

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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(For me and alphaloaf)
(For me and alphaloaf)
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop
(i am alphaloaf)
(i am alphaloaf)
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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(@alphaloaf pss we can see your username on the side ofc we know you're alphaloaf)
(@alphaloaf pss we can see your username on the side ofc we know you're alphaloaf)
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop
(@wautii i know i was just introducing myself)
(@wautii i know i was just introducing myself)
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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Twilight watched the female in front of him pace restlessly. He knew little about her - all he knew was that she was a water dragon named Vanta. The day that she was brought to the Clan was the same day that his brother Midnight had left. A few days later, a new dragon had arrived, a skydancer male named Aerie.

Vanta was anxious and ferocious. Aerie was shy and lacked in conversational skills. Twilight had no idea how to introduce himself. He scratched at the dirt absent-mindedly, creating a small noise in the silence between the three.

"I know what we can do!" He exclaimed. Vanta stumbled and turned to stare at him. Aerie jumped, startled by the sudden noise. "We can go to the delta! It's fun to splash around in at this time of the year."

Vanta turned to Aerie, who simply shrugged. "Alright," she said. "But how do we get out of here?"

"Easy." Twilight grinned. "The Clan is out gathering food. We can slip out easily."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Aerie asked nervously. "I don't want to upset your leader when I just joined your Clan."

"Yeah it's fine! My parents are really easy going, or, at least my mom was, but she left to fight for the Shadowbinder...." Twilight trailed off. "But don't worry! My dad will be fine with this."

So the young dragonets slipped away and bounded towards the delta a short distance away. Vanta leapt into the water, giggling loudly, while Twilight tried to pounce on insects. Aerie waded into the water, watching as the silt climbed up his legs.

"This isn't so bad..." He whispered.

Twilight watched the female in front of him pace restlessly. He knew little about her - all he knew was that she was a water dragon named Vanta. The day that she was brought to the Clan was the same day that his brother Midnight had left. A few days later, a new dragon had arrived, a skydancer male named Aerie.

Vanta was anxious and ferocious. Aerie was shy and lacked in conversational skills. Twilight had no idea how to introduce himself. He scratched at the dirt absent-mindedly, creating a small noise in the silence between the three.

"I know what we can do!" He exclaimed. Vanta stumbled and turned to stare at him. Aerie jumped, startled by the sudden noise. "We can go to the delta! It's fun to splash around in at this time of the year."

Vanta turned to Aerie, who simply shrugged. "Alright," she said. "But how do we get out of here?"

"Easy." Twilight grinned. "The Clan is out gathering food. We can slip out easily."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Aerie asked nervously. "I don't want to upset your leader when I just joined your Clan."

"Yeah it's fine! My parents are really easy going, or, at least my mom was, but she left to fight for the Shadowbinder...." Twilight trailed off. "But don't worry! My dad will be fine with this."

So the young dragonets slipped away and bounded towards the delta a short distance away. Vanta leapt into the water, giggling loudly, while Twilight tried to pounce on insects. Aerie waded into the water, watching as the silt climbed up his legs.

"This isn't so bad..." He whispered.
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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main blog

Hyacintho perked up. She knew she heard splashing. Her Tundra fur prickled up with uneasyness.

"Did anyone else hear that?" She asked quietly and looked around at her nestmates.

"I did," Ancilla's chilling voice replied from behind. "Sounded like splashing, right?" Ancilla's familiar chirped as it rested upon her horn.


A loud snoring interrupted the conversation. It was their father, Merlith, sleeping in his nest. The pink fur rose up and down with each breath and noise. He definitely was a loud snorer, unlike their stepmother.

"Maybe," Aurea's noticeable tone growled from Hyacintho's side. "It came from the spoooooky deltaaaa by The Tangled Wood.."

Ancilla glared at her nestmate and scoffed, "You're not scaring us, Aurea." The dragonet huffed and muttered under his breath, "You guys are no fun."

"We should head over there, have some fun!" Choruscatione chortled from her dark corner. Midnight also lay there, his familiar glaring at everybody. "Some other Water dragonets might be there."

"Yeah, but the delta lays right beside the Shadowbinder's land. Shadow Clans could be there too," Aurea retorted, his deep blue eyes staring into Choruscatione's ice white ones. The iridescent dragonet growled back, "Stop shoving your snout into everybody else's."

"Or, we could stop arguing and head over there. Your choice, guys." Ancilla stepped in. She shook the hummingbird off her horn as a signal to head to her sleeping nest. "See, Ancilla agrees with me!" Choruscatione said in a snooty voice to Aurea.

The four dragonets managed to convince Midnight to go with them to the delta. They began hopping all over the flats and down over to the cluster of streams and creeks by The Tangled Wood. They had some fun, too, until Hyacintho noticed shapes nearer to the dark land.

Hyacintho perked up. She knew she heard splashing. Her Tundra fur prickled up with uneasyness.

"Did anyone else hear that?" She asked quietly and looked around at her nestmates.

"I did," Ancilla's chilling voice replied from behind. "Sounded like splashing, right?" Ancilla's familiar chirped as it rested upon her horn.


A loud snoring interrupted the conversation. It was their father, Merlith, sleeping in his nest. The pink fur rose up and down with each breath and noise. He definitely was a loud snorer, unlike their stepmother.

"Maybe," Aurea's noticeable tone growled from Hyacintho's side. "It came from the spoooooky deltaaaa by The Tangled Wood.."

Ancilla glared at her nestmate and scoffed, "You're not scaring us, Aurea." The dragonet huffed and muttered under his breath, "You guys are no fun."

"We should head over there, have some fun!" Choruscatione chortled from her dark corner. Midnight also lay there, his familiar glaring at everybody. "Some other Water dragonets might be there."

"Yeah, but the delta lays right beside the Shadowbinder's land. Shadow Clans could be there too," Aurea retorted, his deep blue eyes staring into Choruscatione's ice white ones. The iridescent dragonet growled back, "Stop shoving your snout into everybody else's."

"Or, we could stop arguing and head over there. Your choice, guys." Ancilla stepped in. She shook the hummingbird off her horn as a signal to head to her sleeping nest. "See, Ancilla agrees with me!" Choruscatione said in a snooty voice to Aurea.

The four dragonets managed to convince Midnight to go with them to the delta. They began hopping all over the flats and down over to the cluster of streams and creeks by The Tangled Wood. They had some fun, too, until Hyacintho noticed shapes nearer to the dark land.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop

Vanta floated on her back, reaching at any dark leaves and drifted towards her. Twilight nearly pounced on his familiar as the hummingbird hovered near his claws. He jumped backwards to avoid clawing it, landing on Aerie who was standing in the water behind him. Aerie shrieked, falling backwards into the mirky water and splashing Vanta. Vanta growled, but laughed as Aerie's hesd resurfaced, with pale scales covered in mud and silt.

Twilight slid to the surface silently, eyes peering over the water at Vanta, who continued to laugh, unaware. He slowly moved around until he was behind her, dark scales melting in with the water.

"Gotcha!" He shouted, pouncing on her back and sending her splashing underwater. She gurgled angrily and shoved him, sending him sprawling as well.

Vanta floated on her back, reaching at any dark leaves and drifted towards her. Twilight nearly pounced on his familiar as the hummingbird hovered near his claws. He jumped backwards to avoid clawing it, landing on Aerie who was standing in the water behind him. Aerie shrieked, falling backwards into the mirky water and splashing Vanta. Vanta growled, but laughed as Aerie's hesd resurfaced, with pale scales covered in mud and silt.

Twilight slid to the surface silently, eyes peering over the water at Vanta, who continued to laugh, unaware. He slowly moved around until he was behind her, dark scales melting in with the water.

"Gotcha!" He shouted, pouncing on her back and sending her splashing underwater. She gurgled angrily and shoved him, sending him sprawling as well.
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
FR blog
main blog

A loud scream came and stopped. It was from Aurea, who saw Hyacintho looking over at the other part of the delta. Hyacintho's paw covered his mouth. "Shhhh!" She hissed at him.

"B-B-But there are Shadow dragons over there, they're going to rip the flesh off our bones and eat us!" Aurea wailed.

Hyacintho rolled her eyes. "Those aren't like Shadow dragons, they don't eat other dragons." She calmly explained.

"Wow, Aurea's such a crybaby when it comes to seeing other Flights' dragons..." Midnight muttered. Choruscatione glanced at her reclusive nestmate before looking back at the Shadow dragons on the delta. She backed away into the water, with her head and eyes above the surface.

"Choruscatione, what are you doing?" Ancilla asked, having seen the dragonet partially submerse. Her snout popped out silently and she whispered, "I might try to sneak up on them."

"You're a loud swimmer, though."


Choruscatione changed her mind instead and just bobbed up and down in the warm water. Ancilla giggled and started splashing at her nestmate. Hyacintho joined in while Aurea sat on a rock above the water. Midnight, however, began wading towards the Shadow dragonets through the silt that lay on the bottom below the water surface.

A loud scream came and stopped. It was from Aurea, who saw Hyacintho looking over at the other part of the delta. Hyacintho's paw covered his mouth. "Shhhh!" She hissed at him.

"B-B-But there are Shadow dragons over there, they're going to rip the flesh off our bones and eat us!" Aurea wailed.

Hyacintho rolled her eyes. "Those aren't like Shadow dragons, they don't eat other dragons." She calmly explained.

"Wow, Aurea's such a crybaby when it comes to seeing other Flights' dragons..." Midnight muttered. Choruscatione glanced at her reclusive nestmate before looking back at the Shadow dragons on the delta. She backed away into the water, with her head and eyes above the surface.

"Choruscatione, what are you doing?" Ancilla asked, having seen the dragonet partially submerse. Her snout popped out silently and she whispered, "I might try to sneak up on them."

"You're a loud swimmer, though."


Choruscatione changed her mind instead and just bobbed up and down in the warm water. Ancilla giggled and started splashing at her nestmate. Hyacintho joined in while Aurea sat on a rock above the water. Midnight, however, began wading towards the Shadow dragonets through the silt that lay on the bottom below the water surface.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop

Twilight and Vanta stared at each other underwater. Twilght admired how she looked virtually clean due to her dark scales. He cursed how his purple scales would reveal any dirt that clung to him. Vanta's eyes skimmed over him, until a force disrupted the water between them. They both surfaced, glancing away from the other.

Aerie was waving his tail frantically. "I thought you guys were drowning! You can't drown! There's a dragon approaching us and you can't die and leave me alone with it!"

The event left Twilight's mind as he glanced at the shape swimming towards them from behind Aerie. "You're right," he murmured. "Act normal. Aerie, act like you're tired and go lay on the ground. We can't have you freaking out right now."

Aerie muttered under his breath but did as said, yawning and claiming some excuse loud enough that it was believable. He moved to go to lay on the dirt away from the water.

Twilight and Vanta stared at each other underwater. Twilght admired how she looked virtually clean due to her dark scales. He cursed how his purple scales would reveal any dirt that clung to him. Vanta's eyes skimmed over him, until a force disrupted the water between them. They both surfaced, glancing away from the other.

Aerie was waving his tail frantically. "I thought you guys were drowning! You can't drown! There's a dragon approaching us and you can't die and leave me alone with it!"

The event left Twilight's mind as he glanced at the shape swimming towards them from behind Aerie. "You're right," he murmured. "Act normal. Aerie, act like you're tired and go lay on the ground. We can't have you freaking out right now."

Aerie muttered under his breath but did as said, yawning and claiming some excuse loud enough that it was believable. He moved to go to lay on the dirt away from the water.
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
FR blog
main blog

Midnight stopped, deciding to examine the three dragonets in the water. He coughed loudly and fell backwards on accident. Water rippled around where his snout poked out as he lay there like a stick in the mud. Choruscatione stopped the playfight for a moment to notice.

"Guys, I think Midnight's drowning and he just decided to lay there all stiff!" She exclaimed, a worried look nearly plastered onto her face.

"Oh tides, you're right," Ancilla gasped. "We have to save him, quickly!"

The four began to run through the rippling liquid to their nestmate before Aurea skidded and face planted into the murky mud. Hyacintho stopped and sprinted back to him.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you know?!" Aurea nearly shouted. "The Shadow dragons!" His small body trembled and Hyacintho couldn't tell if the fear was real or fake.

Midnight stopped, deciding to examine the three dragonets in the water. He coughed loudly and fell backwards on accident. Water rippled around where his snout poked out as he lay there like a stick in the mud. Choruscatione stopped the playfight for a moment to notice.

"Guys, I think Midnight's drowning and he just decided to lay there all stiff!" She exclaimed, a worried look nearly plastered onto her face.

"Oh tides, you're right," Ancilla gasped. "We have to save him, quickly!"

The four began to run through the rippling liquid to their nestmate before Aurea skidded and face planted into the murky mud. Hyacintho stopped and sprinted back to him.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you know?!" Aurea nearly shouted. "The Shadow dragons!" His small body trembled and Hyacintho couldn't tell if the fear was real or fake.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop
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