meant to be more RP accurate (... though the women's clothes are improvised and Jacoby got a helmet that wasn't mentioned). Corrections are welcome, as is a design for an actual Adelais coat of arms for Jacoby's surcoat.))

@temerity ((I love these bribes so much but we're mostly waiting on @boneheadkoopa and @korax to advance the plot!
@temerity ((I love these bribes so much but we're mostly waiting on @boneheadkoopa and @korax to advance the plot!
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