Skali adjusted his woodmask. "Are we sure we're in the right spot," he wondered aloud, cocking his frills toward his mate questioningly.
"Yes, this is where we sign up for the Winter Games." His mate's frills trembled with excitement. "Isn't that right, Frostine."
The Tundra was distracted by her bouncing baby triplets. "Orcabreeze, get back here this instant! Yes, Skava, this is where."
"Good." She flipped her crests. "We didn't make it last year because we weren't sure how the games worked. But now we're expert adventurers, and we'll try anything. Right, Skali."
Skali mumbled something about missing his
cozy little parlor at home with his books and tea.
Quartzite chuckled. The rumble nearly threw Skali off his flight pattern. "Don't worry, Skali, we'll all be here to help." He danced around, nearly as excited as Skava. Quartz yelped, and dove under his foot to rescue another of the Tundra triplets.
Somehow they made it to the nursery tent, and then the registration tent without incident. A harried Skydancer took their names. "Yes, yes, all right, and you'll be trying out the ice hockey first?"
"Oh, yes," Skava replied. "We totally have enough for an ice hockey team."
Quartz tried not to laugh. "There's supposed to be eleven players, Skava."
Frostine hooted. "That's not hockey, that's soccer. Six is plenty." She looked the team over. "Quartzite, you're goalie."
"M'kay." The Imperial tried not to look too disappointed.
Frostine assigned the rest of the positions. Fortunately they were not required to bring their own gear. The Winter Games sponsors had generously provided pads, helmets, skates, and sticks of all sizes.
"Ever played before?" the Guardian managing the rink asked them as they trooped out.
"Nope!" Quartzite chirped merrily.
Frostine sighed. "I have. We'll just have to pick this up on the fly. Fortunately it's not super high stakes. It's not like all of Sorneith is watching and the Water Flight's reputation is at stake."
They arranged themselves at one end of the rink and waited. "Remember, no magic allowed," Frostine iterated.
Their opponents trooped out onto the ice. Two Guardians, a Gaoler, a Ridgeback, a Coatl, and a Banescale.
The Faes' fins drooped considerably. "What about a quick little, tiny little, prevention-against-being-squashed-flat spell," Skali whispered.
Frostine gulped. "I--let me ask the refs."