
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [BSJ] Design Your Own Light Dragon!
[outfit=1234278] [item=Golden Seraph Headpiece][item=Luminous Sundrapes][item= Brightshine Raiments][item= Golden Seraph Tail Bangle][item= Marigold Flowerfall ] kind of my standard set of light apparel
bsj outfit

Golden Seraph Headpiece Luminous Sundrapes Brightshine Raiments Golden Seraph Tail Bangle Marigold Flowerfall

kind of my standard set of light apparel

[outfit=1234299] [item=luminous sundrapes][item=diaphanous sylvan headpiece][item=diaphanous sylvan filigree][item=golden tail bangle][item=golden silk sash] It takes forever for me to actually place a dragon into lore proper, but I like to dress up with a variety of apparel with colors that match the dragon fairly well. Sometimes I find lore as I do this, sometimes it takes a bit longer. Also @Amariel, to clarify, can we not win the grand prize if we missed one day? I do have a scry (so I could do today's challenge) but I wasn't able to do so on Sunday.
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Luminous Sundrapes Diaphanous Sylvan Headpiece Diaphanous Sylvan Filigree Golden Tail Bangle Golden Silk Sash
It takes forever for me to actually place a dragon into lore proper, but I like to dress up with a variety of apparel with colors that match the dragon fairly well. Sometimes I find lore as I do this, sometimes it takes a bit longer.

Also @Amariel, to clarify, can we not win the grand prize if we missed one day?
I do have a scry (so I could do today's challenge) but I wasn't able to do so on Sunday.
hFZSb6U.png MUYNhfy.png
You may have taken the lead, but I'll even the score.
You won the battle, you won't win the war.
Not now, and

Sorry, but you won't be able to win the grand prize if you missed a day. The deadline for each day's entries is rollover.

Sorry, but you won't be able to win the grand prize if you missed a day. The deadline for each day's entries is rollover.
@Amariel Ah, okay. I'll keep my entry for today and yesterday but can I be taken off the pinglist for the rest of the week?
@Amariel Ah, okay. I'll keep my entry for today and yesterday but can I be taken off the pinglist for the rest of the week?
hFZSb6U.png MUYNhfy.png
You may have taken the lead, but I'll even the score.
You won the battle, you won't win the war.
Not now, and

Alright, and thank you for participating

Alright, and thank you for participating
[center][emoji=light rune size=1][b]Challenge 3 : Apparel[/b][emoji=light rune size=1] Brightshine Raiments Marigold Flowerfall Untamed Claws Ember Sylvan Filigree Glowing Gold Clawtips [img],1750,18801,15725,10877&xt=dressing.png[/img][img],1750,18801,15725,10877&xt=dressing.png[/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] The starting point for this outfit was the Brightshine Raiments, lovely Light Festival apparel fitting a dragon of Kismet's station should she become a part of my clan, as a keeper of the Light Shrine. The way this apparel flows embodies the kind of elegance I'm going for in her appearance. The Marigold Flowerfall adds to this effect, and reflects the general stillness and quiet of her work. The color palate on the Untamed Claws matched surprisingly well with the Raiments, and they add a sharp edge to her outfit; though she is graceful and refined, she will by no means allow a threat to her clan or her station go unanswered. The Ember Sylvan Filigree is simply a beautiful adornment that adds a bit of balance to her colors. The Glowing Gold Clawtips are indicative of her channeling the magic of the Lightweaver, having it available to her at all times... at her fingertips, as one may say. Overall the outfit provides a balanced and pleasing addition to her appearance, filling out the look of the scry and giving Kismet some personality and style.
Challenge 3 : Apparel

Brightshine Raiments
Marigold Flowerfall
Untamed Claws
Ember Sylvan Filigree
Glowing Gold Clawtips


The starting point for this outfit was the Brightshine Raiments, lovely Light Festival apparel fitting a dragon of Kismet's station should she become a part of my clan, as a keeper of the Light Shrine. The way this apparel flows embodies the kind of elegance I'm going for in her appearance. The Marigold Flowerfall adds to this effect, and reflects the general stillness and quiet of her work. The color palate on the Untamed Claws matched surprisingly well with the Raiments, and they add a sharp edge to her outfit; though she is graceful and refined, she will by no means allow a threat to her clan or her station go unanswered. The Ember Sylvan Filigree is simply a beautiful adornment that adds a bit of balance to her colors. The Glowing Gold Clawtips are indicative of her channeling the magic of the Lightweaver, having it available to her at all times... at her fingertips, as one may say.
Overall the outfit provides a balanced and pleasing addition to her appearance, filling out the look of the scry and giving Kismet some personality and style.
[center][center][outfit=1234312] [item=Antique Lace Anklet] [item=Marigold Flowerfall] [item=Resplendent Cane] [item=Celestial Attendant] [item=Crystalcourt Cascades] [color=#5C8E8E]She'd be a royal musician (playing the marimba, of course, and other melodious percussion), so the crystal[i][b]court[/b][/i] suits her. She's very old-fashioned, hence the [i][b]antique[/b][/i] lace. She also possesses hovering magic, letting golden petals and a comet follow her around. She even hovers her pearl to leave her paws free when she plays! The cane represents the [url=]marimba mallets[/url]! [img],1750,34192,27203,28365&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center][/center]
Marimba BSJ

Antique Lace Anklet Marigold Flowerfall Resplendent Cane Celestial Attendant Crystalcourt Cascades

She'd be a royal musician (playing the marimba, of course, and other melodious percussion), so the crystalcourt suits her. She's very old-fashioned, hence the antique lace. She also possesses hovering magic, letting golden petals and a comet follow her around. She even hovers her pearl to leave her paws free when she plays! The cane represents the marimba mallets!

[center][b]Day 3: Apparel[/b] [url=]Previous Day[/url] [img],15742,28361,15734,15693&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Hewn Philosopher's Veil][item=Scarlet Sylvan Lattice][item=Bubbly Bisque Locket][item=Scarlet Sylvan Twist][item=Scarlet Sylvan Anklets][/center] Most of the apparel is simply to add a little bit of visual interest to the Daysworn's metallic primary. It gives the impression of there being some carved or raised details on the metal surface on places like the feet and tail, as well as gems being embedded for further decoration. The little red bits coming off both the twist and anklets also lend a little more detail to the statue. The lattice serves as a bit of an "outline" to the stained glass I imagine the Daysworn's bee to be, with little spots of red glass again to add a little bit of definition and break up what might be seen as monotony. The locket is another bit of visual interest, but with it's positioning and the little gem placed in it, it might just be the heart and soul of this creation of Light. Where it's animating force comes from and is stored, a much more elegant solution than might be found if it were a creation of Lightning. The veil is where most of the real interest comes in, and what actually gives the Daysworn some personality in my opinion rather than just seeming like an automaton. Every other bit is from their creator, intended to make their creation more attractive. But, the veil is the first bit of fabric and the first truly organic movement one would get on a creation such as this. (I imagine the mane to be a little more rigid than one might expect from the usual fur.) The veil is the Daysworn's own addition to herself, and with the roman numerals across the black fabric always faintly glowing, even when her's aren't, giving the idea that she's always there, but with her eyes covered, never judging. It adds quite a graceful air to what might otherwise be seen as a rather soulless, metallic creation. [center][outfit=1234395][outfit=1234398][/center]
Day 3: Apparel
Previous Day
Hewn Philosopher's Veil Scarlet Sylvan Lattice Bubbly Bisque Locket Scarlet Sylvan Twist Scarlet Sylvan Anklets

Most of the apparel is simply to add a little bit of visual interest to the Daysworn's metallic primary. It gives the impression of there being some carved or raised details on the metal surface on places like the feet and tail, as well as gems being embedded for further decoration. The little red bits coming off both the twist and anklets also lend a little more detail to the statue.

The lattice serves as a bit of an "outline" to the stained glass I imagine the Daysworn's bee to be, with little spots of red glass again to add a little bit of definition and break up what might be seen as monotony.

The locket is another bit of visual interest, but with it's positioning and the little gem placed in it, it might just be the heart and soul of this creation of Light. Where it's animating force comes from and is stored, a much more elegant solution than might be found if it were a creation of Lightning.

The veil is where most of the real interest comes in, and what actually gives the Daysworn some personality in my opinion rather than just seeming like an automaton. Every other bit is from their creator, intended to make their creation more attractive. But, the veil is the first bit of fabric and the first truly organic movement one would get on a creation such as this. (I imagine the mane to be a little more rigid than one might expect from the usual fur.)

The veil is the Daysworn's own addition to herself, and with the roman numerals across the black fabric always faintly glowing, even when her's aren't, giving the idea that she's always there, but with her eyes covered, never judging. It adds quite a graceful air to what might otherwise be seen as a rather soulless, metallic creation.
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[center][item=Amber Delver's Lamp][item=White Protective Eyewear][item=Leather Aviator Satchel][item=Brass Steampunk Vest][item=Silver Filigree Tail Guard][/center] Elleora is the head of the Underground Lair Expansion Force. As a clan with a large population of Tundras and other dragons and familiars who prefer to live underground, her job is an important one. The lair is operates partially in buildings on the surface and partially in a network of underground caves. Elleora's favoured outfit reflects both her profession and her highly practical nature, while also making her look awfully good if you ask her. [center][img],10967,12903,423,9224&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] Her [b] Amber Delver's Lamp[/b] is her most important piece of equipment and she keeps it carefully clean and repaired. She carries it everywhere with her, to ensure that she always has a source of light, no matter where she ends up. When she's working, she often sets it in a high place which lets her scales scatter the light, even in the largest of caverns. Lysabet, the clan alchemist, made a set of [b]White Protective Eyewear[/b] for her when she joined the clan. They protect her eyes from falling debris. She can often be found with them pushed up on her head for that rakish look. Elleora made her own [b]Leather Aviator Satchel[/b]. It's ideal for carrying tools, small parts and easily dropped materials. It often also holds tasty treats and small shiny trinkets which are ideal for distracting curious hatchlings. Her [b]Brass Steampunk Vest[/b] is lovely and warm when she's exploring unheated caves and caverns. It's also got pockets! She makes sure to always stash a waterskin, an emergency snack and her lucky chisel in there. She likes to make sure that she'll be able to safely return to the surface, should she ever lose her satchel. The [b]Silver Filigree Tail Guard[/b] she wears is due to an irrational fear. She's slightly ashamed to admit it, but she's terrified of the thought of a cave in. Despite this, she loves her job and wouldn't give it up for the world, but she does take every precaution to ensure that if the worst [i]did[/i] happen, she'd be properly armoured. [center][img],10967,12903,423,9224&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center]
Amber Delver's Lamp White Protective Eyewear Leather Aviator Satchel Brass Steampunk Vest Silver Filigree Tail Guard

Elleora is the head of the Underground Lair Expansion Force. As a clan with a large population of Tundras and other dragons and familiars who prefer to live underground, her job is an important one. The lair is operates partially in buildings on the surface and partially in a network of underground caves. Elleora's favoured outfit reflects both her profession and her highly practical nature, while also making her look awfully good if you ask her.

Her Amber Delver's Lamp is her most important piece of equipment and she keeps it carefully clean and repaired. She carries it everywhere with her, to ensure that she always has a source of light, no matter where she ends up. When she's working, she often sets it in a high place which lets her scales scatter the light, even in the largest of caverns.

Lysabet, the clan alchemist, made a set of White Protective Eyewear for her when she joined the clan. They protect her eyes from falling debris. She can often be found with them pushed up on her head for that rakish look.

Elleora made her own Leather Aviator Satchel. It's ideal for carrying tools, small parts and easily dropped materials. It often also holds tasty treats and small shiny trinkets which are ideal for distracting curious hatchlings.

Her Brass Steampunk Vest is lovely and warm when she's exploring unheated caves and caverns. It's also got pockets! She makes sure to always stash a waterskin, an emergency snack and her lucky chisel in there. She likes to make sure that she'll be able to safely return to the surface, should she ever lose her satchel.

The Silver Filigree Tail Guard she wears is due to an irrational fear. She's slightly ashamed to admit it, but she's terrified of the thought of a cave in. Despite this, she loves her job and wouldn't give it up for the world, but she does take every precaution to ensure that if the worst did happen, she'd be properly armoured.
tumblr_inline_ojq6kuB42C1r2ao8y_540.png tumblr_inline_ojq6kzsCn91r2ao8y_540.png tumblr_inline_ojq6kxC8Rm1r2ao8y_540.png x0iVMgw.png
[img],23125,22836,15709,24052&xt=dressing.png[/img] For Aurum's outfit, I chose a Luminous Halo, Golden Sage Lantern, Gilded Rose Thorn Collar, Ember Sylvan Dress, and Golden Seraph Tail Bangle. The design of these items are elegant enough to suit her and maintain the Light aesthetic. I didn't want to cover up her lovely genes too much, so I used items that would bring out her colors while still looking nice on her. [outfit=1234454][outfit=1234457]
For Aurum's outfit, I chose a Luminous Halo, Golden Sage Lantern, Gilded Rose Thorn Collar, Ember Sylvan Dress, and Golden Seraph Tail Bangle. The design of these items are elegant enough to suit her and maintain the Light aesthetic. I didn't want to cover up her lovely genes too much, so I used items that would bring out her colors while still looking nice on her.
Aurum (mannequin)
Wetdog | she/her | fr +3