

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 ... 39 40
No time for RP today, sorry, but I'll list down answers.
  1. Isis - #1
  2. Kari - #3
  3. MuddyWater - #2
No time for RP today, sorry, but I'll list down answers.
  1. Isis - #1
  2. Kari - #3
  3. MuddyWater - #2

Iris: 1
Kari: 3
MuddyWater: 2

Iris: 1
Kari: 3
MuddyWater: 2
@Merellia [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Ash had the grace to look embarrassed about her incorrect assumption regarding Charlie, but not enough to accept the failure as her own. "Ah well, you can't get [i]everything[/i] right all the time." "[i]I[/i] can't be right all the time? It was your guess that was wrong." "That was just a suggestion, you didn't have to accept it. You couldn't even make a choice. I could have just withheld my opinion, and then where would you be?" Coal sighed. [i]If only.[/i] "Still here, but it would be much more peaceful." "Hmph!" Ash sniffed and glared daggers at him. "Fine then, have it your way. You'll have no help from me this round." "Very well. I've no doubt that I'll get them all right this time." Iris: 1 "No one else in Iris's clan wanted to become priestess, and they have no rituals to the Tidelord, because he wouldn't care anyway. So by process of elimination we already know that she must collect brooches before we even receive positive evidence of that fact. Kari: 3 "Kari's peers approve of him and believe that he has great leadership potential, he seems like a pretty nice guy, and he can make and execute elaborate plans. Therefore the answer must be 3: He has earned the respect of his peers." Muddywater: 3 Here Coal settles in for a more lengthy lecture. "Muddywater is tricky, as both 2 and 3 seem to be correct. She is 'often found in the deeper parts of the ocean floating alone and whispering to the Tidelord she knows is below.' If we assume that the deeper parts of the ocean and the deeper parts of Stillwater Cove are interchangeable, and allow that speaking directly to the Tidelord does not imply him speaking back, then this can be interpreted as confirmation of option number 2. However, we also see that "as she matured... she was growing horns" and that "It was during this time that she gained the ability to see into the future," which seems to be a confirmation of claim number 2, that "MuddyWater gained her future sight after she grew horns, and matured into an adult." The only issue here is one of tense - in the evidence we are provided with we read that she developed her ability when she matured and developed her horns, whereas the claim states that she did afterwards. These could be interpreted as being mroe or less equivalent, but that could also be an important distinction. MuddyWater here lives up to her name. While 3 hinges on more assumptions with which I am uncomfortable, 2 seems to be the most likely of the two to be technically false. As a result, I am leaning towards 3, but with the qualification that 2 may just as easily be correct." Coal looks over at Ash proudly. "I believe you will find my logic here unimpeachable." As he says it though he glances nervously at Unda. "it's not your logic I take issue with, it's your common sense." Coal looks confused at this. "I thought you thought I didn't have any common sense." "That's the problem." EDIT: Also I forgot to ping you in my last post so I'm not sure if you missed it. It's on p7 if you did and can be bothered going back to check it (I'm not sure how much effort it would take to get another lot of answers for a question that's done, and it's my own fault if they were missed).


Ash had the grace to look embarrassed about her incorrect assumption regarding Charlie, but not enough to accept the failure as her own.
"Ah well, you can't get everything right all the time."
"I can't be right all the time? It was your guess that was wrong."
"That was just a suggestion, you didn't have to accept it. You couldn't even make a choice. I could have just withheld my opinion, and then where would you be?"
Coal sighed. If only. "Still here, but it would be much more peaceful."
"Hmph!" Ash sniffed and glared daggers at him. "Fine then, have it your way. You'll have no help from me this round."
"Very well. I've no doubt that I'll get them all right this time."

Iris: 1
"No one else in Iris's clan wanted to become priestess, and they have no rituals to the Tidelord, because he wouldn't care anyway. So by process of elimination we already know that she must collect brooches before we even receive positive evidence of that fact.

Kari: 3
"Kari's peers approve of him and believe that he has great leadership potential, he seems like a pretty nice guy, and he can make and execute elaborate plans. Therefore the answer must be 3: He has earned the respect of his peers."

Muddywater: 3
Here Coal settles in for a more lengthy lecture.
"Muddywater is tricky, as both 2 and 3 seem to be correct. She is 'often found in the deeper parts of the ocean floating alone and whispering to the Tidelord she knows is below.' If we assume that the deeper parts of the ocean and the deeper parts of Stillwater Cove are interchangeable, and allow that speaking directly to the Tidelord does not imply him speaking back, then this can be interpreted as confirmation of option number 2. However, we also see that "as she matured... she was growing horns" and that "It was during this time that she gained the ability to see into the future," which seems to be a confirmation of claim number 2, that "MuddyWater gained her future sight after she grew horns, and matured into an adult." The only issue here is one of tense - in the evidence we are provided with we read that she developed her ability when she matured and developed her horns, whereas the claim states that she did afterwards. These could be interpreted as being mroe or less equivalent, but that could also be an important distinction. MuddyWater here lives up to her name. While 3 hinges on more assumptions with which I am uncomfortable, 2 seems to be the most likely of the two to be technically false. As a result, I am leaning towards 3, but with the qualification that 2 may just as easily be correct."

Coal looks over at Ash proudly. "I believe you will find my logic here unimpeachable." As he says it though he glances nervously at Unda.
"it's not your logic I take issue with, it's your common sense."
Coal looks confused at this. "I thought you thought I didn't have any common sense."
"That's the problem."

EDIT: Also I forgot to ping you in my last post so I'm not sure if you missed it. It's on p7 if you did and can be bothered going back to check it (I'm not sure how much effort it would take to get another lot of answers for a question that's done, and it's my own fault if they were missed).

Day 3

Zeke had arrived nearly at the start of Day 3 to hear the results. He held his hat in his small hands, gripping it tightly as the answers were revealed. He let out a small sigh as the anxiety from waiting passed.

He watched the next contenders step up. He placed his hat back on his head and tapped his chin thoughtfully.

[IRIS] The beautiful lady Imperial stopped before him and he listened carefully as her small jewelry jingled as she spoke. He twirled his finger at her, "The passion spoke about your brooches must be true. My guess is #1 for you!" He tiled his hat kindly at her.

[KARI] Zeke was nervous about the second contender. The bright yellow Coatl had really stumped him yesterday after feeling so confident. He took a deep breath and decided to just clear his mind and not to be rattled. He watched the blue male Tundra take the stage. He could feel an air of confidence from the Tundra. Lowering his hat again in greeting, he noted, "My guess for you is #3. You are far too friendly to be hated, and too confident to fail."

[MUDDYWATER] He couldn't help but finally feel joyful over the last two contenders. He felt pretty confident. He watched the Lady Skydancer stand up next. After listening he couldn't help but speak softly to the Lady. "Lady, whatever has befallen you, I am terribly sorry. Despite any history, I think your horns are something to be proud of. My guess is #2. May you stay well"

Zeke marvelled at the variety of dragons at the event. Some he felt had strong personalities, some very timid.

Day 3

Zeke had arrived nearly at the start of Day 3 to hear the results. He held his hat in his small hands, gripping it tightly as the answers were revealed. He let out a small sigh as the anxiety from waiting passed.

He watched the next contenders step up. He placed his hat back on his head and tapped his chin thoughtfully.

[IRIS] The beautiful lady Imperial stopped before him and he listened carefully as her small jewelry jingled as she spoke. He twirled his finger at her, "The passion spoke about your brooches must be true. My guess is #1 for you!" He tiled his hat kindly at her.

[KARI] Zeke was nervous about the second contender. The bright yellow Coatl had really stumped him yesterday after feeling so confident. He took a deep breath and decided to just clear his mind and not to be rattled. He watched the blue male Tundra take the stage. He could feel an air of confidence from the Tundra. Lowering his hat again in greeting, he noted, "My guess for you is #3. You are far too friendly to be hated, and too confident to fail."

[MUDDYWATER] He couldn't help but finally feel joyful over the last two contenders. He felt pretty confident. He watched the Lady Skydancer stand up next. After listening he couldn't help but speak softly to the Lady. "Lady, whatever has befallen you, I am terribly sorry. Despite any history, I think your horns are something to be proud of. My guess is #2. May you stay well"

Zeke marvelled at the variety of dragons at the event. Some he felt had strong personalities, some very timid.

North finds himself once again staring down the trio of new dragons. He scratches his chin thoughtfully. After a long moment of silence and staring, he finally speaks up once more.
"You," He says as he motions to the beautiful Imperial lady, Iris. "Number 1 is true. You don't wear the traditional robes and silks a priestess might usually wear. You do, however, have a very well-kept brooch in your hands."
Next, North looks at the robe-laden young Tundra, Kari.
"Number 3 is true." North says. He sighs and adds bregrudingly "That's just another wild guess, you look like a nice kid."
The Mirror shakes his head. He then turns to face the last dragon, a deary-eyed Skydancer, MuddyWater.
"Number 3 is true." He says confidently. "If you were diseased and bleeding all over the stage, I'm sure you'd be barred entrance to his event. And in my experience, horns and future-vision are usually not related."

North finds himself once again staring down the trio of new dragons. He scratches his chin thoughtfully. After a long moment of silence and staring, he finally speaks up once more.
"You," He says as he motions to the beautiful Imperial lady, Iris. "Number 1 is true. You don't wear the traditional robes and silks a priestess might usually wear. You do, however, have a very well-kept brooch in your hands."
Next, North looks at the robe-laden young Tundra, Kari.
"Number 3 is true." North says. He sighs and adds bregrudingly "That's just another wild guess, you look like a nice kid."
The Mirror shakes his head. He then turns to face the last dragon, a deary-eyed Skydancer, MuddyWater.
"Number 3 is true." He says confidently. "If you were diseased and bleeding all over the stage, I'm sure you'd be barred entrance to his event. And in my experience, horns and future-vision are usually not related."

Iris: The truth is: 1. Iris collects brooches.
Kari: The truth is: 3. He has earned the respect of his peers.
MuddyWater: The truth is: 2. MuddyWater gained her future sight after she grew horns, and matured into an adult.


Iris: The truth is: 1. Iris collects brooches.
Kari: The truth is: 3. He has earned the respect of his peers.
MuddyWater: The truth is: 2. MuddyWater gained her future sight after she grew horns, and matured into an adult.

FR +9

I keep trying to escape this town,
And I just might, I'll take flight
Maybe tomorrow, not tonight.
(@Severing, no prob: I did get your day 2 guesses! Anyone whom I ping the next morning had guesses recorded for the previous day.)
(@Severing, no prob: I did get your day 2 guesses! Anyone whom I ping the next morning had guesses recorded for the previous day.)
Day three
Iris:. Iris collects brooches.
Kari:. He has earned the respect of his peers.
Muddywater: MuddyWater gained her future sight after she grew horns, and matured into an adult.

am I doing it right?
Day three
Iris:. Iris collects brooches.
Kari:. He has earned the respect of his peers.
Muddywater: MuddyWater gained her future sight after she grew horns, and matured into an adult.

am I doing it right?
BOB IS LOVE [/center]
(@Windshade, got it! If you could--for future days--add the numbers of the guesses, that would help me; but you're set for today!)
(@Windshade, got it! If you could--for future days--add the numbers of the guesses, that would help me; but you're set for today!)
@Merellia Ok, next time I will add number :)
@Merellia Ok, next time I will add number :)
BOB IS LOVE [/center]
1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 ... 39 40