
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | [Subspecies] Infected Trees & Vectors
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] These two Nature-Plague crossover subspecies are inspired by the official Flight Rising story "The Seed & The Sickness" [url=]here[/url]. [center][img][/img] [img alt="Intro"][/img][/center] From time to time, Nature dragons trickle into the Scarred Wasteland, offering a figurative (and sometimes literal) olive branch. Some seek to apologize and atone to whomever within the Plague flight would accept it. If a single individual from one flight could rupture a treaty, perhaps a single mendicant could restore it. Some have no inkling of the past and simply wish to know thy enemy - that is, elemental opposite. These idealists wonder whether they are in fact two sides of the same coin with mutual focus on biology. The edges of the Scarred Wasteland itself quickly sorts out who is just daydreaming and who has the willpower to stay the course. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [img alt="Intro"][/img][/center] Likewise, sometimes Plague dragons also venture to Viridian Labyrinth. Aside from others merely wanting a crack at the excessively abundant resources the local softies take for granted, those who are scouting for weaknesses for future epidemics, or those who roam causing outbreaks immediately, this type travels under an outward banner of truce. For these pilgrims, diplomacy could be a ruse to learn Nature vulnerabilities, or perhaps sincere outreach. But either way, it behooves them to study Nature dragons in their native environment. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][pinglist=28000][pinglist=30209] Important updates & monthly goodies such as gifts, activities or bio art. [pinglist=28003][pinglist=30210] New hatchlings or rehomed adults[/center]

These two Nature-Plague crossover subspecies are inspired by the official Flight Rising story "The Seed & The Sickness" here.

From time to time, Nature dragons trickle into the Scarred Wasteland, offering a figurative (and sometimes literal) olive branch.

Some seek to apologize and atone to whomever within the Plague flight would accept it. If a single individual from one flight could rupture a treaty, perhaps a single mendicant could restore it.

Some have no inkling of the past and simply wish to know thy enemy - that is, elemental opposite. These idealists wonder whether they are in fact two sides of the same coin with mutual focus on biology.

The edges of the Scarred Wasteland itself quickly sorts out who is just daydreaming and who has the willpower to stay the course.

Likewise, sometimes Plague dragons also venture to Viridian Labyrinth. Aside from others merely wanting a crack at the excessively abundant resources the local softies take for granted, those who are scouting for weaknesses for future epidemics, or those who roam causing outbreaks immediately, this type travels under an outward banner of truce.

For these pilgrims, diplomacy could be a ruse to learn Nature vulnerabilities, or perhaps sincere outreach. But either way, it behooves them to study Nature dragons in their native environment.

Important updates & monthly goodies such as gifts, activities or bio art.

New hatchlings or rehomed adults
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [url=]Art credit SilverStar (shop link)[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] Of tree dragons who enter the Scarred Wasteland, some turn back at the first hardships. Some endure longer but prudently turn back in time to make it out and tell the tale. Some die, abruptly or in unspeakable stages. Some simply carry on with their pilgrimage, unchanged. But a sub-species now known as [i]Infected Trees[/i] were so healthy and thriving to begin with that they acclimated to the Scarred Wasteland environment. That is the TLDR version. The full version is stored in [url=]this post[/url]. Lore about Birch colors is stored in [url=]this post[/url]. Evidence about expanded Maize and Cream trunks and red foliage is in [url=]this post[/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Before & After[/b] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Transformation - click for Scry Workshop; these are the exact same colors[/columns] [center][img="Breed Standards"][/img][/center] [item=Primary Gene: Chrysocolla] [b]Primary Gene[/b]: Chrysocolla only [item=Secondary Gene: Malachite] [b]Secondary Gene[/b]: Malachite only [item=Tertiary Gene: Veined] [b]Tertiary Gene:[/b] Veined only “[u]Why Chrysocolla/Malachite?[/u]” To most people, they’re minerals. They’re also... very beautiful and unpredicible. They’re bark and a canopy of foliage with sunlight filtering through it, AND mossy algae growth AND circular skin lesions, all in one! A shift of even ONE hue is all the difference between delight and blight. “[u]Why Veined?[/u]” Depending on the color and the dragon, it’s either a healthy vine, a mutated vine, or an unnatural vein or artery traveling around the body in paths no circulation would normally flow. [center][img][/img][/center] [b][u]Colors[/u][/b] [i]Genes are specific, but colors are broad.[/i] -------------------------------- [columns][size=5][b]Main Variant[/b] (Green) [emoji=flowering tree size=1][emoji=green gem size=1] [u]Primary[/u]: Brown family (Cinnamon-Copper) [u]Secondary[/u]: Green family (Spruce-Moss) [u]Tertiary[/u]: Any [url=]AH Quick Search[/url][/size][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] -------------------------------- [columns][size=5][b]Autumn Variants[/b] (Yellow, Orange, Red) [emoji=autumn tree size=1][emoji=yellow gem size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1][emoji=red gem size=1] [u]Primary[/u]: Brown family (Cinnamon-Copper) [u]Secondary[/u]: Yellow family, Orange family (Goldenrod-Tangerine) Red family (Rust-Coral) (yes Coral can be either Autumn or Cherry Blossom) [u]Tertiary[/u]: Any [url=]AH Quick Search[/url] ([url=]Yellow only[/url]) ([url=]Orange only[/url]) (Yellow vs orange is subjective.) ([url=]Red only[/url])[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] -------------------------------- [columns][size=5][b]Cherry Blossom Variants[/b] (Pink, White, Gray) [emoji=bare tree size=1][emoji=pink gem 2 size=1][emoji=white gem size=1] [u]Primary[/u]: Brown family (Cinnamon-Copper) [u]Secondary[/u]: Pink family, White family, even some Gray family (Coral-Gloom) [u]Tertiary[/u]: Any [url=]AH Quick Search[/url] ([url=]Pink only[/url]) ([url=]White only[/url]) ([url=]Gray only[/url]) [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] -------------------------------- [columns][size=5][b]Jacaranda/Wisteria Variant[/b] (Purple) [emoji=bare tree size=1][emoji=purple gem 2 size=1] [u]Primary[/u]: Brown family (Cinnamon-Copper) [u]Secondary[/u]: Purple family (Blackberry-Iris) [u]Tertiary[/u]: Any [url=]AH Quick Search[/url][/size][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] -------------------------------- [columns][size=5][b]Birch Variant[/b] (Green) (White body, Gray body) [emoji=white gem size=1][emoji=bare tree size=1][emoji=green gem size=1] [u]Primary[/u]: some in White family, some in Gray family (Maize-Smoke) [u]Secondary[/u]: Green family (Spruce-Moss) [u]Tertiary[/u]: Any [url=]AH Quick Search[/url] [url=](White body only)[/url] [url=](Gray body only)[/url][/size] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] -------------------------------- [columns][size=5][b]Birch/Autumn Variants[/b] (Yellow, Orange, Red) (White body, Gray body) [emoji=white gem size=1][emoji=bare tree size=1][emoji=yellow gem size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1][emoji=red gem size=1] [u]Primary[/u]: some in White family, some in Gray family (Maize-Smoke) [u]Secondary[/u]: Yellow family, Orange family (Goldenrod-Tangerine) Red family (Rust-Coral) [u]Tertiary[/u]: Any [url=]AH Quick Search[/url] ([url=]White body only[/url]) ([url=]Gray body only[/url])[/size][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] -------------------------------- [center][url=]Dragon Search of all time (brown body variants)[/url] [url=]Dragon Search of all time (Birch body variants)[/url][/center] [b]Honorary [i]Infected Tree[/i][/b] If a color is outside one of the ranges or a gene is different, the dragon can register with a notation. There is no separate badge or other identifier for this. Lore-wise, there are too few in population to determine if this partial coverage confers limited immunity in proportion, or if the living examples are merely unprotected dragons who have survived various exposure and represent a sample selected by survivor bias. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Allowed breeds:[/b] • any Modern or Ancient with Chrysocolla/Malachite/Veined [b]Extra-significant breeds:[/b] [u]Nature-heritage dragons (current as of 2024):[/u] • Wildclaw (Modern, Rare) • Auraboa (Ancient, but no Chrysocolla/Malachite gene) For one of these to be an Infected Tree, they may feel the pull of Nature making it more difficult to dwell in the Scarred Wasteland, or perhaps the opposite urge to be extra devoted to the cause of unity. Physically, they may be blessed with more vitality and immunity, even above the other advantaged dragons that resulted in this subspecies. [u]Plague-heritage breeds (current as of 2024):[/u] • Mirror (Modern, Plentiful) • Aberration (Ancient, but no Chrysocolla/Malachite gene) For one of these to be an Infected Tree, if they were raised in Nature among other tree dragons, a pilgrimage to Scarred Wasteland may feel like either a homecoming or bring about feelings of being an outsider among their own kind. Physically, they may be even more adaptive, versatile and resilient. [b]Breeding[/b] Infected Trees are allowed to mate outside the subspecies and create offspring who are not in the subspecies. However if you choose to breed with the subspecies requirements in mind, [url=]this cheat sheet[/url] is priceless. Compared to Malachite/Chrysocolla/Veined, Rare genes show up only 3% per gene, 9% per offspring.


Of tree dragons who enter the Scarred Wasteland, some turn back at the first hardships. Some endure longer but prudently turn back in time to make it out and tell the tale. Some die, abruptly or in unspeakable stages. Some simply carry on with their pilgrimage, unchanged.

But a sub-species now known as Infected Trees were so healthy and thriving to begin with that they acclimated to the Scarred Wasteland environment.

That is the TLDR version.
The full version is stored in this post.
Lore about Birch colors is stored in this post.
Evidence about expanded Maize and Cream trunks and red foliage is in this post

Before & After
Transformation -
click for Scry Workshop;
these are the exact same colors
Primary Gene: Chrysocolla Primary Gene: Chrysocolla only
Secondary Gene: Malachite Secondary Gene: Malachite only
Tertiary Gene: Veined Tertiary Gene: Veined only

Why Chrysocolla/Malachite?
To most people, they’re minerals. They’re also... very beautiful and unpredicible. They’re bark and a canopy of foliage with sunlight filtering through it, AND mossy algae growth AND circular skin lesions, all in one! A shift of even ONE hue is all the difference between delight and blight.

Why Veined?
Depending on the color and the dragon, it’s either a healthy vine, a mutated vine, or an unnatural vein or artery traveling around the body in paths no circulation would normally flow.

Genes are specific, but colors are broad.

Main Variant

Brown family

Green family

Tertiary: Any

AH Quick Search

Autumn Variants
(Yellow, Orange, Red)

Brown family

Yellow family,
Orange family

Red family
(yes Coral can be either Autumn or Cherry Blossom)

Tertiary: Any

AH Quick Search
(Yellow only)
(Orange only)
(Yellow vs orange is subjective.)
(Red only)

Cherry Blossom Variants
(Pink, White, Gray)

Brown family

Pink family,
White family,
even some
Gray family

Tertiary: Any

AH Quick Search
(Pink only)
(White only)
(Gray only)


Jacaranda/Wisteria Variant

Brown family

Purple family

Tertiary: Any

AH Quick Search

Birch Variant
(White body, Gray body)

some in White family,
some in Gray family

Green family

Tertiary: Any

AH Quick Search
(White body only)
(Gray body only)


Birch/Autumn Variants
(Yellow, Orange, Red)
(White body, Gray body)

some in White family,
some in Gray family

Yellow family,
Orange family

Red family

Tertiary: Any

AH Quick Search
(White body only)
(Gray body only)

Honorary Infected Tree

If a color is outside one of the ranges or a gene is different, the dragon can register with a notation. There is no separate badge or other identifier for this. Lore-wise, there are too few in population to determine if this partial coverage confers limited immunity in proportion, or if the living examples are merely unprotected dragons who have survived various exposure and represent a sample selected by survivor bias.

Allowed breeds:
• any Modern or Ancient with Chrysocolla/Malachite/Veined

Extra-significant breeds:

Nature-heritage dragons (current as of 2024):
• Wildclaw (Modern, Rare)
• Auraboa (Ancient, but no Chrysocolla/Malachite gene)

For one of these to be an Infected Tree, they may feel the pull of Nature making it more difficult to dwell in the Scarred Wasteland, or perhaps the opposite urge to be extra devoted to the cause of unity. Physically, they may be blessed with more vitality and immunity, even above the other advantaged dragons that resulted in this subspecies.

Plague-heritage breeds (current as of 2024):
• Mirror (Modern, Plentiful)
• Aberration (Ancient, but no Chrysocolla/Malachite gene)

For one of these to be an Infected Tree, if they were raised in Nature among other tree dragons, a pilgrimage to Scarred Wasteland may feel like either a homecoming or bring about feelings of being an outsider among their own kind. Physically, they may be even more adaptive, versatile and resilient.

Infected Trees are allowed to mate outside the subspecies and create offspring who are not in the subspecies.

However if you choose to breed with the subspecies requirements in mind, this cheat sheet is priceless. Compared to Malachite/Chrysocolla/Veined, Rare genes show up only 3% per gene, 9% per offspring.
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][b][u]Infected Trees - Eye Lore[/u][/b][/center] Not all [i]Infected Trees[/i] hatched in Nature nests or have Nature element eyes. Maybe their Nature parents were traveling and incubated elsewhere before bringing them home. Maybe they were raised under another element and felt the pull to Nature lands and communities on their own. The element they are in body and heart, is much more significant than hatching element. That said, hatching element does come with diverging side effects during the process that changes these particular dragons from tree dragons to [i]Infected Trees[/i]. [columns][item=Nature Runestone][nextcol]Nature: They have a knack at finding where plants would grow, if not to eat for themselves, then for the insects, water life and land animals that would be feeding on them.[/columns] [columns][item=Plague Runestone][nextcol]Plague: Despite being more Nature at heart than Plague, their inherent element gives them an intuition for dragons/things that are contagious to them, even if the carriers do not show symptoms.[/columns] [columns][item=Arcane Runestone][nextcol]Arcane: They feel when magic is at work nearby or targeted against them, even if someone is casting a spell to ambush them from shelter, and even if the spells are not Arcane.[/columns] [columns][item=Earth Runestone][nextcol]Earth: They instinctively recognize degrees of contamination that affect the land itself and can tell the least toxic terrain to travel over.[/columns] [columns][item=Fire Runestone][nextcol]Fire: The stark nighttime cold does not drop their internal body temperature or cause so much as a shiver thanks to inner warmth. To dragons lying next to them, they are a living radiator.[/columns] [columns][item=Ice Runestone][nextcol]Ice: The punishing daytime heat does not push them to fainting and does not drain their stamina thanks to an inner coolness. Even dragons leaning on them would remark that they feel welcomingly cool to the touch.[/columns] [columns][item=Light Runestone][nextcol]Light: They have no blindness or eye damage from days of being struck with piercing light reflected on sand. They are not even troubled by mirages or glare, and easily spot things others overlook.[/columns] [columns][item=Lightning Runestone][nextcol]Lightning: Charge buildup in the atmosphere warns them when “a little rain to help the parched landscape” is about to be flash floods on land and lightning crashes in the air.[/columns] [columns][item=Shadow Runestone][nextcol]Shadow: At night, even moonless and starless blackness is no barrier to finding their way. Brutal daylight is as atrocious as ever, but even the shade of boulders or canyon walls is enough to get by.[/columns] [columns][item=Water Runestone][nextcol]Water: With healthy drinking water so scant, they feel the distance to fresh water in any direction and can choose the nearest or most convenient to their route. They can also gauge water's purity before arriving on site. [/columns] [columns][item=Wind Runestone][nextcol]Wind: Traveling by air, they can take advantage of currents for better speed and distance than should be possible. They can also stay aloft longer without wearing out.[/columns]
Infected Trees - Eye Lore

Not all Infected Trees hatched in Nature nests or have Nature element eyes.

Maybe their Nature parents were traveling and incubated elsewhere before bringing them home. Maybe they were raised under another element and felt the pull to Nature lands and communities on their own.

The element they are in body and heart, is much more significant than hatching element.

That said, hatching element does come with diverging side effects during the process that changes these particular dragons from tree dragons to Infected Trees.
Nature Runestone Nature: They have a knack at finding where plants would grow, if not to eat for themselves, then for the insects, water life and land animals that would be feeding on them.
Plague Runestone Plague: Despite being more Nature at heart than Plague, their inherent element gives them an intuition for dragons/things that are contagious to them, even if the carriers do not show symptoms.
Arcane Runestone Arcane: They feel when magic is at work nearby or targeted against them, even if someone is casting a spell to ambush them from shelter, and even if the spells are not Arcane.
Earth Runestone Earth: They instinctively recognize degrees of contamination that affect the land itself and can tell the least toxic terrain to travel over.
Fire Runestone Fire: The stark nighttime cold does not drop their internal body temperature or cause so much as a shiver thanks to inner warmth. To dragons lying next to them, they are a living radiator.
Ice Runestone Ice: The punishing daytime heat does not push them to fainting and does not drain their stamina thanks to an inner coolness. Even dragons leaning on them would remark that they feel welcomingly cool to the touch.
Light Runestone Light: They have no blindness or eye damage from days of being struck with piercing light reflected on sand. They are not even troubled by mirages or glare, and easily spot things others overlook.
Lightning Runestone Lightning: Charge buildup in the atmosphere warns them when “a little rain to help the parched landscape” is about to be flash floods on land and lightning crashes in the air.
Shadow Runestone Shadow: At night, even moonless and starless blackness is no barrier to finding their way. Brutal daylight is as atrocious as ever, but even the shade of boulders or canyon walls is enough to get by.
Water Runestone Water: With healthy drinking water so scant, they feel the distance to fresh water in any direction and can choose the nearest or most convenient to their route. They can also gauge water's purity before arriving on site.
Wind Runestone Wind: Traveling by air, they can take advantage of currents for better speed and distance than should be possible. They can also stay aloft longer without wearing out.
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [url=]Art credit SilverStar (shop link)[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] A small portion of Scarred Wasteland dragons that have crossed longterm into Viridian Labyrinth are also exceedingly adaptive to the conditions there. In Scarred Wasteland, their survival adaptation was red and black colors representing danger, and impressiveness - intimidation - to make other hunters and gatherers take them in and give up their resources without a fight. Then after an extensive period in Viridian Labyrinth, their adaptation shifted to mimic tree dragons for camouflage and greater access to [i]social[/i] resources, and their impressiveness shifted to unwarranted likeability. [url=]The full version is here, including a sad incident of breeding with a genuine tree dragon.[/url] Some debate whether the best at fooling the eye are those who truly embrace Nature, or the best deceivers, or simply a reflex regardless of morals or motives. Individuals could be hostile to Viridian Labyrinth in pursuit of resources or starting outbreaks, neutral to learn the best methods from both flights or simply live an unassuming life, or positive seeking understanding and cooperation between flights. For this reason they are [i]Infiltrator Vectors[/i] - infiltrate packs and societies, vectors such as contagion OR positive change. [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] [b][u]Before and After[/u] - this is a [u]spectrum[/u] not hard categories[/b] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b]"[u]Before[/u]"[/b] Traits from when they were still adapted to Scarred Wasteland could be anything in red and black that appears dangerous.[/columns] --------------------------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b][u]Uncanny Valley[/u][/b] You will know them when you see them. They look "wrong" for either environment. That's not to say that they are failures. Their adaptation could be a work in progress. They could be adapting to an entirely different untapped niche. They could gain respect by showing amazing inner qualities despite outlandish looks, just have to go out of their way to overcome first impressions.[/columns] --------------------------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b][u]Noticeable[/u][/b] This example has some tree textures but a very obvious origin. Viridian Labyrinth locals would be proud of them for [i]almost[/i] fitting in, which in itself is a little pitying or patronizing. [emoji=plague rune size=1] Trunk color looks red [emoji=dice 2 size=1] Trunk texture is somewhat bark / somewhat stripe [emoji=plague rune size=1] Foliage color looks black [emoji=nature rune size=1] Foliage texture looks leafy [emoji=plague rune size=1] Plant feature (thorns) looks dangerous (click for Scry Workshop)[/columns] -------------------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b][u]Indistinguishable[/u][/b] These examples look like perfect brown/green tree dragons. Viridian Labyrinth locals would accept them like a brother-from-another-mother. [emoji=nature rune size=1] Trunk color looks brown [emoji=nature rune size=1] Trunk texture is very bark-like [emoji=nature rune size=1] Foliage color looks green or flower hue [emoji=nature rune size=1] Foliage texture looks leafy or flowery [emoji=nature rune size=1] Plant feature (extra bark) and Nature feature (firefly) look inviting (click for Scry Workshop)[/columns] ---------------------------------------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][b][u]Above and Beyond[/u][/b] This example looks like [s]the Naturiest Nature who ever Natured[/s] a bonafide brown/green tree dragon, surely born in Viridian Labyrinth, and perhaps even blessed by the Gladekeeper herself... ...despite being red/black, born in Scarred Wasteland, and for all you know loyal to the Plaguebringer. Viridian Labyrinth locals would admire and adore them. [emoji=nature rune size=1] On top of the other traits above... [emoji=nature rune size=1] Plant feature is REAL wood or flowers as part of their own body, and not just a nickname for their skin and wings. (click for Scry Workshop)[/columns] [b]Again, this is a [u]spectrum[/u] not hard categories.[/b] [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] [center][img="Breed Standards"][/img][/center] [b][u]Colors[/u][/b] Primary: red family (Vermillion - Red) Secondary: black family (Gloom - Shadow) Tertiary: red family (Vermillion - Red) [url=]AH search - colors only[/url] [b][u]Genes[/u][/b] [b]Primary Genes[/b] [item=Primary Gene: Tapir][item=Primary Gene: Ripple][item=Primary Auraboa Gene: Varnish] [u]Bark[/u] Tapir, Ripple, (Ancient) Varnish (still considering the longer list of Ancient genes) [b]Secondary Genes[/b] [item=Secondary Gene: Freckle][item=Secondary Gene: Daub][item=Secondary Gene: Myrid][item=Secondary Gene: Paisley][item=Secondary Gene: Blaze][item=Secondary Auraboa Gene: Lacquer] [u]Foliage, or with Vines, or with Flowers[/u] Freckle, Daub, Myrid, Paisley, Blaze, (Ancient) Lacquer (still considering the longer list of Ancient genes) [b]Tertiary Genes[/b] [item=Tertiary Gene: Spines][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Thorns][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Porcupine][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Stinger][item=Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Spores] [u]Thorns[/u] - Spines, (Ancient) Thorns, (Ancient) Porcupine, (Ancient) Stinger, (Ancient) Spores [item=Tertiary Aberration Gene: Polypore][item=Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Spores] [u]Fungal[/u] - (Ancient) Polypore, (Ancient) Spores (yes Spores IS listed in both Thorns and Fungal, isn't it great? ^^) [item=Tertiary Gene: Okapi] [u]Extra Bark[/u] - Okapi [item=Tertiary Gene: Firefly][item=Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Antlers] [u]Wildlife[/u] - Firefly, (Ancient) Antlers [item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Blossom][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Branches][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Greenskeeper][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Paradise][item=Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Willow] [u]Totally Tree[/u] (Ancient) Blossom, (Ancient) Branches, (Ancient) Greenskeeper, (Ancient) Paradise, (Ancient) Willow [b](still considering the longer list of Ancient genes)[/b] [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] [center][img="Eye Lore"][/img][/center] As far as it is known so far, eyes do not represent any special ability or area of persuasiveness. They only matter in social scenarios when being judged according to native element. [columns][item=Intense Attention][nextcol](Example, an investigator is looking for a dragon based on a given description, calls out to "HALT!", carefully inspects this dragon right in the face for a tense moment... and lets them go because the element means this isn't the suspect they're looking for.)[/columns] [columns](Example, needing help from someone who would [i]never[/i] trust [i]this[/i] element, looking deep into their eyes and pleading, and that someone takes a chance on trusting a stranger because at least it's not one of "them.")[nextcol][item=Bishoujo Observation][/columns] [b][u]Eye Subterfuge/Assumptions - Plague[/u][/b] These are a matter of opinion, and some observers are more experienced and savvy than others at recognizing the true element. [emoji=earth rune size=1][emoji=normal eyes size=1] Plague Dark, Faded, or Unusual (dark brown, the Indistinguishable lower example) can pass as a neutral element such as Earth, even while talking face to face. [emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=normal eyes size=1] Plague Pastel (off-pink, the Indistinguishable upper example) may pass as Arcane in the right light. [emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=normal eyes size=1] Plague Rare (red/green, in the Above and Beyond example above) may be mistaken for green with reddish highlights rather than red with green highlights. [b][u]Eye Subterfuge/Assumptions - Others[/u][/b] As generations go by, not every Infiltrator Vector is born in Scarred Wasteland or even Viridian Labyrinth. Still, there are other situations where it may be advantageous to be mistaken for a different element (Help provide more shades that connect one element to another.)

A small portion of Scarred Wasteland dragons that have crossed longterm into Viridian Labyrinth are also exceedingly adaptive to the conditions there.

In Scarred Wasteland, their survival adaptation was red and black colors representing danger, and impressiveness - intimidation - to make other hunters and gatherers take them in and give up their resources without a fight.

Then after an extensive period in Viridian Labyrinth, their adaptation shifted to mimic tree dragons for camouflage and greater access to social resources, and their impressiveness shifted to unwarranted likeability.

The full version is here, including a sad incident of breeding with a genuine tree dragon.

Some debate whether the best at fooling the eye are those who truly embrace Nature, or the best deceivers, or simply a reflex regardless of morals or motives.

Individuals could be hostile to Viridian Labyrinth in pursuit of resources or starting outbreaks, neutral to learn the best methods from both flights or simply live an unassuming life, or positive seeking understanding and cooperation between flights.

For this reason they are Infiltrator Vectors - infiltrate packs and societies, vectors such as contagion OR positive change.
divider of bones with moss

Before and After - this is a spectrum not hard categories
dragon?age=1&body=59&bodygene=8&breed=3&element=2&eyetype=0&gender=0&tert=86&tertgene=103&winggene=2&wings=10&auth=878968d88bb83344bb365791be63388e3486de4e&dummyext=prev.png "Before"

Traits from when they were still adapted to Scarred Wasteland could be anything in red and black that appears dangerous.

dragon?age=1&body=87&bodygene=21&breed=3&element=2&eyetype=0&gender=0&tert=59&tertgene=20&winggene=4&wings=11&auth=d5c91e2b5a4fde6c73039ab6a19fc82a92c58387&dummyext=prev.png Uncanny Valley

You will know them when you see them. They look "wrong" for either environment.

That's not to say that they are failures. Their adaptation could be a work in progress. They could be adapting to an entirely different untapped niche.

They could gain respect by showing amazing inner qualities despite outlandish looks, just have to go out of their way to overcome first impressions.

dragon?age=1&body=59&bodygene=21&breed=3&element=2&eyetype=0&gender=0&tert=59&tertgene=8&winggene=4&wings=10&auth=940a7e660f59c009dfdd8e0d324e4508e63ae8fe&dummyext=prev.png Noticeable

This example has some tree textures but a very obvious origin.

Viridian Labyrinth locals would be proud of them for almost fitting in, which in itself is a little pitying or patronizing.

Trunk color looks red
Trunk texture is somewhat bark / somewhat stripe
Foliage color looks black
Foliage texture looks leafy

Plant feature (thorns) looks dangerous

(click for Scry Workshop)



These examples look like perfect brown/green tree dragons.

Viridian Labyrinth locals would accept them like a brother-from-another-mother.

Trunk color looks brown
Trunk texture is very bark-like
Foliage color looks green or flower hue
Foliage texture looks leafy or flowery

Plant feature (extra bark) and Nature feature (firefly) look inviting

(click for Scry Workshop)

dragon?age=1&body=60&bodygene=316&breed=25&element=2&eyetype=3&gender=1&tert=116&tertgene=307&winggene=316&wings=176&auth=8e4e07b18edb5cba21685db16551939bdd810771&dummyext=prev.png Above and Beyond

This example looks like the Naturiest Nature who ever Natured a bonafide brown/green tree dragon, surely born in Viridian Labyrinth, and perhaps even blessed by the Gladekeeper herself...

...despite being red/black, born in Scarred Wasteland, and for all you know loyal to the Plaguebringer.

Viridian Labyrinth locals would admire and adore them.

On top of the other traits above...
Plant feature is REAL wood or flowers as part of their own body, and not just a nickname for their skin and wings.

(click for Scry Workshop)

Again, this is a spectrum not hard categories.
divider of bones with moss


Primary: red family (Vermillion - Red)
Secondary: black family (Gloom - Shadow)
Tertiary: red family (Vermillion - Red)

AH search - colors only


Primary Genes
Primary Gene: Tapir Primary Gene: Ripple Primary Auraboa Gene: Varnish
Tapir, Ripple, (Ancient) Varnish

(still considering the longer list of Ancient genes)

Secondary Genes
Secondary Gene: Freckle Secondary Gene: Daub Secondary Gene: Myrid Secondary Gene: Paisley Secondary Gene: Blaze Secondary Auraboa Gene: Lacquer
Foliage, or with Vines, or with Flowers
Freckle, Daub, Myrid, Paisley, Blaze, (Ancient) Lacquer

(still considering the longer list of Ancient genes)

Tertiary Genes
Tertiary Gene: Spines Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Thorns Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Porcupine Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Stinger Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Spores
Thorns - Spines, (Ancient) Thorns, (Ancient) Porcupine, (Ancient) Stinger, (Ancient) Spores

Tertiary Aberration Gene: Polypore Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Spores
Fungal - (Ancient) Polypore, (Ancient) Spores
(yes Spores IS listed in both Thorns and Fungal, isn't it great? ^^)

Tertiary Gene: Okapi
Extra Bark - Okapi

Tertiary Gene: Firefly Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Antlers
Wildlife - Firefly, (Ancient) Antlers

Ancient Gene Parchment: Blossom Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Branches Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Greenskeeper Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Paradise Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Willow
Totally Tree
(Ancient) Blossom, (Ancient) Branches, (Ancient) Greenskeeper, (Ancient) Paradise, (Ancient) Willow

(still considering the longer list of Ancient genes)

divider of bones with moss

As far as it is known so far, eyes do not represent any special ability or area of persuasiveness. They only matter in social scenarios when being judged according to native element.
Intense Attention (Example, an investigator is looking for a dragon based on a given description, calls out to "HALT!", carefully inspects this dragon right in the face for a tense moment... and lets them go because the element means this isn't the suspect they're looking for.)
(Example, needing help from someone who would never trust this element, looking deep into their eyes and pleading, and that someone takes a chance on trusting a stranger because at least it's not one of "them.") Bishoujo Observation

Eye Subterfuge/Assumptions - Plague
These are a matter of opinion, and some observers are more experienced and savvy than others at recognizing the true element.

Plague Dark, Faded, or Unusual (dark brown, the Indistinguishable lower example) can pass as a neutral element such as Earth, even while talking face to face.
Plague Pastel (off-pink, the Indistinguishable upper example) may pass as Arcane in the right light.

Plague Rare (red/green, in the Above and Beyond example above) may be mistaken for green with reddish highlights rather than red with green highlights.

Eye Subterfuge/Assumptions - Others
As generations go by, not every Infiltrator Vector is born in Scarred Wasteland or even Viridian Labyrinth. Still, there are other situations where it may be advantageous to be mistaken for a different element

(Help provide more shades that connect one element to another.)
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [url=]Art credit softsylveon (shop link)[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Understanding one's opposite element is not just a backstory. Completing quests fulfills your dragon's journey, earns badges, and earns higher rank in the registry. You even expand your own connection to two rich and colorful cultures of Flight Rising. [emoji=deer skull size=1] [url=]Connected thread - Nature & Plague Diplomacy Quests[/url] [emoji=deer skull size=1] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Quest Rules[/b] 1) Anyone is welcome to do the quests, even if you do not own these subspecies. Let's work on Nature and Plague culture together! 2) Quests can be done in any order. 3) Performing the quests once counts for every dragon in your clan of that subspecies. [emoji=bramble size=1] They're quests to write lore or do real life activities, not a succeed/fail challenge you need to repeat for each dragon. [emoji=bramble size=1] So you are free to assume all your diplomat dragons made a group expedition or apprenticed new additions. [emoji=bramble size=1] But if you want to redo a quest for a particular dragon, go right ahead. 4) Dragons who change clans do not take their rank with them, unless the new clan has already performed the quests. [emoji=bramble size=1] Starting hatchlings with a clean slate makes sense. [emoji=bramble size=1] But even a longterm diplomat could say an unfortunate misunderstanding happened to lose the opposite flight’s trust and need to rebuild. 5) Checklist to rank up to Ambassador: [__] The Quest To Speak as the subspecies's HOME element. If you're not able or comfortable to write as that flight, do The Quest To Listen for its home element [__] The Quest To Listen for the subspecies’s OPPOSITE element [__] any Nature activity quest [__] any Plague activity quest [__] any creation quest [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Ranks[/b] [u]0 quests[/u] - [u]Traveler (the default rank)[/u] - may have begun exploring the other land, may have hatched from adapted dragons [u]1-4 quests[/u] - [u]Diplomat with 1, 2, 3 or 4 stars[/u] - shared some of your culture and/or gained some understanding of the other [u]5 quests[/u] - [u]Ambassador[/u] - fluent and respected in both cultures, a true bridge To move up in registry, please post. [code][b]My diplomat experience has increased![/b] Subspecies: Dragon name(s): From/to: Traveler to Diplomat, or Diplomat to Ambassador Link(s) to quest(s): (only 1 needed for Diplomat) [__] The Quest To Speak OR The Quest To Listen for the subspecies's HOME element [__] The Quest To Listen for the subspecies’s OPPOSITE element [__] any Nature activity quest [__] any Plague activity quest [__] any creation quest At this point in the journey, how much do you relate to Nature and how much do you relate to Plague?[/code]

Understanding one's opposite element is not just a backstory.

Completing quests fulfills your dragon's journey, earns badges, and earns higher rank in the registry.

You even expand your own connection to two rich and colorful cultures of Flight Rising.

Connected thread - Nature & Plague Diplomacy Quests
Quest Rules

1) Anyone is welcome to do the quests, even if you do not own these subspecies. Let's work on Nature and Plague culture together!

2) Quests can be done in any order.

3) Performing the quests once counts for every dragon in your clan of that subspecies.
They're quests to write lore or do real life activities, not a succeed/fail challenge you need to repeat for each dragon.
So you are free to assume all your diplomat dragons made a group expedition or apprenticed new additions.
But if you want to redo a quest for a particular dragon, go right ahead.

4) Dragons who change clans do not take their rank with them, unless the new clan has already performed the quests.
Starting hatchlings with a clean slate makes sense.
But even a longterm diplomat could say an unfortunate misunderstanding happened to lose the opposite flight’s trust and need to rebuild.

5) Checklist to rank up to Ambassador:
[__] The Quest To Speak as the subspecies's HOME element. If you're not able or comfortable to write as that flight, do The Quest To Listen for its home element
[__] The Quest To Listen for the subspecies’s OPPOSITE element
[__] any Nature activity quest
[__] any Plague activity quest
[__] any creation quest
0 quests - Traveler (the default rank) - may have begun exploring the other land, may have hatched from adapted dragons
1-4 quests - Diplomat with 1, 2, 3 or 4 stars - shared some of your culture and/or gained some understanding of the other
5 quests - Ambassador - fluent and respected in both cultures, a true bridge

To move up in registry, please post.
[b]My diplomat experience has increased![/b] Subspecies: Dragon name(s): From/to: Traveler to Diplomat, or Diplomat to Ambassador Link(s) to quest(s): (only 1 needed for Diplomat) [__] The Quest To Speak OR The Quest To Listen for the subspecies's HOME element [__] The Quest To Listen for the subspecies’s OPPOSITE element [__] any Nature activity quest [__] any Plague activity quest [__] any creation quest At this point in the journey, how much do you relate to Nature and how much do you relate to Plague?
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [img alt="Registry"][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] Ambassador badge - see Quests[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] Diplomat badge - see Quests[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Illysum Pikkavee[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Vesper FluffyNeco[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Shope RidgeButch[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Tapioca SerpentShrine[/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] CrimsonHyphae [color=transparent]..[/color]& [color=transparent]....[/color]Nylium[color=transparent]....[/color] BreathlessRose[/center][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Cedar VibinFrogFolk[/center][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Lifebloom NerdMom[/center][nextcol][center][/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Fandral Larzsi[/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Sutera[color=transparent].......[/color] & [color=transparent].......[/color] Paxillus TeaKessel[/center][nextcol][center][/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Weatherchange[color=transparent].......[/color] & [color=transparent].......[/color] Leafdecay Volcha[/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Goldwill[color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color] Thriveblossom [color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color] Sheenskin rockss[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Breezy almostashrew[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Hexus justjasper[/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Neroma[color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color]Iraina SakraKaine[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Tempeste Gormanghaste[/center][nextcol][center][/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Laurentius[color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color][color=transparent].....[/color]Eira[color=transparent].....[/color][color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color] Nepal [color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color]Betula Golden[/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Amanita[color=transparent].....[/color] & [color=transparent].....[/color]Diablhou Golden[/center][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Whiskey Bisharpamor[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][center] Ochelia (honorary member) Nozomikei[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Innervate (honorary member) NerdMom[/center][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Vivacity (honorary member) TeaKessel[nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Eurydice (honorary member after gene change) sentio[/center][/columns] [center][img][/img] Registered badge[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Eligible badge - for bio of hatchlings/dragons for sale that fit the breed standard, but you'd like the new owners to get the pride of registering them. [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] Regristration post: add dragon widget to this. [b]I'd like to register an [color=green]Infected[/color] [color=red]Tree[/color][/b] [code][b]I'd like to register an [color=red]Infected[/color] [color=green]Tree[/color][/b][/code]

Ambassador badge - see Quests
Diplomat badge - see Quests
CrimsonHyphae ..& ....Nylium....
Sutera....... & ....... Paxillus
Weatherchange....... & ....... Leafdecay
Goldwill..... & ..... Thriveblossom ..... & ..... Sheenskin
Neroma..... & .....Iraina
Laurentius..... & ..........Eira.......... & ..... Nepal ..... & .....Betula
Amanita..... & .....Diablhou
gene change)
Registered badge

Eligible badge - for bio of hatchlings/dragons for sale that fit the breed standard, but you'd like the new owners to get the pride of registering them.

Regristration post: add dragon widget to this.
I'd like to register an Infected Tree
[b]I'd like to register an [color=red]Infected[/color] [color=green]Tree[/color][/b]
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [img alt="Registry"][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] Ambassador badge - see Quests[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] Diplomat badge - see Quests[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] [center][img alt="Travelers"][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] —[color=transparent]...[/color] & [color=transparent]...[/color] — BreathlessRose[/center][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Bloodscale SakraKaine[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Greenseeker [color=transparent]...[/color] & [color=transparent]...[/color] Gamer rockss[/center][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Anthurium [color=transparent]...[/color] & [color=transparent]...[/color] Dicentra [color=transparent]...[/color] & [color=transparent]...[/color] Sirtalis [color=transparent]...[/color] & [color=transparent]...[/color] Ixora Golden[/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url] MomeRath Fledhyris[/center][nextcol][center][/center][nextcol][center][/center][/columns] [center][img][/img] Registered badge[/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Eligible badge - for bio of hatchlings/dragons for sale that fit the breed standard, but you'd like the new owners to get the pride of registering them. [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img alt="divider of bones with moss"][/img][/center] Regristration post: add dragon widget to this. [b]I'd like to register an [color=red]Infiltrator[/color] [color=green]Vector[/color][/b] [code][b]I'd like to register an [color=red]Infiltrator[/color] [color=green]Vector[/color][/b][/code]



Ambassador badge - see Quests

divider of bones with moss
Diplomat badge - see Quests
divider of bones with moss

... & ...
Greenseeker ... & ... Gamer
Anthurium ... & ... Dicentra ... & ... Sirtalis ... & ... Ixora

Registered badge

divider of bones with moss

Eligible badge - for bio of hatchlings/dragons for sale that fit the breed standard, but you'd like the new owners to get the pride of registering them.

divider of bones with moss

Regristration post: add dragon widget to this.
I'd like to register an Infiltrator Vector
[b]I'd like to register an [color=red]Infiltrator[/color] [color=green]Vector[/color][/b]

Perks: Art, Activities & Resources

besides banners, some thread art and 1st badge set?

Infected Tree sample bio template with code

Perks: Art, Activities & Resources

besides banners, some thread art and 1st badge set?

Infected Tree sample bio template with code
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][img alt=“Available”][/img][/center] AH search is also linked to each variant in the Variant post. You may find some that were bred by coincidence apart from this project. However, these were specifically intended. [b]If the current lair is different than the breeder, it has been sold.[/b] Please mention it and this post will get updated. [center][img][/img][/center] [color=brown]bred by [u]NerdMom[/u] -[/color] [url=]Den - older Infected Trees[/url] for 2018 treasure [url=]Den - older Infiltrator Vectors[/url] for 2018 treasure [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [pinglist=31561][/center] [color=brown]bred by [u]BreathlessRose[/u] - [/color] • bred from two 100% Infected Trees • Check her [url=]Rose Thorns hatchery[/url] for discounts and many other fascinating themes • Price - 18kt on AH / only 2,018 treasure if arranged by ping… in honor of Seed & Sickness being published in 2018.


AH search is also linked to each variant in the Variant post. You may find some that were bred by coincidence apart from this project. However, these were specifically intended.

If the current lair is different than the breeder, it has been sold. Please mention it and this post will get updated.

bred by NerdMom -
Den - older Infected Trees for 2018 treasure
Den - older Infiltrator Vectors for 2018 treasure

bred by BreathlessRose -

• bred from two 100% Infected Trees
• Check her Rose Thorns hatchery for discounts and many other fascinating themes

• Price - 18kt on AH / only 2,018 treasure if arranged by ping… in honor of Seed & Sickness being published in 2018.
[center][columns][url=]Intro[/url] [url=]Diplomat Quests[/url] [nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Eye Lore (Infected)[/url] | [url=]Registry (Infected)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Breed Info (Vectors)[/url] | | [url=]Registry (Vectors)[/url][nextcol] | [url=]Perks[/url] | [url=]Available[/url] | [url=]Credits & Affiliates[/url][/columns][/center] [center][b][u]Credits & Affiliates[/u][/b] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] banners and badges by CupcakeCass other artwork credited in individual posts [url=] [img][/img][/url] Breeder of a 100% Infected Tree, Fae Cherry Blossom pair With a wide variety of other themes [url=][img][/img][/url] A Shadow subspecies with plantlike features and lore (my description not theirs) [url=] [img][/img][/url] Keeping the world safe from sick and dangerously abnormal dragon specimens. (my description not theirs) [url=][img][/img][/url] Dragons afflicted with disease, infestation and corruption (my description not theirs) [url=] [img][/img][/url] Rather than fighting the same ruin that creates The Withered, these dragons invite it into themselves and try to master it to gain powers. (my description not theirs) [/center]

Credits & Affiliates





banners and badges by CupcakeCass

other artwork credited in individual posts


Breeder of a 100% Infected Tree, Fae Cherry Blossom pair
With a wide variety of other themes


A Shadow subspecies with plantlike features and lore
(my description not theirs)


Keeping the world safe from sick and dangerously abnormal dragon specimens.
(my description not theirs)

Dragons afflicted with disease, infestation and corruption
(my description not theirs)


Rather than fighting the same ruin that creates The Withered, these dragons invite it into themselves and try to master it to gain powers.
(my description not theirs)
