
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Star Station (CLOSED)
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[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Naxar placed his claw on the scanner after obtaining the Twinkling Stardrapes and the conformation of Ria and Solaire, and the number 37 appeared. "37...ok, let's see what it is this time," Naxar says, patiently awaiting Ria and Solaire's responses.

Naxar placed his claw on the scanner after obtaining the Twinkling Stardrapes and the conformation of Ria and Solaire, and the number 37 appeared.

"37...ok, let's see what it is this time," Naxar says, patiently awaiting Ria and Solaire's responses.
giphy.gif goSc2L4.pngtumblr_olkx7k1gjk1w18p86o1_r1_250.png
[center][img][/img] @Arcane2 "Here you go! A fresh new contract." Handing over the bounty Ria gives Naxar a mock salute. "We thank you for your service." [quote][url=][img][/img][/url] "Mobile arboretum." Contract Terms: By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities. In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party. Failure to comply will result in contract termination[/quote][/center]

"Here you go! A fresh new contract." Handing over the bounty Ria gives Naxar a mock salute. "We thank you for your service."

"Mobile arboretum."

Contract Terms:
By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities.
In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party.
Failure to comply will result in contract termination
Hello, Star Voyagers.
The green dragon walks into the room once more, his face void of emotion. Mephiles is nowhere to be found. "Here is the report." he says

(In messy writing)
Deer solaire,
I am vere saree for leting the bowntee get away. I was just tryeng to siy it.
Sinserilee, Mephiles

(in neat writing)
I caught the bounty in between the Highland Scrub and the Tsunami Flats. We were getting ready to leave when Mephiles released the bounty. So sorry for the trouble, Banith

"Mephiles is in time-out" he says before walking out muttering "Can't belive they made me foster a hatchling, ridiculous"
The green dragon walks into the room once more, his face void of emotion. Mephiles is nowhere to be found. "Here is the report." he says

(In messy writing)
Deer solaire,
I am vere saree for leting the bowntee get away. I was just tryeng to siy it.
Sinserilee, Mephiles

(in neat writing)
I caught the bounty in between the Highland Scrub and the Tsunami Flats. We were getting ready to leave when Mephiles released the bounty. So sorry for the trouble, Banith

"Mephiles is in time-out" he says before walking out muttering "Can't belive they made me foster a hatchling, ridiculous"
83124666.png Boop? BOOP!
If I missed your ping, PM me I will not see it otherwise. Thanks!
[url=][img][/img][/url] [i]Miriam gently places the cat on the front desk.[/i] [img][/img] "I was going to bring him in a carrier but he simply refused. I even tried to bribe him with cat treats. Still, better than nothing. Tracking him down was surprisingly easy. I went to my friend [url=]Inkwell[/url] at his cafe to ask him for advice. He loves cats more than anyone I know. I was describing the cat from the bounty to him and he said "Oh him? He's been playing in the playground with Catwell."" "So I went to check the cat part of the cafe and sure enough, there he was, playing with a yarn toy. He came with me easily enough. He's mostly very friendly, he just doesn't like being told what to do or forced into things. It's likely best to make him think he thought of doing something for himself if you want to get him to do anything in particular."

Miriam gently places the cat on the front desk.

"I was going to bring him in a carrier but he simply refused. I even tried to bribe him with cat treats. Still, better than nothing. Tracking him down was surprisingly easy. I went to my friend Inkwell at his cafe to ask him for advice. He loves cats more than anyone I know. I was describing the cat from the bounty to him and he said
"Oh him? He's been playing in the playground with Catwell.""

"So I went to check the cat part of the cafe and sure enough, there he was, playing with a yarn toy. He came with me easily enough. He's mostly very friendly, he just doesn't like being told what to do or forced into things. It's likely best to make him think he thought of doing something for himself if you want to get him to do anything in particular."

If you ping me and I don't respond, try again. I might just not have seen it.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] A zippy, smokey, spiral zooms into this shiny new place she had heard about from a neighboring clan. She looks around excitedly, noticing how bare and greenhorn she looked compared to these other dragons. Puffing her chest out, eyes full of excitement and confidence, she strides up to the counter and places her hand on the scanner. "Oooh [b]35![/b] I can't wait to see what my first bounty will be!"

A zippy, smokey, spiral zooms into this shiny new place she had heard about from a neighboring clan. She looks around excitedly, noticing how bare and greenhorn she looked compared to these other dragons. Puffing her chest out, eyes full of excitement and confidence, she strides up to the counter and places her hand on the scanner.

"Oooh 35! I can't wait to see what my first bounty will be!"
[center][img][/img] @NBW Carefully, Ria takes the cat and hands it over to Solaire. "We'll take your advice to heart. Now then, there is the issue of your reward? Would you like to place an order?" ------ [img][/img] @BlueEyesNeko "Ria is currently busy so I will be attending to you today." As Solaire speaks, pages begin slowly spilling from between the Golems' jaws. One such page just so happens to land in front of the spiral. "I hope you're ready for an adventure!" [quote][item=crumbling goblin] "There is said to be at least one of them in every tunnel and cavern. Though, the trick is finding them." Contract Terms: By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities. In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party. Failure to comply will result in contract termination[/quote][/center]

Carefully, Ria takes the cat and hands it over to Solaire. "We'll take your advice to heart. Now then, there is the issue of your reward? Would you like to place an order?"


"Ria is currently busy so I will be attending to you today." As Solaire speaks, pages begin slowly spilling from between the Golems' jaws. One such page just so happens to land in front of the spiral.

"I hope you're ready for an adventure!"
Crumbling Goblin

"There is said to be at least one of them in every tunnel and cavern. Though, the trick is finding them."

Contract Terms:
By signing this contract you agree to pursue the target to your best abilities.
In the event that you are approached by a third party, you will NOT hand over the bounty, or any information regarding the bounty, over to said third party.
Failure to comply will result in contract termination
Hello, Star Voyagers.
Taking the file the Skydancer had handed her about her bounty, she nodded her thanks. “My name is Tempest, by the way,” She added with a friendly smile. She looked over her shoulder at the cloud, “Oh, don’t worry, I’m sort of like a super-huge walking attracter for storm clouds, even holographic ones. It’s like metal to a magnet, only I’m alive.” With that she turned and headed out.
“Did you know water conducted electricity?” It was a few days later, and into the station she led a downfallen bounty. “The lightning is sort of like, a weapon of sorts, only I can’t control it sometimes.” Seeing the alarmed look on the faces of dragons who had heard her, she quickly added, “Only SOMETIMES. Like maybe once a day. Or twice. Or 90 percent of the time thrice. USUALLY not more than that. Anyways…” As she trailed off, a spurt of lightning and buzzing energy shot out of her tail toward the entrance of the Space Station. She quickly called back the lightning and handed over the bounty to the front desk. She also tries to hand over the little storm cloud 83, which had now looped the holes of the 8 around her neck and tail. The sky darkened outside, and Tempest glanced worriedly at the forming clouds. “Umm, here’s the bounty, mayyybe I should leave, you DO NOT want to see me when it’s raining.” She took three steps toward the door and then whirled around back. “By the way can I take apart one of your machines there’s so much I don’t know did you code it or does it have like really high technology anyways tell me whether I can take one apart the next time I come around bye!” She gushed then rushed out the door. Little static lights were starting to buzz around her already…
A flushed dragon came rushing in the station, in the trail of Tempest. “Sorry,” He said apologetically to the Skydancer at the front desk. “She meant to take this with her, but she forgot, so may I collect it for her?” He pointed to the Slight Eyewing which had leapt onto the counter, looking sadly at the way Tempest went. “Oh, yeah, she promised to give this little guy a home, and in her rush she forgot. May I take the little guy for her?”
Taking the file the Skydancer had handed her about her bounty, she nodded her thanks. “My name is Tempest, by the way,” She added with a friendly smile. She looked over her shoulder at the cloud, “Oh, don’t worry, I’m sort of like a super-huge walking attracter for storm clouds, even holographic ones. It’s like metal to a magnet, only I’m alive.” With that she turned and headed out.
“Did you know water conducted electricity?” It was a few days later, and into the station she led a downfallen bounty. “The lightning is sort of like, a weapon of sorts, only I can’t control it sometimes.” Seeing the alarmed look on the faces of dragons who had heard her, she quickly added, “Only SOMETIMES. Like maybe once a day. Or twice. Or 90 percent of the time thrice. USUALLY not more than that. Anyways…” As she trailed off, a spurt of lightning and buzzing energy shot out of her tail toward the entrance of the Space Station. She quickly called back the lightning and handed over the bounty to the front desk. She also tries to hand over the little storm cloud 83, which had now looped the holes of the 8 around her neck and tail. The sky darkened outside, and Tempest glanced worriedly at the forming clouds. “Umm, here’s the bounty, mayyybe I should leave, you DO NOT want to see me when it’s raining.” She took three steps toward the door and then whirled around back. “By the way can I take apart one of your machines there’s so much I don’t know did you code it or does it have like really high technology anyways tell me whether I can take one apart the next time I come around bye!” She gushed then rushed out the door. Little static lights were starting to buzz around her already…
A flushed dragon came rushing in the station, in the trail of Tempest. “Sorry,” He said apologetically to the Skydancer at the front desk. “She meant to take this with her, but she forgot, so may I collect it for her?” He pointed to the Slight Eyewing which had leapt onto the counter, looking sadly at the way Tempest went. “Oh, yeah, she promised to give this little guy a home, and in her rush she forgot. May I take the little guy for her?”
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Fannar barks out a laugh. “Yeah, you can say that. Nests tend to do that for some dragons.” Taking the paper, he reads… Just in time for Solaire to make his joke. Horrendous, yet it makes the Wildclaw laugh again, doubly so when that Skydancer over there silently expresses displeasure. “Oh, these ones. Don’t worry, one of the dragons back home has one. Maybe…” …No, Fannar probably can’t borrow Kolya’s Flameback Slink for assistance with tracking. That thing’s only [i]marginally[/i] less volatile compared to the Coatl. Willingly subjecting himself to two forms of screeching? Absolutely not! “I’ll be out for a bit. Oughta make sure I don’t hunt on a trail gone cold.” [rule] His words truly were ironic. The Ashfall Waste is a steady land with its blistering heat, casting Fannar’s bright scales in orange light wherever he goes. No trail will truly be cold here if one thinks about it in a literal manner. It also means that it’ll prove more difficult to track in the first place, had the creature in mind not been on the rarer side. A Flameback Slink should have a pretty unique trail once found; Fannar had made sure to look into it. It takes him a few days of traveling. Fannar’s rest has been invaded by the sounds of hammers on metal, the sizzle of lava, and the whoosh of heavy smoke. Like always, he moves on. A dragon gives him the answers he needs, and he wastes no time speeding off on hind claws that hardly disturb loose rubble, Lightning eyes intent on the prize. His nose isn’t of much help here thanks to how long it’s been since his last visit, so it’s going to be all about what he can see… And what he can hear. The faint pitter-patter of a quadruped’s footfall matching the tempo of swaying crackles is the giveaway. The creature is quick; Fannar is ready. A grunt, a swing, and his capture net lands right over the Flameback Slink before it can zig-zag away, fire crackling uselessly against fireproof material. [center][item=Flameback Slink][/center] “Gotcha! You’re coming back with me.” Briefly, Fannar wonders what exactly is done with the bounties — but hey, that’s not his business. His business right now is to bring the [b]captured Flameback Slink[/b] up to Star Station. [rule] Back again at [b]Crescent Vulture[/b]. So many choices, yet only one slip for redemption. Bah, if only he could just contact Nephele! Fannar is about to groan when he notices an arrangement of… aha! Standards! The Divine Shrine is primarily under the Windsinger’s eyes, yet they don’t have something like this. “Excuse me. I’ll take this one here.” Even if nobody carries around, there's always putting it on display! [center][item=Standard of the Windsinger][/center]

Fannar barks out a laugh. “Yeah, you can say that. Nests tend to do that for some dragons.” Taking the paper, he reads…

Just in time for Solaire to make his joke. Horrendous, yet it makes the Wildclaw laugh again, doubly so when that Skydancer over there silently expresses displeasure.

“Oh, these ones. Don’t worry, one of the dragons back home has one. Maybe…” …No, Fannar probably can’t borrow Kolya’s Flameback Slink for assistance with tracking. That thing’s only marginally less volatile compared to the Coatl. Willingly subjecting himself to two forms of screeching? Absolutely not! “I’ll be out for a bit. Oughta make sure I don’t hunt on a trail gone cold.”

His words truly were ironic.

The Ashfall Waste is a steady land with its blistering heat, casting Fannar’s bright scales in orange light wherever he goes. No trail will truly be cold here if one thinks about it in a literal manner. It also means that it’ll prove more difficult to track in the first place, had the creature in mind not been on the rarer side. A Flameback Slink should have a pretty unique trail once found; Fannar had made sure to look into it.

It takes him a few days of traveling. Fannar’s rest has been invaded by the sounds of hammers on metal, the sizzle of lava, and the whoosh of heavy smoke. Like always, he moves on.

A dragon gives him the answers he needs, and he wastes no time speeding off on hind claws that hardly disturb loose rubble, Lightning eyes intent on the prize. His nose isn’t of much help here thanks to how long it’s been since his last visit, so it’s going to be all about what he can see…

And what he can hear.

The faint pitter-patter of a quadruped’s footfall matching the tempo of swaying crackles is the giveaway. The creature is quick; Fannar is ready.

A grunt, a swing, and his capture net lands right over the Flameback Slink before it can zig-zag away, fire crackling uselessly against fireproof material.
Flameback Slink

“Gotcha! You’re coming back with me.” Briefly, Fannar wonders what exactly is done with the bounties — but hey, that’s not his business. His business right now is to bring the captured Flameback Slink up to Star Station.

Back again at Crescent Vulture. So many choices, yet only one slip for redemption. Bah, if only he could just contact Nephele! Fannar is about to groan when he notices an arrangement of… aha! Standards! The Divine Shrine is primarily under the Windsinger’s eyes, yet they don’t have something like this.

“Excuse me. I’ll take this one here.” Even if nobody carries around, there's always putting it on display!
Standard of the Windsinger
Morte | he/him/his | FR+0
Let's return to the beginning together.
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Aye, sorry for the confusion on my part. Sadly, unless you've been assigned to that bounty specifically, you may not claim it as your prize. Hunters can not exchange a bounty for a bounty.

Is there anything else you'd be interested in?

Aye, sorry for the confusion on my part. Sadly, unless you've been assigned to that bounty specifically, you may not claim it as your prize. Hunters can not exchange a bounty for a bounty.

Is there anything else you'd be interested in?

Hello, Star Voyagers.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] If anybody thought that Fannar was chipper before, he's even more so today! After he'd finished his last bounty, he ended up returning home just in time for the nest to hatch. One of the hatchlings had eyes that could only be described as faceted, brilliant against crystalline hide. Luckily it wasn't in the middle of the night when he yelled in joy; he wouldn't have been able to make it to Star Station for a few more days if so. He becomes more mindful of his footsteps as he enters [b]Galaxies Eye[/b]. However, his voice isn't entirely tempered as he says, "I'd like a blessing, please." [rule] Humming to himself, Fannar sets his claw on the scanner, tail rippling with interest as the number comes up: [b]101[/b]. Quite the combination. "We've got a 101 here. Is there anything for this one?"

If anybody thought that Fannar was chipper before, he's even more so today! After he'd finished his last bounty, he ended up returning home just in time for the nest to hatch. One of the hatchlings had eyes that could only be described as faceted, brilliant against crystalline hide. Luckily it wasn't in the middle of the night when he yelled in joy; he wouldn't have been able to make it to Star Station for a few more days if so.

He becomes more mindful of his footsteps as he enters Galaxies Eye. However, his voice isn't entirely tempered as he says, "I'd like a blessing, please."

Humming to himself, Fannar sets his claw on the scanner, tail rippling with interest as the number comes up: 101. Quite the combination.

"We've got a 101 here. Is there anything for this one?"
Morte | he/him/his | FR+0
Let's return to the beginning together.
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