
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | [ShaDom] C.A.T.-astrophe!
How meowny: 17
Who: Totally the cat in the rock.
Story: The apprentice blended in well with the rock, their master unaware of their identity. They sensed Master Paws’ unease and quickly went back to their hiding place in the rock before they could be discovered, waiting for the right time to emerge safely. Once questions arouse, they knew they may be stuck in the rock for quite a while. With CAT on the case, it won’t be long before they’re found out.

Thought it would be cool to write from the perspective of the potential perpetrator cuz everyone else is writing Master Paws’ side. I could be totally wrong but eh, worth a shot!
How meowny: 17
Who: Totally the cat in the rock.
Story: The apprentice blended in well with the rock, their master unaware of their identity. They sensed Master Paws’ unease and quickly went back to their hiding place in the rock before they could be discovered, waiting for the right time to emerge safely. Once questions arouse, they knew they may be stuck in the rock for quite a while. With CAT on the case, it won’t be long before they’re found out.

Thought it would be cool to write from the perspective of the potential perpetrator cuz everyone else is writing Master Paws’ side. I could be totally wrong but eh, worth a shot!


Formally DrShadowCipher
- When using for art games please use scries of my dragons!
- Badge Addict
EEEEE T8jnlRr.jpg
even if you're wrong, i'll give points for the story AND the culprit =D
they don't have to be connected =)

see it as police work =) every culprit needs a motivation ;) doesn't matter if it's the "real" culprit, but we have to brainstorm first so we know which one to suspect with which motivation =D
even if you're wrong, i'll give points for the story AND the culprit =D
they don't have to be connected =)

see it as police work =) every culprit needs a motivation ;) doesn't matter if it's the "real" culprit, but we have to brainstorm first so we know which one to suspect with which motivation =D
bit early today =) don't worry, you can still answer ALL questions til the end of the week! =D [img][/img] @pinglist-25604 Good morning C.A.T.s! We have a new case for you! Meanwhile, the main team is working on finding the culprits you pointed out! =D we expect to be done at the end of the week! Halloween time! While halloween is usually about wearing costumes and mixing with the supernatural, we honestly can’t figure out which of these people on the picture are wearing costumes and which are real monsters. The picture is from a security camera on the castle property. Close to said castle is a catnip field that was completly destroyed during the halloween night! They stole catnip and wreaked havoc in the field, destroying it in the process. That’s a huge loss for the owner so of course they want to find out who the culprit is. [img][/img] Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. (Please count all cats) [img][/img] Yeah, half cats and all sort of (un)dead cats count too! [img][/img] Try to find out who destroyed the field. [img][/img] The only thing we could find were some odd footprints [u]with[/u] claws in it. Seems weird but we haven’t found out what’s weird with these yet. [img][/img] Write a short story what happened after the picture was taken. [img][/img]
bit early today =) don't worry, you can still answer ALL questions til the end of the week! =D


Good morning C.A.T.s! We have a new case for you! Meanwhile, the main team is working on finding the culprits you pointed out! =D we expect to be done at the end of the week!

Halloween time! While halloween is usually about wearing costumes and mixing with the supernatural, we honestly can’t figure out which of these people on the picture are wearing costumes and which are real monsters. The picture is from a security camera on the castle property. Close to said castle is a catnip field that was completly destroyed during the halloween night! They stole catnip and wreaked havoc in the field, destroying it in the process. That’s a huge loss for the owner so of course they want to find out who the culprit is.

paw_black_small.png Find out how many possible suspects are on this picture. (Please count all cats)
paw_white_small.png Yeah, half cats and all sort of (un)dead cats count too!

paw_black_small.png Try to find out who destroyed the field.

paw_white_small.png The only thing we could find were some odd footprints with claws in it. Seems weird but we haven’t found out what’s weird with these yet.

paw_black_small.png Write a short story what happened after the picture was taken.

I count 18 cats in the picture!
I suspect the cat-wolf, silhouetted by moonlight in the center!
Story: As the sun set, the cat felt something odd - a sort of itch in his very bones. He looked to the sky, and- oh no! He'd forgotten that it was a full moon tonight!
He ran as quickly as he could towards his home, where he could lock himself safely away, but he was too slow. He stopped in the middle of a field, his curse overtaking him, the direct moonlight making it all the more violent as he stumbled about. Unbeknownst to him, he had stopped in the middle of a catnip field, and destroyed it in the process of his transformation, leaving his (clawed, like a wolf or dog) footprints behind as evidence.
I count 18 cats in the picture!
I suspect the cat-wolf, silhouetted by moonlight in the center!
Story: As the sun set, the cat felt something odd - a sort of itch in his very bones. He looked to the sky, and- oh no! He'd forgotten that it was a full moon tonight!
He ran as quickly as he could towards his home, where he could lock himself safely away, but he was too slow. He stopped in the middle of a field, his curse overtaking him, the direct moonlight making it all the more violent as he stumbled about. Unbeknownst to him, he had stopped in the middle of a catnip field, and destroyed it in the process of his transformation, leaving his (clawed, like a wolf or dog) footprints behind as evidence.
NM0r94k.png Ala3t4v.png
day 1

How many cats: 17
Culprit: The white cat silhouette on the rocks
Aftermath: Impossible heists are the name of the game, and it’s all about playing so well no one knows you were a player at all.

[Good morning.]

For all the fuss around Master Paws right now, one would think someone left him a death threat or something. Really. They’ve even gone and brought this matter to the Crime Attention Team, making some fuss about an international fight tournament. Geist can’t help but wonder if they plan to get him to give himself away by making the matter so ridiculous he can’t help but laugh. All this, over the simple two word note he’d left— admittedly in the most dramatic, overembellished script he could come up with. But simple artistry isn’t a crime. And the good master had been out in public, with some of his adoring fans almost as close to him, so really none of what Geist had done should be a crime at all. Yet here he is. And here they are.

… If the reaction is this overblown to the most minor possible of incidents, he can’t wait to see what they do about the thefts he’s planning.

It had all been a simple lark. A known master fighter, with his own dojo or whatever it is, set of adoring fans and apprentices, is similarly known to meditate in the same spot each day. Someone like that should almost have to be sharp and aware of the world around him. Why, people say he could notice the slightest movement without even thinking, without trying at all. And then Geist had seen he’d been streaming it, and cats had been showing up there, even some of the good master’s apprentices. It would take marvelous and unheard of levels of skill at stealth and subtlety to be able to go up to the center of all that attention and get close enough— without being caught!— to leave a little note. And there’s so many people that do want to be close to the master that there’d be no reason to suspect or even consider someone who didn’t. And Geist didn’t.

It had gone just a little wrong, or really, all too right. No one had noticed even when he placed the note and he’d disappeared without a trace again, melting away into the scenery almost literally to make his shadow against the rock alone a hiding place… and then a trace bit of wind had rustled the paper and the master’s attention had snapped to it before he could get away. It’s difficult even for him with this much attention directly on finding him, because if he moves again the master will be alerted, and thus, stay in his shadow he must.

… It’ll be fine. He’ll stay here and laugh to himself as silently as only a shadow can. There’s no problem if he doesn’t mind waiting. The master will be off, a suspect will be found, and attention, the master’s direct attention, will shift away. All soon enough, if he’s careful, and patient, and he always will be. There are too many people who want to get close to or pull pranks on this kind of public figure for suspicion to ever fall on a seemingly unrelated shadow.
day 1

How many cats: 17
Culprit: The white cat silhouette on the rocks
Aftermath: Impossible heists are the name of the game, and it’s all about playing so well no one knows you were a player at all.

[Good morning.]

For all the fuss around Master Paws right now, one would think someone left him a death threat or something. Really. They’ve even gone and brought this matter to the Crime Attention Team, making some fuss about an international fight tournament. Geist can’t help but wonder if they plan to get him to give himself away by making the matter so ridiculous he can’t help but laugh. All this, over the simple two word note he’d left— admittedly in the most dramatic, overembellished script he could come up with. But simple artistry isn’t a crime. And the good master had been out in public, with some of his adoring fans almost as close to him, so really none of what Geist had done should be a crime at all. Yet here he is. And here they are.

… If the reaction is this overblown to the most minor possible of incidents, he can’t wait to see what they do about the thefts he’s planning.

It had all been a simple lark. A known master fighter, with his own dojo or whatever it is, set of adoring fans and apprentices, is similarly known to meditate in the same spot each day. Someone like that should almost have to be sharp and aware of the world around him. Why, people say he could notice the slightest movement without even thinking, without trying at all. And then Geist had seen he’d been streaming it, and cats had been showing up there, even some of the good master’s apprentices. It would take marvelous and unheard of levels of skill at stealth and subtlety to be able to go up to the center of all that attention and get close enough— without being caught!— to leave a little note. And there’s so many people that do want to be close to the master that there’d be no reason to suspect or even consider someone who didn’t. And Geist didn’t.

It had gone just a little wrong, or really, all too right. No one had noticed even when he placed the note and he’d disappeared without a trace again, melting away into the scenery almost literally to make his shadow against the rock alone a hiding place… and then a trace bit of wind had rustled the paper and the master’s attention had snapped to it before he could get away. It’s difficult even for him with this much attention directly on finding him, because if he moves again the master will be alerted, and thus, stay in his shadow he must.

… It’ll be fine. He’ll stay here and laugh to himself as silently as only a shadow can. There’s no problem if he doesn’t mind waiting. The master will be off, a suspect will be found, and attention, the master’s direct attention, will shift away. All soon enough, if he’s careful, and patient, and he always will be. There are too many people who want to get close to or pull pranks on this kind of public figure for suspicion to ever fall on a seemingly unrelated shadow.
Day 1
Found: 16
Suspect: Orange cat sitting to the right of the rock that Master Paws is on
Short Story: The orange cat is a superfan of Master Paws who wanted to get his autograph, but upon noticing Master Paws deep in meditation, decided to just leave a note telling the master how much the suspect admired him and wishing him luck on the upcoming tournament.
Day 1
Found: 16
Suspect: Orange cat sitting to the right of the rock that Master Paws is on
Short Story: The orange cat is a superfan of Master Paws who wanted to get his autograph, but upon noticing Master Paws deep in meditation, decided to just leave a note telling the master how much the suspect admired him and wishing him luck on the upcoming tournament.
How many? - 22 kitties~
Who did it? - The muscular brown cat who is definitely a cat not a werecat in the centre of the image.
What happened next? - T'was All Hallows Eve, the castle fields aglow in the moon's orange light. Creatures of all sorts were creeping, sneaking and peeping. The higher the moon rose, the more light it cast, on and on until... What's this? A field, broken and torn, laden only with scorn! Slinking away into the shadows... A dog? A cat? A beast? No it's a... werecat! Arms laden with catnip, they chuckled as they vanished from sight.
How many? - 22 kitties~
Who did it? - The muscular brown cat who is definitely a cat not a werecat in the centre of the image.
What happened next? - T'was All Hallows Eve, the castle fields aglow in the moon's orange light. Creatures of all sorts were creeping, sneaking and peeping. The higher the moon rose, the more light it cast, on and on until... What's this? A field, broken and torn, laden only with scorn! Slinking away into the shadows... A dog? A cat? A beast? No it's a... werecat! Arms laden with catnip, they chuckled as they vanished from sight.
Basic to Beautiful
_________________________ 972e9161faa757af3ddbeb3df4d48397db5c5b94.png
Day 2!
Found: 17
Suspect: The werecat with an orange collar
Short Story: The tracks were a clear lead and it didn't take long to catch the culrpit. When being confronted about the matter, the culprit sat there with a guilty look. When asked for an answer, that was when they started to talk. The culprit was looking for a treat but they didn't think it would turn out like this, they only intended on stealing the catnip not ruining the whole field. They apologised to the castle's owner and was willing to compensate for the damages. After hearing this the castle owner was left more at ease, and decided to not bring the theif to court. The culprit compensated for the owner's losses and the rest was history.
Day 2!
Found: 17
Suspect: The werecat with an orange collar
Short Story: The tracks were a clear lead and it didn't take long to catch the culrpit. When being confronted about the matter, the culprit sat there with a guilty look. When asked for an answer, that was when they started to talk. The culprit was looking for a treat but they didn't think it would turn out like this, they only intended on stealing the catnip not ruining the whole field. They apologised to the castle's owner and was willing to compensate for the damages. After hearing this the castle owner was left more at ease, and decided to not bring the theif to court. The culprit compensated for the owner's losses and the rest was history.
LOBQT1k.gif Female (Pastel pink)She/Her (Pastel purple)
[font=Georgia][b]How [i]meow[/i]ny:[/b] 19 [b]Who:[/b] Werecat [b]Story:[/b] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][font=Georgia][color=transparent]Ei[/color] [nextcol][font=Georgia]<[color=transparent]Ei[/color] [nextcol][font=courier new]"[i]As the Werecat bounded over the hill, adrenaline coursing through their veins, the full-cat voice in the back of their mind couldn't help but speak some kind of worry for the damage they caused. Luckily for the were part, it was quickly snuffed out by the catnip clouding their senses. They felt like they could run forever, run until the suns came up, they could knock down hundreds of trees if they wanted to.[/i] It only make sense for the Werecat to have done it, they have the claws for it! I doubt any other cat here could destroy an entire field that quickly after all."[/font][/columns] [font=Georgia]Logganyu, known for his detective work in his village spoke up about his theories to the authorities. They assured him they'd find the correct perpetrator, thank him for his theory, and move onto the next dragon to question. [rule][font=Georgia]Edit: Formatting
How meowny: 19
Who: Werecat

91711895p.png Ei
"As the Werecat bounded over the hill, adrenaline coursing through their veins, the full-cat voice in the back of their mind couldn't help but speak some kind of worry for the damage they caused. Luckily for the were part, it was quickly snuffed out by the catnip clouding their senses. They felt like they could run forever, run until the suns came up, they could knock down hundreds of trees if they wanted to.

It only make sense for the Werecat to have done it, they have the claws for it! I doubt any other cat here could destroy an entire field that quickly after all."

Logganyu, known for his detective work in his village spoke up about his theories to the authorities. They assured him they'd find the correct perpetrator, thank him for his theory, and move onto the next dragon to question.

Edit: Formatting


Formally DrShadowCipher
- When using for art games please use scries of my dragons!
- Badge Addict
EEEEE T8jnlRr.jpg
I count 18, and top suspect is the lycan.

Power, animal instincts, and irresistible catnip combined where free will had no part in this. Herbs and soil fountained up in this farm patch as the perpetrator scooped them up to sniff and roll on. The lycan had to have them all.

Edit: though it would also be funny if it were the cat steed and the cat rider on top of it having a messy joyride.
I count 18, and top suspect is the lycan.

Power, animal instincts, and irresistible catnip combined where free will had no part in this. Herbs and soil fountained up in this farm patch as the perpetrator scooped them up to sniff and roll on. The lycan had to have them all.

Edit: though it would also be funny if it were the cat steed and the cat rider on top of it having a messy joyride.
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