

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | (Private RP)

Twilight bounded after his brother towards the other Clan's lair.

Aerie leaned forward, confused as to why Ancilla stopped looking. He leaned out too far and fell out of the tree, landing on his back with an "Oof!" His familiar was able to fly away from him before it was crushed, but now flew in front of his face, checking for any head injuries.

Twilight bounded after his brother towards the other Clan's lair.

Aerie leaned forward, confused as to why Ancilla stopped looking. He leaned out too far and fell out of the tree, landing on his back with an "Oof!" His familiar was able to fly away from him before it was crushed, but now flew in front of his face, checking for any head injuries.
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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"It's somewhere around here.." Midnight grumbled, then perked up. "There it is!" He ran over towards a spot in the Flats. Merlith was awake and he looked very... angry.

"Aha! There you are." Ancilla grinned and trotted over to Aerie. "I knew you'd come out of your little hidie-hole soon." She grinned, her wing display spreading out once more. On the inside she felt somewhat scared, instinctively raising the eye spots.

"It's somewhere around here.." Midnight grumbled, then perked up. "There it is!" He ran over towards a spot in the Flats. Merlith was awake and he looked very... angry.

"Aha! There you are." Ancilla grinned and trotted over to Aerie. "I knew you'd come out of your little hidie-hole soon." She grinned, her wing display spreading out once more. On the inside she felt somewhat scared, instinctively raising the eye spots.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop

Twilight followed Midnight, but stopped short when he saw how angry Merlith was. He bumped into his brother and stumbled.

Aerie eyed her wings warily. "Well it wasn't exactly voluntary..." He muttered. He stood up and brushed himself off, grimacing at the dirt caught in his scales. He walked away to find one of the small clean water streams that flowed through the woods. He really needed to clean himself off.

Twilight followed Midnight, but stopped short when he saw how angry Merlith was. He bumped into his brother and stumbled.

Aerie eyed her wings warily. "Well it wasn't exactly voluntary..." He muttered. He stood up and brushed himself off, grimacing at the dirt caught in his scales. He walked away to find one of the small clean water streams that flowed through the woods. He really needed to clean himself off.
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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"Uh, hi.. M-Merlith..." Midnight stuttered. The Tundra glared down at him, the deep blue eyes contrasted against the pink fur.

"Where were you, Midnight?" Merlith growled, lowering his head to match the dragonet's own eyes. "And who is this?"

"This is my brother, Twilight." Midnight replied. "We were over by the delta."

Merlith shook his head quickly, his expression as a face of remembrance. "Oh, right. Twilight.. how are things doing in your Clan? Is Vanta doing well?"

Ancilla followed Aerie. "You know, I feel like we're similar.. in a way, at least." She said, trying to start an actual conversation. Her small whiskers drooped down.

"Uh, hi.. M-Merlith..." Midnight stuttered. The Tundra glared down at him, the deep blue eyes contrasted against the pink fur.

"Where were you, Midnight?" Merlith growled, lowering his head to match the dragonet's own eyes. "And who is this?"

"This is my brother, Twilight." Midnight replied. "We were over by the delta."

Merlith shook his head quickly, his expression as a face of remembrance. "Oh, right. Twilight.. how are things doing in your Clan? Is Vanta doing well?"

Ancilla followed Aerie. "You know, I feel like we're similar.. in a way, at least." She said, trying to start an actual conversation. Her small whiskers drooped down.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop

Twilight grinned. "Vanta's fine. Currently sleeping in a pile with her siblings. The Clan's been fine too. How about your Clan?"

Aerie glanced at her from the side. "Really?" He asked. "How so?" He didn't really know the other dragonet all the well, so he didn't know how she would have figured they were similar.

Twilight grinned. "Vanta's fine. Currently sleeping in a pile with her siblings. The Clan's been fine too. How about your Clan?"

Aerie glanced at her from the side. "Really?" He asked. "How so?" He didn't really know the other dragonet all the well, so he didn't know how she would have figured they were similar.
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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"We've been alright, some new additions." Merlith glanced back at the two other adult dragons at the back of the lair. A female Pearlcatcher and a male Skydancer, sitting together having a little talk while eating some plants. "The Pearlcatcher's Truncatis and the Skydancer is Saltator."

Midnight whispered to Twilight, "Truncatis is in love with Merlith and Saltator is in love with Truncatis.. Somewhat of a love triangle."

"Well, we seem to be the odd ones out. You're a Skydancer and the others are Guardians," Ancilla responded. "I'm an Imperial and the others are plentiful breeds, a Tundra, two Guardians, and a Fae." She turned her face to look at his.

"We've been alright, some new additions." Merlith glanced back at the two other adult dragons at the back of the lair. A female Pearlcatcher and a male Skydancer, sitting together having a little talk while eating some plants. "The Pearlcatcher's Truncatis and the Skydancer is Saltator."

Midnight whispered to Twilight, "Truncatis is in love with Merlith and Saltator is in love with Truncatis.. Somewhat of a love triangle."

"Well, we seem to be the odd ones out. You're a Skydancer and the others are Guardians," Ancilla responded. "I'm an Imperial and the others are plentiful breeds, a Tundra, two Guardians, and a Fae." She turned her face to look at his.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop

"What about polyamory? ( ?° ?? ?°)" Twilight whispered back to Midnight. To Merlith, he said "Yeah, we got some new dragons too. My mom went off to fight for the Shadowbinder, so I kinda miss her I guess."

"Well Iris is a pearlcatcher," Aerie said automatically. "And the Clan is pretty small. It's hard to have variation." He turned to look at her warily. Her scales were really pretty in the dark glow of the mushrooms...

"What about polyamory? ( ?° ?? ?°)" Twilight whispered back to Midnight. To Merlith, he said "Yeah, we got some new dragons too. My mom went off to fight for the Shadowbinder, so I kinda miss her I guess."

"Well Iris is a pearlcatcher," Aerie said automatically. "And the Clan is pretty small. It's hard to have variation." He turned to look at her warily. Her scales were really pretty in the dark glow of the mushrooms...
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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"Could be," Midnight coughed then looked up at Merlith.

"Thankyos was exalted to The (Memelord) Tidelord, so I've been stuck with Truncatis mooning over me and five dragonets." Merlith replied. "So who's new in your Clan, Twilight?"

"We have a Pearlcatcher in our Clan, too. Her name's Truncatis, I think it means jungle?" Ancilla blurted out. She quickly ducked her head in embarrassment for saying it so fast then looked up again. She saw the gems on the Skydancer shimmer in the dim light of the glowing fungi.

"Could be," Midnight coughed then looked up at Merlith.

"Thankyos was exalted to The (Memelord) Tidelord, so I've been stuck with Truncatis mooning over me and five dragonets." Merlith replied. "So who's new in your Clan, Twilight?"

"We have a Pearlcatcher in our Clan, too. Her name's Truncatis, I think it means jungle?" Ancilla blurted out. She quickly ducked her head in embarrassment for saying it so fast then looked up again. She saw the gems on the Skydancer shimmer in the dim light of the glowing fungi.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop

"Do you like Truncatis?" Twilight asked innocently. He hid a mischievous grin to his brother behind his talons.

Aerie giggled. "Twilight and Midnight were named after different sea levels. Which is fitting now since Midnight joined your water Clan." Aerie fell on his back, laughing. "A-and Deathbringer was named after a fictional character! His parents were nERDS!"

Vanta had a dream she was a squid named Shia LaBeouf. Tides, did she miss eating squid! She really needed to stop saying tides...

"Do you like Truncatis?" Twilight asked innocently. He hid a mischievous grin to his brother behind his talons.

Aerie giggled. "Twilight and Midnight were named after different sea levels. Which is fitting now since Midnight joined your water Clan." Aerie fell on his back, laughing. "A-and Deathbringer was named after a fictional character! His parents were nERDS!"

Vanta had a dream she was a squid named Shia LaBeouf. Tides, did she miss eating squid! She really needed to stop saying tides...
Satin Violets brot | they/them
+3 FR hours
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"I'm still not over Thankyos.. so her swooning love is basically unrequited and she knows that but still continues," Merlith replied to Twilight's question. Midnight rolled his eyes.

Ancilla laughed, "A fictional character, huh? How 'nerd' do you have to be to name your offspring after a fictional character?!" Her laugh wasn't the prettiest, it had a chilling touch to it.. almost sounding evil but not quite.

Aurea woke up with a loud yawn. "THE SKY IS BROKEN," He shouted, still half-asleep from the dream he was having.

"I'm still not over Thankyos.. so her swooning love is basically unrequited and she knows that but still continues," Merlith replied to Twilight's question. Midnight rolled his eyes.

Ancilla laughed, "A fictional character, huh? How 'nerd' do you have to be to name your offspring after a fictional character?!" Her laugh wasn't the prettiest, it had a chilling touch to it.. almost sounding evil but not quite.

Aurea woke up with a loud yawn. "THE SKY IS BROKEN," He shouted, still half-asleep from the dream he was having.
cado/kai | they/them | +0FR | #IStandWithRhea | art shop | adopt shop