
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | The Long Road Home (Pinkerlocke)
The Long Road Home follows most of the same rules as a normal Pinkerlocke but with the following rules:

Starts with two RTB modern breed dragons. One male and one female.

Only loot (battle stones and familiars) obtained in the coliseum / Pinkerton can be used

Eggs dying upon hatching is not a feature

Familiars have a chance of dying whenever a material is pulled.
Roll a die (1- 100) if 25 or lower a random familiar dies.

Instead of being randomized by breed buying dragons is randomized by a coin flip that determines whether the dragon is a hatchling or a dragon. Tails is dragon. Heads is hatchling.

The challenge ends after 150 days. After the challenge is over the dragons will join the main lair.

Let me know if you are interested in the story and want to be pinged for new updates!

Comments are welcome!



Also if you want you can send me a PM and your dragon can make a guest appearance!

Your also allowed to send over some dragons to partake in the Pinkerlocke if you want! Dragons that already have lore, random dragons that you have had sitting in you hib den, fodder that you just bought 5 minutes ago, ETC, anything goes! Just don't send too many!

The tab I keep the challenge dragons in is here:
The Long Road Home follows the story of a group of outcasts in search of a new home where they can finally live without prejudice. Along the way they will face the forces of nature, wild creatures, and attacks from dragons who wish to harm them.

The Long Road Home follows most of the same rules as a normal Pinkerlocke but with the following rules:

Starts with two RTB modern breed dragons. One male and one female.

Only loot (battle stones and familiars) obtained in the coliseum / Pinkerton can be used

Eggs dying upon hatching is not a feature

Familiars have a chance of dying whenever a material is pulled.
Roll a die (1- 100) if 25 or lower a random familiar dies.

Instead of being randomized by breed buying dragons is randomized by a coin flip that determines whether the dragon is a hatchling or a dragon. Tails is dragon. Heads is hatchling.

The challenge ends after 150 days. After the challenge is over the dragons will join the main lair.

Let me know if you are interested in the story and want to be pinged for new updates!

Comments are welcome!



Also if you want you can send me a PM and your dragon can make a guest appearance!

Your also allowed to send over some dragons to partake in the Pinkerlocke if you want! Dragons that already have lore, random dragons that you have had sitting in you hib den, fodder that you just bought 5 minutes ago, ETC, anything goes! Just don't send too many!

The tab I keep the challenge dragons in is here:
The Long Road Home follows the story of a group of outcasts in search of a new home where they can finally live without prejudice. Along the way they will face the forces of nature, wild creatures, and attacks from dragons who wish to harm them.

My art shop:

Day 1: The Start Of The Road
Day 2: Getting To Know Each Other
Day 3: The Coatl In The Cave
Day 4: Playing Fetch
Day 5: (Art Day) TwistedFeather
Day 6: Hunting
Day 7:(Art day) Skywarn
Day 8: (Art day) Wondrous
Day 9: Omens
Day 10: A Pearless Catcher
Day 11: Eggs
Day 12: Goodbye Little Buddy
Day 13: (Art Day) Cadwallon
Day 14: Supply Run
Day 15: Sick Day
Day 16: Proud Parents
Day 17: Babysitting
Day 18: Strange Markings
Day 19: Somthing Worth Fighting For
Day 20: (Art Day) After Death
Day 23: Entering Arcane
Day 24: She Who Is Cloaked In Mystery
Day 25: (Art Day) Urr
Day 26: (Art day) Odo And Flower
Day 27: Angery Little Guy
Day 28: (Art Day) Brawl
Day 29: (Art Day) Harbringer
Day 30: Final Warning
Day 31: (Art And Writing Day) Fishing
Day 32: Close Call
Day 33: (Art Day) Temperance
Day 34: Talking To Ghosts
Day 35: Strange Child
Day 36: Bandits
Day 37: Bear Attack
Day 38: (Art Day) Heart Broken
Day 39: Vengence
Day 40: A Dragon And Her Fox
Day 41: Secrets Uncovered
Day 42: (Art Day) Turret
Day 43: Slaying The Beast
Day 44: Hard Exterior
Day 45: Family
Day 46: Final Fight
Day 47: Magic Lessons
Day 48: (Art Day) Daisy
Day 49: (Art Day) Blackbone
Day 50: Thief!
Day 51: New Life
Day 52: Auntie
Day 53: It's Cold Outside
Day 54: Yeti
Day 55: Sibling Antics
Day 56: Time's Up
Day 57: Hunting In The Snow
Day 58: New Friends
Day 59: Magical Mishaps
Day 1: The Start Of The Road
Day 2: Getting To Know Each Other
Day 3: The Coatl In The Cave
Day 4: Playing Fetch
Day 5: (Art Day) TwistedFeather
Day 6: Hunting
Day 7:(Art day) Skywarn
Day 8: (Art day) Wondrous
Day 9: Omens
Day 10: A Pearless Catcher
Day 11: Eggs
Day 12: Goodbye Little Buddy
Day 13: (Art Day) Cadwallon
Day 14: Supply Run
Day 15: Sick Day
Day 16: Proud Parents
Day 17: Babysitting
Day 18: Strange Markings
Day 19: Somthing Worth Fighting For
Day 20: (Art Day) After Death
Day 23: Entering Arcane
Day 24: She Who Is Cloaked In Mystery
Day 25: (Art Day) Urr
Day 26: (Art day) Odo And Flower
Day 27: Angery Little Guy
Day 28: (Art Day) Brawl
Day 29: (Art Day) Harbringer
Day 30: Final Warning
Day 31: (Art And Writing Day) Fishing
Day 32: Close Call
Day 33: (Art Day) Temperance
Day 34: Talking To Ghosts
Day 35: Strange Child
Day 36: Bandits
Day 37: Bear Attack
Day 38: (Art Day) Heart Broken
Day 39: Vengence
Day 40: A Dragon And Her Fox
Day 41: Secrets Uncovered
Day 42: (Art Day) Turret
Day 43: Slaying The Beast
Day 44: Hard Exterior
Day 45: Family
Day 46: Final Fight
Day 47: Magic Lessons
Day 48: (Art Day) Daisy
Day 49: (Art Day) Blackbone
Day 50: Thief!
Day 51: New Life
Day 52: Auntie
Day 53: It's Cold Outside
Day 54: Yeti
Day 55: Sibling Antics
Day 56: Time's Up
Day 57: Hunting In The Snow
Day 58: New Friends
Day 59: Magical Mishaps
My art shop:

[center][b]Day 1:[/b] [item=Bell Fungus] [b]The Start Of The Road[/b] [/center] Horrendous walked through the Shattered Plane, the sun beating down on her red fur. To most dragons the heat would be unbearable but being a fire dragon she could tolerate it. She was always wandering, never staying in one place for too long. She would have loved to settle down but she didn't have the resources to build a lair and no clan would dare let her in due to the fact she was a multi-gaze. Horrendous lowered her head to the ground hoping to sniff out something edible. It was unlikely she would find anything in such a dry environment but it was worth a shot. The smell of dust, dirt, and rocks filled her nose, the usual smells of the Shattered Plane. She walked around for a while, trying to find anything edible and was about to give up when a new smell hit her nose, the smell of a dragon. It was then that she saw him out of the corner of one of the eyes on her tail. He was far in the distance so she could only see his silhouette but she could tell he was a dragon. She spread her gray wings and began to fly over to him. As she flew closer she realized the dragon had passed out. Landing next to him she could now see just how bizarre the dragon was. He had feathery wings like a Coatl, fur like a Tundra, and an odd glowing bauble growing from his head. She stood there staring for a second before shaking her head, now was no time for puzzling, this dragon clearly needed help. The dragon seemed to be overheated and dehydrated. Luckily one of the many large rocks that jutted out of the landscape was nearby, that should provide some shade. She struggled to drag him beneath it, he was larger and heavier than her but eventually she managed to get him into the shade. She reached into her red bag and pulled out a canteen full of water. Then she pried his mouth open using her paws and poured the water into it. “Here you go big guy.” She muttered knowing full well he couldn't hear her. She sat down next to the dragon as he began to rowse. His feathery brown wings twitched and he opened his cyan eyes. “W-where- who-!?” He stammered clearly scared and confused. “Easy there, it's OK. You're safe. I'm a friend. I found you passed out on the ground over there.” She said gesturing in the direction of the spot she found him in. “Here, have some more water.” She said, handing him the canteen. The Bogsneak gulped down the water before stopping to breathe. “Th-thank you.” He stammered. “My name is TwistedFeather by the way. You can call me Feather. What's your name?” He said handing her back the canteen. “I'm Horrendous.” She said. “Horrendous? You're anything but horrendous! You saved my life! I would say you're…” He paused seemingly trying to come up with the right word. “Wondrous! That's what you are! Wondrous!” He exclaimed, a grin on his face. “Wondrous… I like that.” She murmured. “Well then from now on you can call me Wondrous!” ----- I know this is late but I got both lazy and busy (Not a good combo) and only did the Pinkerton draws. But anyway meet my starter dragons TwistedFeather and Wondrous! [url=][img][/img][/url][img],2842,3116,5157,5396&xt=dressing.png[/img]
Day 1:

Bell Fungus

The Start Of The Road

Horrendous walked through the Shattered Plane, the sun beating down on her red fur. To most dragons the heat would be unbearable but being a fire dragon she could tolerate it.

She was always wandering, never staying in one place for too long. She would have loved to settle down but she didn't have the resources to build a lair and no clan would dare let her in due to the fact she was a multi-gaze.

Horrendous lowered her head to the ground hoping to sniff out something edible. It was unlikely she would find anything in such a dry environment but it was worth a shot. The smell of dust, dirt, and rocks filled her nose, the usual smells of the Shattered Plane. She walked around for a while, trying to find anything edible and was about to give up when a new smell hit her nose, the smell of a dragon.

It was then that she saw him out of the corner of one of the eyes on her tail. He was far in the distance so she could only see his silhouette but she could tell he was a dragon. She spread her gray wings and began to fly over to him. As she flew closer she realized the dragon had passed out.

Landing next to him she could now see just how bizarre the dragon was. He had feathery wings like a Coatl, fur like a Tundra, and an odd glowing bauble growing from his head. She stood there staring for a second before shaking her head, now was no time for puzzling, this dragon clearly needed help.

The dragon seemed to be overheated and dehydrated. Luckily one of the many large rocks that jutted out of the landscape was nearby, that should provide some shade. She struggled to drag him beneath it, he was larger and heavier than her but eventually she managed to get him into the shade.

She reached into her red bag and pulled out a canteen full of water. Then she pried his mouth open using her paws and poured the water into it.

“Here you go big guy.” She muttered knowing full well he couldn't hear her.

She sat down next to the dragon as he began to rowse. His feathery brown wings twitched and he opened his cyan eyes.

“W-where- who-!?” He stammered clearly scared and confused.

“Easy there, it's OK. You're safe. I'm a friend. I found you passed out on the ground over there.” She said gesturing in the direction of the spot she found him in.

“Here, have some more water.” She said, handing him the canteen.

The Bogsneak gulped down the water before stopping to breathe.

“Th-thank you.” He stammered.

“My name is TwistedFeather by the way. You can call me Feather. What's your name?” He said handing her back the canteen.

“I'm Horrendous.” She said.

“Horrendous? You're anything but horrendous! You saved my life! I would say you're…” He paused seemingly trying to come up with the right word.

“Wondrous! That's what you are! Wondrous!” He exclaimed, a grin on his face.

“Wondrous… I like that.” She murmured.

“Well then from now on you can call me Wondrous!”
I know this is late but I got both lazy and busy (Not a good combo) and only did the Pinkerton draws.

But anyway meet my starter dragons TwistedFeather and Wondrous!


My art shop:

This sounds super interesting, your writing is so descriptive and lovely! :) Could I be pinged when you update this?
This sounds super interesting, your writing is so descriptive and lovely! :) Could I be pinged when you update this?

My art shop:

[center][b]Day 2:[/b] [item=Desert Cactus] [b]Getting To Know Each Other[/b][/center] TwistedFeather walked alongside Wondrous. After their first meeting they had started traveling together which was far better then traveling alone. He was eternally grateful to the Tundra for saving his life. It was then that his stomach made a loud growl. “I'm guessing you're either hungry or you swallowed a live Fuiran.” Said Wondrous chuckling. TwistedFeather laughed. He loved how upbeat the Tundra always was. Wondrous pulled one of the edible cacti that they had removed the spines from yesterday from her red bag and tossed it to TwistedFeather. “Thanks!” He said sitting down to eat it. He bit into the cactus. It was bland and tasted like crunchy water but it was juicy and fulfilled both the needs for water and food so he couldn't really complain. “Hey Wondrous?” He said, swallowing the bite of the cactus he was eating. “Yea?” Asked Wondrous looking up from her own cactus. “If you don't mind me asking, where do you come from?” He asked. “A clan somewhere in the fire territory. I can't remember the name.” She replied before taking another bite of her cactus. “Why did you leave?” He asked. TwistedFeather didn't understand why anyone would ever trade a life in a clan with other dragons for a life like this. “Nobody wanted me there. Not even my parents. Everyone was scared of me since I was a Multi-Gaze. That's why my name used to be Horrendous. I was tired of being called an abomination so I ran away.” She explained, a sorrowful look on her face. “Even your own parents didn't love you? That must have been horrid. I would have left too if I were you.” He responded feeling pity for the Tundra.” He sat in silence for a moment before speaking. “I was made in a lab. I was kept in a solid stone room and tested on. The dragon who created me always said he loved me but I don't think that was true. I had never even seen the outside world until now. I guess one day I had enough and I lashed out and escaped.” He explained. “I guess that's one thing we have in common. We are both runaways with no place to go.” Commented Wondrous. “But you know what? At least we have each other! It's us against the world and I like those odds!” Said Wondrous, a big grin on her face. TwistedFeather smiled. That Tundra could find an upside to anything. [b]Pinglist: @caelafireheart [/b] ----- This one was kind of boring to write since it was just back and forth dialogue but I'm proud of it. Fleashing out TwistedFeather was fun too. Feel free to tell me your thoughts!
Day 2:

Desert Cactus

Getting To Know Each Other

TwistedFeather walked alongside Wondrous. After their first meeting they had started traveling together which was far better then traveling alone. He was eternally grateful to the Tundra for saving his life.

It was then that his stomach made a loud growl.

“I'm guessing you're either hungry or you swallowed a live Fuiran.” Said Wondrous chuckling.

TwistedFeather laughed. He loved how upbeat the Tundra always was.

Wondrous pulled one of the edible cacti that they had removed the spines from yesterday from her red bag and tossed it to TwistedFeather.

“Thanks!” He said sitting down to eat it.

He bit into the cactus. It was bland and tasted like crunchy water but it was juicy and fulfilled both the needs for water and food so he couldn't really complain.

“Hey Wondrous?” He said, swallowing the bite of the cactus he was eating.

“Yea?” Asked Wondrous looking up from her own cactus.

“If you don't mind me asking, where do you come from?” He asked.

“A clan somewhere in the fire territory. I can't remember the name.” She replied before taking another bite of her cactus.

“Why did you leave?” He asked.

TwistedFeather didn't understand why anyone would ever trade a life in a clan with other dragons for a life like this.

“Nobody wanted me there. Not even my parents. Everyone was scared of me since I was a Multi-Gaze. That's why my name used to be Horrendous. I was tired of being called an abomination so I ran away.” She explained, a sorrowful look on her face.

“Even your own parents didn't love you? That must have been horrid. I would have left too if I were you.” He responded feeling pity for the Tundra.”

He sat in silence for a moment before speaking.

“I was made in a lab. I was kept in a solid stone room and tested on. The dragon who created me always said he loved me but I don't think that was true. I had never even seen the outside world until now. I guess one day I had enough and I lashed out and escaped.” He explained.

“I guess that's one thing we have in common. We are both runaways with no place to go.” Commented Wondrous.

“But you know what? At least we have each other! It's us against the world and I like those odds!” Said Wondrous, a big grin on her face.

TwistedFeather smiled. That Tundra could find an upside to anything.

Pinglist: @caelafireheart

This one was kind of boring to write since it was just back and forth dialogue but I'm proud of it. Fleashing out TwistedFeather was fun too. Feel free to tell me your thoughts!
My art shop:

[center][b]Day 3: [item=Chipskink] The Coatl In The Cave[/b][/center] Wondrous walked through the dark cave, the glowing bulb on TwistedFeather’s head lighting the way. She and Feather had ventured into the dark cave in search of supplies after reaching the Carinstone Rest as their current supplies had almost run out. All they had left was half a canteen of water and two cacti. The only sounds echoing through the cave were the sounds of their own footsteps and the occasional sound of water dripping from the stalactites hanging from the cave’s ceiling. It was honestly rather scary. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of tiny paws and as a small animal quickly ran past them. “Was that a chipskink?” asked TwistedFeather, obviously confused. “It was but what is a chipskink doing down here?” Wondrous responded. Chipskinks were almost never seen in Dragon Home let alone in dark caves. They walked slightly faster in an attempt to figure out where the chipskink was going in such a hurry. “Is it just me or is it starting to get brighter in here?” commented TwistedFeather after they had walked a little farther. “No it's not just you. There's bioluminescent mushrooms growing on the walls.” She responded, gesturing to the glowing fungi with her wing. Purple and blue fungi were growing on the cave walls illuminating the dark area in an eerie light. The fungi had started out small and scarce but became larger and more abundant the deeper they moved into the cave. Wondrous also noticed that the further they moved into the cave the fungi seemed more and more intentionally placed. As if someone were trying to decorate the cave with the beautiful mushrooms. TwistedFeather was looking around the cave seemingly in aw. “It's gorgeous down here.” he commented. “It really is.” said Wondrous in agreement. It was then that Wondrous heard what seemed to be the voice of another dragon speaking in what seemed to be native Coatl. Wondrous didn't speak native Coatl herself but she had a pretty good idea of what it sounded like. “Did you hear that Feather?” she asked the Bogsneak, attempting to confirm what she had heard. TwistedFeather nodded. “Yea I heard it too. What was it?” The Bogsneak had his head lowered to the ground, his brown feathered wings flared out in a defensive position. He reminded Wondrous of a scared dog. “I don't think it's anything to worry about. It sounded like native Coatl.” She said. They walked for a short while longer until they came to where the cave opened up into a large cavern. The cavern was full of glowing fungi making it brightly lit. A small waterfall ran into a large pool that took up about a quarter of the cavern. In the middle of the cavern lay a large carpet surrounded by an assortment of items such as a small stack of books and a large staff. And on that carpet sat a blue Coatl, the chipskink from earlier curled around his neck. The Coatl seemed to be flipping through a spell book. The same fungi that were growing in the cave also grew on his body. “Hello?” Said Wondrous, weary of the Coatl. The Coatl dropped the book he was flipping through and sprang to his feet, grabbing the staff that lay next to the carpet. “Who are you and why have you come here?!” He said angrily. Despite how terrified she was, Wondrous kept her composure. “My name is Wondrous and my companion here is TwistedFeather.” She said. “A multi-gaze and some sort of weird mutant…” The Coatl muttered under his breath. “We had no idea you lived here.” Wondrous continued. “Nonsense! Of course you knew I lived here! Haven't you heard those stupid stories they tell about me?!” The Coatl responded. “Nobody wants to come close enough to us to tell us anything.” Wondrous explained. The Coatl seemed to relax a little bit and sat back down, gesturing to Wondrous and Feather to do the same. “So they despise you too?” he said in a grumpy voice after they had sat down. Wondrous and Feather both nodded. “Name’s Skywarn.” He said. “How long have you been down here?” Asked TwistedFeather, attempting to add to the conversation. Skywarn paused for a second as if trying to figure out the answer before speaking. “About a year, I think.” He replied. “A whole year?! Without leaving?!” Asked Feather clearly in surprise. The chipskink that had been sitting on Skywarn’s shoulder decided to walk over to Wondrous and sit on her shoulder, burying himself in her fur. “I trained that little guy to fetch me supplies and there's some weird eyeless fish in that pool over there so it’s… liveable.” He said, gesturing to the chipskink and then to the pool. “But why would you want to live here?” Asked Wondrous, stroking the chipskink on her shoulder. “Everyone thought I was evil and ate hatchlings or something because my practice of magic was different than what they were used to. Living here sounded better than having someone knock on my door every other week because little Timmy’s best friend bet him 500 Treasure that he couldn't do it.” He explained. Wondrous thought for a minute. Perhaps he could come with them? It sounded slightly better than living alone in a cave. “Would you like to come with us? We are always on the move and it's a little dangerous but it seems better than living in a cave.” she asked. Skywarn paused for a long moment considering the offer. “I accept your offer.” he said He grabbed a large bag from beside the carpet and packed his things before slinging it across his back. “Come here Chip.” He called to the chipskink. “Is that his name?” asked Wondrous. Skywarn nodded. “It’s a cute name! I like it.” She said. Skywarn snorted. Chip climbed into Skywarn’s bag. “Well, are we leaving or not?” He said before walking towards the exit. He may not be acting like it but Wondrous could tell he was grateful. ----- Guess what? Im back from the dead! This one is the longest one yet! Meet Skywarn the grumpy coatl! [img][/img] (Image does not link back to him. Click the link at the top of the thread to go see him.) Comments are welcome and encouraged! [b]Pinglist:[/b] @caelafireheart @SadariEvenstar
Day 3:
The Coatl In The Cave

Wondrous walked through the dark cave, the glowing bulb on TwistedFeather’s head lighting the way.

She and Feather had ventured into the dark cave in search of supplies after reaching the Carinstone Rest as their current supplies had almost run out. All they had left was half a canteen of water and two cacti.

The only sounds echoing through the cave were the sounds of their own footsteps and the occasional sound of water dripping from the stalactites hanging from the cave’s ceiling. It was honestly rather scary.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of tiny paws and as a small animal quickly ran past them.

“Was that a chipskink?” asked TwistedFeather, obviously confused.

“It was but what is a chipskink doing down here?” Wondrous responded.

Chipskinks were almost never seen in Dragon Home let alone in dark caves.

They walked slightly faster in an attempt to figure out where the chipskink was going in such a hurry.

“Is it just me or is it starting to get brighter in here?” commented TwistedFeather after they had walked a little farther.

“No it's not just you. There's bioluminescent mushrooms growing on the walls.” She responded, gesturing to the glowing fungi with her wing.

Purple and blue fungi were growing on the cave walls illuminating the dark area in an eerie light. The fungi had started out small and scarce but became larger and more abundant the deeper they moved into the cave. Wondrous also noticed that the further they moved into the cave the fungi seemed more and more intentionally placed. As if someone were trying to decorate the cave with the beautiful mushrooms.

TwistedFeather was looking around the cave seemingly in aw.

“It's gorgeous down here.” he commented.

“It really is.” said Wondrous in agreement.

It was then that Wondrous heard what seemed to be the voice of another dragon speaking in what seemed to be native Coatl. Wondrous didn't speak native Coatl herself but she had a pretty good idea of what it sounded like.

“Did you hear that Feather?” she asked the Bogsneak, attempting to confirm what she had heard.

TwistedFeather nodded.

“Yea I heard it too. What was it?”

The Bogsneak had his head lowered to the ground, his brown feathered wings flared out in a defensive position. He reminded Wondrous of a scared dog.

“I don't think it's anything to worry about. It sounded like native Coatl.” She said.

They walked for a short while longer until they came to where the cave opened up into a large cavern. The cavern was full of glowing fungi making it brightly lit. A small waterfall ran into a large pool that took up about a quarter of the cavern. In the middle of the cavern lay a large carpet surrounded by an assortment of items such as a small stack of books and a large staff. And on that carpet sat a blue Coatl, the chipskink from earlier curled around his neck.

The Coatl seemed to be flipping through a spell book. The same fungi that were growing in the cave also grew on his body.

“Hello?” Said Wondrous, weary of the Coatl.

The Coatl dropped the book he was flipping through and sprang to his feet, grabbing the staff that lay next to the carpet.

“Who are you and why have you come here?!” He said angrily.

Despite how terrified she was, Wondrous kept her composure.

“My name is Wondrous and my companion here is TwistedFeather.” She said.

“A multi-gaze and some sort of weird mutant…” The Coatl muttered under his breath.

“We had no idea you lived here.” Wondrous continued.

“Nonsense! Of course you knew I lived here! Haven't you heard those stupid stories they tell about me?!” The Coatl responded.

“Nobody wants to come close enough to us to tell us anything.” Wondrous explained.

The Coatl seemed to relax a little bit and sat back down, gesturing to Wondrous and Feather to do the same.

“So they despise you too?” he said in a grumpy voice after they had sat down.

Wondrous and Feather both nodded.

“Name’s Skywarn.” He said.

“How long have you been down here?” Asked TwistedFeather, attempting to add to the conversation.

Skywarn paused for a second as if trying to figure out the answer before speaking.

“About a year, I think.” He replied.

“A whole year?! Without leaving?!” Asked Feather clearly in surprise.

The chipskink that had been sitting on Skywarn’s shoulder decided to walk over to Wondrous and sit on her shoulder, burying himself in her fur.

“I trained that little guy to fetch me supplies and there's some weird eyeless fish in that pool over there so it’s… liveable.” He said, gesturing to the chipskink and then to the pool.

“But why would you want to live here?” Asked Wondrous, stroking the chipskink on her shoulder.

“Everyone thought I was evil and ate hatchlings or something because my practice of magic was different than what they were used to. Living here sounded better than having someone knock on my door every other week because little Timmy’s best friend bet him 500 Treasure that he couldn't do it.” He explained.

Wondrous thought for a minute.

Perhaps he could come with them? It sounded slightly better than living alone in a cave.

“Would you like to come with us? We are always on the move and it's a little dangerous but it seems better than living in a cave.” she asked.

Skywarn paused for a long moment considering the offer.

“I accept your offer.” he said

He grabbed a large bag from beside the carpet and packed his things before slinging it across his back.

“Come here Chip.” He called to the chipskink.

“Is that his name?” asked Wondrous.

Skywarn nodded.

“It’s a cute name! I like it.” She said.

Skywarn snorted.

Chip climbed into Skywarn’s bag.

“Well, are we leaving or not?” He said before walking towards the exit.

He may not be acting like it but Wondrous could tell he was grateful.

Guess what? Im back from the dead! This one is the longest one yet! Meet Skywarn the grumpy coatl!
(Image does not link back to him. Click the link at the top of the thread to go see him.)

Comments are welcome and encouraged!

Pinglist: @caelafireheart @SadariEvenstar
My art shop:

Already got a new dragon in record time, and he's quite the mysterious one, isn't he? I already like where this Clan is going and I hope the best for all of them, uniting despite their differences. Let's just hope they all make it out in one piece.
Already got a new dragon in record time, and he's quite the mysterious one, isn't he? I already like where this Clan is going and I hope the best for all of them, uniting despite their differences. Let's just hope they all make it out in one piece.
[quote name="Aquasparky" date="2023-04-23 17:44:43" ] Already got a new dragon in record time, and he's quite the mysterious one, isn't he? I already like where this Clan is going and I hope the best for all of them, uniting despite their differences. Let's just hope they all make it out in one piece. [/quote] I guess we will just have to hope Pinkerton continues being merciful!
Aquasparky wrote on 2023-04-23 17:44:43:
Already got a new dragon in record time, and he's quite the mysterious one, isn't he? I already like where this Clan is going and I hope the best for all of them, uniting despite their differences. Let's just hope they all make it out in one piece.

I guess we will just have to hope Pinkerton continues being merciful!
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[center][b]Day 4:[/b] [item=Berserker] [b]Playing Fetch[/b][/center] Skywarn was absolutely exhausted. His head was lowered close to the ground and both pairs of his wings dragged on the dry earth as he walked. He tired easily after a full year of living in a cave and not doing much moving. He didn't dare ask for a break fearing that he may be thought of as weak or that he would be an annoyance. He had only known his traveling companions TwistedFeather and Wondrous for a few days and still wasn't sure what they thought of him. Wondrous seemed to notice his exhaustion as one of the orange eyes on her tail gave him a weird look and she suddenly stopped walking and began to speak. “Over there looks like a good place to set up camp!” Says Wondrous pointing at a shaded area next to one of the many ancient tombs of the Carinstone Rest. “It’s out of the sun and there's a bunch of those edible cacti growing nearby.” She explained. Skywarn breathed a silent sigh of relief. His entire body ached after so much walking. Once they reached the spot Wondrous had indicated Skywarn pulled the large carpet he had brought out of his bag and placed it on the ground whilst Feather and Wondrous went to gather some of the edible cacti growing nearby. The carpet was blue with golden roses and vines beautifully embroidered on it. Some of the carpet’s color had faded with age and it was torn in some places but Skywarn still saw beauty in the old thing. He collapsed onto the carpet and Chip, who had been sitting on his shoulder, scampered off to who knows where. Skywarn wasn't worried though, Chip always managed to find his way back to him. A few minutes later Chip came running back with a large rock in his mouth. The chipskink dropped the rock in front of him, his tail wagging. This usually meant that he wanted to play fetch. Skywarn didn't really feel like playing fetch right now but he threw the rock anyway. The chipskink quickly retrieved it and Skywarn threw the rock again, rinse and repeat. The chipskink was absolutely adorable but still rather annoying. Eventually he had enough of playing fetch with the chipskink and used his magic to throw the rock as far as he could hoping this would keep the chipskink busy for a while. Chip proceeded to scamper after the rock. Skywarn’s magic didn't work like normal magic. He still had normal nature but he also used another kind of magic. This magic which he had dubbed “archaic magic” was bound to no element. It worked similarly to arcane magic but with a few differences. He had discovered archaic magic during one of his visits to Hewn City where he had found the spell books that contained the magic. He had been feared for his practice of archaic magic which had eventually led to him living in his cave. Suddenly he heard the sound of laughter coming from where Feather and Wondrous had been gathering cacti. Curious as to what all the laughter was about, Skywarn made his way over to his companions. “S-Skywarn- *weeze* i-it’s Chip, he- *weeze*” Wondrous attempted to say once Skywarn had reached them. The red tundra was laughing too hard to finish her sentence. In front of the two dragons was Chip carrying a large stick that was twice his size. He was trying to carry the stick in between two cacti but the gap was too small for him to get the stick through it. For some reason instead of going around the cacti he insisted on trying to get it through the gap. Skywarn attempted to stifle his laughter but failed and burst out laughing. They were in the middle of the desert where had he even gotten the stick in the first place!? He walked over to the chipskink and picked him up. “Where did you get that from little buddy?” He said, still laughing and giving Chip an affectionate scratch on the head. “I think this is the first time I have seen you smile Skywarn.” Wondrous commented. Skywarn turned his head to the tundra. “It looks good on you. You should do it more often.” Said Wondrous with a big smile on her face. ----- FINALLY! MOTIVATION! Pinkerton decided to give me a heart attack today. Luckly I didn't roll a death streak so have some wholesome stuff. Skywarn has already become my favorite dragon in this Pinkerlocke. I really hope he makes it to the end. [b]Pinglist:[/b] @caelafireheart @SadariEvenstar [b]As always comments are welcome and encouraged![/b]
Day 4:


Playing Fetch

Skywarn was absolutely exhausted. His head was lowered close to the ground and both pairs of his wings dragged on the dry earth as he walked. He tired easily after a full year of living in a cave and not doing much moving.

He didn't dare ask for a break fearing that he may be thought of as weak or that he would be an annoyance. He had only known his traveling companions TwistedFeather and Wondrous for a few days and still wasn't sure what they thought of him.

Wondrous seemed to notice his exhaustion as one of the orange eyes on her tail gave him a weird look and she suddenly stopped walking and began to speak.

“Over there looks like a good place to set up camp!” Says Wondrous pointing at a shaded area next to one of the many ancient tombs of the Carinstone Rest.

“It’s out of the sun and there's a bunch of those edible cacti growing nearby.” She explained.

Skywarn breathed a silent sigh of relief. His entire body ached after so much walking.

Once they reached the spot Wondrous had indicated Skywarn pulled the large carpet he had brought out of his bag and placed it on the ground whilst Feather and Wondrous went to gather some of the edible cacti growing nearby.

The carpet was blue with golden roses and vines beautifully embroidered on it. Some of the carpet’s color had faded with age and it was torn in some places but Skywarn still saw beauty in the old thing.

He collapsed onto the carpet and Chip, who had been sitting on his shoulder, scampered off to who knows where. Skywarn wasn't worried though, Chip always managed to find his way back to him.

A few minutes later Chip came running back with a large rock in his mouth. The chipskink dropped the rock in front of him, his tail wagging. This usually meant that he wanted to play fetch.

Skywarn didn't really feel like playing fetch right now but he threw the rock anyway. The chipskink quickly retrieved it and Skywarn threw the rock again, rinse and repeat. The chipskink was absolutely adorable but still rather annoying.

Eventually he had enough of playing fetch with the chipskink and used his magic to throw the rock as far as he could hoping this would keep the chipskink busy for a while. Chip proceeded to scamper after the rock.

Skywarn’s magic didn't work like normal magic. He still had normal nature but he also used another kind of magic. This magic which he had dubbed “archaic magic” was bound to no element. It worked similarly to arcane magic but with a few differences. He had discovered archaic magic during one of his visits to Hewn City where he had found the spell books that contained the magic.

He had been feared for his practice of archaic magic which had eventually led to him living in his cave.

Suddenly he heard the sound of laughter coming from where Feather and Wondrous had been gathering cacti. Curious as to what all the laughter was about, Skywarn made his way over to his companions.

“S-Skywarn- *weeze* i-it’s Chip, he- *weeze*” Wondrous attempted to say once Skywarn had reached them. The red tundra was laughing too hard to finish her sentence.

In front of the two dragons was Chip carrying a large stick that was twice his size. He was trying to carry the stick in between two cacti but the gap was too small for him to get the stick through it. For some reason instead of going around the cacti he insisted on trying to get it through the gap.

Skywarn attempted to stifle his laughter but failed and burst out laughing. They were in the middle of the desert where had he even gotten the stick in the first place!?

He walked over to the chipskink and picked him up.

“Where did you get that from little buddy?” He said, still laughing and giving Chip an affectionate scratch on the head.

“I think this is the first time I have seen you smile Skywarn.” Wondrous commented.

Skywarn turned his head to the tundra.

“It looks good on you. You should do it more often.” Said Wondrous with a big smile on her face.


Pinkerton decided to give me a heart attack today. Luckly I didn't roll a death streak so have some wholesome stuff.

Skywarn has already become my favorite dragon in this Pinkerlocke. I really hope he makes it to the end.




As always comments are welcome and encouraged!
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