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ZincAlloy's Clan

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Ancient Lair
near the
Tourmaline Archives icon

Clan Info


Welcome to Clan _______. (Yes, it's called _______. You pronounce it by saying Clan and then staring intensely at the person you're talking to for a few seconds.)

The stretch of ocean between the Icefield and the Isles is long, and those attempting the flight need to rest during the trip or risk plummeting into the waves below. This is where Clan _______ steps in; having set up a series of outposts throughout the archipelago where travellers can rest their weary wings. Those looking for a more comfortable place to stay the night are advised to head to the heart of the clan instead.

Said heart is a settlement situated on an island made of the same rocks as the Crystalspine Reaches, and the previously run-down and abandoned structures that were once there have been repaired and built up around a veritable fortress, carved into the crystal of the island itself. All of this is precariously built upon a particularly rich deposit of arcane-infused crystals, which serve a variety of magical purposes and are particularly prone to blowing up.

And what was once a ragtag collection of dragons has grown into an "organized" and prosperous hub of activity. Foreign dragons constantly visit to purchase magical goods, and the clan's permanent residents spend significant time goofing off researching the next major breakthrough in arcane magics.

While the clan's residents try to stay out of foreign politics, many of them aren't the sort to just sit around while the Shade or anything of the sort wreaks havoc. And now that some ancient texts holding long-forgotten research on the Shade have been discovered in the depths of the fortress, they're starting to think that it's their clan that will have to be the first to really start doing anything about it.
Clan Notice Board

Visitors: The tavern is the second door on the left. You may also inquire about temporary room and board there.

This lair is a mutation and eldritch abomination-free zone. Please report any extra eyes and teeth to Bozatrox so that they can be removed and checked for Shade influence. (Not that anyone's grown any yet, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe.)

Do not open any doors marked "Do not open." This should be obvious, but apparently some of you needed a reminder anyways.

The west hall is currently closed due to a temporal anomaly. Technically, it is safe to enter, but if you have ever been there in the past, you may find yourself appearing there and then returning to where you were a few minutes later until it's been dealt with.

In case of pirates, please fire the giant cannon at them. And don't invite them to stop by for lunch. It wasn't funny the first time, and it wasn't funny the last twelve times either.

Until we figure out where it leads to, please do not use the portal in the basement as a garbage dump. We'd rather not make enemies with any extra-dimensional beings. Or have them throw their garbage at us.
[You see a message added on by an unknown dragon: "I wouldn't mind studying that, actually."]
Lore Thread
Somebody yell at me to work on my dragon's bios. They're always under construction, so even if one looks finished, I still have more to add.
Old super ultra mega fantastic signature art by Taneenah
The new one's by DoodleStrudel.
If for some reason you want me to breed a specific two of my dragons, I take requests. You don't even have to want the hatchlings, just because is good enough.
All letters should be addressed to "Clan of the Far-Flung Fortress", as the couriers refuse to acknowledge a blank space as a valid mailing address.
Dragon Share posts with lore
It's Dangerous to go Alone (was featured!)
The Next Generation
Night of the Nocturne: Invasion (was featured!)
The Ancient One
Night of the Nocturne: Trickster
Bios Written for Others:
Seraphina-Vespera-Myrtle-Nanshe-Universa-Astraea-Ayrveti-Viper (only the story)-Pachetonas-Cordelie-Rainsong-Scorched-Eliza-Cove-Grove-Praline-Ferayx-Magellan-Nerodia-Slackby (one section)-Harteri-Meraki-Elapidae-Pan


Scrolled all the way down here, huh? I bet someone like you likes pressing the Tab key to search for things. Or perhaps you're the sort who likes highlighting invisible text.

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ChaosBetta16's avatar
February 03, 2025 01:19:28
Just left a like on Jubei and I had to say the blooming pieces and the radioactive pinstripes? Match so well??? Plus the haunted flame wing on top? You have such a big brain. I'm taking notes for my own dragons, because the layering of everything is brilliant!
oreides' avatar
January 23, 2025 05:41:23
Sindok was on the front page!
Ilikememes0's avatar
December 05, 2024 18:10:58
Also sent a friend req
Ilikememes0's avatar
December 05, 2024 18:10:22
I love everything from ur clan bio, to the message saying u require a premiun acc to viee the message, clan name, the way the clans lore is written- as it sounds like you are unsure about it too!!
RaptorFury's avatar
November 08, 2024 11:06:04
Oh my bad, but good to know! Glad he didn't mysteriously disappear in a forest like I originally thought lol. Good luck writing all the rest!
RaptorFury's avatar
November 08, 2024 05:47:43
I saw Jacques in the enchanted necklaces thread and thought he looked cool. I just read through his lore and man, it's so well written! Poor guy is doing his best.. Or was, I'm not so sure speaking of him in present tense is accurate after that last line.
ElimearFoster's avatar
October 07, 2024 16:17:42
I love your clan’s name
Draco981's avatar
August 18, 2024 22:05:15
Hey there! I saw your post in my thread asking to see teacher dragons! I looked at them and read through their lore, as well as a few other dragons they have relations with, and I have to say, I love all the lore that you have going on!
Nightshadeling's avatar
July 16, 2024 00:00:29
oh! Neat! Thx for letting me know :D

have a good night!
Nightshadeling's avatar
July 15, 2024 23:58:38
I got to midboss's bio before getting stuck, is there more? did I take a wrong turn? I'm genuinely curious, if you don't mind humoring my attempt to uncover secrets-
Nightshadeling's avatar
July 15, 2024 23:42:51
oop just saw other comment lemme look again
Nightshadeling's avatar
July 15, 2024 23:42:11

Im so lost

if ur willing can I get a hit pls
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Date Joined
Dec 15, 2014

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fionapup (#116055)

i have a srs clan story. ver srs.
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HolliKyo (#88909)

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Elaendorlien (#40492)
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Kyrra (#34997)
shanncrafter's avatar
shanncrafter (#84422)

my dragons? WACK. my lair? WACK. my lore? WACK. my banner?
Izzi's avatar
Izzi (#222128)

A quiet lakeside Clan under a canopy of starlit trees.
ZincAlloy's avatar
ZincAlloy (#123931)

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ZincAlloy's avatar
ZincAlloy (#123931)

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Recent Activity

Feb 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Skydancer Female, 1 Obelisk Female, 1 Skydancer Male
Feb 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Mirror Female, 1 Mirror Male
Feb 05
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Bogsneak Male

Recent Achievements

Feb 07
Runestone Rockstar
Feb 05
Marketplace Marauder (Scenes)
Jan 20
Modern Egg-stravaganza (1500)
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