

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Kingdom Human AU (CLOSED!)
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@boneheadkoopa @korax ((Awe. Imagine the guy dropping a few hints to Crucelia when she visits again in the morning. So cute. She'd have to reject him since he isn't a main character, though, unless, korax, youd like him to be.
@boneheadkoopa @korax ((Awe. Imagine the guy dropping a few hints to Crucelia when she visits again in the morning. So cute. She'd have to reject him since he isn't a main character, though, unless, korax, youd like him to be.
@Elubviq, @Adalinda, @Korax, @Boneheadkoopa,

The talk with the captain of the guard was both harder and easier than expected. Jacoby had hoped that reporting the event as forgetfulness and putting in a good word for the other guard – Sir… Arvid?… Gnistkiln – would be enough, but the captain was curious to know what caused two guards to forget to check a visitor for weapons; with his questions the whole sorry story about Ms. Elwood came to light. Jacoby had expected some sort of punishment or warning, but instead the other man had laughed it off and told him that he had already ‘been punished enough’ that day. He had seemed more concerned when Jacoby mentioned his planned trip to Essylt but in the end just told him to have himself and the horse back and well-rested by morning.

After a quick change out of his armour, a talk to marshal in charge of the stables and a while spent coaxing an older stallion into saddle, Jacoby was set. He left by the small postern gate and kept an eye out for the crowd but otherwise felt himself unwinding after the events of the day. He had been taught to handle horses before he had been old enough to read or write – the smell of horse and the sway of trotting was soothing to him like nothing else.

((My heart just melted a little at Helado’s advice.
Time to warn you all: I’m most likely going abroad for 5-10 weeks starting March 7th and might not have internet or the chance to write. This roleplay has been amazing, but if you see my dragons’ health drop under 35 (= five days without food), kick me out and get rid of Jacoby somehow (kill him, leave him behind). I’m sorry, I hope I can continue this even then and I really hope this will continue without me if I can’t.))

@Elubviq, @Adalinda, @Korax, @Boneheadkoopa,

The talk with the captain of the guard was both harder and easier than expected. Jacoby had hoped that reporting the event as forgetfulness and putting in a good word for the other guard – Sir… Arvid?… Gnistkiln – would be enough, but the captain was curious to know what caused two guards to forget to check a visitor for weapons; with his questions the whole sorry story about Ms. Elwood came to light. Jacoby had expected some sort of punishment or warning, but instead the other man had laughed it off and told him that he had already ‘been punished enough’ that day. He had seemed more concerned when Jacoby mentioned his planned trip to Essylt but in the end just told him to have himself and the horse back and well-rested by morning.

After a quick change out of his armour, a talk to marshal in charge of the stables and a while spent coaxing an older stallion into saddle, Jacoby was set. He left by the small postern gate and kept an eye out for the crowd but otherwise felt himself unwinding after the events of the day. He had been taught to handle horses before he had been old enough to read or write – the smell of horse and the sway of trotting was soothing to him like nothing else.

((My heart just melted a little at Helado’s advice.
Time to warn you all: I’m most likely going abroad for 5-10 weeks starting March 7th and might not have internet or the chance to write. This roleplay has been amazing, but if you see my dragons’ health drop under 35 (= five days without food), kick me out and get rid of Jacoby somehow (kill him, leave him behind). I’m sorry, I hope I can continue this even then and I really hope this will continue without me if I can’t.))

@temerity (( :( Awe, we wouldn't kill him in case you decide to come back. If anything, we can just say that he went somewhere by horse, possibly for a mission..?))
@temerity (( :( Awe, we wouldn't kill him in case you decide to come back. If anything, we can just say that he went somewhere by horse, possibly for a mission..?))
((@Elubviq: I'd love that if it works with the plot! (who knows what the characters will be doing by March 7th?). Hopefully I'm being over-cautious and those weeks won't be so different from now.))

((@Elubviq: I'd love that if it works with the plot! (who knows what the characters will be doing by March 7th?). Hopefully I'm being over-cautious and those weeks won't be so different from now.))

@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

Sir Aster Gnistkiln (don't know what to write, also I waot for "the next day" so better let's get going)

"Really? So it's that....easy? I think she should come back the next day. I hope I'll guard the gate tomorrow!"

Queen Soraya d'Adelais

It's been a while since I left the garden. Nothing had happened. Or at least, that was what I thought.
"Butler? Rush into the garden and take that Helado with you."

And I stopped playing. Seriously, that love letter didn't stop spooking around in my head.

((Butler can be perceived by everyone in the background, I don't mind if someone describes him like "and I saw the queen's butler/dog/whatever standing there, mumbling to me to follow him". Or something similar
Because now he arrived in the garden))
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

Sir Aster Gnistkiln (don't know what to write, also I waot for "the next day" so better let's get going)

"Really? So it's that....easy? I think she should come back the next day. I hope I'll guard the gate tomorrow!"

Queen Soraya d'Adelais

It's been a while since I left the garden. Nothing had happened. Or at least, that was what I thought.
"Butler? Rush into the garden and take that Helado with you."

And I stopped playing. Seriously, that love letter didn't stop spooking around in my head.

((Butler can be perceived by everyone in the background, I don't mind if someone describes him like "and I saw the queen's butler/dog/whatever standing there, mumbling to me to follow him". Or something similar
Because now he arrived in the garden))
Ued3cu6.png KqvPhMk.png
@Elubviq @Korax @Temerity @Adalinda

"Don't let appearance of ease fool you." Another cheerful laugh escaped Helado as he put on his skull mask. "But I wish you luck with this, I advise getting her a red flower, a good sign of love they are." He mused idly before turning his head upon hearing the footsteps of someone nearing.
Ah, the Butler. Cheerfully Helado gave a smile, setting a hand on the Soldier's shoulder and greeting the man.

"Hello Sir, I think you'll be satisfied that I had cured your soldier." He stepped away from the soldier towards the Butler murmuring gently so only he could hear. "Just a simple case of puppy love, the boy was talking to himself to try and improve his charisma. Nothing is wrong with him and I'd like to report this to the queen if I may." and with that he crossed his arms, grinning.
Content with the job well done.
@Elubviq @Korax @Temerity @Adalinda

"Don't let appearance of ease fool you." Another cheerful laugh escaped Helado as he put on his skull mask. "But I wish you luck with this, I advise getting her a red flower, a good sign of love they are." He mused idly before turning his head upon hearing the footsteps of someone nearing.
Ah, the Butler. Cheerfully Helado gave a smile, setting a hand on the Soldier's shoulder and greeting the man.

"Hello Sir, I think you'll be satisfied that I had cured your soldier." He stepped away from the soldier towards the Butler murmuring gently so only he could hear. "Just a simple case of puppy love, the boy was talking to himself to try and improve his charisma. Nothing is wrong with him and I'd like to report this to the queen if I may." and with that he crossed his arms, grinning.
Content with the job well done.
Festering Wounds and Decaying Flesh
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((Assuming that it's okay to skip butler saying "yo you two go follow me"))

As I heard the footsteps of Butler and the Helado, I looked up. Butler was rather quick, or was Helado just slow? I had no time to fix the crown properly when they appeared physically.
It seemed that the soldier was there, too, and he was completely sane. I wondered what Helado had find out. Was it a poem the soldier recited? Or a song, without a melody?
No, these were stupid suggestions.
"It seems you healed him. Explain terse and to the point. Then I'll let you go."
His reaction would show whether he would be useful as medic. Medics needed to be patient and calm. Another reason, why I was happy about being a queen. I doubted that I was patient and calm.
I beckoned Butler so he could give some advise. He was a bit older than me, after all.
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

((Assuming that it's okay to skip butler saying "yo you two go follow me"))

As I heard the footsteps of Butler and the Helado, I looked up. Butler was rather quick, or was Helado just slow? I had no time to fix the crown properly when they appeared physically.
It seemed that the soldier was there, too, and he was completely sane. I wondered what Helado had find out. Was it a poem the soldier recited? Or a song, without a melody?
No, these were stupid suggestions.
"It seems you healed him. Explain terse and to the point. Then I'll let you go."
His reaction would show whether he would be useful as medic. Medics needed to be patient and calm. Another reason, why I was happy about being a queen. I doubted that I was patient and calm.
I beckoned Butler so he could give some advise. He was a bit older than me, after all.
Ued3cu6.png KqvPhMk.png
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

(cough anyone here?)
@Elubviq @Adalinda @Temerity @Boneheadkoopa

(cough anyone here?)
Ued3cu6.png KqvPhMk.png
(@Korax *quietly lurking*. I'm sorry I haven't drawn anything to motivate you all and I didn't want to bump this before I had. ^^;)

(@Korax *quietly lurking*. I'm sorry I haven't drawn anything to motivate you all and I didn't want to bump this before I had. ^^;)

(An I'm so sorry! I didn't get a notification and I lost the thread..)
The tall man had simply followed the butler as instructed, a calm expression upon his half hidden features. He stood before the queen once again and he found himself internally sizing her up, how a princess sure can grow up, he could only hope she was not a merciless Queen for this kingdom.
Upon being ordered to speak, he simply smiled.
"You see, my queen. Your soldier here has one of the most simple possible illnesses to ever strike a man. He was simply ill with love. He was talking to the wall in attempt to figure out what to say to a woman who has him simply smitten. Your Soldier is actually very sane."
Helado felt rather successful with this, even if he was more of a physical and spiritual healer, he had succeeded 'healing' this soldier, so surely he should be considered well enough to be able to care for those in the castle? If not that then a doctor for those within this kingdom...

@Korax @Elubviq @Temerity @Adalinda
(An I'm so sorry! I didn't get a notification and I lost the thread..)
The tall man had simply followed the butler as instructed, a calm expression upon his half hidden features. He stood before the queen once again and he found himself internally sizing her up, how a princess sure can grow up, he could only hope she was not a merciless Queen for this kingdom.
Upon being ordered to speak, he simply smiled.
"You see, my queen. Your soldier here has one of the most simple possible illnesses to ever strike a man. He was simply ill with love. He was talking to the wall in attempt to figure out what to say to a woman who has him simply smitten. Your Soldier is actually very sane."
Helado felt rather successful with this, even if he was more of a physical and spiritual healer, he had succeeded 'healing' this soldier, so surely he should be considered well enough to be able to care for those in the castle? If not that then a doctor for those within this kingdom...

@Korax @Elubviq @Temerity @Adalinda
Festering Wounds and Decaying Flesh
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