
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [ShaDom] C.A.T.-astrophe!
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Day 2:
18 cats! (not sure if i need to include the pictures on the tombstone but since only half dead cats count... no?)
Suspect: The werewolf looking cat next to the pumpkin hung on the tree!
Story: The lycanthrope didn't mean to leave tracks behind, but his claws sunk into the wet mud and left a clear, muddy trail to exactly where he was hiding. Not much of a hiding place, though. A small, rough cave, covered with a quickly gathered pile of leaves. It could deter a deer, but those sharp cat eyes saw right through the disguise.
Day 2:
18 cats! (not sure if i need to include the pictures on the tombstone but since only half dead cats count... no?)
Suspect: The werewolf looking cat next to the pumpkin hung on the tree!
Story: The lycanthrope didn't mean to leave tracks behind, but his claws sunk into the wet mud and left a clear, muddy trail to exactly where he was hiding. Not much of a hiding place, though. A small, rough cave, covered with a quickly gathered pile of leaves. It could deter a deer, but those sharp cat eyes saw right through the disguise.
57ccb012789b1c99cec88f2441a279cdd872a13f.pngwe_rode_on_the_winds_of_the_rising_storm_by_c_yang-d68stu4.gif dsiNAWk.png
I count 18 cats. As for the culprit, the werewolf cat's caws in the middle look pretty sharp..
I count 18 cats. As for the culprit, the werewolf cat's caws in the middle look pretty sharp..
SEAq1Fd.png FR+9

that's up to you in this image =)
i'll let both count!

that's up to you in this image =)
i'll let both count!
I counted 18 cats in that second picture!
I counted 18 cats in that second picture!
bite-sized Arcadia he/him
Flight Rising time plus 3
Avatar Dragon
Old Oaks Dragon Sales
Free Food
Custom Progen
bite-sized Mythos
i found 18 cats!

i think the suspect is the wolf-cat/werecat. they have powerful claws and look big enough to destroy a field.
i found 18 cats!

i think the suspect is the wolf-cat/werecat. they have powerful claws and look big enough to destroy a field.
eyayah | art shop | LF art
Day 2
Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture.
I found 18 cats! Some of them may be half monsters, but a kitty is still a kitty.

Try to find out who destroyed the field.
My suspect is... the brown werecat! I'm a bit afraid to suspect them, they look powerful.

Write a short story what happened after the picture was taken.
All the other cats feared the might of the great Werecat. They hid in the shadows and never approached it. But that night, the Werecat brough everyone gifts - delicious catnip! Everyone finally realized that the fearsome beast was not so mean after all. However, while trying to make new friends, the Werecat also made a new enemy... Stolen things don't make good gifts, you know!
Day 2
Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture.
I found 18 cats! Some of them may be half monsters, but a kitty is still a kitty.

Try to find out who destroyed the field.
My suspect is... the brown werecat! I'm a bit afraid to suspect them, they look powerful.

Write a short story what happened after the picture was taken.
All the other cats feared the might of the great Werecat. They hid in the shadows and never approached it. But that night, the Werecat brough everyone gifts - delicious catnip! Everyone finally realized that the fearsome beast was not so mean after all. However, while trying to make new friends, the Werecat also made a new enemy... Stolen things don't make good gifts, you know!
Day 2

Cats: 18
Field Destroyer: The lycan brown cat, because of its claws!
Story: Due to the mass of catnip destroyed, the air was thick with the scent. All kitties from all walks of life were free to pass, happily rolling and haunting as a group. The world would be unchanged come morning, but for now, basking in the bright orange moon, all cats were equals.
Day 2

Cats: 18
Field Destroyer: The lycan brown cat, because of its claws!
Story: Due to the mass of catnip destroyed, the air was thick with the scent. All kitties from all walks of life were free to pass, happily rolling and haunting as a group. The world would be unchanged come morning, but for now, basking in the bright orange moon, all cats were equals.
Day 2!

19 cats in all i believe

and my suspect is the werecat

short story: No one would suspect a thing. There were too many better suspects, a werecat and a joyrider others would be quick to blame. And even if they did suspect them, the cat was certain there'd be no motive. No one knew who they were. But by the time they arrived at the field, the werecat had actually taken its toll. No one, not even the shadow, expected it. A shout from the castle groundskeeper sent them scattering, watching as the actual culprit was taken and wondering if it should've been them.
Day 2!

19 cats in all i believe

and my suspect is the werecat

short story: No one would suspect a thing. There were too many better suspects, a werecat and a joyrider others would be quick to blame. And even if they did suspect them, the cat was certain there'd be no motive. No one knew who they were. But by the time they arrived at the field, the werecat had actually taken its toll. No one, not even the shadow, expected it. A shout from the castle groundskeeper sent them scattering, watching as the actual culprit was taken and wondering if it should've been them.
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
18 cats counted!

suspect: the bat winged cat!

short story: flying is easy to do and great for nipping some catnip. However, be a bit greedy and going in for more after the initial grab caused quite the mess. with failed takeoffs and hard landing wrecking the plants and leaving prints.
18 cats counted!

suspect: the bat winged cat!

short story: flying is easy to do and great for nipping some catnip. However, be a bit greedy and going in for more after the initial grab caused quite the mess. with failed takeoffs and hard landing wrecking the plants and leaving prints.
Found: 18 kittens[

Suspect: The Werewolf-Cat with the collar! They look real strong.

Short story:
It was a horrible curse Daisy bore... Dogs and cats were natures mortal enemies as long as time has been turning. She remembered the night it first happened... a moon the size of the sky, yellow reflecting in her eye. A deep hunger filled her, not for food per se but something more primal/instinctual.

Daisy had done her best to hide it, all these years. But the catnip! Fresh and in bloom! Little daisy stood no chance. When she awoke next, the fields were laid bare! The catnip pilfered in a haze of terrible animalistic fury! Though still transformed, all Daisy could do was disappear into the night before anyone could notice!
Found: 18 kittens[

Suspect: The Werewolf-Cat with the collar! They look real strong.

Short story:
It was a horrible curse Daisy bore... Dogs and cats were natures mortal enemies as long as time has been turning. She remembered the night it first happened... a moon the size of the sky, yellow reflecting in her eye. A deep hunger filled her, not for food per se but something more primal/instinctual.

Daisy had done her best to hide it, all these years. But the catnip! Fresh and in bloom! Little daisy stood no chance. When she awoke next, the fields were laid bare! The catnip pilfered in a haze of terrible animalistic fury! Though still transformed, all Daisy could do was disappear into the night before anyone could notice!
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